How to cure a persistent runny nose in an adult - how to treat rhinitis

  • Treatment
  • Rhinitis in children
  • Possible complications
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  • Rhinitis, what is it? Rhinitis, or runny nose, is swelling of the nasal mucosa that occurs as a result of infection or allergic components or hypothermia entering its cavity. Most often it is an independent disease, but in some cases it develops as a symptom of another disease, such as measles, influenza, or acute respiratory viral infection.

    A runny nose may be a sign of another illness, so if symptoms persist for a long time, you should consult an ENT doctor

    Depending on the causes of occurrence, rhinitis is divided into several types:

    • infectious: acute, chronic, hypertrophic, catarrhal, atrophic, ozena (fetid runny nose);
    • vasomotor (non-infectious): neurovegetative, allergic.

    What is a runny nose and does it need to be treated?

    Do you often sneeze or experience dry, burning or itchy nose? Pay attention to these primary symptoms of a serious ENT disease.

    Rhinitis or runny nose

    is a response of the nasal mucosa in response to an irritant, which often accompanies colds.

    However, there are actually a huge number of causes for a runny nose, including allergies. Itching, sneezing, mucous discharge from the nose (snot) are some of the characteristic signs of the disease, which is treated by an otolaryngologist. When a person’s nose is blocked, it becomes difficult to breathe, aromas cannot be distinguished, the timbre of the voice changes, the mood worsens, a headache occurs, unpleasant sensations in the nose and this brings severe discomfort. You should not start the inflammatory process and start treatment as early as possible. After all, every day the symptoms increase exponentially, the patient’s condition worsens and can lead to irreparable consequences. However, before you begin treatment procedures, you need to know what exactly caused rhinorrhea, determine the type of runny nose, and only then begin choosing means and methods for getting rid of the disease.

    The nose is an organ

    , which performs functions that are vital for humans: breathing, smell, and also participates in speech formation and protects the respiratory tract from the penetration of various bacteria, viruses, dust, mechanical particles, being a kind of filter for inhaled air. Also, the air becomes warmer or cooler, with optimal humidity. Therefore, it is recommended to breathe only through the nose and take care of its health.

    This is what our nose looks like from the inside

    Symptoms of rhinitis

    In an acute process, both nasal cavities are affected, the patient has difficulty breathing and other clinical manifestations occur, which depend on the stage of the disease:

    1. It can last from several hours to two days. There are unpleasant sensations in the nose, most often burning and dryness. General symptoms of intoxication in the form of weakness, malaise and a slight increase in body temperature may also be observed.
    2. It is characterized by the appearance of copious serous discharge from the nasal cavity. Nasal congestion becomes maximum, nasal breathing is absent. Due to the fact that the discharge strongly irritates the skin near the nose, maceration occurs (the skin turns red, becomes swollen, sometimes becomes covered with cracks, and pain occurs).
    3. Observed 4–5 days after the onset of the disease. Nasal breathing is restored, and the patient's condition improves. The color and consistency of the discharge changes. They become cloudy and thick, and may acquire a yellowish or greenish tint.

    Prolonged irritation of the skin near the nose leads to maceration

    The duration of the disease can vary from three days to 4 weeks. Sometimes the disease becomes chronic. In this case, chronic catarrhal rhinitis develops.

    Catarrhal rhinitis

    The following symptoms are characteristic of this disease:

    • violation of nasal breathing, while nasal congestion intensifies in a lying position, blocking the half of the nose that is located below;
    • mucous discharge from the nose, in some cases mixed with pus;
    • increased symptoms of rhinitis in the cold;
    • decreased sense of smell;
    • transition of the inflammatory process to the Eustachian tube, which connects the cavities of the middle ear and nose.

    Causes of a runny nose

    Do not assume that a runny nose is one of the manifestations of a cold. This is the most common type of rhinitis, but far from the only one. Pay attention to the factors that lead to the development of symptoms of a rather serious and unpleasant illness. This will help you understand what caused the disease, choose a way to combat it and avoid relapses.

    There are several reasons that cause symptoms of the disease:

    • The most common cause of a runny nose is infection.
      Various bacteria and viruses entering the nasal cavity begin to actively multiply and inevitably lead to rhinorrhea (mucous discharge). This occurs most often against the background of a weakened immune system or damage to the nasal mucosa;
    • Also, chemical and mechanical effects on the nasal mucosa often cause nasal discharge (snot).
      Negative factors such as dust, smoke, gases lead to irritation, cause sneezing and itching. Mechanical damage can be caused by foreign bodies entering the nasal cavity or surgery;
    • Allergic rhinitis is becoming more common in the modern world,
      and the list of allergens is constantly growing. These are plant pollen, animal hair, fungal spores, dust, spices and spices, medicines, chemicals, etc.
    • Weakened immunity, hypothermia, nervous fatigue, unhealthy diet, unfavorable environment
      - all this can create a fertile atmosphere for the development of rhinitis and its complications. Therefore, preventing runny nose and maintaining a healthy lifestyle play an important role. Preventive measures should be taken during seasonal viral and bacterial infections, avoid contact with sick people (especially children) if your immunity is weakened.


    The reasons for the development of the disease include:

    • penetration of infection (viruses or bacteria) into the nasal mucosa;
    • congenital abnormalities of the structure of the nasal bones;
    • deviated nasal septum;
    • Kartagener's syndrome (stagnation of mucus in the nasal cavity as a result of improper functioning of the ciliated epithelium);
    • allergy;
    • use of drugs that increase blood pressure;
    • long-term use of vasoconstrictor drugs;
    • adenoids;
    • polyps of the nasal mucosa;
    • foreign bodies entering the nose;
    • violation of nasal vascular tone;
    • thinning of the nasal mucosa as a result of the inflammatory process;
    • autoimmune diseases (systemic scleroderma, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, Wegener's granulomatosis).

    One of the common causes of a runny nose is allergies.

    The development of the disease is influenced by the following factors:

    • air pollution with toxic substances or dust that cause irritation of the mucous membrane;
    • active or passive smoking;
    • sudden changes in air temperature;
    • neoplasms in the nose;
    • working with chemicals.

    Types of runny nose, classification and symptoms

    In modern medicine, rhinitis is divided into 4 forms:
    SpicyThis is the primary stage of the disease, which in an advanced state quite often turns into a more severe chronic stage, with frequent relapses
    ChronicMost often it is a consequence of an advanced acute runny nose and has more serious manifestations
    VasomotorThis is a reaction of the nasal mucosa to reflex stimuli, as a result of which the mucous membrane thickens
    AllergicThis is a reaction of the nasal mucosa caused by exposure to various allergens.
    These forms of rhinitis are in turn classified according to various factors:

    Acute rhinitis

    - classified according to the cause of occurrence:
    , etc.
    The stages are distinguished between purulent
    . Primary runny nose is an independent disease, secondary (specific) is a consequence of another disease (flu, colds, measles) and is often called by the disease, measles, cold runny nose.

    The acute form is characterized by a sharp onset and rapid progression. Usually the first signs are burning and dryness in the nose, then itching, sneezing and clear mucous discharge, swelling, and hyperemia of the mucous membrane appear. There may be an increase in temperature, general weakness, and decreased performance. When the first symptoms occur, treatment should begin without waiting for the condition to worsen. With the right approach, the problem can be solved within 3-5 days. However, a runny nose on its own rarely goes away.


    divided into:

    1. Catarrhal
      - this can be either an advanced stage of acute rhinitis, or the primary stage of a chronic runny nose. It is characterized by thickening of the mucus, acquiring a greenish tint, more difficulty breathing, the appearance of fever, weakness, fatigue, and loss of smell. If you ignore the symptoms, it develops into a more serious disease - sinusitis;
    2. Hypertrophic
      is not just inflammation, but also thickening of the mucous membrane, which leads to the closure of the passage and the inability to breathe through the nose. As a result, the patient begins to breathe through the mouth, symptoms of a protracted inflammatory process appear, accompanied by a temperature reaction, dizziness, general weakness, and sleep disturbance. The voice may change, appetite may disappear, headaches in the frontal and temporal region increase every day;
    3. Atrophic
      - damage to the nasal mucosa with partial or complete tissue atrophy, caused by a protracted chronic course of the disease or other reasons. This form is characterized by loss of smell, the nasal mucosa becomes thinner and ceases to perform its functions, and crusts appear.

    Vasomotor rhinitis

    - this is a reaction of the nasal mucosa to reflex stimuli, as a result of which the mucous membrane thickens. It can appear suddenly, for no reason, and also disappear suddenly. Sometimes it becomes chronic with severe tissue hypertrophy and requires surgical intervention. Usually in the morning there is sneezing, nasal congestion, it becomes difficult to breathe, mucous discharge is abundant, colorless and odorless. In its advanced form, it can lead to serious consequences such as asthma.

    Allergic rhinitis

    - this is a reaction of the nasal mucosa caused by exposure to various allergens, divided into seasonal and year-round. Characterized by nasal itching, sneezing, congestion and watery discharge. Eliminating the cause and risk factors leads to a speedy recovery. However, emergency medical care is often required, especially for children under one year old.

    Types of rhinitis

    A disease with rhinitis as a symptom means a protective reaction of the body or the result of a certain pathology, for example, a deviated nasal septum. Treatment should be comprehensive depending on the type and cause of rhinitis.

    Let's look at the types of runny nose.


    Not the most serious, but at the same time a rather unpleasant chronic pathology that brings a lot of inconvenience to the patient. This diagnosis means that the vessels in the nasal cavity do not respond adequately to certain potential irritants, such as infectious factors, stress or dry air. As a result, nasal breathing is impaired, headaches and general weakness appear, memory and attention suffer.

    The runny nose itself can be either short-term or long-lasting. Its second name is idiopathic rhinitis. Treatment of this type of rhinitis is mainly surgical.

    Vasomotor type of runny nose has the following classification:

    • Allergic rhinitis. This is the body's immune reaction to external irritants, such as animal hair or medications. Allergic rhinitis can be year-round, seasonal or occupational. To treat it, it is necessary to correctly identify the allergen. This type of runny nose, in turn, is classified into exudative and obstructive rhinitis. Read more about allergic rhinitis →
    • Neurovegetative rhinitis. It is a consequence of a disorder of nervous regulation, which is responsible for the normal functioning of the nose.


    It is classified into the following forms of rhinitis:

    • Spicy . A rapidly developing and rapidly occurring pathology, which is characterized by acute inflammation of the nasopharynx, severe runny nose and nasal congestion, and hyperthermia.
    • Viral rhinitis . Develops in response to the penetration of viruses into the body. It is characterized by profuse rhinorrhea and severe nasal congestion, with a simultaneous increase in body temperature.
    • Bacterial rhinitis . Appears as a complication of acute rhinitis with the addition of a bacterial infection, less often - as a result of primary bacterial infection. It is characterized as a prolonged runny nose (at least 2 weeks) with swelling of the mucous membrane, nasal congestion, headaches and thick yellow or green discharge.

    Chronic rhinitis

    It is classified into the following forms of prolonged rhinitis:

    • Atrophic . It is formed as a result of atrophy of the nasal mucosa, provokes various changes in air exchange and disturbances in the blood vessels. Causes may include heredity, viral infections and persistent runny nose. Atrophic rhinitis has another name - fetid ozena.
    • Hypertrophic. It develops against the background of hypertrophic changes in the soft tissues of the nasal cavity and is accompanied by impaired nasal breathing. The main reasons are contact with dust, severe atmospheric pollution.

    Read more about chronic rhinitis →

    Drug-induced rhinitis

    This pathology occurs in people who have abused vasoconstrictor drugs to treat a runny nose, that is, they have developed a drug dependence on them. With drug-induced rhinitis, the nasopharyngeal mucosa is constantly swollen, its nutrition is impaired, and tissue atrophy is observed.

    Traumatic rhinitis

    They are provoked by acquired injuries of the nose - mechanical, chemical and thermal. With a traumatic runny nose, the mucous membrane produces more secretion than necessary, which becomes the cause of nasal discharge. In this case, only one half of the nose usually suffers from a runny nose, the other remains dry and irritated.

    Other types

    There is also hormonal rhinitis , a condition common to women during pregnancy. It occurs against the background of changes in the body’s hormonal levels. Hormonal rhinitis is characterized by nasal congestion and impaired nasal breathing. Treatment is carried out extremely rarely, since medications are contraindicated for expectant mothers. Read more about rhinitis in pregnant women →

    Physiological runny nose occurs in infants. This symptom is associated with immaturity of the nasal mucosa. Physiological runny nose does not require drug treatment; prevention of rhinitis, which consists of maintaining optimal humidity in the room, will help alleviate its symptoms.

    Clinical picture of the development of acute catarrhal rhinitis

    Distinguish 3

    The main stages of rhinitis, depending on which treatment is prescribed:

    1. The dry stage
      is the initial stage (irritation of the nasal mucosa by various factors described above), characterized by itching, dryness, burning in the nose, and frequent sneezing. Low-grade (slightly elevated) temperature, weakness, and malaise may appear. Occurs in the first hours and lasts no more than 2 days and is usually cured without pharmacological drugs;
    2. Serous runny nose
      is a stage of increasing inflammatory process, watery discharge appears, and general intoxication increases. Duration - 2-5 days, requires a more serious selection of medications and physical therapy. The patient's condition worsens without treatment;
    3. Mucous purulent discharge
      is the final stage, called resolution. It begins on the fifth day and lasts up to 3-4 weeks, depending on the patient’s immunity status and the correct course of treatment. At this stage, seeing a doctor is the only right decision. The temperature rises sharply, and against the background of general weakness of the body and the spread of infection, other diseases may occur.

    If a person’s immune system is strong, then a runny nose can be abortive within 2-3 days.

    Rhinitis in children

    Rhinitis is often diagnosed in pediatric patients. In most cases, the cause of its development is infectious diseases that are quickly transmitted from child to child in children's groups. A small object placed in the nose can also trigger the disease.

    A runny nose often appears in children of all ages, especially those attending children's groups.

    To cure a runny nose in a child, it is necessary to maintain a comfortable temperature in the house (not higher than 22 °C) and optimal air humidity. Too dry indoor air (especially in winter) irritates the nasal mucosa. Therefore, you need to use air humidifiers and regularly ventilate the room.

    Children under 3 years old cannot blow out mucus on their own, so they need to use special devices (syringes, aspirators) to cleanse the nasal cavity.

    To remove dry crusts, you can rinse your nose with saline solutions.

    Crusts and thickened mucus are removed by washing with saline solutions. After this procedure, you can use vasoconstrictor drops, and, if necessary, antibiotics.

    To treat a runny nose in children, as well as in adults, drops based on oxymetazoline or xylometazoline are used. It is possible to use products with herbal components - Pinosol, Euphorbium compositum, Delufen, Sinupret, Asinis, Cinnabsin.

    Nasal congestion also occurs in newborns. In most cases, this is the so-called physiological runny nose. It can develop in a child from birth to three months. It is characterized by watery, slightly foamy nasal discharge and slight grunting. At the same time, the baby feels well, eats with appetite, and sleeps normally. He has no swelling of the mucous membrane, and his body temperature is normal.

    If the cause of a runny nose is an allergy, antihistamines based on cetirizine, levocetirizine, and loratadine are used for treatment.

    Such a runny nose does not require special treatment; it is enough to create comfortable conditions for the baby, normalize the air temperature and make it humid enough so that crusts do not form in the nose. Some pediatricians advise that if a baby has a physiological runny nose, rinse the nose with saline solutions.

    Diagnosis of a runny nose

    Examination by an ENT specialist

    In order to correctly establish a diagnosis, an otolaryngologist performs a visual examination, palpation, laboratory and hardware diagnostics. As a result, the causative agent of the disease is identified, the degree of damage to tissues and organs, and the general condition of the patient are assessed. The most appropriate treatment is prescribed.


    Endoscopy of the nasal cavity
    ) is a classic instrumental ENT examination of the nasal cavity and nasopharynx using a rhinoscope. In some cases, an x-ray of the sinuses is performed, which allows the most correct diagnosis to be made and the disease to be correctly differentiated from those with similar symptoms.

    Laboratory examination of rhinorrhea

    To identify the pathogen, a general blood test may also be needed in some cases.

    Allergy testing

    allows you to identify the allergen leading to the development of symptoms.


    To make a correct diagnosis, the doctor must rely on the symptoms characteristic of this disorder. But sometimes it is necessary to differentiate manifestations from specific rhinitis, which are a sign of a more serious disease. It could be influenza, whooping cough, measles, scarlet fever, etc.
    Each of these disorders has a characteristic clinical picture. To clarify the form and type of runny nose, an examination of the ENT organs is carried out. If complications are suspected, the doctor may prescribe an X-ray examination of the paranasal sinuses. X-rays of the lungs and ears may be required. Sometimes it is necessary to consult specialists - a pulmonologist, an allergist, an ophthalmologist. If rhinitis is accompanied by a severe cough, the pharynx and larynx must be examined.

    But what folk remedies there are for allergic rhinitis and how to use them correctly are indicated here.

    Methods for treating a runny nose

    Different types of rhinitis require different treatments. Therefore, before you begin self-medication, try to establish as accurately as possible the reasons that caused the runny nose and understand the classification. Allergic and infectious runny nose are treated completely differently.

    Treatment of a runny nose involves eliminating the primary cause of the disease.

    , relieving general symptoms and restoring normal functioning of the organ. Accordingly, depending on the classification and stage of the disease, different treatments are prescribed. In some cases, it is necessary to resort to surgical intervention (vasomotor, hypertrophic, atrophic rhinitis).

    Treatment of specific or catarrhal rhinitis is accompanied by the elimination of the primary disease (influenza, ARVI, acute respiratory infections, etc.) and the removal of accompanying symptoms.

    • Vasoconstrictors
      (nasivin, naphthyzin, sanorin, etc.) can alleviate the condition, facilitating easier breathing and reducing secretions, but do not always solve the problem completely. Their long-term use is strictly not recommended.
    • Antiviral drugs
      help fight infection in the body. Their use is recommended only when the immune system is so weakened that it is not able to overcome viruses and bacteria on its own.
    • Complex preparations for the common cold
      (vibrocil) solve several problems at once: relieve swelling of the mucous membrane, help reduce mucous secretions, act on the cause, and eliminate allergic reactions. It is necessary to choose a drug that is ideal for your case, and also to exclude contraindications.
    • Essential oils
      of eucalyptus, mint, and pine have a powerful bactericidal effect, while softening the mucous membrane and carefully restoring the nasal mucosa. For example, Pinosol drops.
    • Special salt solutions
      (Aqualor, Aquamaris) for cleansing the nose have virtually no contraindications and are quite effective in the fight against a runny nose.
    • Homeopathic remedies
      based on natural ingredients (Sinupret) are widely used against the common cold
    • Treatment of allergic rhinitis should begin with recognizing and eliminating the allergen
      , by rinsing the nasal cavity with special solutions, and then eliminating the consequences. Antihistamines and hormonal agents are most often used here.
    • Treatment methods include washing, irrigation of the nasal cavity, instillation of drops, use of sprays, ointments, and physiotherapy
      Along with traditional medicine, folk remedies and oriental medicine are used. Massage, acupuncture, acupuncture, breathing exercises and aromatherapy are widely used
      to treat a runny nose . Each of the above options is selected individually, based on many factors and nuances.

    Only the attending physician, who is aware of the patient’s general health, can choose the best remedy for a runny nose.

    Methods of treatment with drugs and home remedies

    At the first symptoms of rhinitis, a home regimen and plenty of drinking are prescribed. In the absence of elevated temperature, it is quite possible to perform thermal procedures. It is important to learn how to blow your nose correctly in order to clear the nasal cavity and prevent secretions from entering the paranasal sinuses and middle ear. For this purpose, each half of the nose should be released one by one.

    For rhinitis, you need to drink a lot of warm liquid. When the temperature rises, antipyretics can be used. For a runny nose of viral origin, it is recommended to inject interferon solutions into the nose.

    But how to distinguish allergic rhinitis from colds and what products should be used is indicated here.

    To strengthen the immune system and speed up the healing process, it is very important to eat right. In addition, for this purpose, doctors advise the use of immunostimulants and vitamin complexes.

    Folk remedies and medicines

    In addition to classic nasal sprays, many other categories of medications are used to treat rhinitis

    Typically, the following categories of drugs are used for the treatment of rhinitis:

    1. Vasoconstrictor drugs. Used to reduce swelling and nasal congestion. The most effective remedies include sanorin, xymelin, and nazol.
    2. Moisturizers and ointments. Saline solutions - Marimer, Aquamaris, Physiomer - help cleanse the nasal cavity. Ointments are usually used for the atrophic form of rhinitis and help soften the crusts in the nose.
    3. Angioprotectors. Helps improve microcirculation in tissues and reduce congestion in the mucous membrane. Drugs such as rutin and troxevasin are quite effective.
    4. Antihistamines. Helps in the treatment of allergic rhinitis. The doctor may prescribe Cetrin, Tavegil, Claritin in the form of capsules or tablets.
    5. Antiviral drugs. They are highly effective in the treatment of rhinitis of viral origin. Usually drugs such as Arbidol, Anaferon, Oxolinic ointment are prescribed. As for the last drug, doctors often prescribe Oxolinic ointment to a child.
    6. Antibiotics. Such drugs are indicated exclusively for bacterial rhinitis or complications. Most often, doctors prescribe bioparox.

    Local antiseptics, such as Miramistin nasal spray, are also successfully used to treat a runny nose. Among folk remedies, inhalations with decoctions of medicinal plants are ideal. You can make foot and hand baths with the addition of mustard powder. Kalanchoe juice, menthol oil, fresh carrot or beet juice have an excellent effect.

    An effective remedy is the use of a saline solution, which is prepared in the ratio of a tablespoon of salt per liter of water. For rinsing, you can use a syringe, syringe or a special device.

    Many traditional medicines are suitable for eliminating infectious rhinitis, which is a consequence of viral pathologies. In case of allergic rhinitis, the use of such drugs can provoke an exacerbation. In addition, it should be remembered that many folk remedies for the treatment of sinusitis and persistent runny nose are also suitable for the treatment of rhinitis.

    Drug treatment for runny nose

    In order to use pharmacological drugs, you should consult your doctor, and not the pharmacist at your nearest pharmacy. There are many factors that may be a contraindication for the use of the drug and only your attending physician can know them. Particular care should be taken in selecting medications for children and pregnant women. Therefore, it would be unethical to give recommendations. If you have a high temperature, you should take antipyretic medications. Antihistamines are indicated if allergic reactions occur. A serious symptom is dryness in the nasal cavity. Therefore, in many cases, preparations with a moisturizing effect based on oils are necessary. Depending on the severity and symptoms, the following drugs are prescribed:


    (interferon, derinat, echinacea)
    Antibacterial and antiseptic agents
    are prescribed individually depending on the severity of the disease, age and other important nuances.
    In conjunction with antibacterial therapy, drugs that prevent the occurrence of dysbacteriosis should be used: nystatin, bifidumbacterin, lactobacterin, hilak-forte. Sulfonamide drugs have a gentle effect, but have a smaller spectrum of effects on pathogenic flora; Anti-inflammatory
    , decongestant, astringent, vasoconstrictor in the form of drops, sprays, oils are prescribed according to indications;
    , painkillers - according to symptoms;
    for allergies;
    In severe form - hormonal drugs and glucocorticosteroids
    and hardware treatment of runny nose

    Today there are many devices for home treatment, which are easy and simple to use. UHF therapy is indicated for almost any type of rhinitis and has rare contraindications, such as tumors. UV and ultrasound therapy are also often used in the treatment of runny nose at the initial stage. Recently, magnetic laser therapy has been gaining popularity.


    The diagnosis is made by an otolaryngologist (ENT) after collecting an anamnesis and performing rhinoscopy. Based on the severity of symptoms, he prescribes treatment.

    When you have a runny nose, it is important to learn how to properly clean your nose in order to avoid mucus getting into the Eustachian tube and the development of otitis media. This should be done carefully, pinching one nostril and closing the mouth, which reduces the pressure in the nasal cavity.

    Vasoconstrictors help eliminate swelling of the nasal cavity

    In order to reduce swelling of the mucous membrane and restore nasal breathing, vasoconstrictors are used in the form of drops or sprays based on naphazoline, oxymetazoline, phenylephrine or xylometazoline. The effect of such funds lasts from 4 to 12 hours. The course of treatment should not exceed 7 days, as they quickly become addictive.

    In the complex treatment of the disease, drugs are used in the form of powder or effervescent tablets containing vasoconstrictor components (Fervex, Coldrex, Theraflu). They also relieve general symptoms, such as high body temperature and chills.

    If the cause of a runny nose is an allergy, antihistamines based on cetirizine, levocetirizine, and loratadine are used for treatment. They are taken once a day. Additionally, you can use medications in the form of drops or sprays (Kromofarm, Kromoglin, Eden Rino).

    Crusts and thickened mucus are removed by washing with saline solutions. After this procedure, you can use vasoconstrictor drops, and, if necessary, antibiotics.

    In the presence of a bacterial infection, local antibiotics are prescribed (Isofra, Polydex with phenylephrine). In severe cases of the disease, antibacterial agents are used that have a systemic effect on the body.

    A runny nose at the initial stage can be cured using folk remedies. Hot foot baths help a lot. The limbs are immersed in water whose temperature is about 45 °C. You can add mustard or sea salt to it. The procedure is carried out for 10–15 minutes. Then you need to wipe your feet dry, put on wool socks and go to bed. Before this, you can drink tea with raspberries, currants or rosehip decoction.

    At home, you can do inhalations with the addition of essential oils, in particular eucalyptus oil

    Inhalations with essential oils (eucalyptus, tea tree) can relieve the symptoms of rhinitis. They can be added to hot water and inhaled steam or used in an aroma lamp.

    The use of Vietnamese Golden Star balm, which contains essential oils, is effective. It is used for inhalation, applied to the wings of the nose or rubbed on the toes, which relieves the symptoms of rhinitis in adults and children.

    Inhalations and warming for a runny nose

    Dry heat is recommended for warming up. Such procedures promote a rush of blood to the site of infection, and therefore leukocytes, which actively fight viruses and bacteria. However, it is worth preventing the appearance of spider veins on the wings of the nose. To do this, you need to choose the optimal thermal regime. You can use salt, stove ash, or a boiled egg (poured into a thick fabric bag) as a heat source, applying them to your nose.

    Inhalations with aromatic oils and saline and mineral solutions are effectively used to treat a runny nose. You can use mint, fir oil, citrus fruits, tea tree extract, eucalyptus, lavender. Make sure you are not allergic to the products you choose. Inhalations with potatoes and soda are not always indicated and should be used after consultation with a doctor or at an early stage of the disease.

    This is what a nebulizer looks like

    A modern invention for inhalation - a nebulizer is also used quite widely for rhinitis, has virtually no contraindications, is convenient and easy to use. Can be used both in the hospital and at home. Such inhalations are much safer and more effective.


    Only a specialist can determine how to treat rhinitis. The form in which the disease occurs (atrophic rhinitis, etc.) is taken into account. Your doctor may prescribe medications in the form of drops, sprays, and sometimes tablets. Of course, the use of drugs against rhinitis in the first two forms is the most convenient, because they act locally and, moreover, do not negatively affect the gastrointestinal tract.

    As a rule, vasoconstrictor drops and sprays are prescribed to eliminate the symptoms of the disease. These only help relieve swelling and nasal congestion, but do not directly cure the inflammatory process. Local drugs with a vasoconstrictor effect are divided into those that have a short, medium and long effect. The first group of medications includes Naphazoline and Phenylephrine, the second - Xylometazoline, and the third - Oxymetazoline.

    The disadvantages of vasoconstrictors include the possibility of addiction and the development of side symptoms with long-term therapy. Spraying the same drug onto the nasal mucosa for 10 days or more can cause damage and thinning. It is for this reason that it is necessary to treat viral and other etiologies of rhinitis with such drugs for no more than 5 days. The exact duration is determined by the doctor.

    Dry rhinitis caused by an allergic reaction to a specific pathogen can be treated with antiallergic drugs. If allergic rhinitis occurs infrequently in an adult or a child and does not cause disruption of sleep and normal activity, the use of histamine receptor blockers is prescribed - drugs that include mequitazine, rupatadine, acrivastine, cetirizine. Such drugs are usually used in a daily dosage - one tablet per day.

    If rhinitis of allergic etiology cannot be cured by such means, drugs that stabilize mast cell membranes can be used during therapy. Such drugs do not block receptors, but help inhibit the release of substances that cause an allergic reaction. If acute allergic rhinitis develops, the doctor can prescribe any stabilizer only in accordance with the clinical picture and severity of symptoms.

    You can clear your sinuses of pathogens using Aqualor drops, which contain sea water.

    Posterior purulent rhinitis must be treated with antibacterial drugs. Prescribing them to yourself is strictly prohibited, so as not to cause the development of side symptoms.

    In addition, if you frequently use an antibiotic, you can increase the resistance of pathogenic microorganisms to it. These may be drugs such as Neomycin, Framycetin, Polymyxin.

    Chronic rhinitis can also be treated with the help of combination drugs, the main goals of which are to enhance each other’s action and complement the effect. Only a doctor should prescribe such medications, because there are many of them on pharmacy counters, and at first glance it is impossible to determine which one is suitable for a particular person.

    Chronic rhinitis in children and adults can be cured in combination with medications that contain sea water.

    Such products are used in the treatment of runny noses not by instillation of the nasal sinuses, but as a solution for washing them. In this case, you can quickly remove mucus from the sinuses, thereby making breathing easier. Also, preparations based on sea water help reduce swelling. The indisputable advantage of the products is the possibility of treating rhinitis during pregnancy.

    Traditional methods of treating a runny nose

    Do not think that traditional medicine is harmless. There are also many different nuances here. In addition, each person is an individual, the causes and symptoms are different. If a folk remedy helped a neighbor perfectly, then it is not a fact that it will be ideal for you. Some popular advice can be harmful. For example: under no circumstances should substances that irritate the mucous membrane, such as onion or beet juice, be instilled into the nose. These are the kind of recipes that can often be found on the vast expanses of the Internet. This can lead to serious consequences and unpredictable complications, including atrophy of the nasal mucosa. It is best to breathe in onion slices
    Natural phytoncides kill pathogenic microflora well, but you shouldn’t be too zealous here either. Remember that the nasal mucosa is vulnerable and sensitive. The tissues contain many nerve endings and hairs. They perform vital functions, the violation of which is unacceptable. Folk remedies can also be different, depending on the severity and etiology of the disease. Even here, an individual approach to each patient is required. After all , if you try to treat an allergic rhinitis with a method that is not suitable for it and is radically different, then you can suffer very much

    Take note

    Washing the nasal and oral cavities are the most effective and common methods not only in folk but also in traditional medicine. For this, various salt solutions, decoctions of herbs or roots are used. Chamomile and calendula have excellent anti-inflammatory properties and quickly cope with infection. An ancient folk remedy, baked onions are good for purulent discharge. Aloe and living tree juice are also used. Herbal teas help boost immunity and relieve general intoxication.


    Acute runny nose has several stages, each of which has its own symptoms.

    Dry stage

    In other words, a dry runny nose.

    Main symptoms:

    • irritation of the nasal mucosa;
    • burning and severe itching;
    • frequent sneezing;
    • sometimes lacrimation.

    Since acute rhinitis in most cases is a consequence of an illness of infectious or viral origin, cold symptoms can be added to this stage of a runny nose - headache, fever, weakness, cough.

    Wet stage

    After a few hours or days, depending on the speed of development of the disease, the feeling of dryness and irritation in the nose passes into the stage of nasal congestion. A dry runny nose gives way to a wet one, the symptoms of which are severe rhinorrhea against the background of inflammation and swelling of the mucous membrane. The discharge is watery, similar to clear mucus, very copious. Often a severe runny nose provokes a nasal voice and a decreased sense of smell.

    Mucopurulent stage

    The most advanced stage. The patient’s well-being improves markedly, but the general symptoms of the pathology still remain in force. Nasal discharge changes from a mucous liquid character to a thicker consistency, colored yellow or green. The amount of secretion decreases significantly, but several more days must pass before complete recovery. Less commonly, the mucopurulent stage develops into a prolonged runny nose, ending in complications - usually this occurs due to the fact that treatment was put on the back burner.

    It cannot be said that in all people the pathology occurs strictly according to all of the listed stages of a runny nose. Timely treatment or a strong immune system will help limit only dry and wet runny nose, without the onset of its final stage. It is important to remember that if left untreated, the acute form of the runny nose will soon become chronic.

    Treatment of a runny nose at the initial stage

    As soon as the first signs of illness appear, it is worth reacting immediately and taking immediate action. You can do this by taking a hot bath for your whole body or just your feet. You can use mustard powder and the well-known Chinese starfish for foot baths. You can also breathe in its vapors, but not for too long. Then you should drink hot tea with herbs, honey and raspberries or lemon. Decoctions of blackcurrant leaves also help well. You can rinse your nose and mouth with infusion of chamomile or calendula. After taking warming water procedures and tea ceremonies, bed rest is recommended. Wrap yourself in a blanket, you can put woolen socks on your feet. Rubbing the soles of the feet with warming substances helps: camphor alcohol, Zvezdochka balm
    , various warming ointments. Taking a loading dose of ascorbic acid will help boost immunity and quickly cope with infection. However, be careful as allergic reactions are possible. Take more fluids, plain water, juices, fresh juices, herbal teas and more. This promotes the rapid elimination of toxins, increasing the body's immune strength and speedy recovery.

    What is rhinitis and its types

    Rhinitis is an inflammation of the mucous membranes of the nasal cavity caused by infection, allergens or long-term illness. The most striking symptoms are nasal congestion caused by swelling of the mucous membrane, burning and the desire to sneeze, as well as the discharge of fluid from the sinuses. Incompletely cured rhinitis can cause complications in the form of serious pathologies, for example, bronchitis, sinusitis, otitis media and even pneumonia.

    Experts distinguish 5 types of the disease, they are divided into acute and atrophic forms. Self-medication is highly undesirable. Sometimes the signs of rhinitis disappear for a while, but sooner or later return.

    Acute rhinitis

    An infectious disease (flu, colds, measles, scarlet fever) is almost always accompanied by rhinitis. It may appear a few hours after hypothermia, and a little later other symptoms of the disease appear. You should be careful: acute rhinitis has three stages, you can start therapy already at the first - this will significantly shorten the course of treatment. This form develops in the following order:

    1. The appearance of unpleasant sensations. The patient feels severe discomfort in the nose (itching, burning, dryness), accompanied by frequent sneezing and tearing. The duration of the phase is no more than two days.
    2. Nasal congestion and runny nose. Unpleasant signs are replaced by severe congestion and discharge of clear or cloudy liquid from the nasal cavities. A person complains of a lack of smell, fatigue and pain in the head.
    3. Mucopurulent runny nose. In the final phase, most symptoms disappear, but copious discharge of thick fluid and difficulty breathing remain.

    Recovery occurs within 10 days, and if you take action, it will be faster.

    Attention! People with weakened immune systems are at risk of developing otitis media, pneumonia, sinusitis, or bronchitis. If the condition worsens, it is necessary to stop self-medication and immediately consult a doctor.

    Chronic rhinitis

    This type is divided into catarrhal and hypertrophic subtypes. The causes are different, as are the symptoms. With catarrhal rhinitis, inflammation of the entire mucous membrane occurs, so severe nasal congestion, loss of the ability to distinguish odors and fluid secretion are disturbing. If you lie on your side, there is a temporary improvement, but when you change position, the situation immediately worsens. The hypertrophic subtype is characterized by the proliferation of the epithelium, which is easily determined using vasoconstrictor nasal drops. For example, when using such drugs at the time of exacerbation of catarrhal rhinitis, a decrease in swelling and a return to breathing are felt. The appearance of growths in the nasal cavity negatively affects the entire body. There is a dry throat, pain in the forehead, and a change in voice.

    Atrophic rhinitis

    The atrophic appearance develops against the background of chronic runny nose in people who do not treat the disease or do it incorrectly. A person is worried about constant congestion, the discharge of thick mucus and the formation of crusts. During the development of pathology, a process of atrophy is observed, the mucous membrane gradually becomes thinner and ceases to perform its function. Using rhinoscopy, it is possible to examine the damaged nasal cavity: the membrane is pale and dry, blood vessels are visible through it. Sometimes yellow or green crusts form in the nose, and bleeding occurs when removed. Atrophic rhinitis has a separate form - ozena. It is characterized by a large accumulation of dense, dark-colored crusts on the mucous membrane and an unpleasant odor that is noticeable to others.


    Vasomotor rhinitis

    It is considered the simplest type, but causes severe discomfort in the patient. The disease manifests itself periodically, the reason for this is impaired vascular function. They can expand after contact with allergens, viruses, severe stress, and polluted air. Due to poor breathing, headaches, fatigue, and dry throat occur. Diseases of the skin and respiratory system are often accompanied by vasomotor rhinitis.

    Prevention of rhinitis

    There are no special secrets in preventive measures.

    Temper yourself, lead a healthy and active lifestyle, eat right, and don’t forget to rest. Carefully monitor the cleanliness of your mouth and nose, carry out sanitation, and seek medical advice and help in a timely manner. Be sure to treat your teeth on time. Try to avoid hypothermia, overheating and overwork. Take care of your nose, avoid negative chemical and mechanical effects. Regular walks in the fresh air in the forest, park, sports, and breathing exercises are recommended. Then you will always breathe freely, feel all the charm of the surrounding aromas and enjoy life to the fullest!

    The third stage of development of a runny nose

    At this stage of the development of rhinitis, which usually begins on day 5, a bacterial infection joins the inflammatory process. It is very easy to recognize: the contents of the nasal sinuses become viscous and acquire a yellowish, yellow-brown or green color with an unpleasant odor. Often parents discover the disease in their children precisely during this period, when the symptoms are already becoming pronounced.

    This color, which is unusual for nasal discharge in the earlier stages of the disease, is caused by dead bacteria that have entered the nasal cavity of a sick person. The foul odor is also caused by dead bacteria and white blood cells that come out. After the appearance of this symptom, the disease does not last long, the person soon begins to recover. By the end of the third stage of the runny nose, adults experience an improvement in general well-being and normalization of nasal breathing.

    The duration of the inflammatory process in children and adults depends on the state of the immune system and its resistance to infection. If the human body is well-hardened, rhinitis can go away in 3 days, then it ends at stage 1 or 2 of its development. With weakened immunity, when the body does not resist adverse factors, the disease drags on for 4 weeks. The inflammatory process can cause an increase in body temperature up to 39 degrees. Incorrect treatment or lack thereof can cause the disease to progress to the chronic stage.

    What are the complications of a runny nose?

    Conjunctivitis often appears along with a runny nose.

    - inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyes or otitis - inflammation of the ear.
    is the formation of benign growths (polyps) in the nasal sinuses.
    and loss of smell are also often complications of a runny nose.
    One of the serious complications that occurs more often than others is sinusitis - inflammation of the maxillary sinuses. Often, chronic rhinitis leads to the development of asthma
    , cardiovascular and respiratory diseases, as well as the occurrence of various viral and bacterial infections. Therefore, under no circumstances should you start a common runny nose, which seems so harmless, and trust only the recommendations of specialists.

    Possible complications

    If treatment of the disease is not started in time, complications may develop:

    • inflammatory processes in the upper and lower respiratory tract;
    • sinusitis;
    • otitis;
    • inflammation in the ear area;
    • adenoids.

    With inadequate treatment, complications may develop, in particular otitis media.

    Despite the fact that a runny nose is considered a non-serious disease that does not require special treatment, it can cause complications or become chronic. Therefore, when symptoms appear, therapy should be started. If signs of rhinitis do not disappear within one week, you should consult an otolaryngologist.

    Runny nose in children - features of diagnosis and treatment

    The physiology of a child's body differs significantly from the physiology of an adult. Therefore, children require special attention and care.

    For children, a simple runny nose can become a real disaster, and the younger the child, the more serious the problem. Infants will not be able to breathe through their nose during feeding, which leads to refusal of breastfeeding. This entails indigestion. In addition, babies begin to sleep poorly and cry all the time, losing weight. It is urgent to take action when the very first signs of rhinitis appear. Do not experiment on your children, consult a doctor immediately. Under no circumstances use products not intended for children. Strictly follow your doctor's instructions and dosage of medications and regimen of use. Provide your child with the best conditions for a speedy recovery and do not overheat your baby with a fever

    . This often leads to death. If there are signs of the slightest deterioration in your condition, call a doctor. Mucous secretions are removed by aspiration. If crusts have formed, they should be softened using special oils.

    Older children do not yet know how to get rid of annoying sniffles and it is not easy to teach them this, and treatment is complicated by enormous reluctance and fierce resistance, be it taking medications, instilling drops or performing physiotherapeutic procedures. It is recommended to use special aspirators to suck out mucus.

    There are often problems with preschool children who do not want to be treated. Even in adolescence, children do not perceive a runny nose as a serious illness. Therefore, the task of parents is to prevent the development of rhinitis and take all measures for prevention and treatment at the initial stage.

    Pediatric sinusitis requires special attention

    Diagnosis also requires caution and a special approach to young patients. Treatment is selected based on the medical history, taking into account the clinical picture and diagnostic studies.

    Remember that if a doctor has prescribed antibiotics to a child (which is recommended as a last resort if there is no other option), then they should be used strictly as prescribed. Don’t forget about medications that prevent the development of dysbiosis. Before using some antibiotics, you should test for an allergic reaction.


    A runny nose, like any disease, is best not to become chronic in order to avoid unpleasant consequences. But even prolonged rhinitis can be eliminated by starting comprehensive treatment on time. The most important thing is to prevent such a situation. Preventive measures that include hardening the body, exercising, quitting smoking and leading a healthy lifestyle will protect you from a prolonged runny nose.

    See thyroid cough and other symptoms in women here.

    Pharyngitis: symptoms, treatment and other aspects of this disease.

    A runny nose in adults - a serious illness or a trifle?

    It would seem that adults should treat their health with care. However, many people ignore the manifestation of the first symptoms of rhinitis and often experience serious complications. Modern humanity is careless about its life, which leads to disastrous consequences. The poor ecology of modern cities, poor quality food, and constant stress also complicate the human immune system. To avoid diseases, you need to lead a healthy lifestyle, eat right and rest. After all, any disease is easier to prevent, and if you do get sick, take urgent measures to recover

    . After all, health is the most valuable resource for every person.

    And remember, if you doubt the actions of your attending physician, you can always turn to another, more competent specialist. Advice on the Internet should be taken with caution. Not all of them are useful, even as traditional medicine.


    Depending on the type and stage of the pathology, rhinitis in adults and children is characterized by different symptoms, from dry burning in the nasal cavity to scanty mucopurulent discharge, sometimes mixed with blood. If the runny nose is chronic, its symptoms usually include frequent headaches, increased drowsiness, sleep disorders and mild fatigue.

    With an acute runny nose, the symptoms will be as follows:

    • violation of nasal breathing;
    • frequent sneezing;
    • lacrimation;
    • dry nasal mucosa;
    • headache;
    • formation of crusts in the nose;
    • burning, itching in the nasopharynx;
    • nasal discharge of a mucous or mucopurulent nature;
    • partial or complete loss of smell;
    • mucus running down the back of the throat.

    Symptoms of rhinitis in adults cannot be ignored, regardless of their nature. Even a slight runny nose, if not properly treated, can result in complications of rhinitis such as sinusitis or frontal sinusitis. What to do in case of illness should be decided by the doctor.

    Complications of rhinitis and disease prevention

    With improper therapy, serious consequences of a runny nose can develop. Why is rhinitis dangerous? There are many possible complications:

    • otitis;
    • bronchial asthma;
    • atrophy of tissues of the nasal cavity;
    • injuries to the mucous membrane and tissues of the nose;
    • sinusitis;
    • polypous rhinosinusitis;
    • allergies to medications;
    • conjunctivitis and inflammation of the lacrimal canals;
    • adenoiditis;
    • sinusitis;
    • if the cause of rhinitis is an allergy, complications may include laryngeal edema and anaphylactic shock.

    Complication of rhinitis in the form of sinusitis!

    If a patient has a runny nose with complications, what should be done then? The best method is to prevent rhinitis, which consists of following these rules :

    1. You should always dress according to the season and avoid hypothermia.
    2. Do not drink ice-cold drinks or eat too cold foods.
    3. You should clean and rinse your nose regularly.
    4. The room must be regularly ventilated, the air in the house must not be allowed to rise above 200C, and wet cleaning must be done daily.
    5. During the peak of infectious and viral diseases, you should wear a protective mask and strengthen your immune system.
    6. Prevention of a runny nose also involves proper nutrition, exercise, exercise, and activity.
    7. If you have allergic rhinitis, you should limit contact with allergens.
    8. Avoid places with large crowds of people, especially during an outbreak of respiratory diseases.
    9. Treat colds in a timely manner.
    10. You should spend a lot of time outdoors.

    Rhinitis, the symptoms and treatment of which are almost identical in adults and children, is not a permanent phenomenon if the doctor prescribes adequate therapy and the patient follows all the specialist’s instructions. Otherwise, the inflamed olfactory organ will have a hard time: complications can lead to surgical intervention and the development of diseases of the respiratory and cardiac systems.

    Definition of disease

    Rhinitis is an acute inflammatory disease of the nasal mucosa. Nasal congestion, runny nose, sneezing, itchy nose - these are all signs of rhinitis. The most common cause of this problem is a viral or bacterial infection. Once on the nasal mucosa, pathogenic microorganisms begin to actively multiply, causing unpleasant symptoms.

    Regardless of the cause, rhinitis can be divided into acute and chronic.

    Acute rhinitis can be:

    • Infectious (resulting from a viral, bacterial or fungal infection);
    • Non-infectious (is a symptom of many chronic diseases or exposure to factors that irritate the mucous membrane);
    • Allergic (as a reaction to pollen, animal hair, dust, smoke, food odors and other irritants entering the nasal passages).

    If treated incorrectly or incorrectly, this upper respiratory tract disease often becomes chronic. Despite the apparent “harmlessness” of this problem, it rarely goes away on its own. This can only happen if rhinitis occurs as one of the symptoms of a cold.

    If not treated correctly, rhinitis can develop into other diseases of the nasopharynx, such as purulent sinusitis or sinusitis.

    In turn, chronic rhinitis can be of the following types:

    • Catarrhal;
    • Vasomotor;
    • Hypertrophic;
    • Atrophic;
    • Medication;
    • Allergic.

    Unlike the acute form, chronic rhinitis manifests itself sluggishly, most often without fever.

    Causes of rhinitis

    The main reasons that provoke the appearance of acute rhinitis in adults are:

    • weakening of the protective function of the nasal mucosa and increased reaction of the body to external stimuli;
    • decreased immunity;
    • colds caused by hypothermia;
    • mechanical injuries of the nose;
    • presence of foreign objects in the nasal cavity;
    • unfavorable environmental conditions;
    • hormonal imbalances in the body.

    Onset of the disease

    The initial stage of a runny nose or reflex is characterized by a rapid period of progression. For some people it may go away in a few hours, for others it may go away in a couple of days. Therefore, it is very important to notice the early stage of a runny nose in order to begin treatment procedures as early as possible. If rhinitis appears in adults, then the person feels dryness in the nasal cavity, greater sensitivity when inhaling, a burning sensation, itching of the mucous membrane appears in the nasal passages, you want to scratch your nose, sometimes sneezing occurs, and congestion appears. These sensations cannot be ignored, which are especially vivid when the ambient temperature changes, for example, when a person enters a warm room from a cold street. The condition is often accompanied by a headache.

    The initial stage of a runny nose in a child is more difficult to notice, since he cannot tell his parents how he feels. Usually, the mother can notice the appearance of rhinitis already when nasal discharge appears. But if you pay more attention to your baby, you will notice that the child begins to scratch his nose, becomes more restless, begins to breathe through his mouth, and lethargy appears.

    A runny nose at an early stage is accompanied by pallor of the mucous membrane, as vasoconstriction occurs. Because of this, the cilia of the epithelium stop secreting mucous secretions, which is why the nose feels dry. If treatment is not started in the first hours of the onset of unpleasant sensations, the disease moves to the second stage.

    Application of traditional medicine

    For rhinitis, treatment with folk remedies plays an important role in achieving success. You can use the following popular methods:

    • performing a massage of the nasal sinuses and adjacent areas in the absence of elevated temperature;
    • carry out home inhalations with decoctions of medicinal herbs, essential oils and sea salt;
    • salt foot baths with hot water.

    Any traditional recipe should be agreed with your doctor.

    Comprehensive treatment of rhinitis

    We must fight the disease comprehensively. The nasal septum needs to be corrected. You need to use nasopharyngeal therapy. You need to put your accommodation in order, normalize your diet, improve working conditions, and ventilate your premises. You need to regularly visit seaside recreation areas and sanatoriums where there is a mud bath.

    Catarrhal disease is treated as follows:

    1. Using thermal procedures such as UHF, micro currents;
    2. Use of quartz tubes, magnetic therapy;
    3. Using acupuncture;
    4. Application of electrophoresis;
    5. Use of antibacterial drops and sprays;
    6. The use of tetracycline ointment, salicylic, callargolic, sulfanilamide;
    7. Use of drugs Protargol, Sialora.

    Also used are drops “Pinasol” and “Evkobol” containing oil. It is difficult to cure the vasomotor form of rhinitis, since no improvement in the underlying disease is noticed. It must be treated with ointments and sprays with glucocorticosteroids, such as Nasonex and Avamys. This form is often treated with a laser or photodestruction. In some cases, surgery is necessary. Systemic treatment includes a complex of antihistamines.

    The allergic type of disease can be treated by taking hyposensitizing and antihistamine drugs. Use irrigation of the nasal cavity. The influence of cold, ultraviolet radiation, breathing exercises, magnetic therapy, inhalation, and rinsing with salt water are also used. Treatment is not limited to these actions. Massage of the wings of the nasal cavity, enterosorbents, immunocorrective treatment, and specific therapy are used.

    Hypertrophic disease must be treated with sclerosing drugs. The medicine hydrocartisone is injected into the patient’s connective tissue. If the treatment does not give positive properties, burning is used using acids, chromic, trichloroacetic. If the site of the disease is not large, then it can be easily cut out with a laser. In advanced forms of hypertrophic disease, part of the shell is removed.

    Atrophy is difficult to cure, since it is necessary to relieve unpleasant symptoms. Rinse your nose with saline and salt water. In the chronic form, inhalations with mineral waters are used. A mixture of iodine and glycerin is used. Popular treatments include a little rosehip, aloe juice, and a solution of vitamin E and A. Biogenic stimulants are used.

    Treatment of chronic rhinitis is long and painful. Usually the patient requires surgery. Only after the operation will the patient be able to feel full of life. Alternative medicine in the fight against illness.

    Signs of a chronic disease can be cured with folk remedies. Of course, there is no need to wait for a complete recovery, but such therapy can relieve symptoms.

    Unfavorable factors in the development of the disease

    A runny nose often develops into rhinitis. This disease of inflammation of the nasal passages often occurs in an acute form. Therefore, it is necessary to protect your body from the unfortunate circumstances that cause this disease. The nose ensures that the air entering through the sigh is heated.

    At the same time, the process of cleansing and moisturizing occurs. Otherwise, under negative conditions, this function does not work, and an inflammatory process of the mucous membrane occurs. With this disease, blood circulation in the vessels of the nasal cavity may be impaired. Consequently, fluid stagnation occurs and the nasal vessels become thinner. As a result, the nasal mucosa undergoes swelling. Thus, a chronic runny nose begins, which should be treated under the close supervision of a specialist.

    It is important to know that rhinitis occurs in several forms.

    • Catarrhal rhinitis occurs through difficulty breathing. With this disease, you should always stay warm. In some cases it has a one-way course;
    • Allergic rhinitis occurs due to allergies and can be seasonal or year-round;
    • Vasomotor rhinitis occurs due to hormonal imbalance, as a result of which the vessels stop functioning;
    • Drug-induced rhinitis occurs due to long-term use of drugs that constrict blood vessels. This disease is difficult to cure. Constant monitoring by the attending physician is necessary;
    • Hypertrophic rhinitis occurs due to thickening of the mucosa. The disease occurs due to hypothermia of the body, unfavorable environment and the presence of various allergens. This disease is treated with surgery, since this type of disease involves a change in the structure of the nose;
    • The atrophic form of rhinitis involves a narrowing of the nasal mucosa, which leads to disruption of its functionality;
    • The specific form is a fetid variant of rhinitis. With this type, intoxication of the body is possible. The heart muscle and facial nerves are affected. In this case, the sick person should be urgently hospitalized for a timely injection of anti-diphtheria serum.

    Causes of rhinitis in adults

    A runny nose is the body’s protective reaction to various irritants. It can occur as a result of hypothermia, inhalation of cold air or dust, or exposure to pathogenic microorganisms on the nasal mucosa. Other causes of pathology include:

    • viral and bacterial infections;
    • decreased immunity;
    • living in an environmentally unfavorable region;
    • endocrine diseases;
    • the presence of polyps and cysts on the nasal mucosa;
    • allergic reactions;
    • localized or local circulatory disorders;
    • prolonged exposure to hot and dry air;
    • pathologies of the liver, lungs and kidneys;
    • heart abnormalities, myocarditis, vegetative-vascular dystonia;
    • hypothermia of the body;
    • long-term use of drops that narrow/dilate blood vessels;
    • unhealthy working conditions;
    • inflammation of the nasal mucosa due to mechanical burns from toxic substances, vapors, aerosols;
    • eating hot and spicy foods;
    • hormonal disorders;
    • smoking;
    • pregnancy;
    • emotional instability, nervousness, stress;
    • pathology of the nasal septum.

    All causes of rhinitis can be divided into two categories: external factors and violation of local body defenses . External factors reduce the protective ability of the nasal mucosa, which is why it can become inflamed, which leads to disease. Violation of local immunity consists of a violation of the anatomy of the nasal cavity, as a result of which pathogenic microorganisms gain free access to the mucous membrane, where they successfully multiply and develop.

    Diagnostic measures

    The diagnosis is carried out by a doctor. To clarify the diagnosis, rhinoscopy is used. The essence of the procedure is the introduction of a special device into the nasal cavity, through which you can carefully examine the nasal sinuses and mucous membrane. You can see how this happens in the photo.

    Additional tests are rarely performed. If bacterial penetration is suspected, a smear may be cultured for nutrient flora. After such a study, you can choose effective antibacterial agents for the nose that will help you quickly cope with the pathology.

    If allergic rhinitis is suspected, allergen tests may be performed. This will prevent the development of a runny nose in the future by eliminating contact with this substance.


    To cure a persistent runny nose, its cause must be identified and eliminated. Most often, the following internal and external factors lead to this problem:

    1. Infectious diseases that have not received proper treatment
    2. Allergic reactions to dust, food, pollen, household aerosols, perfume,
    3. Dusty and polluted air
    4. Deviated nasal septum and other congenital pathologies of the olfactory organ,
    5. Dry indoor air during the heating season,
    6. Long-term use of nasal decongestants
    7. Injuries to the nose of a mechanical, chemical or thermal nature,
    8. Adenoiditis in children,
    9. Nasal polyposis,
    10. Autoimmune diseases,
    11. Immunodeficiency.

    Treatment with antidepressants and hormonal drugs can also lead to prolonged rhinitis.

    During pregnancy, hormonal imbalance causes excessive nasal mucus production. If this does not interfere with the woman and does not cause discomfort, drug therapy is not carried out. The use of traditional medicine is allowed. 10-14 days after birth, such rhinitis will go away on its own.


    As well as the causes, the clinical picture may vary depending on the etiology of the disease. In general, there is a deterioration in nasal breathing, but the following signs of rhinitis may also be observed:

    1. A severe runny nose, which feels like a “running nose”, is a characteristic symptom of allergic rhinitis. At the same time, conjunctivitis appears - redness of the mucous membranes of the eye.
    2. Sneezing, a tickling sensation in the nose, sometimes in the throat.
    3. With chronic rhinitis - difficulty breathing at night or in the morning, sometimes patients suffer from snoring or difficulty falling asleep.
    4. Purulent or serous discharge indicates atrophic or hypertrophic rhinitis. Subjective sensations may be similar; the exact diagnosis and condition of the mucous membrane is determined by the doctor.
    5. Inability to sense smells and tastes. The purulent form is indicated by the subjective sensation of an unpleasant odor accompanying a person.

    If not treated in time, rhinitis is fraught with complications: sinusitis and sinusitis. These diseases are chronic and often require surgical intervention. Without proper attention, chronicity is possible up to the stage of inflammation of the meninges.


    Before treating rhinitis, it is worth finding out the causes of its origin. For this purpose, doctors have created a classification of types of disease depending on the provoking factors and the course of the disease. Treatment of rhinitis in adults and children is based on the type of disease and the degree of its development.

    Types of rhinitis

    Acute rhinitis

    The most common form, associated with a sharp development of the inflammatory process in the nasal sinuses. The provocateur is usually a respiratory virus. The classic sign of ARVI is a runny nose. Features of this type:

    • occurs very quickly - literally in a few hours;
    • lasts for two to three days;
    • can significantly impair breathing;
    • combined with other symptoms of ARVI.

    Acute rhinitis is rarely treated independently; only measures are taken to alleviate the patient’s general condition. Normally, it goes away without a trace, leaving no complications.

    Chronic rhinitis

    There can be many causes of chronic rhinitis. This is either permanent infection or other provoking factors, but there is also a risk of complications, the most serious of which is sinusitis. Chronic forms also include recurrent rhinitis, in which the disease recurs more than three to four times a year. Symptoms of inflammation of the nasal sinuses will not always be associated with a general deterioration of the condition, as with a “common ARVI”. Sometimes chronic forms occur due to regular injuries to the nasal cavity.

    Catarrhal rhinitis

    In general, the catarrhal type of disease means a chronic form of inflammation, but without the formation of pus. Refers to chronic types, indicates factors that disrupt the normal functioning of the body, such as:

    • deterioration of immunity - because of this, bacteria multiply in the nasal cavity;
    • increased sensitivity to irritating factors - for example, when working with toxic substances;
    • manifestations are more typical for the autumn-winter period.

    A characteristic feature of the catarrhal form: the symptoms are rather weakly expressed, blurred, but complications may appear in the form of pharyngitis, sinusitis, tonsillitis, otitis. This occurs due to a constant source of infection in the body, affecting related systems.

    Hypertrophic rhinitis

    Sometimes it develops against the background of sinusitis, and is characterized by changes and deformations of the nasal mucosa towards its thickening. In this form, nasal breathing becomes more difficult, and an additional favorable environment is created for the proliferation of opportunistic microflora, which continues to provoke the inflammatory process and further deformation of the nose.

    Atrophic rhinitis

    The situation is the opposite of the hypertrophic form of the disease. In this case, the mucous membrane, on the contrary, becomes thinner, its function in trapping dust and foreign bodies, as well as bacteria, worsens. Characteristic features:

    • dryness;
    • sensation of crusts in the nose;
    • infection due to the resulting wounds;
    • nosebleeds.

    In addition to breathing discomfort, a person may experience a constant unpleasant odor due to the development of bacteria. The sense of smell deteriorates, and laryngitis and other diseases of the ear, nose and throat often appear in the background.

    Vasomotor rhinitis

    Vasomotor rhinitis is associated with impaired vascular function in the nasal cavity. The cause may be an allergy - then they talk about allergic rhinitis, irritation with toxic substances. There is vasomotor rhinitis, which is not associated with physiological causes; its origin lies in the disruption of the autonomic system. Then attacks of runny nose and deterioration of breathing occur in paroxysms.

    Drug-induced rhinitis

    May refer to one of the types of allergic rhinitis, manifests itself as a nonspecific reaction to certain medications. Among them are drugs for the common cold that constrict blood vessels, which provide temporary relief, but are addictive. In this case, they talk about vasomotor rhinitis at the same time, since “addiction” is largely psychological.

    Symptoms of rhinitis

    What first aid needs to be provided to the patient depends on the reasons for which the disease developed. The diagnosis can be made based on the following symptoms:

    • difficult breathing through the nose;
    • opening the mouth to inhale air;
    • discharge of mucous fluid from the nasal sinuses;
    • hyperemia of the mucous membrane inside the nose.

    These phenomena occur regardless of the reasons that caused rhinitis. However, there are signs that are characteristic only of a certain form of runny nose.

    With acute viral rhinitis, the following symptoms appear:

    • tickling in the nose;
    • lacrimation;
    • sneezing;
    • increased dryness of the nasal mucosa;
    • decreased olfactory function;
    • nasal voice change;
    • copious discharge of mucus from the nose, most often transparent.

    With bacterial infection, the following phenomena are possible:

    • greenish discharge from the nose;
    • elevated body temperature.

    Symptoms of vasomotor rhinitis are:

    • unreasonable repeated sneezing, accompanied by nasal congestion;
    • absence of prerequisites for the occurrence of a runny nose;
    • watery or mucous clear discharge;
    • tearfulness.

    Note! Symptoms of vasomotor rhinitis most often bother patients in the morning.

    Symptoms of allergic rhinitis are as follows:

    • burning, pain and tickling in the nose;
    • sneezing;
    • copious secretion of mucus.

    With allergic rhinitis, body weakness, muscle aches and fever never appear.

    In the chronic course of a runny nose, patients experience a decrease in normal sense of smell and dulled recognition of odors.

    With atrophic rhinitis the following phenomena are possible:

    • foul odor from the nose;
    • formation of crusts inside the sinuses;
    • dry mucous membrane.

    This form of pathology often develops in old age, especially after surgical interventions on the nasal septum.

    With growths inside the nasal cavity, patients note periodic purulent discharge from the sinuses, and also suffer from difficult breathing.

    If the patient begins to fight rhinitis in time, choosing affective methods for this, complete recovery occurs relatively quickly. If the process becomes chronic, therapy becomes more difficult.

    What causes chronic rhinitis?

    Most often, this disease occurs due to prolonged, acute runny nose. The causes for each form of rhinitis are different. Catarrhal type of rhinitis occurs due to the following reasons:

    1. Due to decreased immunity;
    2. Due to contagious ENT diseases;
    3. Unfavorable environment;
    4. Chronic pharyngitis, tonsillitis, sinusitis, as a source of infections;
    5. Due to frequent adenoids.

    The hypertrophic form of the disease is caused by the following factors:

    1. Frequent occurrence of adenoids;
    2. Sinusitis and pharyngitis in frequent manifestations; The fact of working at chemical production facilities;
    3. Due to bad habits such as alcoholism, smoking;
    4. Presence of hypertension;
    5. Vitamin deficiency and iodine deficiency.

    Important. The atrophic form is caused by the catarrhal degree of the runny nose. Also, this form of the disease occurs as a result of negative ecology, work in hazardous industries, bad habits, and frequent operations on the nasal cavity. But the most important reason is heredity.

    Treatment of acute rhinitis at home

    Treatment of a common runny nose will not take a long time if it is prevented at an early stage and an integrated approach is used. For any breathing problems accompanied by complications, it is recommended to consult a doctor. This is especially true for the treatment of pregnant women and children. The use of potent drugs in this category of patients is carried out under control.

    General recommendations

    When treating acute rhinitis, it is important to adhere to the rules that will help speed up recovery.

    • Air humidification. Acute rhinitis contributes to severe drying of the mucous membrane, which can cause fragility of blood vessels and nosebleeds. The room is additionally moistened. This can be done using special devices. Dry air is also eliminated through the evaporation of water.
    • Cleansing the nose. Before using the drops, it is important to clear the nasal cavity of excess mucus. This eliminates swelling and removes a large number of bacteria. When washing, the risk of deepening the infection is significantly reduced. Plain water with a weak solution of salt and soda is suitable for cleaning the mucous membrane. For children, popular preparations with sea salt and silver ions (Aqualor, Aqua Maris) are used. The nose is cleaned by instilling solutions and removing excess secretion with a rubber bulb.
    • Temperature changes. During rhinitis, it is recommended to protect the nose from temperature changes. When going outside from a warm room, cover the lower part of the face with a medical mask. This method will not only prevent cold or dry air from entering, but will also reduce the risk of infection to surrounding people.

    Cleaning the nose

    Mask for temperature changes

    Folk remedies

    When using alternative medicine recipes, you need to make sure that there are no allergies to herbs. Do not use onions and garlic for children with a runny nose. This can lead to burns of the delicate mucous membrane. In case of acute rhinitis, treatment of pregnant women with traditional medicine should be carried out with great caution.

    • Chamomile. It is a natural antiseptic and relieves irritation of the mucous membranes. Together with this herb you can use calendula, string and sage. All herbs are brewed in the form of weak tea (10 grams per 250 ml of water). Rinse your nose with the resulting warm infusion.
    • Pine decoction. Excellent for helping with severe runny nose and copious mucus. For 15 grams of pine needles take 500 ml of boiling water. The broth is infused in a sealed container up to 23 degrees. Drip the liquid into the nose after cleansing, 2-3 drops.
    • Beet. The juice of the root vegetable contains a lot of useful substances that help relieve a runny nose. Fresh beets are grated and a few drops are squeezed out. Treatment of the nasal mucosa is carried out 3 times a day, 4 drops into the nasal passage.

    During a runny nose, it is important to increase the level of vitamin C in the body. The substance strengthens the body's resistance to pathogens by activating protective cells. This can be done using ordinary products. Tea based on ginger, lemon and honey works well. It is recommended to prepare tea drinks with the addition of honey, viburnum and rowan.

    Drug therapy

    Traditional medicine methods include the administration of drugs and inhalations into the nose. Active medications help not only relieve symptoms, but also speed up treatment.


    Steam heating of the nose is gradually losing ground in comparison to the nebulizer. The device is used to aerosolize various solutions that reduce the signs of a runny nose. Inhalations promote rapid regeneration of the mucous membrane, relieve swelling and reduce the risk of burning the mucous membrane with hot steam. A variety of special solutions can be used in a nebulizer. Through the device they act more gently and accurately reach the site of inflammation.

    • Saline solution. Sodium chloride solution is the main component for diluting many pharmaceutical drugs. But for a runny nose, it can be used without various impurities. Inhaling particles of saline solution helps moisturize the nose, soften crusts and improve mucus removal. Gradually the burning sensation and dryness disappear.
    • Tonsilgon. The drug consists of a mixture of extracts of potent herbs. Chamomile, marshmallow, walnut, horsetail and other plants have a powerful antiseptic and immunomodulatory effect. To prepare liquid in a nebulizer, you need to mix 1 ml of the drug with 3 ml of saline.
    • Chlorophyllipt. Helps increase local immunity in the nasal mucosa. A liquid containing eucalyptus extract has a secretolytic effect, diluting secretions in the nose. It allows stagnant mucus to come out and prevent the formation of crusts. The drug is not suitable for people with an allergic reaction to any of the components in its composition.

    Nasal drops

    Vasoconstrictors and antibacterial agents significantly facilitate breathing by relieving swelling. Their action is fast and long-lasting, but the use of drops is not recommended for more than 5-7 days. Individual formulations have been developed for each runny nose.

    Viral form:

    • Vibrocil;
    • Sanorin;
    • Otrivin.

    Bacterial form:

    • Isofra;
    • Tsiprolet;
    • Miramistin;
    • Polydexa.

    Allergic form:

    • Dexamethasone;
    • Prenatsid
    • Alomide.




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