Medicinal plants that have a hemostatic effect. Hemostatic herbs in gynecology

The use of medicinal herbs in medicine

Traditional medicine has a lot of experience in treating many ailments and ailments and has been used since the beginning of life on earth. All products are of natural, natural origin, so the body accepts this medicine better.

In many medicines, the main active ingredient is an extract from a medicinal plant. There are also many herbal remedies that use only herbs.

Hemostatic herbs play a significant role among medicinal plants, including their use in gynecology. Over a long period of life, they are used by healers to stop uterine, hemorrhoidal and other types of bleeding.

When is the best time to go to the doctor?

Herbs to stop uterine bleeding are not always the ideal solution. In some cases, using them means wasting valuable time. You should see a doctor first if:

  • the cause of the bleeding is unknown;
  • there is severe pain;
  • the discharge has started;
  • shortly before the problem was discovered there was childbirth or;
  • When taking herbal remedies, the volume of discharge does not decrease.

The effectiveness of plants in stopping bleeding is based on their natural properties, which have been studied for a long time. Some help strengthen the vascular walls, others know how to influence the uterus, and others influence the composition of the blood, stimulating its clotting. But when choosing natural remedies as a basis for treating bleeding, you need to remember that they are fighting the effect rather than the cause of the problem.

Hemostatic herbs for uterine bleeding are used as an addition to the main methods of treatment. Their effectiveness is due to the medicinal properties of medicinal plants. Some types activate the factors of the blood coagulation system, others strengthen the walls of blood vessels and reduce capillary permeability, and others increase the tone of the uterus and help normalize the hormonal balance in a woman’s body. The main advantage of using herbs is the absence of side effects and contraindications for use.

Availability of menorrhagia

Menorrhagia is a disruption in the regularity of the monthly cycle, which is accompanied by severe blood loss (more than 150 ml). Menorrhagia also has a long period that exceeds all physiological norms.

Heavy bleeding can be primary or secondary. During primary menorrhagia, large blood losses begin from the girl’s very first period, and secondary ones are acquired during the woman’s life.

The reasons for allocation failure may be the following problems:

  • Hormonal disorders in the female body (most often this cause occurs during puberty and menopause);
  • Gynecological diseases (uterine fibroids, endometriosis, ovarian dysfunction and others);
  • Using an intrauterine device (IUD) as contraception, which produced a side effect – heavy discharge. In such cases, you should refuse to use this remedy.
  • Rarely, but this can be a consequence of neoplasms on the woman’s genitals;
  • Inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs;
  • Ectopic pregnancy;
  • Blood diseases affecting the clotting process;
  • Disorders in the thyroid gland system;
  • Heart, liver and kidney problems;
  • Stressful situations, nervous overstrain;
  • Overwork;
  • Great physical activity.

The only thing where large blood loss during menstruation is considered normal is heredity. This happens and is passed on through the maternal line.

The danger of menorrhagia lies in the possible onset of anemia in a woman. Among other things, heavy periods negatively affect the quality of life in general.

For preventive purposes, experts recommend keeping a calendar where a girl will record her individual menstrual cycle. Note the days of bleeding, their nature and quantity.

If a girl suspects she has menorrhagia, she should consult a doctor and undergo an examination. He will determine the exact cause of the disease and determine the correct treatment.

Uterine bleeding - causes

The disorder often provokes changes in hormonal levels. Thus, uterine bleeding during menopause is associated with a decrease in estrogen in the blood, which controls the normal growth of the endometrium. As a result, the processes of endometrial cell rejection are also disrupted, irregular periods are observed, which, increasing in volume, provoke greater blood loss. To reduce it, hemostatic herbs are used for uterine bleeding.

Considering directly the causes of uterine bleeding, gynecologists divide all provoking factors into non-genital - not related to the reproductive system and genital - directly related to the functioning of the reproductive system. This is how non-genital bleeding results:

  • diseases of the blood coagulation system;
  • liver dysfunction;
  • disruptions in the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • disruption of the hypothalamus;
  • thyroid diseases;
  • stress.

Genitals develop at different stages of pregnancy, after the birth of the baby. In addition, they can be caused by certain disorders in the reproductive system:

  • anomalies in the structure of the genital organs (saddle-shaped);

The healing power of herbs

Traditional medicine has a long history. Her recipes were used by healers from different continents of the world.

Our distant ancestors, great-grandmothers, grandmothers, mothers turned to folk wisdom for help, and each of us more than once resorted to the service of a miracle plant.

In addition, most modern pharmacological preparations contain medicinal plants.

The principle of action of hemostatic herbs is to stimulate the uterus and constrict blood vessels. As a result, bleeding stops.

Many medicinal plants contain vitamin K, which is able to regulate blood clotting processes in the body.

Using these herbs, a woman:

  • the menstrual cycle is normalized;
  • regulates the amount of discharge;
  • will relieve the inflammatory process.

In this way, the body receives the necessary tone to maintain strength and overall health.

Infusions and solutions are prepared from various useful plants and herbs for preventive treatment purposes. It is recommended to start using such products three days before the first day of your period.

Other herbs are used specifically for various menstrual bleeding disorders:

  • Painful periods;
  • Copious bleeding;
  • Cramps in the abdominal area;
  • Some plants can eliminate infections.

Girls do douching with infusions or specially prepared solutions to stop heavy periods. If you need to treat external damage to tissues, use washing.

Uterine bleeding - emergency care

Severe uterine bleeding requires urgent hospitalization. The loss of a large volume of blood can lead to irreversible consequences, death. After bleeding begins, you must call an ambulance. It should be borne in mind that hemostatic herbs cannot help with severe uterine bleeding, even when used in high concentrations.

Waiting for the brigade:

  1. Take a horizontal position.
  2. Remove the pillow from under your head and place it under your feet.
  3. Place cold ice on the lower abdomen.

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Hemostatic plants

Herbs that have a stimulating effect on the muscles of the uterus are known:

  • Nettle;
  • Harelip family Lamiaceae;
  • Plant of the Potentilla erecta family;
  • Horsetail;
  • Common viburnum;
  • Arnica of the Asteraceae family;
  • Common St. John's wort;
  • Calendula;
  • Plantain;
  • Centaury;
  • Large pubescent mullein leaves;
  • Sandy tsmin or immortelle;
  • Bilberry myrtifolia;
  • Belladonna (belladonna);
  • Pharmaceutical burnet;
  • Acorn (aesculus, horse chestnut);
  • Stinging nettle;
  • Water pepper (pepper knotweed);
  • Regular chicory;
  • Knotweed grass;
  • Pharmaceutical chamomile;
  • Verbena officinalis;
  • Spiny steelhead;
  • A thorny shrub of the Rosaceae family (brown rose hip);
  • Styphnolobia (Sophora japonica);
  • Celandine plants;
  • Cut grass or yarrow grass;
  • The well-known shepherd's purse;
  • Marsh dry grass (swamp);
  • Salvia officinalis plants;
  • Valerian;
  • Multi-colored carnation;
  • Barberry;
  • Aloe;
  • Dogwood (berries and seeds);
  • Melissa leaves;
  • And cherry leaves;
  • Rosemary herb;
  • Ginseng.

This is not the entire list of herbs that can stop bleeding in women. These herbs are brewed and a decoction is made from them, and they are also infused with alcohol and water. They are used in a single form or combined into preparations that effectively increase the body’s ability to quickly clot blood.

You need to remember, in order to get the most effective result, you need to follow all the rules and proportions for preparing medicinal products.

Recipes for decoctions with one component

To eliminate heavy bleeding during heavy menstruation, you can use folk remedies. These are infusions, herbal decoctions, where one component is used.

Pepper Knotweed

This plant can tone uterine contractions, increase the rate of blood clotting and calm the nervous system.

You can make tea, alcoholic and water tinctures from this medicinal plant.

To brew tea, which has the ability to stop various bleeding, you need 20 grams. dried herbs and a liter of boiling water. Then everything is simple, the mixture is brewed as tea and drunk a cup in the morning, lunch and evening.

A decoction to stop bleeding in women and to normalize irregular periods. You need to infuse 30 grams of knotweed herb in a glass of vodka in a dark place for 10-14 days. Directions for use: drink 10 drops 4 times a day.

For the infusion, you need to take 20 grams of dry or fresh herb, put it in an enamel bowl and add 250 ml of boiled water. Place in a water bath for 15 minutes. Leave the finished product to infuse for an hour. Then strain and add boiled water so that the total volume of the tincture is 200 ml.

This healing remedy should be drunk 50 ml 3 times a day. per day before meals.


You can buy an already prepared decoction at the pharmacy; its name sounds like a liquid extract from viburnum bark. Or make it yourself.

Ingredients: 20 grams of viburnum bark, a glass of boiling water. Place the ingredients on low heat and cook in a water bath for about half an hour. Cool the broth, strain and add liquid to make the total volume 250 ml.

Take 30 grams orally 3 times every 24 hours, after meals.

Cat's paw

It is used to stop various bleedings. Various infusions are made from the herb:

Take a large spoon of dried herb and brew it in 250 ml of water. Then leave until cooled and filter.

Directions for use: 10 ml of tincture every hour.


One of the most popular herbs is considered to be common nettle. It is available to every inhabitant of the planet. The recipe is as follows: a large spoon of dry plant and a glass of boiled water. The broth is boiled for about 10 minutes. Drink a glass a day. There are restrictions for this remedy: people suffering from high blood clotting rates should limit use to three days.

Shepherd's Purse

It can stop not only uterine bleeding in women, but also bleeding in the stomach, lungs, kidneys and nasal blood loss. In addition, girls use shepherd's purse to stop labor bleeding and during heavy bleeding after an abortion.

For oral administration, take two large spoons of dried herb and pour half a liter of boiling water. Next, the broth is boiled in a water bath for 15 minutes. Then it is cooled, filtered and the finished tincture is brought to its original volume (500 ml), topped up with water.

Directions for use: a tablespoon 4 times a day after meals.

Decoction for douching; 6 spoons of shepherd's purse are combined with 400 ml of water and infused for about 10 hours. Strain.

Nettle for uterine bleeding

Nettle decoction for uterine bleeding has been used since ancient times. This plant contains high concentrations of vitamin C, which has a hemostatic effect. In addition, when used, blood circulation in the pelvic organs improves and the filling of the reproductive organ with blood decreases. Before drinking nettle for uterine bleeding, you need to make sure that it is really bleeding and not heavy periods.

Nettle leaves for bleeding


  • nettle leaves - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • water – 200 ml.

Preparation, use:

  1. Dried nettle leaves are poured with a glass of boiling water.
  2. Place on low heat and boil for 10 minutes.
  3. Cool and filter.
  4. Take 1 tbsp. spoon, 4-5 times a day.

If there are no raw materials for preparing a decoction, you can use a ready-made pharmaceutical preparation - nettle extract. For the treatment of uterine bleeding, 30-40 drops are prescribed, half an hour before meals. For ease of administration, the drops are diluted with 100 ml of boiled water and drunk immediately. The extract is also used to prevent bleeding in the postoperative period.

Universal herbal recipes

To stop bleeding, various decoctions are often used, which include several medicinal herbs.

  • To stop heavy blood loss during menstruation, prepare the following herbal mixture. The herbs Knotweed and yarrow herb are taken in equal quantities. The mixture is stirred, take a tablespoon and put in a thermos overnight, pour half a liter of boiling water. The next morning, filter the broth and drink 100 grams 3-4 times a day. During severe bleeding, a decoction of burnet is added to this tincture. 1 teaspoon of burnet plus 100 ml of herbal collection, take 3 times a day. The course of treatment is a week, no more.
  • Burnet is prepared according to the following principle: 3 tablespoons of a small and dried plant are poured with 200 grams of medical alcohol. The tincture is stored for two weeks in a dark, cool place, shaking occasionally. Take for uterine bleeding or too heavy periods.
  • For heavy periods, the following herbal collection based on cinquefoil is well recommended. The infusion includes: one tablespoon of knotweed, one tablespoon of horsetail, three tablespoons of centaury herb and five tablespoons of cinquefoil. All plants are dried, crushed and mixed. To prepare the infusion you need one large spoon of the mixture, which is placed in a glass and filled with boiling water. Leave the broth to brew for an hour and strain. The tincture is consumed in small quantities throughout the day.
  • You can also prepare a tincture from this collection of plants: one tablespoon each of shepherd’s purse and oak bark, two tablespoons of common yarrow and 800 ml of boiling water. Mix all the ingredients in an enamel container and let the broth brew until it cools completely. Then strain and drink in the morning and evening.
  • In a 1:1 ratio, take yarrow, mistletoe and five parts of periwinkle and horsetail. Mix the ingredients, then put one tablespoon of the mixture in a bowl and pour a glass of boiling water. Cool and strain. This decoction is used for douching.
  • Another tincture sounds like this: grass – 50 g. nettle leaves and 50 grams of yarrow. Combine and, taking a large spoon of the mixture, fill it with a glass of boiled water. Leave it wrapped in warm material for several hours. Method of use: half a glass of decoction 3 times a day an hour before meals.
  • Another option for arranging medicinal plants to regulate the amount of menstrual bleeding; 5 grams of yarrow herb, water pepper, oak bark, nettle leaves and 8 grams of white mistletoe branches. Mix everything and add a liter of water. Then boil the broth for 25 minutes, cool and strain.

Shepherd's purse for uterine bleeding

The herb is known for its ability to activate the blood coagulation system. As a result, the intensity of blood loss decreases and pain decreases. Shepherd's purse for bleeding can be used according to the following recipe.

Shepherd's purse for bleeding


  • shepherd's purse - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • water – 200 ml.

Preparation, use:

  1. Dry grass is poured with boiling water.
  2. Wrap yourself in a warm blanket.
  3. Leave for 1 hour.
  4. Take 1 tbsp. spoon before meals, 3-4 times a day.

General recommendations

Excessive blood loss during menstruation is a pathological condition of the body that requires treatment. Hemostatic plants can only relieve pain, stop the profuseness for a while, but they will not get rid of the cause. Therefore, it is better to seek help from a specialist. This will help a woman significantly improve her overall quality of life.

If, nevertheless, the lady decides to use traditional medicine to help, remember that any medicinal plant can accumulate in the body, do not exceed the course of treatment.

Each woman decides for herself whether to use traditional methods of treatment or not, but we must remember that self-medication can have unforeseen consequences.
Before starting a course of herbal treatment, consult a specialist! DID YOU LIKE THE ARTICLE? SHARE WITH YOUR FRIENDS!

What are the types of uterine bleeding?

Bleeding is not always a sign of any serious pathology. Sometimes it can be associated with pregnancy and childbirth. Sometimes it can be caused by hormonal imbalance caused by stress, colds, climate change or high physical and emotional stress. Such situations are relatively harmless and can be easily corrected with appropriate treatment.


However, in addition to this, uterine bleeding can be a symptom of quite serious diseases that require not only immediate medical attention, but also long-term treatment. Uterine bleeding can be caused by:

  • Various oncological diseases.
  • Atrophic changes in the endometrium - the inner lining of the uterus.
  • Incorrect placement of the intrauterine device.
  • Threatened miscarriage, frozen or ectopic pregnancy.

Main features

You can distinguish such bleeding from normal bleeding yourself. Even if its occurrence coincides with menstruation, uterine bleeding will be longer and more abundant. Often accompanied by the release of large blood clots and a deterioration in general condition.

Any uterine bleeding should be a reason to consult a doctor. Especially if it is accompanied by weakness, drop in pressure, tachycardia and dizziness.

In addition to medicines, traditional medicine can also be used to improve the condition. Some herbs are as effective as drugs and can make treatment more effective.

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