Delicious salad for stomach ulcers
Is it possible to eat homemade salads if you have a stomach ulcer and what products should you use to prepare them?
General recommendations Gastric ulcer is a chronic disease that occurs with periods of remission and exacerbations. Main
Children's diet for pancreatitis: a special menu for young patients
The main characteristics of nutrition for pancreatitis: Ensuring maximum functional rest of the pancreas during acute
Top 3 best recipes for cleaning the liver with raisins at home
The liver is entrusted with the serious task of neutralizing and removing toxic compounds from the body. But
Shilajit for stomach ulcers: benefits, recipes and methods of use, patient reviews
A black soft mineral with a strong odor and bitter taste, many people consider it a panacea for all
cabbage for ulcers
Cabbage juice for stomach ulcers accelerates healing and prolongs remission
Cabbage is a very popular food that is used in many recipes. This vegetable is rich in its
The enormous benefits of millet porridge for the human body
Healthy porridges for the stomach and intestines are prepared from rice, buckwheat, pearl barley, whole oats, and millet.
Why does it hurt when we go to the toilet “big”? Possible reasons
Abdominal pain after defecation is not a specific symptom, that is, only on the basis
Fermented milk and dairy products
Recovery after bowel surgery - diet, physiotherapy and suture care
Postoperative period after intestinal surgery The main task of the postoperative period, regardless of the type
What to do if your lower back hurts with hemorrhoids: treatment tactics, preventive measures
What to do if your lower back hurts with hemorrhoids: treatment tactics, preventive measures
Why does pain appear in the lower abdomen? Usually some pain in the abdominal cavity with hemorrhoids is not
Vomiting, diarrhea, headache
Headache, diarrhea and fever: weakness in an adult and symptoms of the disease
If the patient has vomiting, diarrhea and headache, special attention must be paid to this,
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