antiviral therapy for hepatitis C
Treatment of hepatitis C with interferon: die from side effects
Hello dear readers. I receive emails asking me to write a continuation of the article as
Rehabilitation after a stroke. Exercises, folk remedies at home
Recovery treatment after a stroke at home
Acute cerebrovascular accidents are a group of pathological processes united by the mechanism of formation, clinical picture,
Treatment of the wound
What happens if you take iodine? Consequences of taking iodine orally
The debate continues: to whom, when and how much? I often asked myself this question, especially
BCG injection
BCG vaccination: reaction and complications, vaccination rules, composition
What to do if a child does not have a BCG scar: normal reaction or pathology? Why
Why does the scalp go numb: what to do if you encounter this?
What to do when your face goes numb? How dangerous is peresthesia and what pathologies can it lead to?
Esophageal tumor
Diseases of the esophagus: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment
Esophagitis or inflammation of the esophagus is a lesion of the mucous membrane of the esophagus, which is characterized by symptoms
On what day of the cycle to donate blood for hormones - how to do it correctly
The normal functioning of all systems of the female body depends on the normal hormonal balance. For correct setting
Dysbacteriosis in infants and children after one year: symptoms and treatment
09/07/2019 256 Gastroenterology Author: Elena Disorders of intestinal microflora can very often be detected even in a newborn
What kind of discharge with an odor requires seeing a doctor?
Just as each part of our body has a characteristic odor, such as our mouth and feet,
Chicory beneficial properties and contraindications
Health benefits and harms of chicory: how much per day and how to use
Despite the fact that chicory has been known for more than two centuries, this drink began to conquer
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