Do they give sick leave for hemorrhoids and for how long?
When and how many days is sick leave given for hemorrhoids? 5 nuances you need to know
Diet for exacerbation of hemorrhoids Exacerbation of hemorrhoids with adequate treatment usually goes away within a week.
How to properly use bran for weight loss and cleansing the intestines
The effect of cleansing with bran gets rid of constipation. Toxins are removed from the intestines. Undigested residues are removed
How to restore intestinal microflora after diarrhea in adults
The need to restore intestinal microflora Frequent stools lead to disruption of the natural balance of microorganisms that live
Treatment of stomach ulcers: can it be cured quickly and completely?
How effective is treatment of stomach ulcers with home remedies is of interest to many patients who have had to deal with
Sensation of a foreign body in the anus
Heaviness in the anus - causes and methods of treatment
Causes of pathology Treatment of pathology The sensation of a foreign body appearing in the anus is usually caused by
Erosive reflux esophagitis: symptoms, treatment and diet
Erosive reflux esophagitis: symptoms, treatment and diet
Contents What is reflux esophagitis in adults Causes Classification Non-erosive forms of pathology Erosive forms Symptoms
Cookies for pancreatitis, can you eat them, how to make oatmeal cookies
 The chronic course of pancreatitis requires constant adherence to a special diet. The diet should not include
Diarrhea after intestinal surgery what to do
Appendicitis is a disease of the appendix of the cecum. The pathology is inflammatory in nature. Sometimes with this
Various cabbage
Do you know enough about probiotic foods?
Good afternoon, dear readers and guests! There are many articles on the blog about probiotics. All
Is it possible to eat shrimp and crayfish if you have pancreatitis?
Is it possible to eat shrimp for pancreatitis of the pancreas?
Patients suffering from pancreatic lesions of the parenchymal gland should exercise maximum attention to their daily diet. AND,
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