How to ease menopause, and how to help a woman during menopause?

The onset of menopause in a woman is the decline of the reproductive functionality of her body and the transition to old age. Some representatives of the fair half of humanity tolerate menopausal changes in the body without any problems, while for others, menopause causes a lot of trouble.

All the unpleasant symptoms of the menopausal period are caused by changes in hormonal levels in the body associated with the age-related transition to the senile period. In this review, we will consider: how and how to help a woman during menopause, and what can be used to cope with menopausal symptoms?

Tip 1. Change your attitude... towards everything

The first thing you need to do is change your attitude towards menopause. Unfortunately, we tend to perceive this period as aging and loss of attractiveness. This puts psychological pressure on a woman. Considering that due to hormonal changes she reacts to everything much more sharply, such an attitude can aggravate unpleasant symptoms and provoke the appearance of real depression. And after you change your attitude towards menopause, think about a more global step: change your attitude towards life in general. Accept each new day with gratitude and practice positive thinking. And you will see how the world becomes kinder to you.

How to restore sleep and calm down

A common manifestation of menopause is sleep disturbance during menopause . It can manifest as decreased sleep time, disturbing awakenings, nightmares, or complete insomnia. This condition requires urgent medical intervention, as it quickly depletes the body and can lead to serious illnesses.

A clear daily routine and careful attention to your own health will help normalize sleep and improve your health.

  • The transition to well-designed day planning helps develop the habit of getting up and going to bed at the same time.
  • A quiet and well-ventilated bedroom, as well as calm music, induces good sleep during menopause .
  • Baths before bed and regular massages normalize the state of the nervous system and promote sound, healthy sleep.
  • Eating at least 4 hours before bedtime helps you fall asleep easier.
  • Herbal teas and tinctures can make falling asleep easier.

You should not take sleeping pills or other medications without a doctor’s prescription. Alcohol not only will not help improve the situation, but can also significantly worsen it.

Tip 2. Remember - you are beautiful at any age!

Do not give in to provocations - menopause does not mean old age! Extinction concerns only the reproductive function of the body, while the woman can remain attractive and active. If you feel psychological discomfort, then it’s time to master practices that will help relieve the internal feeling of your unattractiveness. These are psychotherapy, auto-training, meditation, breathing exercises, yoga. Yoga and simple breathing exercises will help relieve psychological discomfort during menopause.

The concept of menopause

The climacteric period is a period of time during which the hormonal function of the ovaries decreases, menstrual bleeding stops, and, as a result, reproductive function. This time is divided into three main phases.

  1. Perimenopause is the period preceding the cessation of menstrual bleeding, which most often begins at the age of forty-five and lasts from three to seven years.
  2. Menopause is the last menstruation in a woman's life. This phase lasts 12 months.
  3. Postmenopause is a period of life from three to fifteen years after the end of menstruation.

Already during premenopause, the first signs appear, forcing a woman to think about how to more easily endure menopause.

Tip 3. You need vitamins. And it is not discussed!

Hot flashes are one of the first signs of menopause that the vast majority of women experience.
How it happens: You suddenly feel hot and may suddenly become sweaty and flushed. Often hot flashes are accompanied by panic attacks, when there is a feeling of lack of air. Uncontrollable hot flashes are familiar to most women after 45. The appearance of hot flashes is associated with hormonal imbalance. Because of it, the level of substances in the body that are responsible for thermoregulation changes. The most important of them are beta-alanine and vitamin E, so during menopause it is necessary to compensate for their deficiency. Also make sure to take calcium, magnesium and potassium, which together have a positive effect on bone structure. After all, bone fragility is one of the primary problems during this period. It does not appear immediately, since calcium is washed out of the bones gradually, but when the problem becomes acute, it will be too late. That’s why it’s so important to start taking mineral complexes in advance.

What is menopause and menopause symptoms

Menopause is a special period that occurs as a result of age-related changes in the female body. First of all, this condition is associated with the decline of the reproductive system and a decrease in the level of sex hormones (in particular, estrogen). Menopause always provokes a restructuring of biological processes that affect the physical and psycho-emotional state, appearance and nervous system. In addition, the endocrine and cardiovascular systems are affected. Menopause usually occurs at 45-50 years of age (the discrepancy may be 1-3 years).

The main distinguishing symptom of menopause is amenorrhea - the absence of menstruation. In the first year after menopause, they can be observed irregularly - this depends on the physiological characteristics of each woman. The manifestation of other symptoms is also individual - for some they are almost invisible, for others it is extremely difficult to tolerate this condition and require medical attention. The severity of symptoms depends on the rate of decline in estrogen production - the faster this process, the more difficult the process is. This is due to the fact that it is difficult for the body to readjust itself and that is why such a strong reaction occurs.

Most often during menopause, a woman is bothered by the following symptoms:

  • Irregular menstrual cycles for the first few months or even years. This condition is also very insidious, because in adulthood women attribute the absence of menstruation to menopause, while at best it could be pregnancy, and at worst it could be a tumor disease. That is why you should definitely consult a gynecologist.
  • Psycho-emotional state disturbance: frequent irritability, tearfulness, increased nervousness and sensitivity. Many women draw an analogy for this condition with premenstrual syndrome that is several times more intense.
  • Deterioration in general health: increased blood pressure, frequent headaches and dizziness. Often a woman loses consciousness, feels a surge of heat and stuffiness, at this moment the heartbeat significantly accelerates and breathing quickens.
  • Changes in hormonal levels lead to weight gain and obesity.
  • External changes also occur: the skin loses its elasticity and firmness, wrinkles and swelling appear.

Depending on the general condition of the woman, genetic predisposition and her physiological characteristics, menopause can occur in different ways. The main thing to remember is that menopause is not a disease or a death sentence, and you can even cope with it on your own.

Tip 4. Eat tasty, but healthy

Please note that some foods increase hot flashes - for example, alcohol, coffee, cocoa, spicy or too hot foods.
Try to remember what you ate before your next hot flash. If you can identify patterns, then you can avoid those foods to which the body reacts negatively. Hot flashes can be caused by poor diet. By adjusting your diet, you will improve your well-being. Also, with the advent of menopause, weight increases. This is also due to hormonal changes. The fact is that adipose tissue can synthesize estrogens. Therefore, when the ovaries reduce their production, the body tries to compensate for the deficiency of estrogen by increasing fat reserves. This explains the increased appetite and craving for high-calorie foods high in carbohydrates and fats. It is useless to argue with nature, but you can try to come to an agreement with it.

For example, a simple psychological trick helps: every time you want a “forbidden” high-calorie food, try to distract yourself by switching to something interesting - chat on the phone with a friend, watch an exciting movie, leaf through a new gardening magazine, or read an article on your favorite website. website.

There is a simple psychological trick: every time you want “forbidden” foods, distract yourself by reading, talking on the phone with a friend, or going to your favorite website.

Naturally, during this period it is better to adjust your diet. Try to minimize fried, fatty, spicy, sweets. Limit your salt intake. Cook more in the oven, steam, or grill.

Signs of menopause

Each woman’s body is individual and in its own way makes it clear that menopause is approaching. But most often its onset is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • menstrual irregularities;
  • hot flashes, causeless increase and decrease in blood pressure;
  • sudden change of mood;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • increased sweating;
  • nervous excitability, drowsiness or insomnia;
  • tearfulness;
  • migraine;
  • skin aging, wrinkles appearing;
  • weakness;
  • dyspnea;
  • dizziness;
  • nausea;
  • imbalance when walking;
  • weight gain;
  • decreased sexual desire, discomfort in the vagina;
  • pain when urinating, urinary incontinence;
  • night urge to urinate;
  • absent-mindedness, forgetfulness;
  • causeless anxiety;
  • lack of appetite, intestinal dysfunction;
  • numbness and tingling in the limbs;
  • aches in the lower back and back;
  • hair loss;
  • lump in throat, chest pain;
  • feeling of dryness in the eyes and mouth;
  • the appearance of diabetes mellitus and osteoporosis.

In addition to the presence of symptoms, the fact of menopause can be confirmed or refuted using tests sold in pharmacies. Indeed, very often the signs that a woman perceives as menopausal syndrome may indicate the presence of a serious illness.

The above symptoms together are called climacteric syndrome and can occur either individually or several at once, which greatly interferes with a woman’s normal life. At this difficult moment, the question of how to alleviate the symptoms of menopause becomes very relevant.

Tip 5. Don’t leave things to chance

Enrich your diet with phytoestrogens.
Phytoestrogens are plant substances, distant “relatives” of the female hormones estrogen. Once in the body, they partially replace real estrogens, the deficiency of which becomes less acute - which means that the unpleasant symptoms of menopause are reduced. If you start taking phytoestrogens already during perimenopause, you can mitigate the symptoms of menopause. Of course, you can take real hormones. But, unfortunately, hormone replacement therapy (HRT) has many side effects and contraindications. Every woman sooner or later faces a serious choice: start hormone replacement therapy or use natural remedies

Hormonal drugs for menopause are toxic to the liver; they increase vascular tone, blood clotting and increase the risk of heart attack and stroke. Hormones are contraindicated in a number of chronic diseases. In addition, while taking such drugs, you need to carefully monitor some blood parameters, regularly see specialists, and get tested. It's no wonder that many women are afraid of hormone therapy or simply cannot use it.

Phytoestrogens are a safe alternative to hormones. They gently correct hormonal balance without causing side effects typical of hormonal therapy. There are several types of phytoestrogens. Soy isoflavones are the most studied. These substances, normalizing hormonal balance, slow down skin aging, improve calcium absorption and strengthen bone tissue.

The Mense complex prevent and alleviate unpleasant symptoms of menopause caused by a decrease in estrogen levels . In addition to phytoestrogens (soy isoflavones), beta-alanine and vitamin E, Mense contains a number of useful micronutrients: vitamins B6 and B12, folic acid, pantothenic acid, vitamin C. The drug also contains the natural amino acid 5-hydroxytryptophan, which improves sleep and reduces appetite , thus preventing excess weight gain. More details on the website.

How to relieve menopausal symptoms

A healthy lifestyle, a balanced diet, occupational and rest hygiene, the creation of an optimal living environment, folk therapy, physical therapy and medications will help reduce the negative manifestations of the natural decline of the body. The most effective is hormonal therapy, selected by a doctor depending on the estrogen content in a woman’s blood.

Drug therapy

The method of relief during menopause depends on the general health of the woman and the symptoms prevailing in each case.

Based on complaints and objective data (test results), the specialist selects medications to help survive the stage.

  1. Hormonal therapy is indicated for significant disturbances in well-being and shifts in metabolic processes. Progesterone, estrogen, or combined hormones may be prescribed.
  2. Homeopathic remedies are used simultaneously or after replacement therapy and are designed to regulate well-being against the background of decreased hormone production.
  3. For minor deviations in health, phytoestrogens are used.
  4. Neurological or psychological disorders require the use of sedatives or antidepressants.

Hormone therapy

HRT drugs are prescribed under the control of laboratory data (blood hormone levels) and are designed to alleviate the suffering of women during severe menopause.

This group of products allows you to reduce the aging of the body, normalize mood, increase performance, and slow down the involution of tissues and organs of a woman.

Medicines for menopause:

  • Logest;
  • Regulon;
  • Sinfazik (prescribed in the early period before the appearance of negative symptoms, low-hormonal drug of combined action);
  • Trisenquens;
  • Diva;
  • Phytoestrogens;
  • Feminal (clover-based drug), refers to a dietary supplement, suitable for long-term treatment;
  • Inoclim (based on soybeans) eliminates the symptoms of menopause.

The first two drugs contain estrogens, are prescribed for severe symptoms of menopause against the background of low levels of the hormone in the blood; they cannot be used by people with hormone-dependent cancer.

Important! Hormonal therapy is used only under the supervision of a doctor; illiterate use of the drug can cause irreparable damage to health.

Preparations based on herbal raw materials, containing a small amount of estrogens, are prescribed in courses and are suitable for long-term use.

Important! Preparations based on herbal raw materials require long-term use, the effect is cumulative, improvement in the condition while taking drugs of this group occurs 2-4 weeks after the start of therapy.

Tip 6. Exercise is your best friend

Of course, each of us has to solve a million problems every day, but try to set aside at least half an hour a day for physical activity.
Time for exercise, exercise, or even a regular walk is time for your health. Numerous studies show that women who lead an active lifestyle have an easier time going through menopause and are less likely to suffer from hot flashes. Don’t neglect physical activity, it will give you a feeling of confidence and help you get through the menopause test more easily. If you can’t visit a sports club, it doesn’t matter! Spend more time outdoors, walk, exercise at home. By the way, yoga or bodyflex (breathing exercises) gives a very good effect. Whatever type of physical activity you choose, you should enjoy it. Otherwise, you will hardly be able to exercise regularly and for a long time.

Folk remedies

  • Red crow , which is taken in tablets or capsules 2-4 times a day. It reduces uterine contractions and the number of hot flashes, relieves muscle pain and spasms.
  • Abraham tree , the dry fruits of which are brewed, infused and taken twice a day, 1/2 tsp.
  • Damiana , the dry leaves of this tree act as antidepressants. It is enough to take 100-150 mg per day, 2-3 days a week.
  • Dandelion , tinctures from its roots, leaves and flowers help normalize the functioning of the body's hormonal system.
  • Angelica officinalis is effective in reducing symptoms that appear as a result of falling levels of the hormone estrogen. The recommended dose is 1 capsule or 1 tablet 2 times a day.
  • Chamelirium luteum , produced in capsule and tincture form. It is recommended to take 1 time per day. The product relieves pain symptoms during menopause, and is also actively used in the treatment of the uterus and ovaries.
  • Ginkgo , its leaves improve brain function and oxygenate all cells of the body. Available in the form of capsules, tablets and tinctures, it is very effective for memory disorders, mood swings and symptoms of depression.

Tip 7. Find time for yourself and for him

Many women at this age are tormented by the thought that their main purpose in life has been fulfilled - their children have grown up and no longer need parental care.
Because of this, they lose the meaning of life. It is often after 40 years that relationships with a husband deteriorate. What to do? Look at all this from a different perspective. The children have grown up - wonderful! You now have more time for yourself and your spouse, a second youth is ahead. Spend it usefully: walk more together, communicate with your spouse, revive old family traditions. After 45, a second youth begins. If your priority is your career, now you have time to carefully consider what steps you can take for professional growth. There may be areas of expertise in your profession that have been overlooked. Consider upgrading your skills.

You can engage in self-education, meet more often with those who share your hobby, visit interesting exhibitions, buy a theater or cinema subscription. You can take driving or manicure courses, join a dance club or those who love indoor violets. Allow yourself to enjoy life and enjoy it. Use all your life experiences to your advantage. Remember, menopause happens in every woman’s life, but not every woman turns it into a pause in life.

Dear women of seven, how did you meet menopause: cheerfully and fully armed, or did it suddenly overtake you and throw you off track? What methods did you resort to to make it easier to get through this period? Share your experience, it may be useful for other women.

Late menopause

Occurs in women over 55 years of age. The reasons are usually hidden in genetic characteristics; it is almost impossible to artificially delay the onset of menopause. The danger of this condition lies in the increased risk of cancer of the ovaries and mammary glands, because these are estrogen-dependent tumors.

Therefore, with the continued secretion of sex hormones, the likelihood of such diseases increases. To prevent negative consequences from occurring, every woman, regardless of age, should undergo an annual examination by a gynecologist, as well as a timely mammogram.

How to use hormones during menopause

Hormone therapy for menopause is good because it usually helps eliminate several symptoms at once. To treat incontinence, hot flashes, vaginal dryness and other problems, medications that contain estrogen (estradiol) are used - this is the hormone that the ovaries stop producing. Patient education: Menopausal hormone therapy (Beyond the Basics) . Most women (who have not had their uterus removed) also require a progestin.

Many combined oral contraceptives contain both of these hormones. In addition, hormonal medications are available in the form of patches, vaginal rings and creams, even intrauterine devices.

With such an abundance of options, the question of dosage and rules of administration is decided only by the doctor.

In addition, hormonal therapy has its own contraindications and side effects. They are individual and are also discussed when choosing a drug.

If for some reason hormonal therapy cannot be used, other means are used to alleviate the main symptoms of menopause. For each symptom there are its own recipes.

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