Scanty periods with an unpleasant odor: what is it?

Critical days are always a certain discomfort for a girl, because she worries that blood will not be imprinted on her clothes or that others will not smell her discharge. In fact, menstruation with an odor is a normal phenomenon; it is important to distinguish a healthy odor from a pathological one.

In this article we will determine exactly what the smell of discharge should be during critical days in the absence of illness, and what it means when during menstruation you smell rot, rotten meat or fish.

What is the norm

Women absolutely always have an odor during menstruation, since during menstrual periods the mucous layer of the uterus is rejected, which comes out of the genital tract in the form of blood and clots that have a specific aroma. Normally, menstrual flow should smell like raw meat, and menstruation should also smell like iron, which is a vital trace element found in the blood. It is important that the smell of menstruation is faint and is felt only by the woman herself when changing the pad.

If the discharge smells bad during menstrual periods, you should immediately consult a doctor to determine the causes of this phenomenon, because in addition to poor hygiene, unpleasant odors can be a sign of the development of gynecological diseases

Nature of smell

Every month a woman deals with cyclical changes, which are called critical days. According to experts, the ideal cycle length is 28 calendar days. However, according to statistics, only 15 percent of women can boast of such a trend.

As noted above, the smell of menstruation is always present. What explains this phenomenon? The menstrual cycle starts after the fertilized egg is attached to the prepared site. Female hormones - progesterone and estrogen - are responsible for the preparation of the ovaries and uterus. In the uterus, the endometrium and inner layer grow. Their growth is necessary for the placenta, for nutrition and formation of the child. In the absence of fertilization, all efforts come to light.

The process of endometrial exfoliation is accompanied by rupture of blood vessels. This process lasts until the muscle layer contracts. The dark shade and thickness are nothing more than pieces of the endometrium, and the smell is the result of the presence of blood. Thus, the presence of the smell of raw meat and iron have the same origin - the action of iron, which is located in the erythrocyte.

An interesting fact is that in one cycle a woman will use only 50-100 grams of blood. Menstrual blood consists of secretions secreted by the uterine glands. In addition, the blood includes small elements of the endometrium and epithelial cells from the vagina. If the woman is actively moving, then lumps in the liquid are not observed. Otherwise, a passive lifestyle leads to the accumulation of blood and the formation of clots. This phenomenon is considered normal and should not cause concern for women.

A very large percentage of women note the presence of a disgusting odor during the menstrual cycle. The odor occurs due to the mixing of secretions with vaginal microorganisms.

Violation of hygiene standards

An unpleasant odor during menstruation can be caused by failure to follow basic personal hygiene rules. If you do not change the pad or remove the tampon from the vagina for a long time, a strong putrid odor may appear. The specific smell of rotten meat is caused by microorganisms that actively multiply in menstrual blood, mixed with oxygen upon exiting the genital tract. If you do not replace hygiene products after 5 hours, then millions of pathogenic microorganisms can be found in the accumulated secretions, which cause a strong smell of rot.

Failure to comply with hygiene rules is the most harmless of the reasons that can cause an unpleasant odor during menstruation. It is quite simple to eliminate; odor caused by various diseases of the reproductive system is much more difficult to correct.

How to get rid of unpleasant period odor

The appearance of odor during menstrual periods is correlated with other symptoms that occur at the same time. If nothing else bothers you, you should reconsider your attitude to hygiene. It is advisable to wash yourself during menstruation with warm, clean water without using cosmetics. To reduce the number of pathogens, you can add a little potassium permanganate to the water. The washing procedure must be carried out in the morning and evening. If possible, and in case of heavy bleeding, 4 times a day. There won't be much. You need to change gaskets as often as possible. It is not allowed to use pads with more absorbent capacity than necessary. You cannot leave it for more than 5 hours. The tampon is changed every 2 hours. Do not use a lot of intimate cosmetics during the period between critical days.

Diseases of the genital area

If a girl has her period with an unpleasant smell of rotten meat, this may indicate the presence of a pathology, and you should definitely consult a gynecologist. If the cause of smelly discharge lies in an existing disease, then in addition to the smell, a woman may feel other symptoms, for example, pain in the lower abdomen, itching, burning, etc. Most often, menstruation smells due to an infectious process in the reproductive organs, due to their inflammation and in the presence of sexually transmitted pathologies.

In the case when during menstruation there is thick brown discharge with a black tint and an unpleasant aroma, and purulent impurities appear, endometriosis can be diagnosed - a pathological growth of the endometrium.

With cervicitis or inflammation of the cervix, in addition to a burning sensation in the perineum and pain in the intimate area, menstruation also smells like ammonia or rotten meat.

After menstruation, brown discharge with an unpleasant odor may appear in advanced stages of uterine or ovarian cancer. At the initial stage of development, malignant tumors cause menstrual irregularities. Discharge during menstrual periods becomes watery and smells unpleasant. When the tumor disintegrates and the lymph nodes are destroyed, the smell of the discharge becomes simply unbearable. In the last stages of cancer, severe pain is felt in the lower abdomen and purulent discharge from the urethra due to the appearance of metastases in the urinary tract.

Let us consider in more detail the possible causes of the unpleasant odor from menstrual flow, which is pathological in nature.

Inflammatory process in the vagina

Most often, the vaginal mucosa becomes inflamed. The cause is pathogenic microflora, bacteria and fungi. There are factors that contribute to the development of inflammatory processes in the vagina, these include:

  • prolapse of the vaginal walls;
  • injuries;
  • surgical intervention;
  • violation of personal hygiene standards;
  • completion of reproductive function, age category from 40;
  • hidden infectious processes;
  • pathogenic processes in neighboring organs.

Colpitis can also be caused by secretions secreted by the cervix.

Before menstruation begins, the body may experience a hormonal imbalance, which negatively affects the body's protective function, and when discharge occurs, the vaginal walls are further irritated. Due to reduced immunity, bacteria develop more actively, so menstruation will smell like rotten meat.

Other signs of inflammation of the vaginal walls are redness and swelling of the genitals, pain in the lower abdomen and a change in the color of the secretion.

Bacterial vaginosis

In the body of many women there are conditionally pathogenic microorganisms that, in good health, do not cause them absolutely any discomfort. If for some reason the number of these bacteria increases, bacterial vaginosis may appear. Most often this occurs due to a decrease in the body's protective functions or due to hormonal imbalances. They are caused by stress, taking medications, hypothermia, etc.

Another reason for changes in the balance of microflora in the vagina is excessive love for hygiene. Frequent douching can reduce the number of lactobacilli and cause the growth of pathogenic microflora. Gardnerella can also cause an unpleasant odor after menstruation. When these bacteria actively multiply, menstrual discharge has a fishy odor. But not only a fishy smell is a characteristic sign of the proliferation of these bacteria; in addition, there is a burning sensation in the genitals, discomfort in the vagina, and pain during sex. In this case, menstrual discharge has a whitish tint, and over time, yellowish or green impurities are added to the blood.

Bacterial vaginosis may be accompanied by dysbiosis of the digestive system. In some cases, the latter causes changes in the balance of the vaginal microflora.


Candidiasis or thrush is the most common female disease, since its development can be triggered by a huge number of factors. The disease is caused by the active proliferation of Candida fungi, which is facilitated by a decrease in the body's protective functions, hormonal disorders, hidden infections, hypothermia, nervous disorders, taking medications, failure to comply with personal hygiene rules, and much more. Because of the fungus, the amount of beneficial microflora in the vagina decreases, which causes discharge with an unpleasant odor after menstruation. Most often they have a sour odor, which can be associated with sour milk. A sign of thrush can be not only odorous discharge, but also other symptoms:

  • curdled leucorrhoea between menses;
  • the genitals may itch and itch;
  • painful urination;
  • discomfort during sexual intercourse;
  • white coating on the vagina and labia.


If the disgusting smells of menstrual discharge are caused by sexually transmitted infections, they can only be dealt with with medical help. Not only are periods with a rotten or fishy odor a symptom of infection, there may also be green and yellow discharge between periods, and before them the body temperature may rise, general weakness, nausea, and pain in the lumbar region and lower abdomen may occur. Intense discharge occurs both during and after menstruation. At the same time, they smell just awful. Symptoms may worsen in the morning and evening. If there is frequent urination and pain, it means that the infection is accompanied by inflammation.

The appearance of these symptoms is a reason to visit a doctor, because if the disease is not treated, it can become chronic or latent.

What secretion is normally released from the vagina?

Vaginal secretion, by its nature, can be divided into several types, corresponding to different periods of the menstrual cycle and the predominance of one or another hormone during this period.

  • the first half of the cycle - includes the time of predominance of the hormone estrogen and lasts 11-14 days, the discharge has a mucous, transparent appearance and gradually increases in quantity by the time of ovulation, has no odor;
  • ovulatory period - occurs in the middle of the cycle, when the egg matures and leaves the ovary. At this time, the secretion is similar to the discharge in the first half of the cycle, however, at this time, scanty dark brown inclusions may appear, appearing at the moment of rupture of the follicle;
  • the second half of the cycle is characterized by the predominance of progesterone, at this time the discharge becomes thicker and more viscous, and its quantity gradually decreases and before menstruation it can practically disappear;
  • period of menstrual bleeding - characterized by the appearance of physiological “bleeding” from the girl’s genital tract. Menstrual discharge consists of blood, mucus and epithelial tissue from the lining of the uterus.

Characteristics of menstrual bleeding:

  • lasts 3-7 days;
  • more intense in the first days;
  • physiological blood loss within 40-60 ml;
  • The discharge is bloody, red or scarlet in color, and has a slight “metallic” odor.

An unpleasant odor after menstruation may be a symptom of bacterial vaginosis, the most common infectious disease of the female genital organs. Its incidence reaches 80%, and the incidence of bacterial vaginosis does not depend on the age and race of the woman.

A less common cause of discharge with an unpleasant odor is specific genitourinary infections. These include mycoplasmosis, chlamydia, ureaplasmosis. Any of these conditions requires adequate treatment.


If there is a foul odor in the discharge during menstruation, and after its completion, its cause should be determined. Diagnostics is carried out in several stages:

  • the doctor conducts a survey during which he clarifies the complaints and symptoms that bother the woman, except for the disgusting smell (the regularity of menstruation, their nature, how intense the bleeding is, whether there have been childbirths or miscarriages, and whether PMS occurs);
  • A visual and palpation examination of the external and internal genital organs is carried out. The size of the labia, the condition of the ureter and vagina are assessed. Particular attention is paid to identifying external plaque and determining the smell of a woman;
  • the vagina and cervix are examined through a mirror; colposcopy can also be performed using an optical device that displays the image on a computer monitor;
  • a flora smear is taken for laboratory testing, with its help you can determine the presence of mucus or pus in the discharge, as well as assess the general condition of the mucous membrane;
  • smears are taken for bacteria, fungi and lactoflora;
  • Additionally, an ultrasound scan of the reproductive organs, thyroid gland and mammary glands may be prescribed.


If the bad smell of menstrual discharge is accompanied by symptoms of gynecological pathology (discomfort when urinating, itching in the perineum), you should consult a gynecologist. The doctor will help solve this problem by prescribing appropriate treatment.

Therapy is selected individually. It is customary to get rid of some gynecological diseases, such as candidiasis, with the help of vaginal suppositories. One of the most popular drugs in this group is Livarol.

In the absence of hormonal imbalance, doctors prescribe drug therapy to treat gynecological pathology. For example, Danazol and Triptorelin help fight endometritis.

In order to prevent the development of possible complications, you need to promptly contact a specialist who will determine the cause of menstrual stench and determine the optimal method of getting rid of them.

author Gulnara Cleveland updated January 15, 2020 questions and answers 2 comments

Menstrual days are always a discomfort for the fair sex. Even with a normal course, in the absence of pathology and infection, these days do not bring joy, but rather some trouble. Because of the bleeding, the girl is tormented by various fears: that the pad may leak, that others may smell an unpleasant odor. In fact, the girl smells blood. During normal functioning of the body, menstruation smells like iron or resembles the smell of raw meat. When something is wrong in the body, namely in the female genital organs, the smell can change and intensify. Then the discharge begins to smell like rotten meat.

What to do if a smell appears

If a woman’s menstrual flow smells, to put it mildly, she should know how to get rid of the smell. The first thing you need to do is visit your treating gynecologist and rule out the pathological cause of the disgusting odor, and in the case of a natural nature, the following recommendations can be used to get rid of the odor:

  • if during regular periods there is an unpleasant odor from the vagina, you should wash yourself at least 4 times a day, while for normal menstruation 2 shower visits per day are enough;
  • You should stop using special intimate hygiene products; you should give preference to a regular soap solution that does not wash off the protective layer from the external genitalia and vaginal mucosa. These drugs can cause disruption of the vaginal microflora and cause the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms;
  • You can improve the condition of the external genital organs with the help of lotions made from chamomile decoction or a weak solution of potassium permanganate;
  • Change your pad or tampon regularly. The gaskets are changed as they are filled, but at least once every four hours. The tampon is changed every two hours. It is better to choose hygiene products with a neutral aroma, since fragrances can provoke an unpleasant odor in the intimate area during regulation, and preservatives increase the rate of reproduction of pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic microflora;
  • It is recommended to carry a spare pair of underwear with you so that you can immediately replace them in the event that menstrual blood stains your clothes and begins to smell unpleasant.

If these recommendations do not help, you need to seek help from a specialist; perhaps the problem lies in the presence of a serious pathology that requires immediate treatment.

Other possible causes of odor during menstruation

Other reasons include:

  1. Vaginal candidiasis. People call it thrush because the smell of the discharge is similar to sour milk. The discharge itself during the absence of menstruation has a cheesy consistency with a characteristic sour odor and causes itching of the genitals. They are also released during menstruation, mixing with the blood and increasing discomfort. The color of the discharge is uneven, sometimes pink, and has a disgusting sour smell.
  2. The presence of certain substances in excess in the body. They are carried in the blood and penetrate various tissues. Here are just a few examples of such conditions. The smell of iodine can appear due to long-term use of drugs containing this substance or when inhaling iodine-containing vapors, as well as in case of poisoning. If a woman has an excess of ketone (acetone bodies) in her body, then her discharge will smell like acetone or ammonia. This happens in various forms of diabetes mellitus, with the onset of dehydration of the body, metabolic disorders, kidney and liver diseases, and the predominance of protein products in the diet. The sour-metallic smell of blood appears when taking iron-containing drugs.
  3. Inflammation. In addition to the unpleasant odor, in such cases painful menstruation is observed, the color of the discharge may have a brownish tint, there is an abundance or scarcity of discharge, a long period of menstruation, the presence of clots or mucus in the discharge.

What should menstrual flow smell like?

Menstrual blood may have a metallic odor

Menstruation is the body's rejection of blood and the lining of the uterus through the vaginal canal. This process occurs when the egg released during ovulation was not fertilized and did not lead to pregnancy.

The fluid that is released from the vagina during menstruation includes blood, an unfertilized egg and the lining of the uterus, which in medical practice is also called the endometrium. Together, these components can be the source of a somewhat unpleasant odor.

Women may experience a metallic odor in their menstrual fluid due to the fact that it contains blood and iron.

The acidic environment of the vagina and the presence of various types of beneficial bacteria in this organ are factors that can also cause the specific odor of vaginal discharge and menstrual blood.

The normal pH level of the vagina is between 3.8 and 4.5. A pH of 7 indicates a neutral environment. Blood, semen or urine in the vagina can change the pH and thus cause different odors.

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