What juices can you drink for pancreatitis and how do they affect the pancreas?

Vegetable growing » Carrots



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Kira Stoletova

Carrots are a healthy vegetable; many dishes are prepared from them. Carrots and the pancreas are interconnected; the vegetable, thanks to the beneficial substances in its composition, helps during inflammatory processes. Studying the features of how to eat carrots for pancreatitis will allow you to use them effectively.

Eating carrots for pancreatitis

What juices are allowed?

The pancreas is an organ in the digestive system that affects how the body functions. The complete digestion of incoming food depends on it. It produces the necessary enzymes that are involved in the breakdown of fats and proteins. Part of the full treatment of pancreatitis is following a strict diet. It consists of limiting food consumption and including recommended foods in the diet. This also applies to fresh fruit and vegetable drinks.

Question from patients: is it possible to drink juice for pancreatitis, what juice can you drink for pancreatitis, and which should you refuse? For example, a drink made from pomegranate is allowed for consumption by patients with pancreatitis with a complete decrease in inflammation. Since the drink includes a number of organic acids, you should not drink it during the period of exacerbation of the disease or in the chronic form. Additionally, it has tannins that cause stool problems (constipation). During remission, it is allowed to drink fresh pomegranate diluted with purified boiled water.

Before the appointment, make sure that the patient does not have any unpleasant symptoms (nausea, pain, bowel problems). You should not drink fresh pomegranate every day, since in large quantities it can renew the disease.

There are prohibited juices for pancreatitis:

  • citrus;
  • grape;
  • cranberry;
  • cherry;
  • currant.

Citrus drinks pose a threat to an inflamed pancreas. They provoke irritation of the mucous membrane and the development of inflammation. The disease progresses and symptoms intensify. The rest of the prohibited ones are too aggressive for the inflamed pancreas, even in diluted form.

It is recommended to dilute the permitted ones with fresh purified water. They must be freshly squeezed and natural, then the vitamins and beneficial elements they contain will enter the body in full. It is contraindicated to drink packaged drinks containing preservatives, dyes, flavor enhancers and other harmful substances. Concentrated and too sweet drinks stimulate the production of pancreatic juice in large volumes, which is extremely undesirable at the time of inflammation.

What juices are prohibited for the pancreas?

The next key point in the treatment of the pancreas is the negative impact of a group of natural freshly squeezed juices on this organ. The following juices are strictly contraindicated for pancreatitis:

  • citric;
  • grapefruit;
  • currant;
  • cranberry;
  • grape;
  • orange.

Even in a diluted state, they should not be used by people suffering from pancreatitis. Some of these juices have a high level of acid, which does more harm to the pancreas than good.

But in the form of fruits, for example grapes, a patient with pancreatitis can eat, but in limited quantities.

It is also necessary to exclude herbal mixtures that contain choleretic plants, due to the fact that their action can move gallstones or cause hepatic colic.

Note! For pancreatitis, nectars should never be too sweet or sour; dilute the permitted juices one to one with water.

It is extremely important to find out which juices the patient should prefer? After all, before starting treatment, it is necessary to clarify how safe and useful a particular drink is for a given diagnosis.

Vegetable juices

The pancreas is treated comprehensively. A special diet, including safe and healthy meals with juices, is the main part of therapy. Vegetable juice for pancreatitis can soothe the irritated pancreatic mucosa, relieve pain and other unpleasant symptoms. The list of healthy vegetables for juices includes potatoes, pumpkin, and tomatoes. Carrot juice has a good healing effect for cholecystitis and pancreatitis.

It is used during a strict diet, it blocks the formation of cholesterol plaques, removes harmful substances, and saturates them with useful ones.


Potatoes make an excellent and tasty side dish. This vegetable is used to make an effective medicine against pancreatitis - potato squeeze. For these purposes, use high-quality potatoes without damage or eyes. Since potato juice loses its healing properties when exposed to oxygen, drink immediately after squeezing. Regular use of this drug will ensure regeneration in the pancreas and relieve pain.

A drink consisting of two juices: potato and carrot has beneficial properties. It has the best qualities and enhances healing. Both juices are mixed in equal proportions and consumed immediately after preparation.


Take natural freshly squeezed beet juices with caution. Beets have beneficial qualities and a whole range of substances necessary for the body. Drinking drinks made from fresh vegetables is much healthier. But you should not abuse this healing drink; in large quantities it causes diarrhea and severe cramps. It is worth refraining from consuming it from beets in case of acute pancreatitis and during the period of exacerbation of the disease.

From carrots

Among all vegetables, carrots are the leader in the preparation of drinks and dietary dishes. Useful properties help fight diseases. Therefore, patients are interested in whether it is possible to drink carrot juice with pancreatitis? It is possible, but it must be done correctly and in doses.

Remember that the daily intake of freshly squeezed juice should not exceed 200 ml. You can enhance the taste and therapeutic effect by drinking potato. Both components are mixed in equal parts.

Is it always possible to drink carrot juice if you have pancreatitis? No not always. Acute phase and period of attacks - carrot drinks are completely excluded from the patient’s diet. The recommended time for taking this drink is the period of remission.


Cabbage juice is a vitamin-packed and very healthy drink. But when treating pancreatitis, be sure that it will not cause negative reactions in the digestive system. Not all vegetables and fruits are consumed during inflammation. Sea kale will be healthier. Its fresh juice has a beneficial effect on the condition of the gastrointestinal mucosa and prevents digestive disorders.

Sauerkraut has no less beneficial properties. The healing drink should be consumed in small quantities before meals. The preparation of such cabbage does not include food additives or fresh vegetables. Constant use of the medicinal drink relieves pain and normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

From pumpkin

Considering the options for healthy drinks, the question arises: is it possible to drink pumpkin juice for pancreatitis? When answering, pay attention to the beneficial properties of pumpkin. It reduces inflammation and pathological manifestations of the disease.

A freshly squeezed drink is useful for patients with high acidity in the stomach. Some patients add pumpkin seeds to their food. Pumpkin can be eaten in any form and contains the maximum amount of benefits.

What advantages does it have:

  • promotes the removal of excess fluid;
  • stimulates the heart muscle;
  • neutralizes toxins;
  • has low calorie content;
  • normalizes vision.

Doctors recommend treating chronic pancreatitis with pumpkin, so when answering the question whether you can drink pumpkin juice if you have inflammation of the pancreas, the answer is a clear yes. It is taken before meals every day and regularly. It helps reduce pathological processes, relieves inflammation, pain, and takes part in the regeneration of the diseased organ. People with individual intolerance or prone to allergies should take it with caution.

Tomato juice

Tomatoes are rich in minerals that are essential for the body. Is it possible and how to drink tomato juice correctly if you have pancreatitis? It’s worth figuring out. During illness, drink this wort with caution. In acute forms of the disease, tomatoes are generally prohibited. During remission, it is allowed to use it diluted with water in equal proportions. Prepare tomato juice for pancreatitis from ripe tomatoes. They are enriched with valuable amino acids, have an effect against depression, and act as powerful antioxidants.

Recommendations for taking tomato juice for chronic pancreatitis of the pancreas:

  • It is allowed to drink diluted with water. The proportions are 1 part wort and 2 parts purified water. Salt is completely excluded. In the absence of pain and other unpleasant symptoms, concentration increases.
  • Only high-quality tomatoes are selected. Packaged drinks containing harmful substances in the form of food additives, flavor enhancers, emulsifiers, and dyes are contraindicated.

Is it possible to drink tomato juice with acute pancreatitis? No, because it provokes attacks of the disease. What effect does it have:

  • Creates a choleretic effect, conditions for the penetration of bile into the gland, and activates aggressive enzymes.
  • Due to its dietary fiber content, it aggravates diarrhea.
  • It affects the production of enzymes that damage pancreatic tissue, causing inflammation.

What rules should you follow when using juices?

Doctors advise drinking only freshly squeezed juices, diluting them with water, especially during exacerbation of the disease. Adding sugar or honey is prohibited. No concentrates.

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During an exacerbation, juices with a high natural content of sugar and citrus fruits should be excluded. After a month, it is permissible to use them, but with caution. Replace drinks with compote or fruit drink.

If the body tolerates undiluted juices and drinks well, you can slowly introduce them into the diet, but only after an acute period. Adding sugar is only permissible during periods when the pancreas is calm.

Doctors allow mixing freshly squeezed drinks, especially when more acidic juices are mixed with sweet drinks. Add them to yogurts, fermented baked milk, and Varenets.

Patients can only drink up to 60 ml of beetroot juice per day. Doses of other fruit and vegetable drinks should not exceed 200 ml per day.

It is recommended for patients with pancreatitis:

  1. Do not drink juices that are sold in stores, especially packaged ones. They are produced artificially, contain a lot of sugar and preservatives and can be harmful.
  2. Consume freshly squeezed drinks immediately after preparation, otherwise they lose their beneficial properties. The exception is beet juice. It should be kept in the cold.
  3. Choose whole fruits, not wrinkled, without spots or mold.

The most useful juices for use by patients with pancreatitis are:

  • apricots;
  • apples;
  • peaches;
  • pears;
  • watermelons;
  • melons;
  • cherries.

Only apricot and peach drinks need not be diluted. The rest are a must. Vegetables are preferable from pumpkin, potatoes, carrots.

Limit the use of drinks from:

  • raspberries and strawberries;
  • tomato;
  • plums;
  • pineapple;
  • tangerine, lemon.

They can only be used during the period of calm of the gland and in a diluted form. There are juices that cannot be consumed under any pathological condition of the pancreas:

  • cherry;
  • cranberry;
  • grape;
  • beet;
  • from red and white currants;
  • pomegranate;
  • grapefruit;
  • from exotic fruits

The use of such drinks leads to undesirable consequences. Doctors say that these juices contain substances that can harm the pancreas.

Fruit juices

Whether or not you can drink pomegranate juice if you have pancreatitis, since it has different effects at different stages of the disease. The chronic form involves taking low doses in small doses. In acute form or during exacerbation of the disease, it is generally contraindicated due to the development of an attack of the disease.

You can drink pomegranate juice during remission, but you can’t drink pomegranate during acute pancreatitis. But fruit drinks such as cherries, all citrus fruits, grapes and cranberries should not be consumed even in diluted form. Fresh juices from orange, grapefruit and other sour fruits contain aggressive acid that can have a strong negative effect on the inflamed organ and damage its mucous membrane.

The effect of carrots on the pancreas

Carrots for pancreatitis should be consumed wisely. The benefits of the product for the pancreas are great. It is necessary to refrain from taking it in case of acute pancreatitis, the drink enhances the production of gastric secretions and enzymes. To process the substances contained in fresh juice, an excessive amount of insulin will be required, leading to a load on the gland.

There are people who suffer from allergies to vegetables and fruits and enzyme deficiency. For these patients, it is possible to consume exclusively boiled vegetables. Patients with pancreatic diseases should eat raw fruits once a day, boiled fruits (stews, compotes) 2 times a day.

There are deviations when the pancreas does not break down fiber at all. In this case, food is not digested. Such people can “start up” the hardware and make it work. To stimulate, you must first consume baked or boiled fruits, then gradually, little by little, introduce raw vegetables and fruits one at a time. To activate the gland, it is advisable to eat 1-2 teaspoons of grated carrots daily.

Carrots are valued for their carotene content (provitamin A), and the chemically complex compound is absorbed better and faster under the influence of fat. Adding oil or mayonnaise to carrot dishes is quite justified from the biochemical aspect, but not under the condition of a special pancreatic diet! Patients who have problems with the organ are required to avoid consuming fats. Adding oil or mayonnaise to dishes with glandular diseases will cause an exacerbation of the disease.

Herbal juices

Traditional therapy copes well with many diseases. Herbs are a source of beneficial substances that have a positive effect on the entire body. What herbal juices are taken for pancreatitis and cholecystitis:

Experts prohibit drinking juices for pancreatitis during an exacerbation. However, among folk medicine there are many recipes based on concentrated juices to relieve painful symptoms of pancreatic diseases. Therapy for pancreatitis involves strict adherence to a diet, a special diet, and drinking regimen. Strong tea, coffee, cocoa, alcohol, carbonated drinks are prohibited, but in some cases drinking juices is allowed.

How and how much to drink juice?

The following juices will be safe for the affected gastric gland in remission:

  • freshly prepared,
  • diluted with purified water in recommended dosages,
  • without adding honey or sugar.

Concentrated juices for pancreatitis are always prohibited, regardless of the stage of the disease. Drinks are introduced into the menu gradually, and it is necessary to monitor your well-being. Adding any sweeteners is possible only if there are no signs of illness for a long time.

During the period of exacerbation of the disease, the introduction of citrus juices into the diet is unacceptable. Before drinking a drink from the list of permitted drinks, you should check its ingredients and the amount of sweeteners. An excellent alternative to sweet fresh juices would be jelly or compotes.

Sour and sweet drinks can be mixed or added to yoghurt and fermented baked milk. The permissible volume of the product is 200 ml (for beet juice - 60 ml) per day. These drinks should be taken half an hour before meals.

Patients suffering from pancreatitis should adhere to the following recommendations:

  • give up packaged drinks that contain a lot of carbohydrates and preservatives,
  • drink only freshly prepared fresh juices, since over time they will lose most of the beneficial ingredients (the rule does not apply to beetroot juice; it must first be kept in the refrigerator for 2 hours),
  • drinks are prepared only from ripe, high-quality vegetables, berries and fruits; they should not be damaged or moldy.

The selection of suitable products for consumption during pancreatitis should be carried out by the attending physician.

Is it possible or not for pancreatic diseases?

Pancreatitis is accompanied by inflammation of the organ mucosa, indigestion, and painful sensations. Abdominal bloating, increased gas formation, flatulence, pain, diarrhea or constipation, unpleasant taste in the mouth, and heartburn are observed. During the period of exacerbation of pancreatitis, the functioning of the stomach and intestines is also disrupted, therefore, when compiling a diet and selecting a diet, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of the functioning of these organs.

Often, diseases of the intestines, stomach, and gallbladder cause the development and exacerbation of pancreatitis. To answer whether juices are possible or not for diseases of the pancreas, you need to evaluate the effect of the drink on all organs of the digestive tract.

  • The juice contains a huge amount of vitamins, minerals, and beneficial compounds necessary for the proper functioning of digestion and the whole body. Regular replenishment of supplies increases the body's protective functions, strengthens the immune system, and helps fight various diseases.
  • The juice does not contain coarse fiber, which is found in raw vegetables, fruits, berries, and is undesirable for a sick pancreas. However, they contain many acids that adversely affect the walls of the organ, irritate the mucous membrane, and worsen symptoms.
  • Juice contains a large amount of easily digestible carbohydrates. Their consumption increases the amount of glucose in the blood. This is followed by a pancreatic response - active synthesis of insulin. The work of the diseased organ is activated, which cannot be allowed during an exacerbation. If the recommendation is not followed, diabetes mellitus may develop due to pancreatitis.
  • Easily digestible carbohydrates cause fermentation processes in the intestines, causing bloating, flatulence, spasms, and diarrhea. In other words, the symptoms of pancreatitis intensify.
  • The inflamed pancreas becomes extremely sensitive to various types of irritants. Juices are a highly allergenic product, so there is a high probability of developing an allergy, even if nothing like this has ever occurred before. The reaction is manifested by skin rashes in the form of rash, redness, itching, as well as diarrhea, nausea, and abdominal pain.

To smooth out the negative effects of juices, they are diluted in equal proportions with cold boiled water. But even in this form, some drinks are prohibited from being consumed during pancreatitis.

Benefits and harms

For pancreatitis, doctors recommend drinking fresh vegetable, berry and fruit juices. These drinks have a number of beneficial properties:

  • freshly prepared juices do not contain preservatives or flavoring additives;
  • due to their low energy value, they are ideal for a low-calorie diet;
  • do not contain fiber, which is harmful for inflammation of the pancreas;
  • they contain many vitamins and minerals.

But the choice of juices must be approached responsibly, because many of them can provoke a deterioration in the condition of patients. You need to know the following:

  • organic acids contained in them can activate the production of pancreatic and gastric secretions and irritate the gastric mucosa;
  • sweet juices high in carbohydrates can increase the level of glucose in the blood, which will require more insulin to process, which means the load on the pancreas will increase;
  • a large amount of sugar can cause fermentation in the intestines, colic and flatulence;
  • Some drinks may cause an allergic reaction if you are intolerant to fruits and vegetables.

What juices can be used for therapeutic purposes?

You will have to give up tasty, aromatic juices during an exacerbation of pancreatitis, and you should also limit their use during the period of remission so as not to provoke the disease. At the same time, there are some juices that can improve the condition of the pancreas and eliminate unpleasant symptoms.

An old, time-tested folk remedy that has a lot of useful properties:

  • Anti-inflammatory;
  • Wound healing;
  • Antibacterial;
  • Antiseptic;
  • Regenerating;
  • Calming;
  • Strengthening.

The active components of the juice protect the mucous membrane, destroy pathogenic microflora, stop the inflammatory process, strengthen blood vessels, and prevent cell destruction.

Aloe juice is used fresh for therapeutic purposes. The leaves are cut from the plant, wrapped in cotton cloth, a plastic bag, and placed in the refrigerator for 14 days. Squeeze out the juice in any convenient way, mix in equal proportions with honey. The medicine must be taken within 3 hours after receiving the juice, otherwise the beneficial properties will be reduced.


It has the properties of antacids, so it has a beneficial effect not only on the pancreas, but also on the stomach and intestines. Potato juice reduces acidity, protects the mucous membrane of the digestive organs from further irritation, stops the inflammatory process, helps eliminate pathogenic microflora, and improves digestion.

You should only drink potato juice fresh, before it turns dark. This happens in approximately 15 minutes. When interacting with air, oxidation occurs and components harmful to the digestive system appear. Therapy with a healing drink should be carried out at the end of summer, beginning of autumn, when the potatoes are young.

Peel the peel, squeeze out the juice using a juicer, or use the old fashioned method. Rub on a fine grater, place in gauze folded in several layers, squeeze out the liquid. Drink 50 ml at a time. Treatment is carried out until you feel better.


The safest of all permitted juices for pancreatitis. It has anti-inflammatory, analgesic, sedative, antispasmodic, and laxative properties. You are allowed to drink in unlimited quantities, the whole point is that you won’t want to drink a lot. For therapeutic purposes, it is enough to drink 50-100 ml three times a day. It is recommended to take half an hour before meals. The drink will ease digestion, normalize acidity, and relieve the unpleasant, painful symptoms of pancreatitis.


Many will begin to prove the opposite, but the whole point is that carrots, cut into pieces or grated, are difficult for the pancreas, since to digest them you need to activate the production of certain enzymes, which a sick pancreas in the acute stage cannot cope with. It is recommended to combine carrot juice with pumpkin or potato juice. The taste will be more pleasant, the drink will be healthier. You should drink 100 ml on an empty stomach. You cannot add salt or sugar.

From Jerusalem artichoke

The healing properties of this vegetable are often forgotten. Meanwhile, Jerusalem artichoke juice has a beneficial effect on the digestive system, including the pancreas. The juice has anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, analgesic, enveloping, and soothing properties. Reduces irritation, painful symptoms, normalizes intestinal function. You should drink fresh, 100 ml 3 times a day on an empty stomach.

Healthy juices for pancreatitis

During an exacerbation, other juices should be avoided for the first 3-4 days. Initially, it needs to be diluted with cold boiled water; in the absence of unpleasant symptoms, it is consumed undiluted.

  • Watermelon;
  • Melon;
  • Peach;
  • Apricot;
  • Apple, but only from sweet varieties;
  • Pear;
  • From cherries.

One of the best options is to prepare fruit drinks and compote from freshly squeezed juices. To ensure that the drink remains equally healthy, the water is turned off 15 seconds after boiling again. You are allowed to add your favorite drinks to homemade yogurt and cottage cheese.

You should drink the juice in small quantities and only in diluted form:

  • Strawberry;
  • Crimson;
  • Pineapple;
  • Plum;
  • Tomato;
  • Orange;
  • Tangerine.

In general, if you can do without these drinks, you should not drink during an exacerbation of the disease.

Juices during remission of chronic pancreatitis

During the period of exacerbation of the disease, enjoying pure juices is strictly prohibited, since their consistency is excessively sour.
They are excessively acidic and act as an irritant on the gland, increasing inflammatory processes. For 1 month after the last attack, it is forbidden to drink even diluted nectar. Note! In the acute phase of the disease, gastroenterologists recommend consuming exclusively freshly squeezed options without natural and artificial sweeteners. The best option is a consistency diluted with water.

It is allowed to use diluted juices to prepare jelly, fruit drinks and compotes based on them. To provide the listed drinks with the optimal amount of useful elements and vitamins, nectar is added to boiling water, and after 10 seconds the decoction is turned off after it boils for the second time. The prepared broth can be sweetened with high-quality sweeteners.

After the acute period of the disease has passed and it has entered the remission stage, it is allowed to drink: pure juices in a small volume with good tolerance of the compositions, diluted juices - at the initial stage of recovery of the pancreas.

Advice! Certain types of juices are consumed in minimal doses - no more than 50 ml. The daily volume of freshly squeezed nectar should not exceed 180 ml.

Experts strongly recommend following a number of instructions:

  1. It is better to avoid “store-bought” juices, as they are full of preservatives and sugar. Such drinks contain a minimal amount of vitamins and microelements, and in some cases they are even dangerous for inflamed organs.
  2. Freshly squeezed juices are prepared from ripe berries, vegetables and fruits, in which there is no hint of damage, rot or mold. Poor quality raw materials can provoke an exacerbation of the disease.
  3. Is it possible to drink the drink immediately after preparation? – It’s simply necessary. The only exception to this “golden rule” is beet nectar, which must be left for 2-3 hours in a dark and cool place. The preliminary stage is extremely important to reduce the activity of the components of the composition.

When choosing a fruit composition, it is necessary to take into account the individual tolerance of individual components (vegetables, berries, fruits).

During acute periods of illness, pure juices are not allowed under any circumstances - they are all too acidic and irritate the pancreas, increasing inflammation. But gastroenterologists also advise refraining from drinking juices diluted with water for at least a month after the onset of an attack of pancreatitis.

However, based on diluted juices, you can prepare other drinks - compotes, fruit drinks, jelly. To preserve as many vitamins in the juice as possible, add it to boiling water and turn it off 5-10 seconds after boiling again. Sweeteners are used to sweeten the finished drink if necessary.

Remember that some juices (for example, beet juice) should be consumed in very small quantities (within 50 ml). In any case, the amount of fresh juice should not exceed 200 ml (glass) per day.

General recommendations for choosing and preparing juices for patients with pancreatitis:

  1. In all cases, we are talking only about independently prepared, freshly squeezed juices. You cannot drink “store-bought” juices if you have pancreatitis - they are made from concentrated or frozen juices through subsequent reconstitution, during which water is added to the concentrate, and often also sugar and preservatives. Such drinks are not only of little use in terms of preserving valuable substances, but are also extremely dangerous for the pancreas.
  2. In most cases, it is better to drink juices immediately after preparation, with the exception of beet juice (to reduce dangerous activity, it is first kept in a cool place for a couple of hours).
  3. The source fruits, vegetables and berries from which the juice will be squeezed must be completely ripe and not have even the slightest signs of mold, rot or other damage. Immature or low-quality products almost always cause exacerbation of pancreatitis.
  4. When choosing raw materials for making juices, follow the rules for selecting fruits (berries, vegetables) for pancreatitis and their tolerance in your specific case.
  • apple (from sweet apples);
  • carrot;
  • pumpkin;
  • apricot;
  • peach;
  • watermelon;
  • melon;
  • potato;
  • pear;
  • from cherries.

These varieties can be consumed undiluted or slightly diluted, and apricot and peach can be drunk with pulp.

  • berry (strawberry, raspberry) - they must be filtered to remove seeds and hard skin;
  • tomato;
  • plum;
  • pineapple;
  • citrus fruits (orange, tangerine - only from sweet fruits).

All these juices can be drunk in small quantities, diluted; it is even better to use them only for preparing juice-containing drinks (compotes, non-alcoholic cocktails).

  • grape;
  • cherry;
  • cranberry;
  • currant;
  • beet;
  • pomegranate;
  • lemon and grapefruit;
  • from exotic fruits (mango, papaya, etc.).

If such juices are allowed into the diet, it is only for the preparation of drinks based on them (compotes and jelly). Lemon and cranberry - not in any form.


Juices for pancreatitis, cholecystitis

Drinking juice in its pure form, with added sugar or salt, is strictly prohibited. Diluted drinks should be consumed a week after the painful symptoms disappear or later. The exception is juices, which are recommended for therapeutic purposes. During the period of remission, you should limit the consumption of concentrated juices to avoid exacerbation. It is allowed to add kefir to homemade yoghurts. Used to prepare compote and jelly.

Prohibited drinks

In case of pancreatitis during the period of exacerbation or subsidence of the disease, it is not recommended to drink juice:

  • Grape;
  • Currant;
  • Cherry;
  • Cranberry;
  • Pomegranate;
  • Beetroot;
  • Grapefruit;
  • Citric.

Such drinks irritate the pancreatic mucosa and increase unpleasant symptoms - bloating, increased acidity, increased gas production.

It is strictly forbidden to drink juices in packs or bottles, since they contain dyes, flavors, flavor enhancers, preservatives, and other chemical components that negatively affect the state of the digestive system. In cheap juices, apple and beet juices, together with those indicated on the packaging, are used as a base. So, beetroot is often used to prepare pomegranate. Flavors and dyes are added to apple juice to create almost any drink. Lemon juice contains a large amount of citric acid, but whether it contains natural fresh juice is questionable. Therefore, if you have pancreatitis, you should drink a fresh, self-prepared drink.

The effect of different juices on the body and digestive tract

To know why you need to give up some juices and drink others, you should study their positive and negative properties.

  • Potato. It contains a large amount of vitamins - A, E, group B, K, PP, minerals - phosphorus, fluorine, copper, manganese, magnesium, iodine, iron, etc. It has an enveloping, anti-inflammatory, wound-healing property.
  • Tomato. In case of pancreatitis in the acute stage, it is prohibited; during the period of remission, no more than 200 ml per day in diluted form is allowed. The ratio with water is 1:3. Tomatoes contain succinic acid, tartaric acid, oxalic acid, and citric acid. The entry of these components into the gastric tract stimulates the production of hydrochloric acid and activates the pancreas, which is undesirable in the presence of pathologies.
  • Carrot. Extremely beneficial for the body - increases immunity, enhances metabolism, normalizes stool, prevents aging and cell death. It has a pleasant color and taste. However, during the period of exacerbation of the disease, it is better to avoid it, since the drink contains a large amount of sugar. To break down this component, the pancreas must produce a sufficient amount of insulin. Thus, the carrot drink loads the diseased organ, which should not be allowed.
  • Beetroot. Contains a large amount of iron. Improves hemoglobin levels, normalizes blood pressure, improves metabolism, relieves nervous tension, spasms, eliminates constipation, and stabilizes the functioning of the cardiovascular system. For pancreatitis, use is allowed only in the stage of stable remission. You should not drink the fresh drink; after receiving it, you should let it sit for 3 hours in a cool place. Dilute with cold boiled water in a ratio of 1:2. Concentrated beetroot drink provokes inflammation of the mucous membrane of the diseased organ, deepens unpleasant symptoms, and activates the pancreas to produce insulin, since it is necessary to break down sugar.
  • Cabbage. Includes a huge amount of ascorbic acid, necessary to strengthen the immune system and increase the body's protective functions. B vitamins with anti-inflammatory, healing, restorative effects. And also a unique vitamin U, which is not produced by the body on its own. However, cabbage drink is unacceptable for pancreatitis, since it stimulates the production of hydrochloric acid and causes fermentation. An exception is the brine after sauerkraut; you can drink it for diseases of the digestive tract, 50 ml per day.
  • Pumpkin. There are differences of opinion among experts regarding this drink. Some recommend taking it in unlimited quantities for therapeutic purposes, others insist on prohibition in case of a diseased pancreas. Fresh pumpkin juice contains a large amount of organic acids, which provoke fermentation in the intestines, cause bloating, and increase painful symptoms. The beneficial qualities of the drink indicate that it is advisable to take it for pancreatitis, since pumpkin juice removes toxins, prevents the development of cancer cells, strengthens muscles, normalizes heart function, and improves digestion.
  • Birch. If you need to cleanse the body of toxins, waste, and improve the functioning of the digestive tract, drink birch sap. A balanced storehouse of vitamins and minerals. There is no need to add, subtract or cook anything. If you have pancreatitis, you should only take a fresh drink. It contains glucose, fructose, vitamins, iron, calcium. Pleasant to the taste, perfectly quenches thirst.
  • Apple. The most accessible of all. Includes vitamins, minerals, organic acids and other useful components. Pit for pancreatitis and stomach diseases, only a natural drink made from sweet varieties of apples is allowed. To neutralize the effect of acid and prevent irritation of the mucous membrane, take one glass after meals. During cooking, remove seeds and peel. When drinking a large amount of the drink, heartburn increases, and painful symptoms worsen. To partially reduce the negative impact, it is recommended to combine it with grape juice from sweet varieties.
  • Grape. It is strictly prohibited in the acute stage. When painful symptoms subside, it is allowed to use it in a small amount, diluted. Grape juice is ahead of many fruit and vegetable drinks in terms of nutritional value. Strengthens the immune system, removes toxins, improves metabolism, stimulates blood formation, normalizes heart function, restores blood pressure, calms the nervous system. It is not recommended to take for pancreatitis due to the large amount of organic acids.
  • Orange. An indispensable drink for boosting immunity and improving the body's protective functions. However, it stimulates the production of hydrochloric acid and strains the pancreas due to the large amount of sugar. Requires insulin production. In this situation, diabetes may develop. Allowed in the remission stage, only from sweet orange varieties, in diluted form.


Dear readers, your opinion is very important to us - therefore, we will be glad to hear your feedback about juices for pancreatitis in the comments, this will also be useful to other users of the site.

Anna : “Any apple juice gives me heartburn. In the acute stage, you should never drink it, after recovery - in limited quantities, not on an empty stomach.”

Svetlana : “Citrus juices have a negative effect on the stomach, intestines, and pancreas, but sometimes you really want something sour. This means that the body requires it. I literally drink 100 ml. Nothing bad will happen from such a dose, but the benefits will increase.”


Pancreatitis that affects a person, in which the pancreas is exposed to an acute inflammatory process, requires not only specific drug treatment, but also strict adherence to diet. All patients of gastroenterologists suffering from this type of pathology of the gastrointestinal tract need to completely exclude from the diet most foods and drinks that have an irritating effect on the gastrointestinal mucosa. Some fruit and vegetable juices for pancreatitis, despite the fact that they are an excellent source of minerals and vitamins necessary for the body’s functioning, are also classified by specialists as prohibited foods.

Tomato and carrot drink

Tomato juice is not always a favorite. In addition to all the beneficial properties of this drink, it also has negative qualities:

  • salt helps in the formation of swelling of the gland and its inflammation;
  • organic acids (such as tartaric, citric, succinic and malic) activate the cells of the stomach and pancreas, and the resulting enzymes damage tissue, actively supporting inflammation;
  • pulp and dietary fiber increase gas formation and diarrhea.

Using a refreshing drink within reasonable limits has a beneficial effect on the body. Among other juices that can be consumed, carrot juice should be highlighted. True, it is also contraindicated in the acute phase of pancreatitis.

Remember, the healing process will be much more effective if you determine in a timely manner which foods and drinks should be consumed and in what quantities.

To reduce the irritating effect on the gastrointestinal tract and obtain all the necessary vitamins when treating the pancreas, dilute natural juices with warm boiled water.

What juices can you use for pancreatitis?

The answer to this question is of interest to many patients who have been diagnosed with any pathology of the digestive system. The doctor tells you what juices you can drink for various gastrointestinal pathologies, in particular inflammation of the pancreas, when he prescribes treatment for a sick person. His main recommendations are as follows:

  1. The juice should only be freshly squeezed. All drinks sold in retail outlets labeled “natural” will not only bring no benefit, but may also contribute to the aggravation of the negative symptoms that accompany the disease.
  2. Drink fruit and vegetable juices approved by the doctor, only warm. And also, under no circumstances should you add salt, sugar or spices to them.
  3. It is useful to use fresh juice. For inflammation of the pancreas, a mixture of several freshly squeezed juices is the healthiest drink.

Experts advise that any freshly prepared juice must be diluted with clean water, since a high concentration of drinks can lead to a deterioration in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, we should not forget that it is necessary to take permitted juices in doses, taking into account all the basic requirements of the dietary table prescribed by the gastroenterologist.

Home treatment for remission of pancreatitis

What juices can you drink if you have inflammation of the pancreas after the acute stage has passed? Fresh. In the sense that vegetables and fruits must be freshly grown:

  • birch sap - only at the time of collection (March, April), canned - will harm.
  • potato - only until November,
  • carrot, pumpkin - until the New Year,
  • Sauerkraut juice is a special matter; excess acid in it is unacceptable.

When stored for a long time, raw vegetables become harmful to damaged mucous membranes.

As for fruits, also choose seasonal fruits as they ripen, starting with apricots, continuing with peaches, early apples, then late varieties.

Eliminate industrially produced nectars from your diet.

With pancreatitis, you may have to forget about fruits, sour-tasting berries and citrus fruits forever to avoid exacerbation of inflammation.

Berry fruit drinks

If a pathological inflammatory process develops in the pancreas, it is permissible to drink a cup of berry juice to pamper yourself. But also only after consultation with a specialist.

Cranberries and lingonberries are best suited for making berry drinks. They contain large quantities of vitamin C, which during any illness must be supplied to the body of a sick person to maintain immunity and speed up the healing process. Gastroenterologists also recommend consuming a fruit drink that contains raspberries for pancreatitis. This berry, obtained by crossing blackberries and raspberries, is an excellent natural antiseptic, which is necessary in the treatment of inflammation in the pancreas.

Vegetable juices

Drinks made from fresh vegetables approved by a specialist for pancreatitis will bring great benefits to the sick person. With their help, you can not only reduce the manifestations of negative symptoms, but also restore destroyed tissue structures. Information about the positive effect a drink made from certain vegetables has on the inflamed pancreas can be found in the table:

Vegetable juices acceptable for pancreatitis

A type of vegetable drinkBenefit provided
Carrot.This drink, despite the fact that many are prejudiced against it, is very tasty and also contains large amounts of beta-carotene (vitamin A). You should drink it during remission of pancreatitis in fairly large quantities, as it tends to strengthen the immune system. This will help prevent relapse of the disease for a longer period of time. The permissible weekly dose of this vitamin drink will be recommended to each individual patient by his attending physician.
Tomato.This juice, beloved by many, is acceptable for pancreatitis only without exacerbation of the pathological condition. This warning is due to the presence of a fairly large amount of organic acids in it. In addition, a drink made from fresh tomatoes stimulates the production of gastric juice, which contains enzymes that aggravate the course of the disease.
Pumpkin.This juice is one of the best for pancreatitis. Its benefits are due to the ability of pumpkin to stop the inflammatory process. This vegetable also tends to have a calming effect on the human body, which speeds up recovery. Patients with pancreatitis are recommended to drink the juice from this vegetable before each meal, as it improves digestion.

Important! Before you start drinking any vegetable juice, you should consult a specialist.

Herbal juices

In order to increase the therapeutic effect during therapeutic measures to eliminate a pathological condition in the pancreas, most gastroenterologists recommend that patients drink drinks made from medicinal herbs. The most useful for pancreatitis are immortelle, dill and chamomile. High efficiency is also observed in juices prepared from the following plants:

  1. Dandelion. For preparation, both fresh leaves and roots of this medicinal plant can be taken. The benefit of dandelion juice for pancreatitis lies in its ability to reduce blood sugar and restore water-salt balance.
  2. Celery. Celery drink is necessary to prevent the occurrence of inflammation on the mucous membrane of the digestive organs, as it effectively prevents its irritation.
  3. Agave. The juice from the medicinal leaves of the home healer is good at restoring damaged tissue structures of the pancreas.
  4. Birch. Birch drink is considered the most useful, as it contains a large number of biogenic stimulants that effectively restore metabolism.

But, despite the undoubted benefits of herbal juices, it should be remembered that their uncontrolled use can be harmful to health. You can drink them only in doses recommended by your doctor and stop taking them if the slightest deterioration in your condition occurs.

Little-known juices

Few people know about the beneficial properties of a product such as Jerusalem artichoke, which is often used in dietary and diabetic cooking. Meanwhile, fresh Jerusalem artichoke is also useful for preparing fresh juice for pancreatitis.

This squeeze helps reduce the manifestation of pathological processes inside the pancreas and normalizes the production of hormones and enzymes of digestive juice. The product can be mixed with other fruit and vegetable pomace and diluted with water in a two to one ratio.

Another useful fresh juice for the stomach and glands can be prepared from black radish. To do this, the root vegetable is peeled and crushed using a grater. You can add liquid honey to this squeeze. The daily dose is seventy milliliters. A pronounced therapeutic effect from use can be achieved after one and a half months of regular drinking.

Birch sap can hardly be called little-known, but not everyone knows that it can provide invaluable benefits to the pancreas. This drink saturates the body with vitamins and microelements, restores high-quality metabolism and promotes the rapid restoration of the gastrointestinal tract.

At the same time, birch drink can be drunk even during exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis. To do this, it is useful to mix it with oatmeal jelly or broth.

Features of use in the acute stage and remission stage of pancreatitis

During the acute period of the disease, natural fruit, berry and vegetable drinks are strictly prohibited, since they all have an irritating effect on the mucous membrane. However, they are used to prepare jelly, fruit drinks and compotes containing sufficient amounts of vitamins. After the exacerbation of the disease subsides and it goes into remission, drinking juices is allowed as follows:

  • the freshly prepared drink is diluted 1:1 with warm boiled water;
  • the juice is added to kefir, whey or yogurt and consumed instead of dessert.

We should also not forget that some vegetable drinks, for example, beetroot, can be drunk in small quantities for pancreatitis, a maximum of a glass per day. In addition, you need to follow the rules for selecting vegetables and fruits recommended for each specific patient with pancreatic inflammation by the attending physician. When making these appointments, specialists rely on the results of a diagnostic study showing the nature of the disease.

How to make puree

Not only vegetable juice, but also various dishes and it are considered useful for inflammation of the pancreas in remission. For example, carrot puree. To prepare it, it is better to use a traditional double boiler or a multicooker with the same function. The recipe for making puree is very simple, and you will need:

  • 3 or 4 medium sized carrots. They must be washed and cleaned well;
  • Next, clean vegetables must be cut into strips or small cubes, after which they must be placed in a special multicooker container;
  • Pour the required amount of water into the multicooker (steamer) and turn on the device in steamer mode for 40 minutes. If you have a regular steamer that needs to be placed on the stove, then time it - the same time. You can also boil carrots in water (cooking time 30-40 minutes), but this way, more of the nutrients are lost than when steamed;
  • When the vegetable is well cooked, it can be pureed using a blender, mashed potato masher or a regular fork.

One serving of puree should be about 150 g. Although the carrots were heat-treated, they still retained a sufficient amount of microelements and vitamins that will be useful for an organ weakened by inflammation. Carrot puree is easy to digest and leads to normal stool.

Juices prohibited for consumption in case of inflammation of the pancreas

Some types of natural drinks with a high content of vitamins, such as orange juice, pose an increased danger for pancreatitis. It is associated with their undesirable effect on the digestive organ affected by the process of inflammation, which is expressed in the following:

  • increased insulin levels in the blood due to high sugar content, increasing the load on the gland;
  • increased intestinal fermentation, causing accumulation of gases, causing increased pressure on the abdominal organs;
  • allergization of the body, which can lead to additional damage to the digestive organ;
  • stimulation of hypersecretion, provoked by the high acidity of some drinks.

Despite the high content of vitamin C, citrus juice (lemon, orange, lime, grapefruit) is strictly prohibited, since under the influence of these fruits the gland intensively produces an aggressive digestive enzyme.

This category also includes cranberry, pomegranate, cherry, grape and currant juices. Their increased acidity irritates the gastrointestinal mucosa.

Doctors note that gastrointestinal diseases affecting the stomach (gastritis), pancreatic secretory organ (pancreatitis), gall bladder (cholecystitis) and liver (diabetes mellitus) have similar indications and contraindications to the use of vitamin drinks. Therefore, it is important to consult with your doctor before including juice in your diet and under no circumstances violate the recommended rules for consuming the vitamin drink, as well as the daily dosage.

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