Starch in feces in children and adults: extracellular and intracellular
What is a coprogram and why is it carried out? Make a correct diagnosis, notice the presence of
What fruits and berries can patients with pancreatitis eat?
What fruits and berries can patients with pancreatitis eat?
For a speedy recovery and restoration of the functions of the digestive organs with pancreatitis, the patient must follow specially selected
What is superficial gastritis and how to eat properly with this disease?
Diet for superficial gastritis: nutrition to speed up recovery
Gastritis 10/30/2016 Today, all residents, especially of megacities, lead a fairly active lifestyle.
healthy eating
Why do calcifications appear in the liver, what do they mean for health and do they need to be treated?
Calcification in the liver is quite rare. Its danger is that very often
Gordox in ampoules
Instructions for use and reviews of the drug Gordox
Instructions for use of Gordox The use of the drug can cause allergic reactions, so 10 minutes before
Symptoms of intestinal colitis and treatment at home
When the mucous membrane of the walls of the colon becomes inflamed, they speak of the development of colitis. Drug therapy is selected
3D model of a blood vessel
List of the best venotonics for the treatment of hemorrhoids, which drug to choose?
The importance of venotics Phlebotonics for hemorrhoids, in its combined treatment, are of great importance. Thanks to them:
Interpretation of ultrasound of the gallbladder
Hydrocele of the gallbladder: etiology, manifestations and treatment
The gallbladder is an important organ. His health and performance must be carefully monitored. IN
Disabled gallbladder on ultrasound
Disabled gallbladder: causes, symptoms, treatment methods
The gallbladder acts as a container for bile in the body. If we talk about a disabled gallbladder
Diet and healthy foods for biliary dyskinesia
The diet for biliary dyskinesia has two goals - improving bile drainage and normalizing work
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