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After 40-45 years, women experience perimenopause and all the accompanying symptoms. One
Many people go to the doctor when the destruction of the internal structure of the bones begins to cause them serious problems,
The concept of “climax” is of Greek origin, and literally translates as a step on a ladder. Indeed, in life
How to stop bleeding during menstruation with folk remedies In case of severe uterine bleeding, the patient requires hospitalization.
Causes The appearance of sweating before menstruation can have several reasons, which are not always associated with
Why is urination disrupted during menopause? A decrease in estrogen levels and a radical restructuring of the female hormonal background.
The physiological side of the process Myoma always leads to a hidden lack of iron (Fe) in the body
The nature of discharge from uterine fibroids depends on concomitant conditions complicating the disease. Normal vaginal