How to take psyllium seeds correctly for infertility
Female infertility can have many causes. Modern medicine is able to identify them, but often turns out to be powerless in treating infertility, offering the IVF method to solve this problem.
However, the process of conception is a mystery that often happens contrary to medical predictions, and medicinal herbs can be of great help in this. Plantain has long been used in folk medicine for infertility.
To conceive a long-awaited child, all methods are good, so why not take the chance that traditional medicine recipes using this healing plant give.
Where to collect plantain seeds
Without outside help, plant material can only be collected in environmentally friendly places. You should not collect plantain near factories, highways and skyscrapers. It is advisable to avoid collecting medicinal herbs near landfills and recreation areas.
Pharmaceutical weeds that grow in such areas contain toxic compounds and are not suitable for treatment. Tinctures and decoctions necessary for health are obtained from plant materials collected from the following sites:
- on watercourses, ponds and lakes;
- in meadows and forest edges;
- in fields away from highways;
- in gardens and public parks away from businesses and roads.
Renowned healers do not recommend using plant materials collected from your garden if you have treated the soil with insecticides.
The pharmaceutical industry produces valuable medicines based on plantain. In this version, the grass is grown on an industrial scale, and experts constantly monitor its quality.
Not everyone knows when to collect plant seeds for medicinal purposes; as a result, they go for plantain seeds in the summer. In fact, seeds collected at the wrong time do not have strong healing powers.
It is recommended to collect plant materials immediately after the plant blooms. This period occurs in the middle or end of August. It depends on the region. For collection, choose a clearing in which bushes grow, planted with leaves of the correct shape.
Sowing seeds are not collected during rain or in the morning when the plants are covered with dew. Plant material collected in wet weather does not dry well and often rots. The best time to harvest the pharmaceutical plant is from noon to sunset.
The seeds of the plant are used to treat infertility in women and men. Thanks to this pharmaceutical plant, it is possible to improve the properties of spermograms in men, reduce inflammation and adhesion in the tubes of women suffering from infertility.
Not everyone understands when is the best time to collect seeds from a plant. This must be done when the seeds are not fully ripe. Psyllium seeds, suitable for treating infertility, are dark brown. Harvesting must be timely. Failure to meet the deadlines for collecting pharmaceutical raw materials will result in sowing in the soil.
Plantain and its beneficial properties
Plantain is widely used not only in folk medicine, but also in official medicine; its extract is included in many medicines. This plant contains many biologically active substances:
- polysaccharides (in particular, mucus) due to which the plant has anti-inflammatory and wound-healing effects;
- unsaturated fatty acids, in particular linoleic acid, which has antioxidant properties;
- vitamins C and B4;
- carotenoids;
- flavonoids with antibacterial properties;
- a complex of organic acids that normalize metabolic processes;
- phytoncides that have a bactericidal effect;
- bitterness;
- phenolcarboxylic acids, which have an immunomodulatory effect;
- tannins;
- glycoside aucubin, which has an antispasmodic effect;
- vegetable proteins;
- complex of mineral salts.
phytosterols, which influence the production of hormones;
Thanks to the presence of these substances, plantain extract:
- produces an anti-inflammatory effect;
- accelerates tissue regeneration;
- normalizes hormonal levels;
- strengthens the immune system;
- accelerates metabolic processes in the body;
- prevents the action of free radicals, slows down the aging process;
- successfully fights infections.
Plantain normalizes the production of sex hormones and helps restore health to almost all organs and systems of the human body, and this is an essential basis for conceiving and bearing a healthy child.
Healing properties and contraindications
Infertility has a beneficial effect even on healthy people. They are able, like a sponge, to absorb harmful toxins and remove them from the body. This part of the plant is effective for gastrointestinal pathologies: colitis and gastritis, peptic ulcers, flatulence, constipation, food poisoning and dysentery.
Modern science has studied in detail the healing properties of plantain seeds and their effect on the human body. I would especially like to note the following effects:
- wound healing and restorative;
- anti-inflammatory;
- antimicrobial;
- diuretic;
- immunostimulating;
- mucolytic and expectorant.
The seeds are very useful for women. They help you lose weight, create a feeling of fullness and improve intestinal motility. Dry and powdered raw materials are used in cosmetology to prepare masks and compresses, applied to chapped and chapped skin of the face and hands.
Attention. Phytochemical studies have proven that the seeds prevent the development of atherosclerosis and help maintain blood sugar levels.
But the main advantage of this part of the plantain is to help in the treatment of male and female infertility. Biologically active elements help normalize hormonal levels, eliminate inflammatory processes, increase immunity and improve the composition of seminal fluid.
When starting therapy, it is necessary to remember that plantain seeds, in addition to their medicinal properties, also have contraindications. It is not advisable to take them in the following cases:
- for peptic ulcers and gastritis with high acidity;
- children under 3 years old;
- people with individual intolerance to plant components;
- patients with a history of predisposition to thrombosis.
In order for plantain to bring only benefits, it is recommended to consult a doctor before starting treatment and strictly adhere to the dosage and duration of therapy.
Rules for taking the plant and general recommendations
Treatment with plantain for infertility improves the reproductive function of women, having a positive effect on:
- regularity and quality of ovulation;
- elimination of inflammatory processes in the reproductive organs;
- metabolism;
- immunity.
You can start taking plantain for infertility on any day of the monthly cycle, the course can last 1-3 months, up to two three-month courses can be taken per year.
How to drink plantain for infertility
Before starting plantain treatment for infertility, it is necessary to undergo an examination to identify its cause, because To eliminate various pathologies of the reproductive sphere, there are recipes for using this healing herb.
Recipes with plantain will help if pregnancy does not occur due to:
- Menstrual irregularities, lack of ovulation;
- Formation of adhesions in the fallopian tubes;
- Hormonal imbalances;
- Inflammatory processes in the reproductive organs;
- Sexual impotence in men;
- Poor sperm quality.
Knowing the specific problem will help you choose the right traditional medicine recipe and increase the chances of a cure.
What are the benefits of plantain seed for men?
The use of plantain seeds helps normalize erection and libido in men. The action is due to the unique composition and certain properties of the medicinal plant. Plantain for increasing potency works by generally strengthening the body. The plant has an enveloping effect, improves the absorption of nutrients into the bloodstream. Plantain normalizes metabolism and the functioning of the endocrine system. The plant has an antispasmodic effect, removes toxins and waste from the body, eliminates inflammation, and balances hormonal levels. It is these properties that provide the positive effect of plantain on men's health.
- Plantain seeds activate blood circulation in the pelvis, which helps improve erectile function and libido. Due to the presence of biological components that improve blood rheology, plantain seeds increase the flow to the penis, strengthen the erection and prolong sexual intercourse, providing full intimacy.
- Taking the seeds of the plant allows you to increase the activity of germ cells, thereby stimulating spermatogenesis. Plantain helps eliminate the negative effects of antibiotics, the inflammatory process, as well as pathologies of the genitourinary system, which often cause a decrease in potency.
- The plant helps reduce female hormones - estrogens - in a man's blood, which is especially important in the presence of hormonal imbalances, against which impotence appears.
Plantain is especially effective in the initial phase of the development of erectile dysfunction. Before using the plant for medicinal purposes, you should consult your doctor. Often, specialists include alternative medicine recipes in the treatment course, which makes it possible to increase the effectiveness of the complex therapy.
Traditional recipes for infertility
Dried herbs and plantain seeds are used to treat infertility. Medicinal raw materials retain their medicinal properties for no longer than 2 years, subject to proper collection, drying and storage.
Plantain leaves are collected from spring to autumn, and seeds - in the fall, at maturity. It is important that the collection of raw materials is carried out away from highways, cultivated fields and other sources of air and soil pollution. The grass is dried under sheds; it is unacceptable to heat the raw materials above 30 degrees during the drying process.
Collection of raw materials and preparation of infertility medicine
Unfortunately, not all pharmacies sell plantain seeds. However, there is no need to be upset in advance, since you can collect medicinal raw materials yourself. For example, at the end of summer or early autumn. Collect those seeds that have already dried.
The recipe for preparing a medicinal decoction is as follows: brew one teaspoon of plantain seeds with a glass of boiling water, place in a water bath and boil for five minutes. After this, strain the broth and let it brew for 24 hours. Take the remedy warm, two tablespoons four times a day.
Note that a decoction of plantain seeds is an effective remedy for infertility not only for women, but also for men. Moreover, the first signs of recovery in the stronger sex appear earlier. If you drink the decoction daily, then after two months you can notice excellent results. This effect is due to the difference in the physiology of male and female organisms. Therefore, in the fair sex, such signs appear only in the fifth or seventh month after starting to take the decoction.
No matter how useful plantain is, however, for some categories of people, its internal use can be harmful. You should avoid using it if you have:
- allergic reactions to this plant;
- increased blood clotting and tendency to thrombosis;
- increased acidity of gastric juice.
Long-term use of decoctions of this plant may increase blood clotting, so it is recommended to monitor this indicator from time to time by taking a test.
Plantain can help with unsuccessful attempts to get pregnant. But in order to get the effect of using this remedy, it is advisable to undergo an examination and identify the cause of infertility.
The greatest chance of success in treating infertility is provided by a combination of methods of official and traditional medicine.
Effective recipes
There are many recipes for preparing an effective decoction with plantain, but you need to know the reason that led to infertility in order to prepare a drink, focusing on the existing problem.
Among the most popular recipes are the following:
- 200 ml hot water pour 1 teaspoon of seeds
- Cook for about 5 minutes
- Cool, then strain and leave
You need to drink this decoction 2 tablespoons, 4 times a day. It is very important not to add sugar to the decoction, regardless of the taste of the drink. An additional ingredient not included in the recipe can ultimately spoil the drink, which will not give the expected result.
Useful properties of plantain
Traditional medicine uses all parts of the plant: roots, stems, leaves and even seeds, since each of them contains many useful and very important substances for our body.
Thus, the following was found in plantain leaves:
- polysaccharides with anti-inflammatory and wound-healing effects
- tannins and phytoncides that provide a bactericidal effect
- vitamins and organic acids (chlorogenic, ferulic, fumaric, etc.) that improve metabolic processes
The stems of the plant contain:
- flavonoids involved in redox processes
- phenolcarboxylic acids that strengthen the immune system
- phytosterol, a hormone-like substance that helps restore hormonal balance
- linoleic acid, necessary for normal functioning of the body
And the seeds of the plant include many mineral salts and plant proteins.
Thanks to the interaction of all these substances, herbal preparations from plantain have anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, wound-healing, antiallergic, and immune-stimulating properties.
What problems can plantain help with and how to use it?
Both as an independent treatment and along with traditional medicinal therapy, plantain can be used in the form of decoctions and infusions to treat the following problems:
- adhesions in the fallopian tubes and their obstruction
- inflammatory diseases of the vagina (colpitis) and uterine appendages
- excessively heavy menstruation
- lack of ovulation
- infertility
- climacteric disorders
- cystitis
- impotence and decreased sperm motility in men
To do this, in folk medicine it is recommended to use the plant as follows: