Photo stage 4
What stage 4 (grade) hemorrhoids look like - photos, treatment and reviews from people
Stage 4 hemorrhoids are very difficult. During this period, the patient feels pain, itching, discharge
Is it possible to drink chicory for gastritis with high acidity?
More and more people are wondering whether it is possible to use chicory for gastritis. Regarding the benefits and
Purulent hemorrhoids (paraproctitis) - treatment features, advisability of traditional medicine
Hemorrhoids are a pathology that, in the absence of effective therapy, can cause the development of dangerous complications. One
Neoplasms of the large intestine
Tubular adenoma: types, common localization, etiology, methods of diagnosis and therapy
Colon tumors can be benign or malignant. Tubular adenoma of the colon and carcinoid of the appendix
Photo 2
Walnuts for gastritis with high acidity
If a person develops gastritis, the mucous membranes of the stomach begin to become inflamed and injured from
What medications to use for diseases of the liver and pancreas
Who needs to treat the liver and pancreas and how. The principles of treatment are determined by the form and nature of
Beneficial properties of pumpkin and its use for pancreatitis
Pancreatitis is an acute and chronic inflammation of the pancreas. The danger of the disease lies in the high
How to drink mineral water for gastritis: recommendations from doctors
Mineral water for gastritis The gastroenterologist prescribes not only drug treatment, but also advises additional
Drugs for the treatment of liver and gallbladder diseases
Diseases of the hepatobiliary system are accompanied by many unpleasant symptoms and serious digestive disorders. Drugs for treatment
How to properly use oats for pancreatitis and how they are useful
What fermented milk products are ok for pancreatitis?
Oats during an exacerbation of pancreatitis During the exacerbation phase, the diet is prescribed by a doctor. After forced medical treatment
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