Thickening of the gallbladder walls: causes and treatment
What is the gallbladder? The bladder is a kind of reservoir for the accumulation of bile, which then
prohibition for hemorrhoids
Proctologists recommend what not to do if you have inflammation of hemorrhoids and what to exclude from your diet
The development of proctological diseases always leads to disastrous consequences. How to prevent complications and what
What is combined hemorrhoids and how to treat them? 4 stages of the disease
Combined hemorrhoids are a subtype of inflammation of the hemorrhoidal veins, which differs from other forms of the disease in localization
Cases when the temperature may rise with hemorrhoids
Many people experience fever with hemorrhoids. It is important to know what causes this symptom
how many drops to take “Hilak Forte”
"Hilak Forte": use for the treatment of children and adults, instructions, reviews
Today there are many effective natural-based medications that help stabilize digestive processes.
Duspatalin capsules
Duspatalin for pancreatic disease
But knowledgeable people explained that it also relaxes the pancreas, due to which the outflow occurs
3 recipes with aloe to treat stomach ulcers: with honey, nuts and wine
A stomach ulcer is a violation of the integrity of the mucous membrane of an organ, which occurs due to the influence
Symptoms, causes and how to treat aggravated hemorrhoids
Hemorrhoids are one of the most common pathologies affecting the rectum, as can be seen in the photo. According to
Exacerbation of pancreatitis
The most common diseases of the liver and pancreas
Diseases affecting organs Among all diseases of the digestive system, the most often diagnosed are: liver diseases and
Lymphocytic gastritis, diagnosis, causes of development, effective treatment
Hyperplastic antral gastritis: how dangerous is pathological proliferation of the mucous membrane?
Lymphocytic gastritis is one of the forms of this disease. Very rare. At risk
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