Postoperative abdominal hernia: treatment without surgery
Surgery Share What is pathology and the causes of its occurrence? The main symptoms for which
How long should you not exercise after appendicitis surgery?
Patients who have undergone an appendectomy are often concerned with the question: when can you play sports after appendicitis? Many sick
How to suspect appendicitis
Antibiotics have helped cure more than half of cases of appendicitis without surgery
To diagnose appendicitis and treat it, what could be easier? That's what most people think
Diarrhea after intestinal surgery what to do
Appendicitis is a disease of the appendix of the cecum. The pathology is inflammatory in nature. Sometimes with this
enema in the hands of a doctor
What happens if you take a laxative if you have appendicitis?
Human appendicitis is a very common diagnosis of various surgical pathologies. Inflammation of the appendix is ​​more often diagnosed
Surgery to remove prostate adenoma: time and rehabilitation
Vision defects can be corrected with glasses, contact lenses, surgery and laser correction. Last
Everything a patient needs to know about stitches after laparoscopy
Appendectomy is a common operation in which the surgeon performs a layer-by-layer dissection of tissue to the site of inflammation.
Blood test for appendicitis: types, indicators and interpretation
Blood test for appendicitis and other diagnostic methods
Almost 75% of all emergency operations in the department of pure surgery are appendectomies. How to put
what is the temperature for appendicitis
Temperature after surgery to remove appendicitis - causes, types and treatment
Appendicitis is a serious illness that requires immediate surgical intervention. The operation is performed in several ways: abdominal
How long do they stay in the hospital after appendicitis removal: how many days later are they discharged, what day is discharge for adults, sick leave after surgery on the appendix
Sick leave after appendicitis: how many days does it take to recover after an appendicitis operation and for how long do you get a notice?
The meaning of the document A certificate of incapacity for work is the only document on the basis of which the state compensates for days missed
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