Why do teenagers’ breasts and nipples hurt and is this condition dangerous?

Possible complications

Conditions accompanied by nipple pain, if left untreated, can lead to the development of:

  • Extensive suppuration, in which only surgical intervention is indicated
  • Necrosis of the nipple (death of its tissue)
  • Appearance of scar changes

Also, pathologies that manifest as chest pain can cause premature cessation of lactation or a complete refusal to do so. While mother's milk is valuable for the newborn, since it helps develop its immunity.

The lack of high-quality, timely therapy is fraught with progression of the pathological process. When posture is distorted, compression of internal organs is observed. This is fraught with undesirable reactions from the respiratory system, gastrointestinal tract, and cardiovascular system. Impaired motor activity, stiffness of movement, and deterioration in quality of life may occur.

Pregnancy and lactation as the main causes of pain in the nipple area

Not all representatives of the fair sex experience chest pain during pregnancy, but this is often the first signal that conception has occurred. Most women experience chest pain in the same way as during puberty and menopause.

Breast pain in the nipple area - we will look at the reasons below

This is explained by the fact that the mammary glands, thanks to the hormone prolactin, expand and prepare for future feeding of the baby. While the nerve tissues in this area cannot keep up with such dramatic changes in the body, and as a result, unpleasant sensations appear.

The breast hurts in the nipple area even in the first days after the birth of the child, and this happens even if there is no breastfeeding.

This is due to the fact that the female body, for more comfortable feeding of the baby, changes the delicate skin near the nipples to a rougher layer, which causes discomfort in this area.

Often, severe breast pain occurs in young mothers when breastfeeding for the first time. This is due to improper attachment of the baby to the nipple, resulting in cracking of the skin and damage. Also, for the same reason, one breast may hurt due to increased dryness of the skin near the nipples or due to the use of inappropriate hygiene products.

Be careful! The most serious reason for breast pain in the nipple area during lactation is the appearance of stagnation of milk (lactostasis) as a result of the child’s inactive sucking or the special structure of the mother’s mammary glands.

In any case, this phenomenon cannot be ignored, otherwise it will provoke a more complex infectious disease - breast mastitis, during which it will be impossible to feed the baby. Elimination of symptoms of lactostasis occurs by correct and regular application of the baby to the nipple or by pumping.

What explains the pain in girls?

Many women fear that breast or nipple pain is caused by cancer. In most cases, cancer is invisible and painless, but it happens. Then the pain will be one-sided.

Paget's disease is a rare type of cancer that involves the nipple. Women with breast cancer and Paget's disease may notice a yellowish or bloody discharge from the nipple, changes in the shape of the nipple, and changes in the appearance of the skin.

Tumors of the nipple and breast are diagnosed by biopsy and examination of the affected cells. If you have suspicious symptoms that appear on one breast, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible.

Girlish painful nipple syndrome does not require treatment. It is associated with a hormonal surge during puberty, then with the arrival of menstruation. A growing girl feels her breasts growing and the tubercles appear more sharply. These phenomena are accompanied by minor discomfort that does not require treatment.

Before menstruation, soreness, swelling, and redness of the nipples also appear, but this is not a pathology. This is how the mammary glands react to hormonal synthesis. As soon as the release of hormones calms down, the unpleasant sensations weaken and disappear. If the pain in the nipples becomes constant, it hurts severely, you need to seek help from a doctor.

Nipples hurt when a woman is diagnosed with breast tumors. One of the symptoms of oncology is tightening of the right or left papilla. Cancer of the gland itself rarely causes pain in the nipples, but Paget's disease is an oncology that also affects the nipple tissue.

The following symptoms should cause concern in women:

  • inversion or flattening of the nipple;
  • bloody or yellowish discharge;
  • itching, lumbago, colic in the papillae;
  • red color of the surrounding skin, areola.

If you notice such signs, consult a doctor immediately. You need urgent cell testing for mutation.

Causes of pain

Let's look at the reasons why soreness in the nipples may occur.

Incorrectly selected underwear

No matter how trivial it may sound, often long-term, albeit mild, pain in the nipple area is caused simply by the wrong choice of bra. You need to pay attention that the shape and size of the cup matches your breasts and does not put pressure on them or squeeze them. It is important that the nipples are not touched by internal seams or lace inserts. In some women, the synthetic material of the bra can cause an allergic reaction. Shaping underwear that corrects your figure can also have a negative effect.

Local allergic reaction

The high sensitivity of nipples and skin in general is a reason to be more careful when choosing not only underwear, but also detergents, both used for personal hygiene and those used for washing clothes. It happens that the breasts hurt in the nipple area due to dry breasts due to frequent washing with soap. Sometimes the deodorants, lotions or ointments you use, even moisturizers, are not suitable for your skin.

An individual structural feature should be considered the presence of a small number (less than 10) of Montgomery tubercles in the isola. It is in them that the ducts of the Montgomery glands come to the surface, secreting a lubricant for the nipples and areola, which protects them from drying out and has bactericidal properties.

Pregnancy and lactation period

Not all women experience pain in the nipple area during pregnancy, but there are those who consider this symptom the first sign of conception, and they are right. Most women during pregnancy, similar to puberty and the climatic period, experience discomfort and pain around the nipple. The fact is that under the influence of the hormone prolactin, the ducts of the mammary gland grow in preparation for feeding the child. And the nerve tissue does not have time to grow at the same speed, which is why the nerves in the chest become tense, stretched, and the chest can become very painful.

Sometimes the breast hurts around the nipple immediately after childbirth in the first 5-6 days, and even if the young mother does not breastfeed. In order to make breastfeeding more comfortable, the body changes the epithelium of the nipples and peripapillary area to a coarser one, which can cause slightly unpleasant sensations.

However, truly serious pain in the nipple area is more often observed in nursing mothers, especially those breastfeeding for the first time. Their main reason is improper attachment of the child to the breast, when the baby does not grasp the entire areola with his mouth, as he should, but pulls the nipple with his lips, causing damage and microcracks. Sometimes one breast hurts in the nipple area due to excessive dryness or insufficient breast hygiene.

The most serious reason for such pain in a nursing mother can be lactostasis - stagnation of milk in some lobes of the breast, which occurs due to sluggish sucking of the baby, too thick milk or physiologically narrow milk ducts of the mother. Lactostasis must be eliminated with the help of correct and frequent latching of the child or pumping, otherwise if an infection enters the body, it can provoke mastitis - a severe infectious inflammatory disease in which it will be impossible to feed the child.

Cyclic pain in the nipple area

During puberty, girls often experience breast pain near the nipple, especially during periods of rapid growth and before menstruation. This symptom is called cyclic mastodynia or mastalgia. Unpleasant sensations, as a rule, occur monthly a few days before the onset of menstruation and cease with its onset. The breast may simply be very sensitive, or there may be pain around the nipple - burning, pulling, stabbing, aching or pressing.

Sometimes they are accompanied by similar pain in the lower abdomen. As a rule, the discomfort that accompanies the monthly cycle goes away as you get older, but can return when using hormonal contraceptives, during pregnancy or menopause.

You should be wary of cyclically occurring pain near the nipple if it continues in a healthy woman of reproductive age, is accompanied by clear discharge from the nipples, and especially if there are lumps, knots in the breast. These may be symptoms of fibrocystic mastopathy, which requires timely treatment by a gynecologist or mammologist.

Piercing, body modifications, tattooing

Body modifications, which are extremely fashionable nowadays, even in such intimate areas as the nipple area and areola, are not always safe. To prevent nipple piercing from damaging the milk ducts, it must be performed by a professional who knows the anatomy well, and to avoid introducing an infection under the skin when applying a tattoo, the operation must be carried out under strict sterility.

More daring modifications, like wearing heavy breast jewelry, should be approved by a doctor. At the very least, if a patient has pain in the breast near the nipple if there is a puncture in or near it, a tattoo, or other changes, the doctor will first of all suspect this particular reason. In addition, piercing increases the risk of injury to the area around the piercing.

Injuries of the nipple-areola area

In addition to accidental injuries, which, although rare, do occur, the nipple can be injured by the baby's excessive sucking, excessive stimulation of a partner, or improper wearing of body jewelry. Since this part of the chest is characterized by increased sensitivity and susceptibility to infection, in addition to the inevitable pain, injuries are dangerous due to infection and require timely consultation with a doctor.

Inflammatory diseases

A serious disease of the mammary gland is mastitis, an inflammation of the breast as a result of a bacterial infection. It can occur in both lactating women (lactation) and non-lactating women. Mastitis should be suspected if the breasts are very sore near one nipple, have increased in size, turned red, and the temperature has risen. Purulent or sulfurous discharge from the ducts of the mammary glands may be added. Mastitis should be treated by a professional doctor as soon as possible, since in its advanced state it can be life-threatening. With complex antibacterial therapy, the disease is very effectively cured without leaving a trace.

Skin diseases

It is worth consulting a dermatologist if:

  • the skin near the nipple hurts
  • red spots, bubbles, crusts, cracks appear on it or around it

Which doctor should I contact?

In all cases of discomfort in the mammary glands, you should visit a gynecologist. The doctor will conduct an initial examination of the areas of concern and, if necessary, refer you to an appointment with a mammologist. In case of illness, the main part of the therapy is carried out by a specialist of this particular profile. If it turns out that the discomfort is associated with intolerance to certain substances, you will need to visit an allergist.

When the deterioration in health is due to the development of cancer, the woman is referred to an oncologist. If your nipples hurt due to atopic dermatitis, treatment is prescribed by a dermatologist. When a woman is diagnosed with a hormonal imbalance, the scope of therapeutic intervention is determined by an endocrinologist or gynecologist. It depends on the type of disorder and which gland provoked it - genital or other.

Choose a specialist, read reviews and make an appointment with a gynecologist online

At the first signs of a disorder, it is recommended to consult an orthopedist. The doctor will conduct a comprehensive diagnosis. If necessary, refer the patient to specialists in related specialties: chiropractor, traumatologist, surgeon. If functional disorders of the internal organs are detected, the patient will be referred for consultation to a pulmonologist, cardiologist, gastroenterologist for an ECG, ultrasound diagnostics and other studies recommended by the doctor.

As a rule, nipple pain is a temporary and harmless phenomenon. However, it doesn’t hurt to be on the safe side, especially if the pain is accompanied by unusual tissue changes and

Be vigilant and take care of your health!

Konstantin Mokanov: Master of Pharmacy and professional medical translator


Pain appears when the breasts fill with milk and increase in volume. Because of this, girls are bothered by pain in the mammary glands.

Nipple soreness can also be caused by the following factors:

  • if the nipples are of irregular shape;
  • when the baby is placed incorrectly on the breast;
  • when the baby is weaned from the breast too abruptly.

In this case, the nipples become deformed, crack, and this can cause more serious consequences for the breast. In this case, you need to alternate feeding: if a woman’s left nipple hurts, you need to change breasts; if the right nipple hurts, you need to give the left one.

Feeding and nipple pain

Periodically recurring soreness of the nipples in women is called mastodynia. It is caused by cyclical changes occurring in the uterus and appendages. The body prepares for fertilization every month, a large amount of progesterone and prolactin is produced, the mammary glands react to hormonal release in a unique way:

  • two days before menstruation, the breasts begin to swell;
  • when touched, sensitivity increases;
  • the nipple swells and becomes rough;
  • These processes are accompanied by painful sensations.

Some ladies experience mastodynia during ovulation. The onset of menstruation relieves the syndrome; as the bleeding subsides, it disappears completely. When women have nipple pain, the reasons are unknown, it is not recommended to postpone a visit to the gynecologist, since the pain may be a sign of hormonal dysfunction caused by diseases of the adrenal glands and thyroid gland.

The secretory background, as the cause of the unfavorable condition of the nipples, may be disrupted:

  • due to taking contraceptives, if there was an error in the selection of drugs;
  • with nervous overstrain;
  • with prolonged sexual abstinence;
  • during pregnancy.

These causes of mastodynia are not associated with pathologies. Don’t tolerate it if you are in pain, be attentive to your condition. Find out the reason why your nipples hurt, replace contraceptives, and beware of stress. If you experience pathological symptoms, consult your doctor.

Breastfeeding turns into a painful process for many mothers. The reason is that the nipples are very painful and bleed. This happens when expectant mothers do not prepare their breasts for feeding or massage their nipples. The condition for the appearance of cracks is the child’s improper latching on the breast. The papilla should be completely in the baby's mouth.

An erroneous sucking technique is when the nipple is located near the gum during feeding and rubs against the hard palate. It is necessary to immediately use the deep grip method - in the back of the mouth. The newborn's lips should cover part of the areola. If your right nipple is larger than the left (or vice versa), then take this into account when feeding, carefully watch how deeply the baby grasps it.

Picture 5 Correct latching of the nipple by a baby

A young mother needs to choose the right breast pump. The funnel should be suitable for the size of the breast, the suction force of the device should be moderate. When a baby teethes, he fixes the nipple in his mouth differently. The mother's job is to give the breast as deep into the baby's mouth as possible. You will understand why to do this as soon as your baby bites you on the nipple and damages the delicate tissue.

Pressing the papilla to the gum by the baby causes, in addition to friction, a restriction of blood flow, which contributes to vasospasm. This excessive compression explains why the nipples become very red and sore.

Nipples that already suffer from chafing, allergic reactions, cracks or bleeding are most susceptible to infection. Breastfeeding also increases the likelihood of infection. After courses of antibiotic therapy, women may experience candidiasis - the fungus Candida albicans.

A fungal infection usually results in burning pain. The nipples may be bright pink, the areola may become red and flaky. Many breastfeeding women describe candidiasis as a sharp, hot pain immediately after feeding or expressing milk (signs of infection - oropharyngeal candidiasis - may also appear in the baby).

During pregnancy and lactation, mastitis is possible - milk gets into “traps” inside the milk ducts and becomes a breeding ground for bacteria. With this disease, there is pain, swelling and hardening of the breast, and temperature.

Mastitis requires treatment with antibiotics, otherwise an abscess may form!

- another cause of pain. To avoid discomfort after rubbing against the stubble of a loved one, women use moisturizing creams. The most determined ones wear protective nipple covers (if you don’t like it, shave it!)

Common causes of pain include:

  1. Pregnancy. Pain during such an important period for a woman is not a signal of the presence of pathology. Here we are talking about hormonal changes - a significant increase in the hormone prolactin, which is actively involved in the growth of tissue in the mammary glands; The milk ducts grow, and the nerve endings, due to a lag in their development, respond to any impact with painful sensations.
  2. Breastfeeding (lactation). Breast pain occurs due to coarsening of the skin on the nipple, inflammation of softened dense skin, cracks, mechanical irritation due to the use of rough underwear, improper attachment of the baby during feeding, lactostasis, and the choice of uncomfortable breast pumps. An experienced doctor can discuss pathologies of the breasts and nipples.
  3. Painful periods. Many girls complain that during menstruation it hurts to touch the skin of the breast near the nipple. A similar problem can continue until menstruation, which is associated with the female cycle - hormonal changes in the body. If you feel severe chest pain after your period has ended, this is a reason to think about it. For all questions related to hormonal imbalance, you should consult a doctor.
  4. Diseases. Constant, increasing pain during menstruation is the first evidence of the presence of fibrocystic mastopathy. Pain, as a rule, appears long before menstruation and practically stops after it. It is impossible to do without serious therapy, as this disease is classified as complex. If we are talking about nulliparous girls, then at the slightest redness of the nipples, you should contact a mammologist. It will establish or rule out mastitis. Among other reasons that may cause breast and nipple pain are the following diseases: impetigo, candidiasis, herpes, Paget's disease, psoriasis, eczema (non-infectious), fibromyalgia, etc.
  5. Choosing low-quality linen. In certain cases, the nipples may hurt due to their increased sensitivity. Therefore, it is extremely important to choose underwear wisely. Often, breast pain disappears when wearing a quality bra.
  6. Exposure to irritants. Due to the influence of chemicals (lotions, shower gels, soaps), women's nipples are the first to suffer.

In different individual cases, breast pain around the nipple occurs for its own reasons. And the woman should tell the doctor about all her feelings and complaints. Only complete trust and timely research can help the doctor determine why the nipples on the chest hurt - to make the correct diagnosis. Otherwise, there is no hope of prescribing the correct treatment.


The main causes of chest pain include various diseases and pathological conditions of the body.
Thanks to accurate diagnosis, they can be easily dealt with, while eliminating the unpleasant symptom and other side effects. Violation of phosphorus-calcium metabolism affects the condition of the bones of the chest and the whole body

Lack of vitamins or calcium metabolism disorders are pathological conditions of the body, the symptom of which is pain in the chest when pressing on its middle part. Lack of vitamins affects the condition of the muscles connecting the ribs and sternum. Therefore, any mechanical impact on this area causes discomfort in the patient.

The nature of the pain is mild or moderate, localization is the central part of the sternum. Associated symptoms: brittle nails and hair, brittle bones, poor skin condition. The disease is diagnosed based on blood and urine tests. Vitamin complexes and magnesium preparations are prescribed as treatment.


Intense movements of the sternum and tense muscles when coughing causes microtrauma and muscle fatigue, which become the main causes of pain. The nature of the pain is aching, causing a feeling of tension. Discomfort is caused by touching any part of the sternum, i.e. pain does not have a clear localization.

Localization of pain in infectious lesions of the ligamentous apparatus of the chest

An infection in the ligaments between the sternum and ribs causes severe pain when moving the body. The patient complains of the inability to move, bend, and perform normal work. Any rotation in the upper part of the body causes noticeable discomfort. The location of the pain is the collar part of the chest and the area below.

It becomes especially painful when pressing on the middle of the chest; a compaction is felt under the skin at the junction of the sternum and ribs. The pain syndrome is additionally accompanied by an increase in temperature and signs of intoxication of the body. The problem is diagnosed by palpation and based on the results of a blood test. Drug treatment includes taking antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs and diuretics.

Active participation in strength sports or injuries can cause microcracks in the flat bone of the chest. Also, the cause of pain is often minor muscle strains due to incorrectly calculated load. The nature of the pain is acute, especially at the point of pressure on the affected area.

Multiple rib fractures in the lateral part of the sternum

This category includes sprains, fractures, bruises, cracks and other similar lesions of the sternum tissue. Their cause is a strong mechanical impact that even strong bone tissue could not cope with. Painful sensations are constantly present, and when you press on the chest, the pain intensifies.

More often, with bruises and sprains, aching pain is observed, and with fractures and cracks, it is more acute and sharp. Additional signs indicating a traumatic lesion of the sternum are hematomas and limited mobility of the upper part of the body. Diagnosis is made on the basis of X-ray examination and palpation of the injury area. The use of compresses and ointments allows you to cope with the problem; in case of serious consequences of injury, surgery is necessary.

After surgery in the chest area, severe pain is observed for several days. This may be pain from tissue damage during surgery or pain as a side effect of treatment due to infection of the sternum or damage to it. The first option does not require medical attention, the second is a reason to immediately consult a doctor.

The pain is usually aching in nature; when pressed, not only the affected area hurts, but also the entire sternum. Discomfort is accompanied by the following symptoms: increased body temperature, changes in the shape of the sternum when palpated, its excessive mobility, the formation of dips and bulges. X-rays and blood tests will help determine the cause of the pain. Treatment consists of applying a fixative bandage and taking antibiotics.

Tietze's disease

Location of pain in Tietze syndrome

A little-studied disease, more often diagnosed in middle-aged patients. The main symptoms are inflammation of the area where the ribs connect to the sternum. The cause of the disease is unclear. The patient may suffer from mild but noticeable pain for many years, not realizing the development of a pathological process in the chest. On palpation, a node with a diameter of several centimeters is felt.

Mastalgia is often caused by two hormones - estrogen and progesterone. At different periods of life, their ratio may change, and this results in swelling and discomfort in the chest. Most often, hormonal imbalance occurs during:

  • puberty (puberty);
  • pregnancy (usually the first trimester);
  • breastfeeding;
  • menopause.

What to do about it

If moderate pain occurs during any of the periods listed above, it is generally normal. It is enough to endure the discomfort.

But let us emphasize again: there is no need to endure severe pain! If it is present, go to the gynecologist.

One of the most common reasons for breast pain when touched is squeezing or bruising of the mammary gland. This can be easily avoided if you choose the right bra size and follow basic safety rules.

Other reasons why one or both glands hurt when pressed are:

  1. Changes in hormonal levels before the onset of menstruation.
  2. Pregnancy and lactation period. During pregnancy, pain can occur for completely natural reasons. Hormonal changes begin in the body, the production of the hormone prolactin, which is responsible for milk production, increases.
  3. The mammary gland begins to enlarge, its sensitivity increases, which leads to pain (especially when pressed). After the end of hormonal changes, the pain usually disappears.

    During lactation, one or both mammary glands may be painful when milk comes in. This is normal, over time the body will get used to it, and the pain will stop.

  4. Mastopathy (cystic, fibrous or mixed). With this pathology, gland tissue begins to grow, forming a benign neoplasm. In addition to the formation of a seal, fluid begins to leak from the nipples. Mastopathy often affects both breasts. The pain with this disease is not severe, aching. It is known that 15% of women suffering from mastopathy do not have chest pain at all when pressed. In some cases, if treatment is not started in time, mastopathy can lead to the development of breast cancer.
  5. Fibroadenoma. It is a benign neoplasm that is difficult to treat. At the same time, the mammary gland becomes denser and becomes painful when pressed, and discharge appears from the nipples. If the disease is detected in women over forty years of age, then a surgical solution to the problem is recommended. Transformation of a tumor into a malignant neoplasm is rare.
  6. Lactostasis. This is nothing more than stagnation of milk in the ducts of the mammary glands. It is accompanied by the fact that the nipples hurt if you start pressing on them. During palpation, you can feel small areas of compaction; the skin over them may be hyperemic. During the process of feeding or pumping, the woman becomes painful.
  7. Mastitis. With this disease, an inflammatory process begins in the mammary glands, which, in the absence of timely treatment, can lead to the development of a number of serious complications. Most often, mastitis occurs due to poor hygiene when feeding a child. The infection enters the gland tissue through cracks in the nipples. Chest pain worsens with feeding and even with light touches to the breast.
  8. Swelling of the mammary gland. It can occur for various reasons, but is almost always accompanied by pain in the chest when pressed.
  9. Breast cancer. Breast cancer rarely hurts, usually in the last stages of the disease.

In addition to the above reasons, chest pain can be observed with the following pathologies:

  1. Thyroid diseases.
  2. Intercostal neuralgia. When pinched, pain spreads throughout the entire nerve, which is why pain occurs not only in the lower back and back, but also in the chest. With neuralgia, severe attacks of pain are observed, which intensify with movement. It also hurts when pressing on the chest, inhaling and exhaling.
  3. Diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  4. Osteochondrosis.
  5. Respiratory diseases.
  6. Thrombophlebitis.

The risk group for breast diseases includes the following categories of women:

  • those who have not given birth;
  • having bad habits;
  • not breastfeeding;
  • suffered chest injuries;
  • having poor heredity (there are relatives with breast cancer on the female side);
  • suffering from diseases of the gallbladder, thyroid gland, liver;
  • living in places with poor environmental conditions;
  • having excess weight;
  • women who have had multiple abortions;
  • Chest pain when touched may occur in diabetes.

Hormonal changes occur in the female body constantly: starting from puberty, the phases of the menstrual cycle alternate every month, helping the body prepare for a potential pregnancy.


To determine the exact cause of nipple pain, a woman should undergo an examination, examination, and also:

  • Laboratory testing of blood and urine. Determine the presence of biochemical, clinical indicators, levels of hormones, glucose, and tumor markers
  • Mammography (x-ray examination of the mammary glands)
  • Ductography (assessment of the condition of the milk ducts, which involves the use of a contrast agent)

Additional types of research depend on the characteristics of the clinical case. If the patient's condition is associated with hormonal imbalance, disruption of the activity of the pituitary gland or hypothalamus, an MRI or CT scan is indicated. If breast cancer is suspected, the patient is prescribed a biopsy followed by histochemical examination. A small part of the tumor is taken for analysis, its nature is determined, and the possibility of elimination with hormones is determined.

To confirm the diagnosis, you must consult an experienced doctor. The specialist conducts a face-to-face examination and an oral interview with the patient, and prescribes additional studies. Depending on the accompanying symptoms and age of the patient, the following types of diagnostics are recommended:

  • X-ray is one of the basic methods for diagnosing spinal curvature. If there is a suspicion of curvature of the spinal column, the procedure is performed at least once every six months. During the initial examination, the patient is asked to remain in an upright position. In the future, the study will be carried out in the supine position.
  • Three-dimensional ultrasound diagnostics is a non-radiation technique that is used as an alternative to x-rays to reduce radiation exposure to the body.
  • CT scan.
  • Magnetic resonance imaging.

Depending on the diagnostic results obtained, the doctor selects the appropriate treatment regimen.

Noncyclic mastalgia

When pain in the mammary glands is not associated with hormonal changes, non-cyclic mastalgia occurs. Its main reasons are:

  • neoplasms in the mammary glands;
  • inflammatory processes in the chest area;
  • metabolic disorders in the body;
  • intercostal neuralgia;
  • pituitary dysfunction;
  • adrenal diseases;
  • central nervous system disorder;
  • liver dysfunction.

Nipples in girls and women often begin to hurt due to prolonged emotional experiences and stressful situations. Some hormonal contraceptives, if used for a long time, cause hormonal imbalance in the body.

In this case, it is necessary to be examined by a doctor in order to identify painful processes in the body and carry out the necessary treatment course.


Knowing how to treat sore nipples will help you get rid of trouble and pain.

  1. The use of nipple covers when feeding if there is an anatomical defect in the structure, for example, with retraction.
  2. Refusal of hard tugging at the final stage of breastfeeding.
  3. It is necessary to monitor excess milk accumulation and express in case of lactostasis.
  4. Careful breast hygiene and the use of recommended procedures for the formation of cracks and other damage are required.

Every woman knows why it is necessary to wash her breasts; it should be recalled that treating the papillae after feeding is also an important point. If you don't have cracks, don't wipe away drops of milk after feeding, this will act as natural lubrication. If there is damage, use sea buckthorn oil, Solcoseryl, Bepanten, Purelan ointments.

Wearing a comfortable bra is important. It should be made of cotton fabric and have pads to absorb drops of milk.

For a malignant neoplasm, the type of treatment depends on the location of the conglomerate and the stage of its development. In half of the cases, the patient is recommended to undergo surgery - only the tumor or the entire mammary gland is removed. If a woman consults a doctor at stage 1 of cancer development, hormonal treatment, chemotherapy or radiation therapy are prescribed.

Atopic dermatitis is not completely eliminated - with the help of medications it is only possible to transfer the pathology into remission. If a woman develops an allergy, she is prescribed Diazolin or Suprastin. These are antihistamines that relieve signs of intolerance to substances, but have one side effect - they cause drowsiness.

Mastitis is eliminated by:

  1. Antibiotic therapy. Prescribe intramuscular or intravenous administration of Ceftriaxone or its analogues
  2. Drainage of the area of ​​inflammation (for outflow and prevention of accumulation of purulent masses)
  3. Taking analgesics

Additional medications prescribed for mastitis depend on the success of wound healing. But if mastitis is caused by lactostasis, the child is weaned from the breast and transferred to artificial feeding. The reason is that a woman needs to take potent drugs, and they are toxic to the newborn.

Paget's cancer is eliminated surgically, but at the initial stage, in 25% of cases, the use of cytostatic drugs is acceptable. Women whose nipples hurt during lactation are advised to use sea buckthorn oil in the periods between feedings. The product has a softening and healing effect.

The treatment regimen is selected by the doctor, taking into account the degree of progression of the disease, age, and individual characteristics of the patient’s body. For grade 1 scoliosis, in most cases conservative treatment is sufficient. However, it is important to consider the cause that provoked the disease:

  • If the disorder is caused by traumatic lesions or shortening of a limb, the patient is prescribed the use of special orthopedic insoles or shoes to compensate for the difference in leg length.
  • Neurogenic and myopathic scoliosis is an indication for surgical therapy.
  • Idiopathic scoliosis requires the mandatory use of anti-scoliosis gymnastics, as well as a supporting corset for the correct formation of posture.

Corsets can be used not only at night, but also during the day, unless the doctor recommends otherwise. If the patient continues to grow, corsets should be worn at least 17 hours a day and must be combined with gymnastics. The progression of the pathology requires hospital treatment in a specialized vertebrology department.

Pain during pregnancy and feeding

For many women, especially first-time mothers, nipple pain is the main sign of the onset of pregnancy. This is due to preparation for future lactation and breastfeeding of the baby.

After conception, a significant amount of blood begins to flow into the expectant mother's breast. Due to the release of prolactin, which is often called the pregnancy hormone, the ducts of the mammary gland gradually grow. Nerve tissue increases in volume more slowly. Therefore, the nerve fibers are very tense. This causes painful sensations in the pregnant woman's chest and a burning sensation. When touching or rubbing against underwear and clothing, the unpleasant sensations noticeably intensify.

As the fetus develops and the female body adapts to the new state, these processes are normalized, and painful sensations disappear completely or noticeably lose intensity.

After childbirth, the epithelium on the nipple and areola begins to change. A rougher layer of skin grows. This can cause pain in the woman. There is no need to worry in this case. After about 6-7 days the pain will go away.

Breastfeeding a baby is a natural process that is enjoyable for both mother and her baby. Therefore, during this period, some mistakes of the young mother may cause chest pain. This is especially common in primiparous women who do not have the necessary skills.

Nipple sensitivity increases significantly as a young mother and her baby get used to breastfeeding. Pain in the nipples can be caused by such things as:

  • incorrect position of the baby when sucking;
  • improper removal of the breast from the baby's mouth;
  • dry skin in the nipple area;
  • woman's mistakes when caring for her breasts;
  • the appearance of cracks and other skin damage in the nipple area;
  • accidental mechanical damage to the nipple.

The baby's head must be carefully supported when feeding. Otherwise, the baby will not be able to latch onto the nipple correctly. If the baby's head is not slightly elevated when sucking, the baby will not be able to swallow milk properly.

He will inevitably choke, cough, choke. This will cause the baby indigestion, difficulty breathing, and emotional stress. Subsequently, such a situation can lead to the fact that the child refuses to breastfeed.

Often during feeding, the child injures the nipples and areolas of the mother's breast with his jaws. In this case, you can lubricate the sore nipple with breast milk, special gels and ointments, which the doctor will recommend.

Over time, the baby will learn to latch onto the breast correctly without retracting the lips. The nipple tissue will lose excessive sensitivity, and feeding will not be painful for the mother.

Gradual mastery of the feeding process by the child and mother, their adaptation to each other, proper breast care and timely treatment of various injuries will help get rid of any unpleasant sensations associated with breastfeeding.

It is still necessary to see a doctor. The specialist will give the necessary recommendations, teach the woman how to properly feed the baby, choose underwear and care for the nipples.

Measures such as:

  • maintaining careful hygiene;
  • using special soap when washing your breasts;
  • softening the skin of the nipples with sea buckthorn oil;
  • protection of nipples from accidental damage;
  • use of special breast pads.

During feeding, the baby should completely grasp the nipple and areola with his lips. He needs to be gradually accustomed to this. In order for a child to learn to latch onto the breast correctly, you need to give up pacifiers and pacifiers. You only need to drink and feed your baby with a spoon.

When the next feeding is over, you should not pull the nipple out of the baby’s mouth. It will definitely squeeze the nipple, causing discomfort to the mother. This happens at a reflex level. To remove the nipple, the mother needs to spread the baby's gums with a slight movement of her little finger. In this case, the baby will release the breast easily and immediately.

When cracks or other minor damage appears on the nipple of a nursing woman, the baby should not be fed with this breast until it is completely healed. Feeding is done with healthy breasts. If the left nipple is damaged, only the right one should be used to feed the baby.

The damaged mammary gland is carefully and regularly lubricated with special ointments. Milk must be expressed regularly so as not to disrupt the lactation process.

Other causes of mastalgia

The conditions for the formation of soreness in the nipples are diseases of the mammary glands - mastopathy, mastitis. The first disease is characterized by the formation of nodules and the growth of connective tissue. The second is an inflammatory process of infectious etiology. With mastopathy, the chest hurts just like before the onset of menstruation, but the intensity of the sensation increases every month. The presence of fibrous nodules can be determined by palpation, ultrasound, or mammography.

Mastitis goes away painfully on its own. The breasts become heavy, deformed, red, and painful to touch. The pain syndrome is strong and sharp, the temperature rises, the tension of the nipple increases the pain. If measures are not taken to eliminate inflammation, suppuration and an abscess are possible. Treatment is therapeutic anti-inflammatory and surgical - removal of lesions.

Dermatological diseases can cause discomfort in and around the nipples.

Manifestations of papillary skin infections are expressed by a whole list of pathological changes:

  • for eczema - itching, burning pain, blisters, redness, weeping areas, crusts;
  • with candidiasis - swelling, inflammation, cracks, blisters;
  • with herpes - redness, blisters with liquid, pain, itching, crusts;
  • with impetigo - itching, redness, pain in the area of ​​the formed pustules.

Changes in hormonal levels

Pain in the nipple area can be a consequence of changes in a woman’s hormonal levels, which occur for several reasons:

  • the body prepares for the beginning of the menstrual cycle, during this period the nipples swell and become more sensitive;
  • a woman has been taking oral contraception for a long time;
  • a representative of the fair sex is at the beginning of pregnancy;
  • failure of the hormonal system is a consequence of diseases of the reproductive system;
  • the woman does not have regular sex life.

If the pain appears for one of the above reasons, the discomfort spreads only to the nipples, without affecting the mammary glands.


To prevent the development of diseases that are accompanied by pain in the nipples, a woman should:

  • Be more careful when choosing hygiene and body care products.
  • Avoid stress; when experiencing a traumatic event, consult a specialist and get qualified help. It includes consultation and prescription of medications.
  • Choose a bra that matches your individual body parameters - underwear should not squeeze, compress the mammary glands, or rub the skin.
  • After breastfeeding, carefully remove any remaining milk from the surface of the glands and perform hygiene measures before and after the procedure.
  • Avoid staying near sources of toxic effects.
  • If you do not want to get pregnant, choose the optimal choice of contraception.
  • Do not take medications that have not been prescribed by your doctor (including hormonal contraceptives).
  • Give up the idea of ​​getting an areola tattoo. The importance of the aesthetic effect is lower than the risk of developing breast cancer or Paget's disease.

If a woman does not have the skill to properly express breast milk, it is advisable to contact the supervising obstetrician and get advice. This will prevent the accumulation and stagnation of milk and the development of mastitis. If you have a hereditary predisposition to the appearance of a malignant tumor, you need to be regularly examined by a mammologist.

If cancer develops, it will be possible to identify the tumor at an early stage, and it will be easier to influence the pathology.

All conditions in which women have sore nipples require attention. If the discomfort does not disappear within 3 days, or is aggravated by other symptoms - increased body temperature, discharge from the chest - you need to visit a doctor. Treatment depends on the type of pathology detected, and can be either conservative or surgical.

To prevent the development and progression of scoliosis, it is recommended to compensate for the deficiency of vitamins, microelements, and protein. This especially applies to women planning a pregnancy. It is recommended for patients with scoliosis:

  • keep a daily routine
  • observe sleep hygiene: go to bed no later than 23:00 in a dark, cool room, refrain from eating 3-4 hours before bedtime
  • introduce moderate physical activity: swimming, yoga, brisk walking, gymnastics
  • avoid excessive stress: physical, emotional
  • provide the diet with a sufficient amount of protein, collagen, fiber, vitamins, microelements
  • use orthopedic mattresses and pillows
  • promptly treat diseases of the spine and musculoskeletal system
  • ensure good lighting in the workplace

At the first signs of a disorder, it is recommended to refrain from self-medication and consult a doctor.

Stimulation, piercing and tattooing

Pain in the nipples can begin due to overly intense breast stimulation. The nipple-areola area in women and girls is very sensitive. Therefore, if stimulation is too active, the delicate tissues of this area can easily be damaged. Damage and excessive blood flow caused by intense breast stimulation often causes nipple pain.

Modern fashion trends, for example, nipple piercing or tattooing of the nipple area, often cause pain in the nipple. Especially if these procedures were carried out by unprofessionals and without observing hygiene standards. If the piercing is performed incorrectly, the milk ducts may be blocked. This causes severe pain.

Skin irritation resulting from tattooing can cause inflammation of the nipple and the entire mammary gland. Especially if the procedure was carried out in unsanitary conditions.

Therefore, piercing or tattooing on the chest of a woman or girl should only be done in a special clinic by a trusted specialist. Otherwise, numerous health problems are possible.

Painful nipple syndrome in expectant mothers

Why nipples hurt in pregnant women is a question that causes concern and affects the stability of the psychological state. It is important for those who are carrying a child to know how pain will affect the productivity of the mammary glands, the baby, and the general well-being of the expectant mother.

  1. Swelling and tingling in the papillae begins in the early stages of pregnancy. From the moment of conception, the body begins to prepare for lactation, the process is accompanied by painful sensations.
  2. Lumps appear around the papillae, which can also be sensitive to the touch.
  3. The nipple itself may hurt, as well as the darkened areola.

Before menstruation

Before menstruation, many women have breast pain, nipples hurt a couple of days before the start of menstruation, this phenomenon is called mastalgia. The breasts become larger, the nipples become rougher, and pain is felt. The pain is most pronounced at the beginning of the cycle, then subsides.

Women have long been interested in the question: why do nipples hurt before menstruation? During the preparation of the body for menstruation, the body produces the hormones progesterone and prolactin, this is a factor in the appearance of pain in the nipples. When menstruation begins, the pain becomes less and less, then disappears altogether. Although there are exceptions when the chest may hurt during this process.

How to get rid of pain

We figured out the main reasons for pain in the left nipple. Now you need to determine how you can alleviate the condition and get rid of discomfort.

Here is an algorithm of actions to improve the condition:

  • Visit to a specialist. A visit to the doctor is required if you are not sure that the pain is caused by natural causes. Below we will look at the main reasons to see a doctor. There are diseases in which only proper treatment can relieve symptoms.
  • Minimize injury. Touch your breasts as little as possible and choose the softest underwear possible. It is important that the bra does not squeeze the breast, and the seams should not touch the nipple.
  • If the pain is caused by cracks in the nipple, it is necessary to restore the softness and elasticity of the skin. To do this, you need to select caring and emollient products. It is worth giving up soap and shower gels - they only irritate the skin. Various oil-based products are best suited for care.

You should not use various medications without a doctor's prescription. For example, pain medications may mask symptoms, making it more difficult for your doctor to determine the root cause of your pain.

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