Tips for treating hemorrhoids with cucumber from healers Popov and Malakhov

Reason for effectiveness

Cucumber is more often used as food. But in folk medicine, cucumber treatment has been used for a long time. Despite the fact that the vegetable consists of 95% water and only 5% useful components, it helps to cope with many diseases.

The effectiveness of the vegetable in the treatment of hemorrhoids is explained by its properties:

  1. Laxative effect. If you add a vegetable to your daily diet, the problem of constipation will be eliminated. The watery base prevents stagnation. The juice enters the intestinal lumen and helps dilute the stool. Its removal from the intestine does not injure inflamed hemorrhoids. Therefore, people with chronic constipation are recommended to include this fruit in their diet.
  2. Liquid supply. If you treat inflamed nodes with cucumber juice, the venous walls are restored, signs of inflammation and pain are reduced.
  3. Contains vitamin C and microelements. Eating this vegetable daily will restore your metabolism. The presence of iodine has a preventive function against damage to the thyroid gland. Potassium and chlorine improve the condition of venous walls.

A very large part of the population simply does not want to turn to specialists because of the main problem - banal embarrassment in front of the doctor.
The cause of the disease often lies in stagnant processes, and the benefits of using cucumber for treatment are obvious. The healing properties of the vegetable are not unique, but due to their composition, they have a beneficial effect on the body at the cellular level and normalize the water ratio. Another vegetable, such as cabbage, can be used as an alternative treatment.

Traditional therapy is an auxiliary method to the main treatment. It eliminates clinical manifestations, but does not fight the main provoking factor. Traditional recipes eliminate signs of inflammation and pain. If hemorrhoids appeared after childbirth, restoring the tone of the anus will help to cope more effectively with the problem. Special exercises and contrast showers are designed for this.

If hemorrhoids appear due to an unbalanced diet, it will be more effective to adhere to a special diet. The diet should be dominated by fiber

It is important to maintain water regime.

Benefit for health

Cucumber for hemorrhoids is useful not only as a means for local treatment - it should be included in their diet for people who are prone to pathologies of the digestive tract and vascular system. More than 90% of cucumber pulp consists of water, which is absorbed by the intestinal walls and dissolves hardened feces. If a patient suffers from inflammation of the hemorrhoidal plexuses, it is important to ensure the prevention of constipation, since dense and hard feces during passage through the rectum can injure its walls and increase the severity of pain and bleeding.

Preventing constipation is not the only reason to enrich your daily diet with cucumbers and dishes made from them. The vegetable contains large amounts of potassium and iodine - essential minerals necessary for the healthy functioning of the thyroid gland, brain and heart muscle. The increased content of vitamin C, acids and other beneficial substances provides beneficial properties of the product, including:

  • activation of the body's protective functions;
  • increasing the regenerative properties of the skin;
  • healing of wounds and cracks, which are observed in 85% of patients with hemorrhoids;
  • improvement of blood chemistry;
  • normalization of metabolic processes;
  • stimulating blood flow and regulating the circulation of fluid structures in the body.

A lot of materials have been written about the treatment of hemorrhoids with cucumber, since this vegetable crop is rightfully considered one of the most effective products for the prevention of complications and treatment of pathology at an early stage. The vitamins contained in cucumbers improve the functional state of blood vessels, strengthen capillaries, reducing the risk of bleeding, and facilitate bowel movements, reducing the severity of pain and accelerating the healing of wound surfaces on the epithelial layer of the rectum.

The role of vegetables in treatment

Cucumbers are not potent plants; they are non-toxic, low in calories, act very gently and combine well with other drugs. Vegetables are used for oral administration and a variety of external procedures.

Information: Cucumbers are widely used in cosmetology; they are successfully used for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, skin lesions, and swelling.

The composition of the fruit includes:

  • water;
  • complex of vitamins, especially C and K;
  • natural acids;
  • silicon;
  • potassium;
  • chromium;
  • mineral salts.

Other micro- and macroelements are presented in small quantities. They are very easily absorbed without causing a negative reaction in the body.

Among the beneficial qualities of cucumber:

  1. Beneficial effect on blood composition. With the constant consumption of fresh fruits and preparations based on them, the blood becomes less viscous, its movement accelerates, and the pelvic organs receive the necessary nutrition and supply of oxygen.
  2. Acceleration of lymph outflow. Stagnation of lymph is the main cause of swelling and narrowing of the lumen of the rectum. Having a mild diuretic effect, cucumbers facilitate the removal of excess fluid from the body without causing dehydration.
  3. Strengthening the walls of blood vessels, preventing thrombosis.
  4. Reducing internal bleeding. A complex of natural acids disinfects tissues, prevents inflammation and suppuration.
  5. Moisturizing the skin and mucous membranes. External lotions improve the elasticity of tissues, preventing internal and external tears.
  6. Facilitation of bowel movements. Saturated with natural moisture, cucumber has a delicate effect on the intestinal walls, makes feces softer, and accelerates their removal from the body without unnecessary trauma to the walls of the rectum.
  7. Healing of minor wounds, cracks, abrasions and irritations. Mineral salts and trace elements promote rapid tissue regeneration, water accelerates the process of healing cuts, disinfects, softens the skin and mucous membranes.
  8. Relieving pain, burning, itching. Moisturizing the tissue relieves discomfort and the patient feels better. Lotions and compresses act especially quickly; they do not cause irritation, redness or other negative symptoms.

The valuable nutritional properties of cucumber are indispensable in an anti-hemorrhoidal diet.
The vegetable is included in the daily diet in the form of salads, cold soups, and side dishes. Fresh cucumbers are consumed chopped or grated; they can be used to make tasty and low-calorie vegetable juices by mixing with celery, carrots, beets and other vegetables. The beneficial qualities of the fruit will be enhanced by a small portion of unrefined vegetable oil.

With regular consumption of cucumbers, they are able to:

  • reduce the total caloric intake of the diet;
  • provide the body with fiber, vitamins, and valuable microelements;
  • diversify the menu;
  • stimulate appetite;
  • improve blood quality;
  • relieve constipation.

We’ll look at how to treat hemorrhoids with cucumbers below.

What are the benefits of cucumber?

Cucumber is an annual vegetable consisting of 95% structured water. The liquid is useful for the human body, as it eliminates unnecessary toxins, heavy metal salts and waste, and also cleanses the kidneys.

Cucumber contains a large number of useful microelements:

Cucumber is the leader among all vegetables in terms of the amount of fiber it contains. Regular consumption of fresh cucumbers improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and reduces the formation of cholesterol plaques on the walls of blood vessels.

Options for using vegetables

How to treat hemorrhoids with cucumber? A question with many answers. There really are many methods. Which of them have proven themselves well in folk medicine?

  1. You can create natural suppositories from vegetables. To do this, you need to take a fresh, not limp cucumber from the garden and peel it. The cucumber pulp should be dipped in honey or propolis, after which it should be inserted into the anus for at least half an hour.
  2. You can also use grated cucumber as a compress. To do this, the vegetable is chopped on a grater, and the pulp itself is placed in cheesecloth. Next, the lotion should be applied to the sore spot for about 40 minutes. Grated cucumber eliminates pain, cools wounds, while providing a healing effect.
  3. The plexuses and leaves of the vegetable must be filled with cold water for 2 hours. After the leaves swell, you need to drain the liquid. Then pour a liter of liquid over the plant and boil for 10 minutes. The resulting decoction must be filtered, after which it can be drunk half a glass before meals. It is believed that this decoction strengthens the walls of blood vessels, promoting gradual recovery.
  4. Some doctors recommend drinking cucumber pickle (not spicy or very salty) because it has a laxative effect on the body.

Such recipes should be used only as an additional method of healing. The thing is that cucumber really treats hemorrhoids in women and men, but the disease itself causes too much discomfort for the patient to turn to the only way to get rid of the problem.

Useful properties of the vegetable

Doctor Popov and Evgeniy Malakhov have repeatedly stated that cucumber can cure absolutely any hemorrhoids, but before using vegetable-based products, you need to understand its basic properties. This vegetable is believed to have the following effects on hemorrhoids:

  • cucumber juice thins feces, effectively removing them from the body without damaging the inflamed nodes;
  • cucumber juice has a calming effect on inflamed nodes, reducing itching and burning;
  • The potassium and chlorine contained in the vegetable stimulate the normal functioning of the vascular system, so people prone to chronic hemorrhoids are often prescribed cucumber-based diets;
  • It is believed that cucumber juice promotes rapid healing of cracks in the rectum, preventing excessive bleeding.

For many years, cucumber was used only as one component of a special diet to prevent the development of hemorrhoids. However, Dr. Popov proved that the vegetable can be used rectally, but only by following a certain algorithm of actions.

A couple of years ago, the Internet exploded with a video in which Dr. Popov calls for treating hemorrhoids with cucumbers without picking them from the garden. According to the specialist, this option helps to get rid of the disease much faster, and all thanks to the direct connection with the earth. What nuances of the procedure should be observed here?

  1. To carry out the procedure, you need to select a small cucumber measuring 7–9 centimeters, which must first be cleared of pimples and thorns.
  2. Next, you need to bite off the tip of the vegetable, without tearing it off the bed.
  3. Now all that remains is to insert the cucumber into the anus, maintaining this position for 8–10 minutes.

In addition to the numerous positive properties of the cucumber itself, this method guarantees rapid healing of inflamed nodes due to direct connection with the earth. The method has long proven its effectiveness, despite its ambiguity.

Dr. Popov’s method—treatment without leaving the garden—is far from the only one. Having recognized all the positive properties of the vegetable in time, fans of traditional medicine began to develop a lot of different remedies based on it. So, how can you treat internal and external hemorrhoids using only cucumber?

  1. You can make a rectal suppository from the pulp of the vegetable. To do this, peel the cucumber and insert it into the anus overnight.

    You can make a rectal suppository from a peeled cucumber.

  2. External hemorrhoids can be treated with a compress of grated cucumber. To do this, the vegetable must be grated, wrapped in gauze and applied to the inflamed nodes to reduce pain and gradually heal the wounds.
  3. Introducing dishes with this vegetable into the diet can improve the functioning of the vascular system, which can be considered as a method of prevention.

Most often, cucumber is used as a compress or rectal suppository. It is believed that this vegetable has a lightning-fast positive effect, eliminating cracks in the rectum and quickly relieving inflammation.

In the external form of the disease, when the inflamed nodes are already falling out of the anus, the introduction of suppositories can only harm the overall well-being. At this stage it is necessary to use ointments and compresses.

Also very popular are soothing baths with herbs, which significantly reduce pain in the problem area.

However, you should not use only traditional methods, since neither Dr. Popov nor Evgeniy Malakhov can guarantee 100% relief from the disease. It is best to treat hemorrhoids comprehensively, using medicinal ointments and traditional recipes.

Cucumber is one of the most common remedies used to treat hemorrhoids. A vegetable with a lot of positive properties doesn’t even need to be picked from the garden, simultaneously nourishing the body with the power of the earth.

But it is not recommended to treat such a serious disease, especially in the later stages, relying on the healing properties of one vegetable.

The more methods a person uses, the more effective his fight against the disease will be.

A fresh cucumber is 95% liquid (pure water), and the remaining 5% is healthy vitamins and minerals. Medicines prepared from cucumber have a positive effect on hemorrhoids. Cucumber from the garden has several beneficial properties:

  • helps cope with constipation;
  • stimulates the cleansing of the intestines from waste and toxins;
  • tidies up the water balance in the body;
  • improves the condition of blood vessels.

Dishes prepared from cucumbers must be included in the diet of a person suffering from hemorrhoids in various forms.

Traditional methods of treating hemorrhoids with cucumber

Cucumber is popularly perceived as a food product, but in cosmetology and medicine it has proven itself to be a good remedy for many problems. As an independent drug, it will not help, but in complex therapy it will help get rid of the disease. This versatile vegetable consists of 95% water, so it is used:

  • as a laxative for constipation;
  • to replenish fluid reserves.

Medicinal decoctions and infusions

There are many methods of healing from the disease, but treating hemorrhoids with cucumber requires increased attention and accuracy. Among folk remedies that help reduce pain and discomfort, decoctions and infusions occupy not the least place. Their main task is to restore water balance and dilute stool in the intestines.

Dried stems and leaves of cucumber are used to prepare the medicine. This chilled medicine is taken three times a day 20 minutes before meals. To improve the taste, it is recommended to add a little honey:

  • pour boiling water (500 ml) into three tablespoons of crushed raw materials;
  • bring to a boil over low heat;
  • wrap the container and leave to infuse for one hour.


A compress of cucumber pulp helps fight the external form of hemorrhoids. This remedy relieves pain and reduces inflammation. To be effective, a bandage with chopped vegetables is kept on the diseased nodes overnight. After the procedure, the anus is washed with a contrast shower. For the results to be noticeable, only fresh, firm cucumbers are used.

The manifestation of hemorrhoids indicates an incorrect lifestyle. Regular constipation will provoke an exacerbation of an unpleasant disease. Review your diet. A large amount of fiber, fresh vegetables, and liquid will help peristalsis and relieve feces. Move more, engage in active sports, and you will protect your body from disease.


The best remedy for hemorrhoids is suppositories. They will help get rid of acute symptoms. Using the traditional folk method will improve the quality of life. It has been proven that cucumber juice:

  • relieves inflammation of rectal nodes;
  • promotes tissue regeneration;
  • restores the tone of the walls of blood vessels;
  • reduces pain, burning, itching in the anus.

Vegetables are thoroughly washed and peeled. The pulp is cut into small cylinders - slightly smaller than a woman's little finger. This product is slowly introduced into the anus. A large amount of liquid in cucumber is absorbed by the rectum, thereby easing the inflammatory process. However, there is no cure for seeing a GP, so be sure to visit your doctor.

Using the Popov method

Dr. Popov has developed a special technique with which you can get rid of hemorrhoids using cucumber.

Before carrying out therapy, it is necessary to thoroughly wash the anus. For this purpose, laundry soap is used.

After this, the patient must use the root vegetable for treatment according to the instructions:

  1. To prepare the medicine, you need to take a clean greenhouse cucumber.
  2. The root vegetable is peeled.
  3. It is necessary to cut a suppository from a cucumber, which is inserted into the anus.
  4. Treatment is carried out in the evening before bedtime.
  5. In the morning, the suppository will come out on its own when you have a bowel movement.
  6. Treatment is carried out every day.
  7. The duration of therapy should be at least a month.
  8. If necessary, the course of treatment can be extended. In this case, it is recommended to take a break of 2 weeks.

Video of Doctor Popov:

Video about the benefits of cucumber for hemorrhoids

Nature is a storehouse of remedies that will help you recover from any disease. When used rationally, a banal product will turn into a healing remedy that helps relieve discomfort. How to get rid of hemorrhoids using folk remedies? You will learn about this from an interview with Dr. Popov, in which he talks about the intricacies of his unusual “live cucumber” technique.

Hemorrhoids are inflammation and enlargement of the venous nodes of the rectum; in severe cases, their prolapse and bleeding cannot be ruled out. However, hemorrhoids do not pose a particular danger to humans; since ancient times, they have been quite successfully treated with folk remedies. Healers living in Russia many centuries ago already knew how to quickly cope with this disease; they successfully used cucumber, alum, onions and raw potatoes to treat hemorrhoids.

One of the most effective methods, “treating hemorrhoids with cucumber,” requires having your own garden or plot where you need to plant and grow several dozen cucumber branches. It is better to take a small-fruited variety, since large cucumbers such as “Zozulya” are not suitable for this purpose. To fix the problem, you need to go out into the garden in the morning, find a cucumber about the thickness of your thumb and, without picking it from the garden, wipe it with your hand and bite off the top. After moistening with saliva, the bitten tip should be slowly inserted into the anus. It is believed that the earth at this time gives the cucumber for hemorrhoids life-giving power and helps the patient get rid of the disease in just two weeks. The procedure should be repeated every other day until the hemorrhoids are completely eliminated.

In the winter season, when you can only dream of beds with cucumbers, you can use the following method for treating hemorrhoids. It is no less effective than treating hemorrhoids with cucumber, but it will require more time and patience to get rid of the disease. In a large saucepan, you need to bring 6-8 liters of water to a boil, add 400-500 grams of alum there and remove from the heat after they have completely dissolved. You need to make a hole in the center of the lid in advance and warm up the hemorrhoids with this steam. After the procedure, you need to lubricate the sore spot with Vaseline and drink a laxative. Treatment with alum is very effective, but for a complete cure you need to carry out three procedures at intervals of a week.

Many women after childbirth suffer from persistent pain and burning in the anus, and they often do not have enough time to see a doctor.

Instead of trying all the advertised remedies for hemorrhoids, they should pay attention to traditional methods of treatment. Along with methods such as treating hemorrhoids with cucumber, ice suppositories have great success in getting rid of inflammation and bleeding

To do this, you need to prepare a chamomile decoction and pour it into the “fingers” of an ordinary rubber glove, and then freeze it in the refrigerator. Remove the ice suppositories from the glove and place them in the anus every other day; you will have to be patient for about two months, but it is worth it. After treatment, the pain completely disappears, bleeding disappears and the person can return to their normal way of life.

Treatment of hemorrhoids with cucumber recipes

The easiest way to use cucumbers in the treatment of a disease is to eat the product. You can prepare cucumber juice and add a little honey to it - this drink will cleanse the blood of toxins and restore circulation, as well as improve the functioning of the vascular system. To prepare it, you need to squeeze the juice out of two cucumbers (pre-peel them), then add a teaspoon of natural honey and stir.

It is best to drink the drink on an empty stomach 2-3 times a day. The course of treatment is 10 days.


To prepare a compress, you need to grate half a peeled cucumber or chop it with a knife. Apply the resulting pulp in a thick layer to the anal area for 15-20 minutes. This procedure will perfectly eliminate swelling, relieve redness, soothe irritated skin and relieve pain. You need to repeat it 2 times a day for two weeks.

Cucumber candles

Cut a small piece from the core of the cucumber (about 2 cm in length and 0.5 cm in width) and carefully insert it into the anus. It is better to do this in the evening before bed after bowel movements. The duration of treatment is 10 days.

Cucumber decoction

The leaves and stem of cucumber are used to prepare the decoction. The ingredients (about 50 g) need to be poured with a glass of boiling water, put on the stove and simmer over low heat for no more than 3-5 minutes. Leave to infuse for 30 minutes, then strain and drink on an empty stomach.

A single dose is 100 ml of decoction. You need to take the product 3 times a day for a week.

All of the recipes listed may have individual contraindications, so it is better to consult a doctor before starting use.

Remember! Self-medication can lead to negative consequences! Folk remedies do not replace drug and surgical treatment. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you consult your doctor first.

Malakhov's technique

Dr. Malakhov also developed a method for treating hemorrhoids, which requires the use of cucumber. He believes that by using this product to treat the disease, you can get rid of the discomfort that often accompanies it.

This condition is explained by the expansion of hemorrhoidal veins against the background of the infectious process.

If constipation occurs during the course of the pathological process, therapy becomes significantly more complicated. If the patient experiences bleeding, then it is recommended to use cucumber and its stems for treatment.

With the help of this product, the inflammatory process in the anal area is relieved. Also, cucumber has excellent anti-inflammatory properties.

Possible harm

Possible negative consequences are associated with an increased content of harmful substances in vegetables that are grown for sale in large farms. In order for the fruits to ripen faster and be large, they are treated with chemicals that quickly penetrate the peel and accumulate under it. Chemicals, if their concentration exceeds the permissible values, can be harmful to health and even cause poisoning, therefore, when using this product to treat hemorrhoids, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Before use, thoroughly wash the cucumbers with hot water (it is better to use laundry soap);
  • be sure to remove the peel (2-3 mm layer);
  • If possible, you should purchase cucumbers from residents of dacha settlements and villages.

If you have diarrhea and flatulence, it is better to avoid eating cucumbers: they contain a lot of moisture and purines, which can worsen existing problems.

Important! In terms of nitrate content, cucumber ranks third after watermelons and melons, so you should choose the product very carefully. It is better to avoid purchasing fruits that are too large or have a yellowish tint.

Various Treatment Methods

Traditional healers suggest using cucumber against hemorrhoids in many variations. Of course, first of all, it must be included in your daily diet. It is useful to drink fresh juice in pure form or with the addition of honey. This is a powerful bactericidal agent.

Thanks to the large amount of fiber, these fruits perfectly regulate intestinal function and dissolve fecal stones, which is very important for the prevention of constipation and exacerbation of hemorrhoids. . Treatment with fresh cucumber according to the Popov method

Treatment with fresh cucumber according to the Popov method

Methods such as “Live Cucumber” by Dr. Popov and healing the disease using decoctions have become widely popular in the treatment of hemorrhoids.
According to the recommendations of naturopathic doctor Popov, treatment of hemorrhoids should be carried out directly in the garden bed with cucumbers. His method is based on analysis and the conclusion that the inflamed rectum first of all needs hydration and nutrition. He is sure that by using the fruit without detaching it from the stem, the body receives additional energy from the earth.

How does a treatment session take place?

  1. The healer recommends choosing small fruits for treatment, well cleared of soil and thorns.
  2. The end of the fruit is bitten off or cut off and the remaining piece is generously moistened with saliva (or honey).
  3. So it is carefully inserted into the anus.

Dr. Popov assures that if such a procedure is carried out every other day, hemorrhoids will be forgotten very soon and forever. The course of such manipulations is two weeks.

Expert opinion

An excellent means of preventing hemorrhoids is the introduction of a large amount of fiber into the diet. This means that you need to eat a lot of vegetables and fruits. Some vegetables, such as cucumber, are used for topical treatment of a delicate problem.

A decoction of cucumbers or cucumber water will not only improve digestion, but also cleanse the body of toxins. Lotions made from pulp will relieve discomfort and pain in the anus, but I would like to warn you against some recipes. The introduction of suppositories from this vegetable into the rectum may result in damage to the mucous membrane, and Popov’s method will “give” infectious complications.

More cucumber recipes

Other, more acceptable folk methods for treating hemorrhoids with cucumbers are decoctions, infusions, compresses, juices and suppositories made from it. It is known that decoctions or infusions of stems and leaves are a good hemostatic agent. The high silicon content in these fruits helps strengthen the venous vessels of the rectum. Ascorbic and caffeic acid relieve swelling and irritation of nodes.

Contraindications and side effects

A big plus of fresh cucumbers is the almost complete absence of contraindications. Fresh fruits are used to treat chronic, weakened, elderly patients with reduced immunity.

Caution should be observed with unconventional methods , which include treatment programs proposed by Popov and Malakhov. Proctologists are confident that this technique is extremely harmful, especially for patients with an advanced form of the disease.

Inserting a cucumber into the anus injures the already irritated, loose mucous membrane and promotes rectal bleeding. The uneven surface of the vegetable causes microtraumas; small sharp spines that cover the ovaries can cause particular harm.

When using fruits growing in garden beds, it is easy to introduce an infection and provoke severe inflammation, which is difficult to treat. Open wounds can also be infected by saliva, which is suggested to be used to moisten a cucumber before inserting it into the anus.

With excessive consumption of cucumbers in the form of decoctions and tinctures, patients are at risk of nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. Particular care should be taken by men with dysbacteriosis, bladder diseases, renal failure, frequent rectal bleeding, and mucosal damage.
The same symptoms are characteristic of excessive consumption of fresh cucumbers.

If unpleasant symptoms are observed, the amount of vegetables in the diet should be reduced, increasing the proportion of bran and other harmless adsorbents.

And also read the article about the use of traditional medicine at home to treat hemorrhoids.

Cucumber is a healthy vegetable that helps fight hemorrhoids at different stages. For successful treatment, it is important to use healthy vegetables wisely, using only proven methods approved by official medicine. With this approach, the fruits will only bring benefits and will not give negative side effects.

The best treatment for hemorrhoids is a live cucumber. Its size should be approximately the thickness of your thumb. First you need to clean it well, without tearing it away from the tops . Then lightly bite the top of the cucumber and moisten it with saliva. Moisten the anus with saliva and insert the cucumber into the anus without lifting it from the top . Cucumber provides coolness, moisture and the strength of the earth. Hemorrhoids go away very quickly.

I would like to tell you in more detail how the recipe for hemorrhoids with a live cucumber works. Because it just brought a smile to many people. In fact, this is a very serious treatment in which each component is very important.

Precautionary measures

In order not to harm yourself and not to return seemingly cured hemorrhoids, it is necessary to follow certain measures when treating proctological diseases with the help of cucumber.

  • Any treatment method requires compliance with hygienic requirements. This means thoroughly washing the anorectal area with cool water before and after the treatment.
  • If you decide to use Dr. Popov’s method, remember that you should not take fruits that are too large or vegetables with pimples and spines. Otherwise, there is a risk of damaging the rectal mucosa.
  • Cucumber treatment involves using exclusively fresh vegetables, preferably picked from your own garden bed. So the risk of acquiring a “nitrate bomb” is much lower.

In the initial stages, folk recipes work quite effectively. However, in the case of an advanced form of the disease, cucumber and other methods will be powerless.

That is why doctors recommend that at the first negative symptoms you do not engage in self-diagnosis and self-therapy, but seek qualified help.

Cucumber remedies for hemorrhoids

To achieve the fastest results, cucumber should be used not only externally, but also internally.

Internal use

As a laxative, which greatly facilitates the act of defecation, cucumber is taken orally. For this therapy, you should eat 1 vegetable without salt 3 times a day, 10 minutes before breakfast, lunch and dinner. This treatment is carried out for 1 month. The fiber present in large quantities in cucumber, in addition to normalizing digestion, also cleanses the intestines of toxins that accumulate in large quantities during hemorrhoids.


To eliminate external hemorrhoids, which are accompanied by itching and burning, you can use cucumber juice. In order to carry out the procedure, the sore spot is washed very well and then a cotton pad moistened with freshly squeezed cucumber juice is applied to it. Leave this lotion for 40 minutes. There is no need to lie down with it, and therefore, if you managed to secure it, you can continue to do your usual activities. Treatment is carried out in the morning and evening for 20 days.


Suppositories are placed for internal hemorrhoids, when the nodes are not yet too large and do not cause very heavy bleeding. For this treatment, you need to take a cucumber, squeeze the juice out of it and mix it in equal quantities with natural honey. After this, the composition is poured into candle molds and frozen in the freezer. Ice suppositories are inserted into the anus every evening after a cleansing enema for 1 month. A contraindication to such treatment is inflammation in the pelvic organs.


A cucumber compress helps if cracks have arisen in external hemorrhoids. For it, 1 vegetable is grated on a fine grater, mixed with 1 tablespoon of fat sour cream and applied to the previously washed anus 2 times a day. Leave this compress for 40 minutes. During the entire procedure, the patient must lie on his stomach. Treatment lasts until recovery.

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