Eating cottage cheese and sour cream for pancreatitis and pancreatic diseases
This fact is not surprising, because cottage cheese is a source of easily digestible proteins, allowing human
Pancreatitis and pancreatic cancer
Therapeutic fasting for pancreatitis: a way out of fasting and what can you eat after?
Pancreatitis is a disease that should never be ignored. Treatment
Coffee for gastritis - can you drink it and how does it affect the stomach?
Espresso is an indispensable drink for coffee lovers in the morning. After all, thanks to a cup of strong coffee,
Gastritis during pregnancy
Exacerbation of gastritis during pregnancy: how it manifests itself and is treated
Chronic gastritis is a disease caused by inflammatory changes in the gastric mucosa and disturbances in the production of hydrochloric acid.
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Chicory for pancreatitis: how does the “miracle root” help cure the disease?
Chicory root is a real storehouse of beneficial compounds and vitamins necessary for our body. He
Features of the use of antibiotics for pancreatitis
metronidazole for pancreatitis Popular articles on the topic: metronidazole for pancreatitis Modern doctors often have to
Can I take pancreatin if I have diarrhea?
Indigestion is a fairly common problem that everyone has encountered at least once. Diarrhea (or
Overeating is dangerous to health
Easily digestible foods and their role in the diet
Each of us understands the importance of what and how much we eat. Nevertheless,
Development of intestinal obstruction in children
What causes and what is the danger of intestinal obstruction in a child?
Etiology Predisposing causes of the disease depend on the age group of children. Intestinal obstruction in newborns
How to treat hemorrhoids and anal fissures at home
If cracks appear during hemorrhoids, then this pathology causes pain not only during bowel movements,
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