Review of analogues of the drug Fortrans for preparation for colonoscopy
Indications for the procedure Irrigoscopy is a medical examination, as a result of which X-rays are provided
What is considered an abnormality of the gallbladder and how to recognize the disorder?
Anomalies in shape Anomalies in the shape of the gallbladder are the most common type of abnormality. Among them:
The drug Enterol instructions for use for constipation
For the treatment of diarrhea, regardless of its origin, the probiotic Enterol is called No. 1 in Russia today.
How to get rid of nausea after chemotherapy with folk remedies?
A common complication during and at the end of cancer treatment is vomiting after
pancreatic steatosis
What is pancreatic steatosis and how is it treated?
Signs of pancreatic steatosis When dead cells are eliminated in the tissues of the gland, they are replaced
Nausea after drinking tea on an empty stomach - History of tea and coffee
Why tea is useful for intoxication Drinking liquid is an indispensable condition for restoring the body weakened by intoxication.
Woman lying on bed feeling sick
Feeling nauseous when you have a cold - Colds
Respiratory viral infections accompany people in the autumn-winter period. Influenza is the most dangerous type of
Recipes for hemorrhoids
Homemade recipes for using garlic for hemorrhoids
About the composition and benefits of garlic Garlic has long been used in the treatment of many diseases thanks to
projection of organs on the tongue
Is it possible to eat pork and beef tongue if you have pancreatitis?
Dietary nutrition for pancreatitis is an important component of the complex treatment of this disease. Based on this,
Eating citrus fruits
Is it possible to eat lemon and drink water with lemon if you have gastritis?
People suffering from inflammation of the stomach often wonder whether lemon can be used for gastritis. Citrus
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