Is it possible to take Postinor if your period is late? How to induce menstruation if you are late using simple and safe methods? Other consequences after Postinor

In the life of every woman, situations are possible when it is necessary to take emergency measures to prevent pregnancy. One of the drugs that allows this to happen is Postinor. This is a hormonal drug, therefore, by interfering with the internal structure of the female body, it changes the menstrual cycle.

The main question is the date when menstruation should begin after taking Postinor? Whether your period will come on time or there will be a delay, it all depends on the female body. In order to answer this question in more detail, it is necessary to understand exactly how the remedy works and what effect it has.

Effect of the drug

The main active ingredient is the chemically synthesized hormone gestagen. Other contraceptives also contain this hormone, but the point is that in this medicine its concentration is maximum. That is why the drug is an emergency contraception that can prevent pregnancy after intercourse and return menstruation for some time after taking Postinor.

Its action is based on the suppression of ovulation, as well as on changes in the endometrium in order to prevent implantation of the fertilized egg inside the uterine cavity. In cases where implantation has already occurred, the drug will have no effect. Indication for use is unwanted pregnancy after unprotected sexual intercourse.

Emergency contraception

The effectiveness directly depends on the amount of time that has passed after sexual intercourse. It is most effective in the first day after possible fertilization. It is important to take it no later than three days, otherwise it will be useless.

Considering that the drug is hormonal, the question immediately arises of what effect it has on the female body and when menstruation will come after Postinor.

Effect on the body

Of course, the effect of the drug cannot go unnoticed. By interfering with the natural life process, it is rarely possible to avoid the consequences of using a hormonal drug. They can be very different, depending on the individual characteristics of the female body, or they may be completely absent.

Often the use of the drug is accompanied by symptoms such as:

  • dizziness;
  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • stomach ache;
  • migraine;
  • diarrhea;
  • allergic manifestations;
  • pain in the mammary glands;
  • unstable menstruation and various kinds of hormonal changes (including the fact that there is no menstruation after a woman takes Postinor).

The instructions for the drug provide for all these side effects. Unfortunately, there are cases that are not related to the “normal” use of the drug by the body. So, if heavy bleeding occurs that does not stop for a long period of time, you should immediately seek qualified medical help.

There are a number of factors that make it impossible to take the synthesized hormone. These include:

  • lactation period;
  • various pathologies of the kidneys, liver, bile ducts;
  • thrombosis;
  • re-use of the product in one menstrual cycle (i.e. after taking Postinor you must wait at least a month after your last menstrual period);
  • age up to 16 years;
  • increased sensitivity to the composition.

It is important to remember that Postinor is an emergency contraception, which means it can only be used in extremely rare cases (strictly no more than once a month).

Read the instructions carefully before use

Having figured out what effect the artificially synthesized hormone has on a woman, it remains to find out when should menstruation start after Postinor?

Return of periods

By disturbing the hormonal balance in the body after taking Postinor, two borderline conditions are possible: delayed menstruation or bleeding. Under certain conditions, which will be discussed below, these conditions can be both a cause for concern and urgent consultation with a doctor, and a normal manifestation of the effect of the drug.

It is necessary to carefully monitor your body’s reaction after taking Postinor. Usually within a few days, if the drug succeeds in suppressing ovulation, menstruation begins approximately a week after taking Postinor. This situation occurs if the drug has worked, and no serious hormonal changes or disruptions have occurred.

Normally, this is exactly what happens in a healthy woman. Of course, if there are any deviations from this picture, this does not mean that the woman is sick, menstruation does not have to come on time, it’s just that the individual’s tolerance to the drug is not very good or other factors.

Prolonged bleeding may also occur. If you had to change the pad within three hours, you should immediately consult a doctor. There is no longer a question about when menstruation will begin after Postinor. Prompt qualified medical assistance is needed.

Contraception often affects the menstrual cycle

There are situations when menstrual bleeding has been going on for 10 days or more, and it can be scanty or in the form of brown discharge - this is also a reason to consult a doctor. In general, the fact of how long your periods last and what they are like is purely individual and requires consideration in each individual case.

What should you do if your period does not start earlier than expected, there is no bleeding, but your period is delayed after taking Postinor? In fact, taking an artificial hormone, disrupting the menstrual cycle, can shift its timing by about a week. However, if after this time your period has not arrived, it is better to take a pregnancy test and, if necessary, visit a doctor. Despite the fact that a delay in menstruation after taking Postinor can be a common side effect, it is still better to be on the safe side.

Unfortunately, the test taken will also not always give the correct result, and a negative test does not mean that the woman is not pregnant. Due to hormonal imbalances, it can be anything at all, regardless of the real state of affairs.

Therefore, it is best to donate blood for hCG. It won’t take much time and will give a 100% correct result. It is the analysis for the presence and level of human chorionic gonadotropin that is the most reliable in determining not only the presence of pregnancy (and not that there are no periods after Postinor or the test is negative), but also its timing. By suppressing the ovulation process, this type of contraception reduces the likelihood of getting pregnant, however, if the fertilized egg has already attached to the wall of the uterus, then the effect of the drug is no longer useful.

Drugs to induce menstruation when delayed

Tablets to induce menstruation are selected depending on the cause of the pathology. In some cases, to normalize the cycle, it is enough to follow a daily routine, eat a healthy and balanced diet, and reduce the level of stress and mental stress.

Gynecologists recommend that you first undergo an examination. If you have had unprotected sexual intercourse within the last 2-3 weeks, you must first confirm or rule out pregnancy. Test strips designed to detect human chorionic gonadotropin in urine can give a positive result already from the 3rd day of delay. If the analysis is questionable, you need to donate blood for hCG. By the level of the hormone, you can determine not only the presence of pregnancy, but also the approximate duration, as well as the probable pathological course.

Only after a negative test can the doctor recommend medications to induce menstruation. When menstruation is late, hormonal pills with different mechanisms of action are used. The dosage regimen and duration of stimulation during a delay are selected individually. Your doctor may prescribe one of the following tablets:

  • Utrozhestan;
  • Duphaston;
  • Mifepristone;
  • Non-ovlon;
  • Clomiphene;
  • Norkolut;
  • Pulsatilla.

You cannot take the listed pills to induce menstruation on your own. If the dosage of tablets is incorrectly selected or side effects are not taken into account, it is possible to cause serious harm to health.

The mechanism of action of Postinor on the woman’s body

Postinor is a synthetic progestin drug with a contraceptive effect. The effect is due to antiestrogenic and gestagenic properties. When taking the medicine in the first phase of the cycle, the active substance suppresses ovulation and prevents fertilization. There are also characteristic changes in the endometrium that do not allow the fertilized egg to attach to the uterine wall.

Postinor belongs to the so-called emergency contraception drugs. This means that it is used after sexual intercourse in the absence of contraception as such or if the contraceptive was ineffective. The need to take it may arise if the integrity of the condom is damaged.

The necessary contraceptive effect is due to the content of high doses of hormones. The main active ingredient in the drug is called levonorgestrel. Auxiliary components include:

  • potato and corn starch;
  • lactose monohydrate;
  • talc;
  • magnesium stearate;
  • colloidal silicon dioxide.

Each package contains 2 tablets of the drug.

Levonorgestrel causes certain changes in the functioning of the organs of the reproductive system:

  • inhibition of ovulation due to the lack of maturation of the egg and its descent into the fallopian tube;
  • reduction in the speed of sperm and their ability to fertilize when penetrating the genital tract;
  • stimulation of endometrial development and its subsequent rejection.

The contraceptive effect is due to the properties of the synthetic hormone included in the composition. A few days after taking the drug, bleeding is observed. Their average duration is up to 5 days.

Pregnancy is prevented in approximately 85% of cases. The effectiveness of contraception depends on the time interval between sexual intercourse and taking the pills:

  • 95% – within the first day;
  • 85% – during the second day;
  • 58% – third day.

That is why you should take the pills as quickly as possible. The more time has passed since sexual intercourse, the lower the contraceptive effectiveness.

Postinor pills - when should your period start after taking it?

Postinor is a synthetic contraceptive drug intended to prevent unwanted pregnancy. This medicine belongs to the group of hormonal emergency contraception and is used after unprotected sexual intercourse (within 72 hours). Postinor tablets can prevent pregnancy in 85% of cases.

The drug is not intended for use on an ongoing basis; its use requires prior consultation with a gynecologist, since the contraceptive can cause serious adverse reactions. Let's take a closer look at how Postinor works, what the consequences of taking it are, what effect it has on a woman's body and how to use it correctly.

Postinor tablets - the effect of the drug

Postinor is a postcoital contraceptive intended for oral administration. The basis of the drug is the artificial hormone levonorgestrel, which has a pronounced antiestrogenic and gestogenic effect. The mechanism of this action consists of three components:

The active substance of the drug delays and blocks ovulation, preventing a mature egg from leaving the ovary into the fallopian tube, thereby preventing its fertilization.

Taking Postinor helps change the composition of cervical mucus; it becomes thicker, preventing sperm from penetrating the uterus and fertilizing the egg.

If ovulation does occur, the drug prevents the penetration of a fertilized egg into the uterine cavity, that is, in fact, it has an abortifacient effect.

Contraceptive Postinor is recommended to be taken as soon as possible after sexual intercourse, since the more time passes between contact and taking the contraceptive, the lower the effectiveness of the drug will be. Answering the question whether it is possible to get pregnant after Postinor, doctors


Indications and contraindications for use

The medicine is taken for the purpose of emergency contraception when contraception is unreliable or after unprotected sexual contact. Contraindications to taking pills include:

  • hypersensitivity reactions;
  • renal failure (severe);
  • pregnancy;
  • lactose intolerance;
  • glucose-galactose malabsorption.

How does Postinor affect menstruation?

The hormonal drug affects the reproductive system. In some cases, a cycle failure is possible, which manifests itself as a delay in menstruation.

How does Postinor work in the second phase of the cycle?

The contraceptive effect is accompanied by the occurrence of heavy bleeding, which occurs like menstruation. Bloody discharge is observed 7 days after taking the medicine.

The mechanism of action of Postinor depends on the phase during which the drug was taken. After taking the first tablet from the package, a significant amount of the hormone is released. In the second phase of the menstrual cycle, ovulation has already occurred. The effect of the drug has certain characteristics.

The second pill causes hormone levels to change again. After the end of the drug's effect, a sharp decrease in the concentration of hormones is observed. This causes excessive premature bleeding.

If you take Postinor during the second phase of the cycle, it acts as a drug that medically terminates pregnancy. The structure of the endometrium changes, and the fertilized egg cannot be implanted into the inner layer of the uterus. It is rejected into the lumen of the uterine cavity and exits with the next menstruation.

Can there be a delay in menstruation after Postinor?

Gynecologists emphasize that delayed periods after Postinor are common. The components of the contraceptive have a pronounced effect on the function of the organs of the reproductive system. That is why the drug can be used no more than 2 times a year, provided that the cycle is regular.

Why are there no periods after Postinor?

There are several reasons why your periods did not start after Postinor:

  • Increased blood clotting. The reason is typical for women with initially high blood clotting rates. In this case, both a delay and scanty periods are possible.
  • Incorrect use of contraception. A delay may occur if the timing of taking the pills is not met. The consumption of alcoholic beverages significantly reduces the contraceptive effect, which should also be taken into account.
  • Concurrent use of other medications. Some medications may reduce or increase the effectiveness of Postinor. The delay is caused by the use of Niverapine, Lansoprazole, barbiturates, Oxcarbazepine, and strong antibiotics.
  • Hormonal disbalance. Taking a drug containing an impressive dose of the hormone can cause failure even in gynecologically healthy women. A violation is considered harmless if the delay is no more than 7 days. In some cases, there is a premature onset of menstruation, which is also normal. Usually, early onset of menstruation is observed if Postinor is taken before menstruation. Using the medicine in the second phase of the cycle accelerates all processes occurring in the body.
  • Ignoring contraindications. The contraceptive cannot be used if you have liver or gallbladder diseases. Tablets are not recommended if you have a history of hepatitis. Taking medication may also cause deterioration in health.
  • Use by teenage girls. In adolescence, insufficient development of menstrual function is noted. The use of a hormonal drug often causes absence of menstruation and worsening of the condition.
  • Pregnancy. Contraceptive effectiveness does not reach 100% even with full compliance with all recommendations. If your period does not come within a month after Postinor, you need to rule out pregnancy.
  • Adverse reactions. A high dose of hormones causes headaches, drowsiness and skin rashes. Reactions from the digestive system, such as diarrhea, are sometimes observed. The occurrence of side effects may reduce the absorption of the active component and reduce contraceptive effectiveness.

Can my cycle go wrong after Postinor?

Some women indicate that after Postinor, their menstrual cycles are disrupted. This phenomenon is reported when menstruation is delayed for more than 7 days. The cycle is disrupted due to exposure to high concentrations of synthetic hormone. The consequence can be observed in both stable and unstable cycles.

Reasons for cycle disruption include:

  • endocrine imbalance;
  • inflammatory process;
  • blood clotting features;
  • age characteristics.

A minor failure is indicated when cycle irregularity is noted over the next 2-3 months. Unfavorable signs should be considered a delay of more than 20 days and heavy menstruation in combination with other pathological signs.

Delayed menstruation after - possible reasons

If a woman drank Postinor, but did not have her period because it was delayed for more than 7 days, then there is reason to think about the possible reasons for the lack of menstruation after Postinor. List of possible reasons for missed periods after taking Postinor:

  • Increased blood viscosity - levonorgestrel in the medicine increases the viscosity of the blood, and if they were initially thick, then in most cases a delay in menstruation occurs after postinor, in which case a thick spot begins over time, which indicates that the remedy has worked
  • Incorrect intake - the onset of the effect is influenced by the timing of intake, as well as the presence of alcoholic beverages in the diet; alcohol can delay the onset of menstruation in a particular menstrual cycle
  • Some drugs in combination with levonorgestrel can cause a delay effect, here is a sample list of trade names:

niverapine, lansoprazole, barbiturates, St. John's wort, oxcarbazepine, some antibiotics

  • Cycle failure after postinoration is the most common reason that causes delayed or scanty periods. If the discharge occurs earlier than the specified period, this is also considered a normal individual reaction, which is more characteristic of the late luteal phase of the cycle
  • Severe hormonal imbalance usually occurs due to repeated abuse of the drug, because the consequences of taking postinor in this case can be healed for a long time, since the drug suppresses estrogens, which means that the egg will not mature, ovulation will not occur, and therefore frequent delays will occur; how to restore the cycle after postinorax - you need to contact a gynecologist who will conduct all the necessary tests and prescribe appropriate treatment, in some cases recovery may take a long time
  • The use of a medication with serious contraindications - if a woman has hepatitis, then combined use will lead to disruption of body functions, and to the stopping of critical days, including
  • Adolescence - up to 18 years of age, the cycle in adolescents is unstable, which causes delays
  • The occurrence of pregnancy when the drug did not work, the main symptoms: delay, nausea, tummy tugging, sensitive breasts
  • A general disorder accompanied by side effects.

If after postinor you have your period, lasting more than 8 days, and the nature of the discharge has changed, and after some time the discharge does not stop, then there is a reason to contact a gynecologist.

Why does thrush occur after postinor?

Candidiasis can occur with any changes in hormonal levels, especially if you previously had thrush before taking the pills, then it can get worse. It needs to be healed as quickly as possible so that it does not become chronic.

Is it possible to drink Postinor during menstruation?

The medicine can be taken at any period of the cycle.

Postinor is a last resort method of protection, which can be used after unprotected sexual intercourse to prevent unwanted pregnancy. We will tell you in this article how to take the medicine correctly, how long it will take for your period to come, what to do after you have taken Postinor and your period does not come after a certain time, when a delay of a week can be dangerous.

How do your periods go after Postinor?

If you follow the instructions for the drug, menstruation delays and hormonal disruptions occur infrequently.

When does menstruation begin after taking Postinor?

The onset of critical days depends on the phase during which the drug was taken. Your period may come a few days earlier or later than expected. As a rule, the early appearance of menstruation is associated with taking a contraceptive in the second phase.

After using Postinor, minor delays are sometimes observed. There is no need to worry if your period is no more than a week late.

How long does your period last after Postinor?

Usually, the use of emergency contraception does not affect the duration of menstruation. In some cases, the duration of menstruation changes both towards a reduction and an increase in the number of critical days.

A visit to the doctor will not be superfluous if there is scanty discharge accompanied by pain. These symptoms may indicate an ectopic pregnancy.

Scanty periods after Postinor

Slight brown discharge is characteristic of menstruation after taking Postinor. Levonorgestrel thickens the blood. It folds a little earlier and leaves the vessels of the uterine cavity more slowly. Pathology can be suspected if scanty brown periods are observed in subsequent cycles.

After Postinor, heavy periods

With heavy discharge, the accompanying symptoms are significant. Sometimes Postinor causes heavy periods. You should consult a doctor if your health suddenly deteriorates. If the pad needs to be changed every 3 hours, professional help is required to stop the bleeding.

After Postinor, periods do not end

The duration of menstruation depends on the individual characteristics of the female body. A hormonal drug can help increase the duration of critical days. Normally, the duration of menstruation should not exceed 8 days. Longer discharge is considered a side effect after taking the medication and requires consultation with a gynecologist.

My period came earlier after Postinor

Menstruation may come earlier after using a contraceptive. Some women emphasize that after Postinor, menstruation began within a week. Considering the composition of the drug and the nature of its effect on the body, this phenomenon is considered normal.

Postinor during menstruation

Is it possible to drink Postinor during menstruation? Your period is a very unlikely time to conceive

. But this possibility cannot be completely ruled out. Therefore, if sexual intercourse occurred during menstrual bleeding, taking Postinor during menstruation is not contraindicated.

In this case, your period may end earlier than usual. But, for some women, bleeding may become longer.

If it lasts more than 7 days or is too abundant - with the waste of more than 1 regular pad in 3 hours, then you must consult a doctor.

The ups and downs of personal life are rare, but they sometimes lead to very unexpected situations that you have to regret. In order to not regret too much, emergency contraception drugs were created.

which easily cause hormonal imbalances and change the nature of menstruation

. Menstruation may become too light and short or extremely heavy and prolonged.

Not all of these changes are dangerous, but some may require long-term treatment. It is undesirable to use Postinor too often; for this, there are other types of contraception: oral contraceptives, barrier methods, intrauterine devices.

But, despite all the dangers of emergency contraception drugs, you should always remember that any, even the most minimal abortion is more dangerous than any type of contraception.

A romantic evening, turning into passionate caresses and sex, sometimes ends unexpectedly. Either the condom breaks, or lovers completely forget about it. In this case, a proven remedy, Postinor, comes to the rescue. It contains a high dose of the hormone levonorgesterol, which is effective in preventing unwanted pregnancy. But often women experience bleeding after postinoration.

These tablets can help out in an unexpected situation, but they should be used only in emergency situations. With a probability of up to 95%, pregnancy does not occur when a girl takes the drug during the first 24 hours after unprotected sex. By the end of the third day after copulation, its effectiveness decreases to 58-60%. At the same time, postinor causes a number of side effects, so it must be used with extreme caution.

Moderate bleeding after taking Postinor should not be considered a health problem. Discharge appears approximately a week after taking the drug. They may be more intense than during menstruation. This is due to the fact that the loading dose of the hormone taken by a woman upsets her own balance of biologically active substances.

The amount of blood that a woman loses after taking Postinor depends on individual factors. Age, weight and height matter. The discharge may be spotting or more like bleeding. In those who have given birth they are more abundant than in those who have not yet had children. Bloody discharge may last 2-3 days longer than usual during menstruation.

The intensity of discharge gradually decreases. If after postinor the blood comes out on the 6-7th day in the same volume as at the beginning, you should consult a doctor. If by the 10th day a woman sees traces of blood, then it is necessary, without delay, to go to the gynecologist. The following conditions may also be a reason to go to the doctor:

  • excessive bleeding, during which pads are changed every hour or more often;
  • bleeding that does not stop for more than 12 hours;
  • changing hygiene products several times throughout the night;
  • release of clots for longer than 24 hours;
  • the appearance of severe weakness, shortness of breath, dizziness.

Is it possible to induce menstruation with Postinor?

If there is a long delay, there is a need to take medications that help induce menstruation. For example, cycles lasting several months are observed against the background of PCOS.

Often the solution to the problem is to take hormonal drugs, which is considered a serious intervention in the female body. Normalization of the cycle should occur under the supervision of a gynecologist.

Some women use Postinor to induce menstruation ahead of schedule. This is strictly prohibited if pregnancy is suspected, the presence of an IUD, endocrine pathologies, or hormone therapy.

Instructions for use of Postinor for delayed menstruation

You can use the medicine on any day of the cycle. If your periods are irregular, pregnancy should first be ruled out.

Each package contains 2 tablets of the drug. The second tablet should be taken 12-16 hours after the first.

Folk remedies for inducing menstruation

To induce menstruation, there are folk remedies that women have been using for many years. The following herbal decoctions have an effect on the reproductive system:

  • infusion of onion peel;
  • decoction of dill with parsley;
  • chamomile, valerian root and mint;
  • elecampane root

Large doses of ascorbic acid and hot baths with sea salt also help. But we must remember that the exact dosage of herbal remedies is unknown to any doctor, so they must be taken with caution. You cannot undergo treatment if there is a suspicion of pregnancy, cancer, blood clotting disorders or other serious diseases.

We recommend reading

  • How to get pregnant quickly after stopping birth control?
  • Does ovulation occur while taking birth control pills?
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How to restore a cycle after Postinor

After using Postinor, the cycle often goes wrong. There may be delays, scanty or heavy menstrual flow.

The speed of cycle recovery is influenced by the following factors:

  • health status;
  • frequency of Postinor administration;
  • age;
  • compliance with the work and rest regime;
  • balanced diet.

Hormonal imbalance is usually observed with frequent use of pills, as well as in patients over 40 years of age.

Treatment is not carried out if there is a slight delay. After several cycles, the body copes with the consequences of hormonal emergency contraception on its own. Drug treatment is required if menstruation is absent for a long time after taking Postinor. Therapy is needed for cycle instability that persists for 6 months or more.

Possible side effects

The impact of emergency contraception has a negative impact not only on the functioning of the reproductive system. Sometimes after Postinor there are no periods with a negative test. Systemic side effects include:

  • rash, swelling, itching and other allergic manifestations;
  • vomiting, diarrhea, nausea;
  • headache or dizziness;
  • fatigue.

Reactions related to dysfunction of the reproductive system are very often observed. The patient may experience pain in the lower abdomen, bleeding, swelling in the mammary glands and delayed menstruation.

The most effective pills for the fastest onset of menstruation

Many representatives of the fair half of humanity are very interested in the question of whether it is possible to achieve menstruation earlier with the help of medications. The second, no less pressing question is which of these remedies are most effective and do not cause serious side effects.

We bring to your attention a list of the most common pills that cause menstruation when delayed, with a detailed description of each of these remedies.

Effective pills that cause periods when delayed:

  • Duphaston;
  • Utrozhestan;
  • Pulsatilla;
  • Norkolut;
  • Postinor;
  • Mifegin.

Now let's look at how these tablets work and what characteristic properties they have.

Reviews of Postinor for delayed menstruation

In numerous reviews about Postinor, women are interested in when their periods should begin. As a rule, the time of onset of menstruation varies from person to person.

When pregnancy is not part of the plans, but unprotected sexual intercourse (UAC) has occurred, women resort to emergency contraception, such as Postinor. However, no contraceptive means can provide guaranteed “protection” from unwanted fertilization. What should you do if you miss your period for a long time after taking Postinor? How long can the delay caused by the effect of the active components on the body last, and how soon will the critical days come? Let's figure this out together, based on the opinions of practicing gynecologists.

How to induce menstruation if you are late

The absence of menstruation during an unwanted pregnancy is always a stressful factor for any woman, which leads to the fact that many of them begin to think about calling menstruation if they are delayed at home.

At the same time, the majority prefers not to consult a doctor, but to use folk methods or use drugs that induce menstruation, forgetting about their own health and the fact that taking medications without the advice of a specialist can lead to bleeding and further infertility (see How to use folk remedies to induce menstruation).

Calling your period if you are late using home remedies

Before calling your period if you are late, you need to weigh the pros and cons and only then make a decision. There are a large number of home methods:

1. Drink a glass of onion peel decoction. This remedy has been tested by many generations of Russian women and is considered very effective and harmless. The only negative is that the drink is very bitter, so it is better to wash it down with sweet juice or tea.

2. Take a tablespoon of blue cornflower infusion 3-4 times a day. To prepare the product, you need to take two teaspoons of chopped cornflower herb, pour a glass of boiling water, cover with a towel and leave for an hour.

3. Insert suppositories made from the upper parts of gladiolus rhizomes into the vagina. After using them, menstruation may begin within a few hours (see How to insert a tampon correctly).

All of the listed remedies may not lead to the desired effect, since their effectiveness has not been confirmed by medical research. In this case, many turn to medications.

Medications are an effective way to induce menstruation

What pills can induce menstruation? This issue is very relevant for women with delayed sexual intercourse.


Release form and principle of operation

Based on its pharmaceutical characteristics, Postinor is an emergency oral contraceptive, designed specifically to prevent unwanted pregnancy in the first 72 hours after NPA.

The product is available in the form of two white tablets coated with a protective coating. In most cases, emergency contraception can be purchased without a doctor's prescription.

What has a contraceptive effect on the body that ensures instant “sterility”? To answer this question, let's turn to the chemical composition of the drug.


The main active component of the emergency contraceptive Postinor is the artificial hormone levonorgestrel. This substance is a synthetic analogue of female steroid hormones, collectively called “progestogens”.

Produced in large doses, these compounds can block the ovulation process, and therefore prevent pregnancy.

This artificially synthesized hormone is actively used in all types of oral contraception. The only thing that varies is the dosage included in the chemical formula of the drug.

Levonorgestrel gained similar popularity among 19-norsteroids due to its 100% bioavailability. Preparations based on this synthetic hormone, entering the gastrointestinal tract, are completely absorbed, which means that the active components penetrate into the bloodstream in full, providing maximum contraceptive effects within 1.5–2 hours after taking the capsule.

It is thanks to this property that Postinor tablets are considered the best in the emergency contraception segment.

In addition to 750 mcg of levonorgestrel, based on the pharmacological “history” of the tablets, they contain silicon dioxide, magnesium sterate, potato starch, corn starch, talc and lactose monohydrate.

Action of the hormone

The active substance of this drug, levonorgestrel, not only immediately blocks ovulation. The synthetic hormone causes systemic changes in the endometrium of the reproductive organs, causing the inability of an already fertilized egg to attach to the wall of the uterus.

When taking the pill a few hours after unprotected intercourse, the nature of the mucus in the cervical canal also changes. The fluid becomes denser and more viscous, impeding the movement of sperm.

Such an effect not only prevents the onset of a possible pregnancy, but also deals a powerful blow to the functioning of all organs of the reproductive system.

Based on the reviews of the majority of women who tried the pills on themselves, they observed a delay in menstruation after using Postinor.

How to use Postinor

Based on the instructions, do not take two tablets at once. There should be a time interval of 12 hours between taking capsules.

This emergency contraceptive drug guarantees a positive result after taking the first pill in 95% of cases. It is worth noting that the maximum postcoital effect can be achieved on the first day after NPA. Clinical trials have found that taking Postinor 48 hours after unprotected sex reduces effectiveness by up to 85%. Preventing pregnancy 72 hours after intercourse without using contraception reduces the “positive rate” to 58%.

The earlier a woman took the drug, the higher the pregnancy-free rate.

Doctors strongly discourage frequent use of emergency contraceptive pills. Such an influence can cause serious injury to a woman’s body and lead to irreversible consequences!

What pills are taken for delayed menstruation?

A woman always feels when her period is due and if it is late, she begins to worry. The first thought appears about pregnancy and if it is undesirable, you need to induce menstruation.

Pregnancy is not always the cause of delayed menstruation. The delay may be due to hormonal imbalance in a woman’s body, serious illnesses, or stress.

Sometimes a woman calls her period in advance so that it ends before some important event or event in life. To induce menstruation, there are many ways, for example, traditional medicine (tinctures, decoctions) or pills that induce menstruation.


Postinor is an emergency contraceptive and is used if a woman forgets to take an oral contraceptive before having a relationship with a man.

The synthetic hormone levonorgestrel, which is contained in large quantities in Postinor, causes atrophic changes in the endometrium. A fertilized egg under the influence of Postinor will not be able to implant in the uterine cavity.

You should take the pills no later than 72 hours after unprotected sexual intercourse. First, take one tablet, the second - no earlier than 12 hours and no later than 16 hours after taking the first. Usually, your period will start in 2-3 days.

Postinor tablets are taken to induce menstruation ahead of schedule if an important event is planned that coincides with the onset of menstruation. Inducing your period ahead of schedule with Postinor tablets is recommended only with a regular cycle. After taking the drug, the cycle may be disrupted, which will recover after some time.

Important: Postinor should not be taken regularly, otherwise ovarian function may be impaired and may lead to oligomenorrhea (scanty menstruation), amenorrhea (absence of menstruation) or dysmenorrhea

This drug belongs to the means of so-called emergency contraception . It is taken no later than 72 hours after unprotected intercourse on any day of the menstrual cycle. First, take the first tablet, then, after 12 hours, the second. However, the sooner a woman takes Postinor, the less likely it is that an unwanted pregnancy will occur. Therefore, you should not delay using this drug. For example, if sexual intercourse took place at night, then it is advisable to take the first pill in the morning or afternoon. In addition, Postinor has many side effects , which you need to read in the instructions. It is important to remember that this is an emergency contraceptive drug and not the standard birth control pill. Frequent use of Postinor, more than 3 times a year, can provoke serious problems with women's health.

If menstruation is delayed, Postinor can be used only if it is not caused by pregnancy. For example, if a woman has an irregular cycle. A pregnant woman who wants to keep her child should not take Postinor . The drug may cause miscarriage or negatively affect the development of the fetus. Therefore, if there is a suspicion of pregnancy during a delay, it is better not to take Postinor, but to go to the gynecologist.

author Gulnara Cleveland updated January 15, 2020 questions and answers No comments

A delay in menstruation is a reason for every woman’s nerves. There are plenty of reasons for this problem. But everyone wants to resolve this issue without delving into it. So that everything happens quickly and without consequences. It is not right. To do this, take pills that induce menstruation if there is a delay. But first, you need to understand the source of the problem.

How does Postinor affect menstruation?

Strong post-coital effects not only block the possibility of pregnancy, but also affect the entire hormonal and reproductive system of a woman. One of the tangible consequences of taking the drug is the shift in the time intervals of critical days and the transformation of the qualitative characteristics of rejected bloody discharge.

Based on statistical data obtained both during clinical trials and through analysis of thematic forums and the experience of women, we can conclude that in most cases, the critical days after taking Postinor come 2–5 days after the girl took the second pill.

It is worth noting that the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the fluid rejected at this time may not correspond to the usual menstruation. Depending on the individual characteristics of the body of the fairer sex, epithelial blood clots can be abundant and smearing, barely noticeable.

Women note the presence of dense dark clots in the consistency of the mucus rejected after taking Postinor. Such changes are the body's physiological response to levonorgestrel and indicate the absence of pregnancy.

Is it possible to drink Postinor?

Attention, TODAY only!

Alena, it is better to take such pills under the supervision of a doctor.
Otherwise, the results may be different, but not all for the benefit of your body. Bleeding may occur, or it may happen that the fetus simply dies, but does not come out. In any case, you can’t avoid hospitals, so isn’t it better to go straight away than to uncontrollably swallow pills? My cousin with a postinorome somehow caused an abortion (her body is weak in terms of pregnancy, so everything worked out). Having become pregnant, I decided to repeat her “success” and took Postinor literally in the first days of my delay (the test was positive). In the end, nothing happened. There was no bleeding, no nausea, nothing hurt. HCG in the 4th week showed 136 (this is minuscule), the ultrasound did not detect the fetus in the uterus. I was afraid that I had an ectopic. I couldn’t sleep for a week because of this thought. Then I did a second ultrasound (all in paid clinics). It showed some dark dot in the cavity. Having calmed down that there was no ectopic, I went for a vacuum. There, on an ultrasound, they already saw that there was a fertilized egg, but the embryo was not visible in it - it froze a long time ago (after taking Postinor).

I came to a conclusion for myself: I won’t take these pills anymore. They didn’t induce an abortion, they killed the child, they could have easily led to an ectopic pregnancy, then you still had to pay for the abortion anyway (let’s not ask why you didn’t go to a free clinic - you’ll get all the tests done there, and the timing is right for you to get cleaned) . Therefore, I do not advise anyone to repeat my mistake. They say correctly - postinor does not cause abortion. At most, it will kill the embryo, which will still have to be removed in the clinic.

My period was supposed to start on August 8-9, I don’t remember exactly, but exactly on these dates, but they didn’t come! On August 10 there was an unprotected PA

and another question, if in fact there is no pregnancy and


No periods after Postinor

There are common cases when the cycle after taking Postinor does not recover for a long time and a woman experiences a delay in menstruation. The first thing a woman thinks about is the possibility that the drug may not work.

The drug does not guarantee 100% prevention of conception and 5% of women still get pregnant, so if you have not had your period for 7 days or more, you need to do a home test.

But what does a long delay after using emergency contraception against the background of a negative pregnancy test indicate? There may be several reasons for this phenomenon, and almost all of them lie in the plane of malfunctions in the genital organs of the fair sex or hormonal disorders due to the effects of levonorgestrel. Let's look at the most common reasons for prolonged absence of menstruation with a negative pregnancy test:

Hormonal imbalance

This is the most common reason for a long delay in menstruation when taking Postinor birth control pills. The synthetic hormone levonorgestrel not only prevents the onset of ovulation, but also has a strong effect on the woman’s endocrine system. There are common cases in which menstruation does not return to its usual frequency within 3 or 4 months. This phenomenon requires treatment with hormone therapy. If you diagnose yourself with similar symptoms, you must immediately consult a specialist!

The effect of the active component of the drug on blood clotting

In this case, the cycle after taking Postinor does not undergo critical temporary changes. The qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the rejected liquid are transformed. The first menstruation after taking the drug is scanty and dark, richly bloody in color. This reaction is physiological and should not be a cause for concern.

Incompatibility of drugs used together with Postinor

There are a number of drugs whose chemical composition significantly reduces the ability of levonorgestrel to block ovulation. Here is a short list of such medicines:

  • drugs used in the treatment of HIV infections;
  • medicines for stomach ulcers;
  • drugs for tuberculosis;
  • medicines used in the treatment or relief of epilepsy;
  • antibiotics;
  • homeopathic tinctures and decoctions based on St. John's wort.

The patient is overweight

Women who are overweight should consult a gynecologist before using Postinor to clarify the dosage required to block the onset of a possible pregnancy.

Combining Postinor with alcohol

Alcohol completely neutralizes the effect of the synthetic hormone levonorgestrel. Combining the use of this emergency contraceptive with the use of alcohol will not only negatively affect the expected result, but can also provoke heavy menstruation after taking Postinor, which can turn into bleeding.

Inflammatory processes in the uterus

Postinor can increase the negative manifestations of such diseases:

The most common consequence of such inflammatory diseases is disruptions in the periodicity of the menstrual cycle.


Oddly enough, if the test is negative, pregnancy may also be the cause of the delay. A home test with low sensitivity may show a false negative result. To accurately determine the presence of conception, you should take a blood test for hCG levels.

Individual intolerance

Ignoring individual intolerance or contraindications described in the instructions for the drug can cause enormous harm to a woman’s health. Among others, such an effect will negatively affect the menstrual cycle.

Characteristics of the drug

To understand how long it will take for the next regular discharge to come after taking Postinor, why there is no menstruation or it came too early, it is necessary to study the essence of the action of the drug.


The action of the drug is aimed at suppressing ovulation. This makes it impossible for the cell to fertilize once sexual intercourse has taken place. However, after Postinor there is a strong shake-up and a cycle failure. No one can predict when your period will come. Maybe it will happen in a week, and sometimes it happens much later. Sometimes a pregnancy test shows a negative answer, but regular discharge still does not come.

The effectiveness of the pharmaceutical product is guaranteed only when the first tablet is taken within the first 72 hours after unprotected intimate intercourse.

In this case, Postinor will lead to the desired outcome in 80% of cases. If a woman takes the medicine (the first pill) two days later, then her chance of not getting pregnant is 50%. After 72 hours, taking the drug will be useless.

The first tablet is taken as soon as possible after intimate contact. The second should be drunk exactly 12 hours after the first.

Effect of the drug

If you have not had your period for more than 2 weeks after Postinor, you should consult a doctor, and also take a pregnancy test after 5 days of delay.

A negative result indicates that the drug served its purpose, but serious complications could arise. The product acts in several directions:

  1. Causes a delay in ovulation, due to which the female reproductive cell remains in the ovary. She cannot be fertilized.
  2. After using Postinor, the structure of the endometrium changes. The influence is aimed at the functionality of the uterus. Its ability to reject and build up the inner layer changes. When there is no menstruation and there is a slight delay, it should be regarded as a normal occurrence in this case.

Thanks to these directions of action of the drug, a high probability of avoiding pregnancy is achieved. A home test will confirm this.

Effect on the body

When the girl has taken the required dose of Postinor, which the manufacturer indicated in the instructions, side effects may occur. The effect of the drug causes diarrhea, headache, nausea. The most striking consequences are cycle failure and hormonal disorders.

If you don't have your period 5 days after it was supposed to start, you need to take a pregnancy test. However, if the critical days have not arrived 2 weeks after using the pharmaceutical drug, you need to pay attention to the endometrial layer. After Postinor, various deviations in its development are possible.

Sometimes there are no periods for quite a long time. Even after a month, normalization of the cycle sometimes does not occur. Therefore, this remedy should be taken only as a last resort. If your period has not started, you should immediately consult a doctor.


Not every woman is allowed to use Postinor. There is a group of people for whom taking the drug is contraindicated:

  • It is prohibited for women who have an irregular menstrual cycle to prevent unwanted pregnancy using this product. The consequences of hormonal imbalance can be extremely serious.
  • If there are facts of liver, kidney, gall bladder disease, or chronic diseases of the genitourinary system, the use of the drug should be discontinued. The drug has a particularly strong negative effect on the liver.
  • The use of Postinor is strictly contraindicated for adolescents who are going through puberty. The consequences can be fatal. Up to the inability to have children.

This is a very strong remedy, after which it is sometimes necessary to carry out treatment. If menstruation does not begin within the first five days after taking Postinor, it means that the drug has caused complications of greater or lesser severity on the reproductive system. Therefore, you can use it only as a last resort, no more than once every six months. And it is better to never resort to such means at all.

Contraindications for use

To reduce the risks when taking emergency contraception, it is worth taking into account the individual characteristics of the body, in which the use of Postinor is strictly contraindicated. Let's look at the list of contraindications specified in the instructions.

Age. The use of the drug by persons under 16 years of age is highly discouraged. During menopause and menopause, before drinking Postinor, you must consult a gynecologist!

Pregnancy. Using a contraceptive in the early stages is dangerous not only for the fetus, but also for the woman. Exposure to substances in the drug can cause miscarriage, accompanied by severe bleeding, or cause abnormalities in the development of the fetus.

Lactation period. The components of Postinor have complete bioavailability, that is, they enter the bloodstream, and therefore into the nursing mother’s milk, in full. The effect of levonorgestrel on infants has not been fully studied and can cause irreversible processes in the baby’s body.

Individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

History of genetic diseases:

  • lactose intolerance;
  • lactase deficiency;
  • glucose-galactose malabsorption.

Postinor should be taken exclusively after consultation with the gynecologist observing the woman in the following cases:

  1. Lifetime history of jaundice
  2. Menses. Postinor during menstruation can cause severe bleeding, which poses a threat to the life and health of a woman. Especially if the need to take the drug coincides with the onset of menstrual periods.
  3. Disturbances in the functioning of the biliary tract.
  4. The presence of chronic liver diseases.
  5. Crohn's disease.

Permissible deviations in the menstrual cycle

Most women taking this drug are interested in when to expect their period after Postinor. Experts say that permissible deviations in the cyclicity of menstruation are 10-14 days. The absence of critical days for a period exceeding 2 weeks should cause concern for the fair sex.

This delay may indicate not only pregnancy as a result of incorrect or untimely administration of the drug, but also diseases of the reproductive system that appeared while taking levonorgestrel-based medication.

In most cases, gynecologists issue referrals for a general analysis of urine and blood, and conducting examinations of the organs of the reproductive system and pelvis using ultrasound. Such a list of examinations will help determine the presence of pathological processes that have appeared as complications from the effects of levonorgestrel, and answer the question of whether a girl who has recently taken emergency contraception is pregnant.

In cases of disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine system, the therapist may recommend visiting an endocrinologist and treatment with hormone therapy, which helps restore the cycle.

Remember that after taking Postinor, your periods are irregular and may change their quality characteristics! You may notice the appearance of scanty periods. Before taking the drug, be sure to consult a specialist!

Tablets for delaying menstruation: name

Each woman knows her menstrual cycle, so if there is a delay, she begins to worry. There are different reasons for concern: pregnancy, hormonal imbalance, stress, anxiety, as well as serious illnesses.

Therefore, many representatives of the fair sex begin to think about how to induce menstruation if they are late, what to take or what pills will help induce menstruation.

What pills can you use to induce menstruation?

Some women induce menstruation ahead of schedule if they have some important event and before it occurs it is necessary for their period to end, but such manipulations should not be abused.

Inducing menstruation in case of delay can be done in different ways, using folk tricks (infusions, decoctions of medicinal herbs) or tablets.

Most gynecologists say that a delay that lasts from two to seven days is considered normal. After seven and up to ten days you need to think about the reasons. First, rule out pregnancy, and then consult a doctor to determine the true cause.

If the cause is a hormonal imbalance, then a woman cannot do without pills; traditional medicine in such a situation can, on the contrary, do harm.

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