Healing herbs for bloating and gas

The formation of gases in the intestines is a natural physiological process. When gases are released too quickly and in large quantities, it is called flatulence. This problem is not considered a disease, but it requires treatment, because a large accumulation of gases in the intestines brings discomfort and pain to a person. In addition, this often indicates the presence of diseases in the digestive system. Every person should know how to get rid of increased gas formation in the intestines in order to take timely measures.

Causes of strong gas release

The gases in the intestines consist of air that enters it when eating, water, talking, etc., carbon dioxide formed during the processing of incoming air and gases generated from the vital activity of microorganisms. Their accumulation in the intestines bursts it, bloating occurs, and this causes pain and discomfort. In addition, a lot of gases with an unpleasant odor are released. If the intestines work normally, then the body releases 0.5 liters of gas masses, but with flatulence the volumes reach 3 liters.

The release of gases is accompanied by a pop, which is considered indecent when among people. That's why you need to know how to deal with increased gas formation in the small intestine. And for this you need to find out the reasons for their formation:

  1. Eating foods that cause fermentation. It causes the release of gas bubbles, the formation of microflora waste in the intestines.
  2. Genetic disorders that cause intestinal inflammation, as well as intolerance to certain products containing lactose, causing disorders in food processing.
  3. The penetration of air into the digestive system when you have to hastily eat food or smoke.
  4. Physical inactivity, which provokes poor intestinal motility.
  5. Stress that impairs digestion. In stressful situations, increased amounts of adrenaline and norepinephrine are released. They contribute to the narrowing of blood vessels that nourish the intestines and inhibit its functioning.
  6. Treatment with certain medications.
  7. Injury to the digestive organs.
  8. Alcohol consumption.

These causes of increased gas accumulation are common to everyone, even children. In women, flatulence occurs before the onset of menstruation and during pregnancy. In order not to endure unnecessary suffering due to the development of flatulence, pregnant women should know how to reduce increased gas formation in the intestines.

The importance of physical activity

Exercises help patients not only normalize the level of air concentration in the abdominal cavity, but also strengthen the abdominal muscles and restore their psycho-emotional state.

Gymnastics activates the digestion process, minimizes blood stagnation in the abdominal cavity and increases the speed of intestinal peristalsis.

Therapeutic diet for flatulence

In order not to suffer from bloating once again, you should find out what foods produce gases and try to reduce their consumption or completely remove them from the diet. Different people experience gas formation from different foods; some react to flour and sweets, while others react to meat and fatty foods. But everyone experiences flatulence from foods high in fiber, such as:

  • Bread made from rye flour.
  • Legumes.
  • Citrus fruit.
  • White cabbage.
  • Berries and fruits.
  • Onions and green onions.
  • Fresh tomatoes.

An event such as excluding the following products from the diet will also help reduce increased gas formation in the intestines of an adult: soda, beer, kvass, they cause fermentation.

Mushrooms, alcoholic drinks, chewing gum, millet and pearl barley, milk and ice cream, and heavy meats such as goose, lamb and pork also cause the formation of gases. Having studied your body and determined which foods cause bloating, you simply need to avoid consuming them.

How to reduce gas formation in the intestines by eating foods

There are also foods that reduce flatulence because intestinal motility improves. These include:

  • Buckwheat porridge.
  • Fermented milk products.
  • Wheat bread, yesterday's baking, from wholemeal flour.
  • Vegetables and fruits, boiled or baked.

It is recommended to eat small portions, but 5-6 times a day. Chew slowly and chew food thoroughly. Drink more fluids, eat meals at the same time. A strict diet can be followed until symptoms disappear.

How does coffee affect the stomach?

The beans contain not only caffeine, but also many acids, including chlorogenic acids. Once in the stomach, they irritate its walls and stimulate the production of hydrochloric acid. If there is nothing to digest, pain occurs.

However, sometimes symptoms can appear after a heavy meal, when a person has overeaten and immediately washes down the meal with strong coffee. This situation is less common, but there is nothing terrible in it - everyone’s body reacts differently, and this happens.

It has been proven that a drink made from natural ground grains is beneficial for various body systems. But if it causes pain, then something is going wrong. Often it’s the grounds that end up in the cup and the stomach when coffee is prepared in a cezve (Turk), brewed in a French press, or directly in the cup. Try drinking coffee from a coffee machine for a while, or using special filters for straining, this helps many people solve the problem.

But the main advantage of green tea is its high concentration of antioxidants, including catechins.

The most important of these is EGCG (Epigallocatechin gallate), a substance that can speed up metabolism.

Keep in mind that these benefits can come from the drink you consume, as well as from the supplement, green tea extract. Many studies have used extracts.

The active components in green tea can help with this process by increasing the activity of certain hormones responsible for burning fat.

Almost all of the described phenomena cause disruption in the production of gastric juice, which is involved in digestion. For this reason, substances supplied with food are not broken down, which begin to rot and ferment in the intestines, as a result of which there is an excessive release of gases, which makes flatulence worse.

In addition to caffeine and some natural acids, the instant drink also contains artificial and chemical compounds of preservatives, dyes, stabilizers, emulsifiers and much more. They affect the gastrointestinal tract even more actively and can cause severe pain. Scientists have found that the type of instant coffee does not matter: granulated, freeze-dried, or powder, the sensations from them are approximately the same.

Tea's main antioxidant, EGCG, may help inhibit the enzyme that breaks down the hormone norepinephrine.

When this enzyme is inhibited, the amount of norepinephrine increases.

This hormone is a signal to the nervous system that fat cells need to be released from stored fat. Thus, norepinephrine strengthens the signal and promotes the breakdown of more fat.

Caffeine and EGCG (both found in green tea) may have a synergistic effect, as caffeine enhances the effects of the same hormone.

Folk recipes

How to quickly get rid of severe gas formation at home using recipes from folk remedies? Traditional medicine can help eliminate the disease by using herbal teas, decoctions, and infusions. For example, fennel seeds have a mild and effective property. Funds based on it are given even to small children. The most effective recipes are:

  1. Infusion of cumin or anise seeds. Take a teaspoon of seeds and brew them in a glass of boiling water, leave for 15 minutes and strain. Drink a third of a glass three times a day before each meal.
  2. Mint tea. Pour boiling water over a teaspoon of finely chopped leaves and cook for another 5 minutes. Cool slightly and strain, drink instead of tea.
  3. Infusions of flaxseed or chamomile. How to get rid of gas formation complicated by constipation with the help of herbal infusions? Take a spoonful of flaxseed or chamomile flowers and pour a glass of boiling water into the bowl with them. Let stand for at least two hours, and then take 2 tablespoons three times a day and before bed.
  4. How to get rid of bloating if it is caused by constipation? To do this, it is necessary to take preventive measures against the formation of constipation. It helps to make a mixture of dried fruits and senna herb. Take 400 g of dried apricots and pitted prunes and steam with warm boiled water, keep in it overnight. The next morning, pass the dried fruits through a meat grinder, pour 200 ml of honey and a spoonful of dry crushed herbs into the mixture. Mix the mixture, transfer to a glass jar and keep in the refrigerator. Eat two small spoons of the mixture before bed.
  5. Juice from raw potatoes. You need to drink a glass of it every day, so you should stock up on this vegetable in sufficient quantities. An hour before breakfast you need to drink a glass of freshly prepared potato juice. Treat daily for 10 days.

There are quite a few traditional medicine recipes aimed at getting rid of bloating and severe gas formation. You need to choose a prescription that is acceptable to you and begin treatment.

Drug treatment

Next, you should consider the issue of gas formation in the intestines, how to get rid of it with the help of medications. This is carried out using complex therapy, which involves symptomatic, pathogenetic and etiotropic treatment. If the cause of severe gas production is a disease in the digestive system, then it should first be cured.

Taking antispasmodics helps to quickly eliminate painful symptoms: No-shpa, Drotaverine. When bloating begins from air entering the stomach during chewing, measures are taken to prevent this process.

Severe gas formation, how to get rid of it using pathogenetic therapy, seems to be the following medication:

  • Sorbents - Enterosgel, Phosphalugel, remove toxins from the system, Activated carbon, but you cannot drink it for a long time due to a large number of side effects.
  • Enzymatic agents - Pancreatin, Mezim, improve digestive function.
  • Defoamers - Simethicone, Dimetiko extinguish the foam, which is the form of gases in the intestines.

How to eliminate severe gas formation in the intestines using etiotropic therapy that combats the causes that contribute to the release of gases:

  • Dynamic flatulence is eliminated by improving intestinal motility. To do this you need to take Cerucal.
  • Mechanical flatulence, which can cause swelling or constipation, is eliminated depending on the cause, that is, the disease. If the cause is a tumor, then treatment is carried out in the form of surgery. For constipation, laxatives are used.
  • To normalize intestinal function and eliminate dysbiosis, you need to take probiotics, which contain live bacteria.

How to quickly and safely remove increased gas formation in the intestines with the help of medications. Espumisan is considered the most effective and harmless. It has virtually no contraindications; it can be taken by children and the elderly, pregnant and lactating mothers with diabetes.

Other techniques

In addition to physical exercises and gymnastics, you can relieve the symptoms of flatulence with the help of massage.

Important! It is necessary to massage the abdomen only with warm hands, since a touch of cold will inevitably cause muscle spasm, which will only worsen the condition.

  • Place your palm in the navel area and make stroking movements clockwise. This technique is effective even in infants during colic.
  • To enhance peristalsis and expel gases from the intestines as quickly as possible, it is necessary to breathe through the belly. Alternately relaxing and tensing the muscles will improve motor skills. During the process, the hands control the intensity of movements.
  • After eating, it is not recommended to take a horizontal position. To help the stomach digest food without producing a large amount of gas, doctors advise taking a leisurely walk for an hour. The procedure will not only improve your well-being, but also speed up your metabolism, promoting weight loss.

If no massages help eliminate flatulence, then you can use auxiliary carminatives, but it is recommended to consult a doctor first.

Exercises to eliminate flatulence

Performing special exercises helps to quickly cope with bloating. This is an effective solution to the question of how to quickly remove increased gas formation in the intestines. To do this, you need to normalize your intestines. You need to do exercises regularly - this helps to increase blood circulation in the stomach and better release of gases. Exercises are performed lying on your back:

  1. In the starting position, slightly bend your knees and do the exercise “riding a bicycle.”
  2. In the starting position, bend your legs and pull them towards your stomach with your hands. Then stretch your legs and perform 10 exercises.
  3. Get on all fours so that your back is parallel to the floor. Raise your bent legs alternately, first the left, then the right. Do 10 repetitions with each leg.
  4. In the same position, bend the spine: as you inhale, bend down, as you exhale, return to the starting position.

At the end of the complex, you need to walk in place, raising your knees high. Thus, the question of how to remove gases from the stomach quickly and effectively is removed.

The formation of gas in the stomach worries everyone, but few people know how to get rid of them, except by taking medications that relieve gas in the intestines. You need to know everything about it, eat right and take care of your health.

Features of performing gymnastics

Classes aimed at eliminating flatulence are based on ancient yoga practices that restore both the physical and spiritual potential of a person. In order for exercises based on a system of philosophical teaching to give maximum effect, you should strictly follow the rules for their implementation:

  1. when moving, it is important to take a certain position and remain motionless for 5-7 seconds;
  2. all movements should be slow and smooth;
  3. When making movements, you should maintain a certain breathing rhythm (it is recommended to take slow and deep breaths);
  4. You should start with minimal loads, gradually increasing the number of exercises over time.

To achieve the best result, it makes sense to contact a specialist who, taking into account the individual potential of the body, will select the optimal set of classes. To achieve maximum relaxation, it is recommended to combine practical exercises with pleasant music.

The first sensations from gymnastics may be accompanied by slight discomfort, which will disappear over time.

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