Oatmeal jelly: a recipe for the stomach, what is it good for and what is the therapeutic effect, reviews

Is it possible to use jelly for gastritis, will it be beneficial? Treatment of gastritis must be carried out in a complex manner; in addition to taking medications, the patient must adhere to a strict diet. In order to minimize the inflammatory process that has engulfed the gastric mucosa, it is necessary to take nutrition issues very seriously. Kissel is perfect in this case; it has an enveloping property, which can significantly reduce pain.

The benefits of oatmeal jelly

oatmeal jelly can be not only healthy, but also tasty

The amazing properties of the drink are due to the fact that it contains a unique combination of fats, proteins, and carbohydrates necessary for normal life.

Positive effects on the body:

  1. Improves the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract.
  2. Increases hemoglobin levels.
  3. Cleanses the body of waste and toxins.
  4. Improves the condition of tooth enamel.
  5. Positively affects the elasticity of blood vessels.
  6. Normalizes hormonal levels.
  7. Promotes weight loss.
  8. Strengthens the skeletal system.
  9. Improves brain activity.
  10. Helps with anemia.
  11. Fights stress and depression.
  12. Increases immunity.
  13. Relieves allergies.

The benefits and healing effects of oatmeal jelly on humans are associated with its rich chemical composition.

It contains:

  • iron;
  • potassium;
  • fluorine;
  • magnesium;
  • cellulose;
  • probiotics;
  • amino acids;
  • vitamins A, E, B, F.

Oatmeal jelly is a good prophylactic for preventing cataracts and arthritis.

After lengthy research, experts noted another valuable property of the product: it prevents the occurrence of cancer.

The potassium and magnesium it contains help fight swelling. The high starch content makes the drink useful in treating:

  • pancreatitis;
  • gastritis;
  • ulcers;
  • cirrhosis;
  • hypertension;
  • dysbacteriosis.

It is best to consume oatmeal jelly in the morning. They can complement breakfast. To achieve the weight loss effect, replace your entire meal with it.

Rules for preparing jelly for the treatment of gastritis

For gastritis, jelly should be prepared correctly, only then will it have the maximum therapeutic effect. The consistency of the drink plays a big role.

You can get a thick, rich jelly if you dilute 3 teaspoons of starch in a glass of water during the cooking process. The mixture is introduced smoothly into a decoction with berries, fruits or other ingredients. Medium-thick jelly can be obtained by diluting 1-2 teaspoons of starch in 200 ml of water. If you need a drink with a light consistency, add 0.5-1 teaspoon per glass of water.

Corn or potato starch is suitable for making jelly.

You need to remember: jelly has a beneficial effect on the body if used correctly. You cannot prepare a drink from products that increase the production of gastric juice when the acidity is higher than normal. Conversely, ingredients that reduce the production of hydrochloric acid should be included if the patient has low acidity.

Before drinking jelly, a person diagnosed with gastritis should undergo an examination (it will help determine the type of inflammation) and consult a gastroenterologist. The doctor will tell you which jelly will be useful for a specific form of the disease.

How to cook correctly, recipe

Anyone can make oatmeal jelly. This tasty drink is equally suitable for children and adults of any age. Oatmeal jelly can be prepared with water, milk, or kefir. All suggested options are equally useful. The nutritional value of the jelly will simply increase.

You can prepare oatmeal jelly according to a recipe that does not require much effort and time. Required products: 2 cups of cereal, 4 cups of water. Cooking technology:

  1. Pour water over the flakes and let it brew for about 8-10 hours.
  2. Stir and strain through a sieve.
  3. Put on fire, bring to a boil.

In order to diversify this recipe, you can add ghee, honey, and nuts to it.

In 1992, doctor V. Izotov received a patent for a recipe for oat jelly. His recipe is based on the ancient Russian method of fermented oats. Thanks to its unique medicinal properties, the drink began to be called “Russian balsam”. Later, doctor Momotov improved his colleague’s recipe.

Oat flakes for fermentation are placed in a jar for 48 hours

You can prepare oatmeal jelly like this:

  1. Place 3 cups of Hercules cereal in a three-liter jar.
  2. Pour 3 cups of cool boiled water.
  3. Add ½ cup of fermented milk product, you can use kefir.
  4. Mix everything and cover tightly with a plastic lid.
  5. For fermentation, place in a warm, dark room for 18-48 hours.
  6. Strain the resulting mixture through a sieve. Place the liquid in jar “A”; it is necessary for the treatment of certain diseases. It contains a composition with a high acid content.
  7. Rinse used oatmeal with 2 liters of boiled cool water. Place the liquid in jar “B”, which is used to treat a number of diseases. The container contains a composition with low acidity.
  8. Leave jars “A” and “B” to stand for 12-18 hours.
  9. You need to carefully drain the liquid and save the sediment.
  10. A concentrate of jelly has formed in the jars. If the drink is to be used for medicinal purposes, do not mix sediments from jars “A” and “B”. For normal use, combine the mixtures and store them in one container.

This concentrate is used to prepare the drink. Kissel prepared according to this recipe is considered the healthiest.

Oatmeal jelly with milk

If you prepare oatmeal jelly with milk, it will be more nutritious

You can diversify your diet by preparing jelly with milk.

Required products: 200g oatmeal, 4 glasses of milk, 2 tablespoons of starch, salt to taste. Cooking technology:

  1. Pour milk over oatmeal and leave to swell.
  2. Strain the flakes and rub through a sieve.
  3. Add starch and salt to the resulting liquid.
  4. Cook, stirring, without bringing to a boil.

To make the jelly sweet, you need to add 4 tablespoons of sugar. Kissel prepared according to this recipe is healthy and nutritious.

Oatmeal jelly on water

A delicious drink can be made using a minimum amount of ingredients. Ingredients needed: 2 cups of cereal, 3 cups of water, salt. Cooking technology:

  1. Pour water over the flakes.
  2. Leave to swell for 12 hours in the room.
  3. Strain the mixture and rub through a sieve.
  4. Add salt.
  5. Cook for 10 minutes, stirring, without letting it boil.

This simple recipe can be varied by adding a little sugar, nuts or raisins when serving.

Cooking oatmeal jelly in a slow cooker

Modern household appliances can be used to prepare oatmeal jelly. Required products: 0.5 kg of oatmeal, 1 liter of water, salt, 1 piece of black bread. Cooking technology:

  1. Pour water over the flakes, add bread, leave for 8-10 hours.
  2. Remove the bread.
  3. Strain the mixture and pass through a sieve.
  4. Pour the liquid into the multicooker bowl.
  5. Cook in the “Stew” mode until thickened.

Before serving, it is recommended to add a little olive or linseed oil to the jelly. Alternatively, you can prepare jelly with milk. In this case, milk should be added instead of water.

Rules of application

Kissel is a mandatory dish in the diet menu of a person with gastritis. The dish has a wide range of therapeutic effects:

  • protects damaged mucous membrane from mechanical damage, acid and pathogens;
  • stimulates tissue healing;
  • pacifies pain;
  • removes toxic substances;
  • normalizes metabolic processes;
  • quickly saturates the body due to the presence of fiber;
  • forms a protective film due to its thick, slimy, desired structure;
  • promotes better absorption of products.

It is best to prepare the drink at home from natural fresh ingredients. Mixtures sold in stores may contain chemical additives, preservatives, and flavor enhancers. This will lead to increased pain.

Attention! Kissel is a universal product that is allowed for all forms of gastritis, even during exacerbation.

For hypoacid gastritis, which is accompanied by insufficient acid secretion, berry and fruit drinks based on sour fruits are recommended. If you have excess secretion of hydrochloric acid, you need to be careful with adding sugar. Sweet jelly activates increased synthesis of digestive juice. For the hyperacid form, oatmeal jelly is recommended.

Dairy drinks are usually excluded during periods of exacerbation of gastritis. This jelly helps with exhaustion of the body and prevents nutritional deficiency. Rose hips are a source of ascorbic acid. In combination with potato starch, it has antispasmodic and analgesic properties.

For erosions on the gastric mucosa, the most gentle, tender food is indicated. A starchy drink is an ideal drink that is suitable in terms of consistency, digestibility, and nutritional value. You can choose a drink based on your preferences. If gastritis is combined with biliary dyskinesia, it is best to prepare jelly from sour apples with pulp.

The healthfulness of jelly largely depends on the correct preparation and the selected ingredients.

To prepare a liquid drink, add no more than half a teaspoon of starch to a glass of liquid. Semi-liquid jelly will be obtained by adding a teaspoon of the product. If you want to prepare a thick dish, add two teaspoons of starch to a glass of water. For the best effect, it is better to drink jelly half an hour before meals. You should not wash down your food with jelly, this will lead to heaviness.

The dish is ideal for an early breakfast; it will help improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Drinking a viscous drink before bed will prevent hunger pangs. The basis of many jelly is potato starch. It is diluted with plain water or chilled syrup. Then the mixture is introduced in a thin stream into a boiling container. All ingredients should be stirred at the same time.

How to take for pancreatitis, ulcers, hypertension and other diseases?

Oatmeal jelly is recommended for various diseases

Oatmeal jelly has medicinal properties and helps patients with pancreatitis and ulcers.

In order not to cause increased secretory activity of the digestive organs, it is necessary to use a thicker consistency of the drink. Cooking technology:

  1. Bring 1 glass of water to a boil.
  2. Dilute 2 tablespoons of jelly concentrate, made according to Izotov’s recipe, in cold water.
  3. Add the mixture to boiling water and cook without bringing to a boil.

It must be remembered that all beneficial bacteria in the drink die at high temperatures.

To treat pancreatitis and ulcers, you need to drink 200 g of warm oat jelly every day. This treatment can be used for a long time.

For patients with hypertension, gastritis with low acidity, and dysbacteriosis, the following recipe should be used. Cooking technology:

  1. Bring 1 cup of liquid from jar “A” to a boil.
  2. Dilute 2 tablespoons of concentrate in water and pour into boiling water.
  3. Stirring, bring to a boil.

You should drink a warm drink in the morning. You need to calculate your diet so that the jelly is taken 3 hours before the next meal.

During the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, you need to stop taking various supplements, reduce the consumption of salt, sugar, milk, and spicy herbs.

It must be remembered that before you start using oatmeal jelly for treatment, you need to consult a doctor.

Gastritis and jelly

The drink is beneficial to the patient if it is prepared correctly. Grandmother's jelly made from jam will have less of a healing effect than a drink made from fresh berries, milk, or flax.

Ingredients play a big role. Nutritionists select jelly according to the type of pathology. The product for high stomach acidity is different from what can be consumed by people with low acidity.

In order for the drink to have a therapeutic effect, it is prepared on the basis of:

  • rosehip;
  • milk;
  • oats;
  • flax;
  • berries;
  • buckwheat;
  • carrots;
  • fruit;
  • pumpkins.

Kissel has an enveloping property for the gastric mucosa; it is recommended to use it half an hour before meals. Only home-cooked products should be included in the therapeutic diet. You cannot buy industrial dry jelly. Dyes and flavor enhancers are added to it, which harm the gastrointestinal mucosa.

Oatmeal jelly for weight loss

Oatmeal jelly is effective for weight loss

Poor nutrition and little exercise lead to an increase in the number of people suffering from excess weight every year.

Many existing diets bring only short-term results. In addition, some of them are harmful to health.

In Rus', a simple and affordable way to lose weight has long been used - oatmeal jelly. Thanks to which you can not only lose weight, but also improve your health.

Experts say that using oatmeal jelly you can lose weight up to 10 kg per month. Distinctive features of this method are: lack of hunger, good mood and high efficiency.

To achieve results, you need to drink jelly 2 times a day, replacing breakfast and dinner with it.

Rules of use:

  1. Drink in small sips.
  2. Use only freshly prepared drink.
  3. Store in the refrigerator for no more than 5 hours.
  4. During the day, introduce vegetables, fish, and lean meat into your diet.
  5. During your afternoon snack, eat some citrus fruit.
  6. For lunch you can drink 0.5 cups of jelly.

This oatmeal jelly recipe was used for weight loss back in the 16th century in Rus'. Required products: 1 glass of whole oats, 5 glasses of water. Cooking technology:

  1. Rinse the grain and add water.
  2. Cook at low temperature for about 4 hours, do not allow it to boil.
  3. Strain and pass through a sieve.
  4. Drink liquid.

You can add fruits, berries, honey. Jelly should be used for weight loss within a month.

You need to give up fatty, high-calorie foods. Any snack can be replaced with 100 g of jelly.

It is worth emphasizing that oatmeal jelly should be taken freshly prepared and should not be kept in the refrigerator for a long time. This is due to the fact that only a fresh drink retains all its beneficial properties.

A balanced diet and oatmeal jelly will help you lose weight, improve your health, and lift your mood.

In conclusion, it should be said that the benefits of oatmeal jelly are difficult to overestimate. The drink is useful for improving health and maintaining normal weight. There are many recipes for preparing this dish, so everyone can choose the most suitable one for themselves.

You can learn about oatmeal jelly and other healthy drinks from the video.

According to doctors, one of the causes of some ailments, poor health, and deterioration in the appearance of skin and hair is a lack of vitamins. You can replenish your reserves of useful substances by taking vitamin complexes, but this method has a big drawback: the body poorly absorbs vitamins that do not come from foods. Nutritionists believe that the body absorbs vitamins contained in foods and drinks much better. Oatmeal jelly contains many substances and microelements necessary for human health. Want to know how this drink is prepared?


Kissel can be consumed for gastritis with any level of acidity. But, despite its versatility, the drink has contraindications. These include:

  • allergy to the components of the drink. Most often it can be observed when consuming fruit and berry jelly;
  • chronic constipation. They may be burdened with starch;
  • diabetes. This is due to the fact that sugar is often used in the preparation of the drink;
  • obesity. Due to the high calorie content of the product.

These dangerous moments in the use of jelly are relative. There are no general contraindications for drinking the drink.

List of references: https://budtezdorovy.net/2017/06/lechebnye-kiseli-pri-gastrite-i-zabolevaniyah-zhkt.html https://www.kp.ru/guide/chto-mozhno-est-i- pit-pri-gastrite.html https://eda-land.ru/kisel/pri-gastrite/ Notes from the author of the article, based on personal experience. This material is purely subjective and is not a guide to action. Only a qualified specialist can determine an accurate diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

The benefits of oatmeal jelly for human health

Oatmeal jelly in its composition and preparation principle is very different from the usual sweet drink containing berries and fruits. To prepare jelly, crushed oat grains are used, and the oats must be fermented. The fat content in an oat drink does not exceed 7%, but it contains much more protein - up to 20%, so the drink is successfully used for weight loss. Oatmeal jelly also has the following beneficial properties:

  • The drink contains a high content of substances beneficial to the body - vitamins and microelements that improve the appearance of hair and skin. The vitamins contained in oatmeal jelly will have a strengthening effect on the body, which helps cure diseases of the heart and blood vessels.
  • Regular consumption of oatmeal-based jelly improves the functioning of the stomach and intestines, and damaged microflora is restored. This drink is recommended for people suffering from ulcers, gastritis, and other diseases of the stomach and intestines.
  • Oat-based jelly helps normalize blood composition and eliminates hormonal imbalance.
  • Oatmeal jelly is recommended for people who want to boost their immunity.
  • It has been proven that oatmeal drink helps cleanse the body.

Milk-oat shake for children - Teddy Bear

Rolled oatmeal jelly is also good for children. The recipe for making the drink is simple. Ready-made milk-oat jelly for little ones called “Bear Cub” can be purchased in stores. But we will prepare the healing drink ourselves.

We will need:

  • oatmeal - 200 ml (1 cup);
  • milk - 400 ml (2 cups);
  • starch - 20 g (1 tablespoon).

Preparation time: 3 hours.

Cooking time: 3-5 minutes

Total time: 3 hours.

Quantity: 1-2 servings.

Making oatmeal jelly from oat flakes:

  • Heat the milk to 40 degrees.
  • Soak oatmeal in warm liquid and leave to swell for 2-3 hours.
  • Place the swollen oatmeal on a sieve and leave until the liquid has completely drained.
  • Squeeze the flakes through 2-3 layers of gauze.
  • Pour off 50 ml of liquid, put the rest on medium heat and, stirring, bring to a boil.
  • We dilute the starch in the poured infusion.
  • After the liquid boils, pour starch into it in a thin stream and stir vigorously.
  • Bring the jelly to a boil, reduce the heat to low, and cook until thickened for 3-4 minutes.
  • Salt to taste, add berries, jam, butter, honey.

How to prepare medicinal jelly

To treat some ailments, it is not necessary to go to the pharmacy and buy expensive medicines: a drink made from oats, prepared according to the recipes of Momotov, Bolotov, Izotov, can improve the functioning of the stomach and intestines, normalize heart function and speed up metabolism. The drink is especially useful for the pancreas, liver and gallbladder.

For pancreatitis - Momotov's recipe

We will need:

  • oatmeal (flakes) – 0.5 kg;
  • kefir – 0.1 l;
  • boiled chilled water – 4.5 l;

Preparation (prepare within three days):

The first day

  1. Pour the cereal into a 3-liter jar, fill it with water (2.5 l) and kefir.
  2. Mix the ingredients, close the jar with a lid or a rubber glove (whichever is preferable).
  3. Place the jar in a warm place for 20-40 hours.

Second day

  1. Strain the liquid through a double layer of gauze. You will not need fluid to treat pancreatitis.
  2. Rinse the flakes in two liters of water, drain the liquid into a 2-liter jar.
  3. Place the jar in a warm place for 20-40 hours.

Day three

  1. The contents of a two-liter jar will be sediment (concentrate) and liquid, which must be carefully drained.
  2. Carefully collect the concentrate and pour it into a separate container.
  3. Boil 0.2 liters of water.
  4. Dilute 50 grams of concentrate in a small amount of water, add this liquid to boiling water.
  5. Stir and bring to a boil.
  6. Drink several sips throughout the day.

For stomach ulcers - Izotov’s recipe

We will need:

  • oatmeal (flakes) – 0.5 kg;
  • kefir – 0.1 l;
  • rye bread – 50 g;
  • boiled chilled water – 6 l;


  1. Pour cereal and bread into a 3-liter jar, pour these ingredients with water (3 liters) and kefir.
  2. Mix the ingredients, close the jar with a lid or a rubber glove (whichever is preferable).
  3. Place the jar in a warm place for 20-40 hours.
  4. Strain the liquid into a saucepan with a capacity of at least 6 liters.
  5. Rinse the flakes with water (3 liters).
  6. Leave the resulting mixture (2 three-liter jars) for 12-16 hours.
  7. After this period, drain the liquid (kvass) so as not to stir up the sediment (concentrate). These ingredients must be stored in the refrigerator or a cool place, and jelly must be prepared from them in the required quantities.
  8. Next you need to prepare the jelly. Two tablespoons of concentrate should be mixed with 0.25 liters of kvass.
  9. Bring this mixture to a boil.
  10. After boiling, reduce heat and cook until thickened.
  11. Drink several sips throughout the day.

Useful properties of jelly

Kissel is included in most therapeutic diets. The drink is indicated for restoring the body after gall bladder surgery, inflammation of the pancreas, duodenal mucosa and stomach. The widespread use of jelly for gastrointestinal pathologies is associated with the healing properties of the drink.

Kissel helps:

  • prevent overeating due to the high fiber content;
  • remove toxins and waste from the body, it has a beneficial effect on the patient’s intestines;
  • speed up the digestion process and metabolism in general;
  • thanks to its enveloping properties, it supports the gastric mucosa and protects against the effects of hydrochloric acid;
  • eliminate pain;
  • lower cholesterol levels;
  • enrich the body with vitamins;
  • reduce acidity;
  • relieve heaviness after eating;
  • normalize stool in case of intestinal problems;
  • improve the functioning of the pancreas and liver.

The effect of jelly on the stomach

Oats themselves help reduce levels of unhealthy low-density lipoprotein as well as “bad” cholesterol.

Doctor's recommendations! You can introduce jelly into your diet even if there are no problems with the gastrointestinal tract and the person is just trying to lose weight. Drinking a healing drink promotes rapid saturation.

Oat jelly provides the body with proteins, minerals and vitamins, but does not require any effort to digest. Thick mucus also helps soothe inflamed stomach walls, which is essential for ulcers and gastritis.

The benefits of the fermented drink prepared according to Dr. Izotov’s recipe are enhanced by “good” bacteria. Fermented starch is rich in beta-glucans, polysaccharides that reduce glucose absorption, lower blood cholesterol and control hunger.

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