How to treat internal hemorrhoids at home
The appearance of discomfort and pain in the anus often indicates the presence of hemorrhoidal disease.
Mixed gastritis
Mixed gastritis treatment with folk remedies, diet
Mixed gastritis is a disease that represents the occurrence of several forms of gastritis simultaneously - superficial,
resection with preservation of the pylorus
Gastric resection - description and indications for surgery
For various severe diseases of the stomach, conservative treatment does not always give the expected effect. If pathology
Antiviral drugs won't help. Why does a stomach cough occur and how to treat it?
Cough with gastritis A symptom such as cough is most often associated with diseases of the respiratory organs.
prunes for constipation
Do prunes weaken or strengthen? Prunes: beneficial properties and contraindications. The benefits of prunes during pregnancy and for weight loss
Article prepared by: Vasily Babkinsky Doctor of the highest category Prunes are actively used as a laxative.
Is it possible to eat avocado if you have gastritis or not?
The process of treating gastritis is always very long and requires special care. He can be successful
Symptoms and treatment of erosive antral gastritis
Erosive antral gastritis is a chronic disease characterized by the formation of superficial defects on the mucous membrane of the terminal
No-spa for gastritis of the stomach - instructions
Indications for use No-shpa The drug is effective for spastic constipation and spastic colitis, pyelitis, tenesmus,
Rectal suppository
Suppositories for hemorrhoids during breastfeeding for effective treatment
What is hemorrhoids? The disease can be called varicose veins located in the lower part of the rectum
How long does an exacerbation of gastritis last? Gastritis in the acute stage: symptoms and treatment
Many diseases occur with periods of exacerbation and remission. The above fully applies to
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