Antibiotics for cholecystitis
Antibiotics for cholecystitis (inflammation of the gallbladder)
Antibiotics for cholecystitis are an important part of the complex treatment of gallbladder inflammation. Symptomatic cholecystitis
benefits of flaxseed oil for the stomach
Flaxseed oil for the intestines and stomach (for constipation, heartburn, gastritis and ulcers) Today, natural remedies that can improve your appearance and health are especially popular. Linen
diagram of the human pancreas
How to recognize pancreatic hyperfunction, characteristic symptoms and signs
Underfunction and hyperfunction of the pancreas are quite serious diseases that can lead to death.
What can and cannot be eaten with ulcerative colitis of the intestine, therapeutic diet and table number 4a
Nutrition and hygiene rules that will help with Crohn's disease
Ulcerative colitis is a serious disease that requires adherence to a strict diet, which is compiled for the duration of the medication.
Rules for consuming cottage cheese for patients with gastritis
Fermented milk products bring invaluable benefits to the body. It is a source of protein and calcium, which are essential for
Can hemorrhoids go away on their own without treatment?
Do hemorrhoids go away on their own without treatment - what complications can there be?
Hemorrhoids have become a common problem. Associated with leading a sedentary lifestyle and poor nutrition. Disease
Can there be a burning sensation in the mouth with gastritis?
After waking up, many people feel an unpleasant taste in the mouth. In most cases this is normal
Kissel for gastritis
Oatmeal jelly: a recipe for the stomach, what is it good for and what is the therapeutic effect, reviews
Is it possible to use jelly for gastritis, will it be beneficial? Treatment of gastritis is necessary
duodenal cancer first symptoms
Duodenal cancer - first symptoms, signs, treatment
Causes To begin with, it is worth noting that the nature and causes of oncology for doctors before
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How to take antibiotics for gastritis with high and low acidity: treatment regimen, which ones to take
Why are antibiotics needed? Antibiotics are a pharmacological group of drugs used to treat infectious diseases.
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