Blood flukes
Blood flukes: life cycle, structure of worms, routes of infection and symptoms
Blood flukes, which have many types, are the causative agents of schistosomiasis - a group of diseases that occupy the second
Treatment of opisthorchiasis with folk remedies
How to treat opisthorchiasis in adults at home
Home / Treatment Back Published: 10/11/2019 Reading time: 8 min 10 14420 Opisthorchiasis
Broad tapeworm: what it is, causes, symptoms and treatment
Broad tapeworm is a type of tape parasite that forms into a sexually mature individual in human, canine,
Diphyllobothriasis in humans: infection, signs and treatment
Dibothriocephalosis (another name is diphyllobothriasis) is a helminthic infestation from the group of cestodoses caused by Diphyllobothrium larvae
Children's opisthorchiasis is a disease caused by parasites
Characteristics of the disease The causative agent of opisthorchiasis is the cat fluke, which lives in the liver, bile ducts and
Diet for opisthorchiasis: prohibited and permitted foods
Among all parasitic liver diseases, one of the most dangerous is opisthorchiasis. Opisthorchiasis is a disease
interpret hepatitis tests
Interpretation of a quantitative blood test for hepatitis C
The human immunodeficiency virus is a dangerous infection in which defense mechanisms are disrupted, and the patient
What herbs are more effective against worms and parasites in humans?
Helminthiasis is a group of diseases that arise during the life of parasites in the human body.
Combined use of ultrasound and computed tomography in the diagnosis of liver alveococcosis
The disease alveococcosis is infectious because it is caused by infection with helminths (tapeworms of the order tapeworms). Other
Discomfort in the gastrointestinal tract
Parasites in the human body: effective diagnostic methods
The question of how to identify parasites in the human body worries many, because these are organisms
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