Bleeding before menstruation reasons
Causes and treatment of spotting before menstruation
Menstruation is a normal physiological phenomenon that occurs in women during their childbearing years. At that time
How long does it take for your period to come after a Caesarean section?
According to statistics, approximately 25% of children in Russia are born through caesarean section. IN
Is it possible to take Norkolut during menstruation? How to take Norkolut to induce menstruation or delay it? Interaction with other drugs
In gynecology, a fairly common occurrence is a delay in menstruation. The female body cannot always
Long periods: causes and ways to eliminate pathology The duration and intensity of a woman’s periods are
in the basket
The healing properties of nettle during menstruation
Beneficial Properties of Nettle We have already mentioned some of the beneficial properties of nettle, but let's define them
When will your period come after stopping duphaston? How to restore your menstrual cycle
Lack of menstruation after taking Duphaston The drug Duphaston, which is a synthetic analogue of the female sex hormone
Medicinal plants that have a hemostatic effect. Hemostatic herbs in gynecology
The use of medicinal herbs in medicine Traditional medicine has very extensive experience in the treatment of many
Delayed menstruation, how many days is normal, reasons for cycle failure
Every woman should know how long her menstrual cycle lasts, as well as what it can be
Discharge after menstruation
Liquid discharge like water in women: what to do?
Discharge after menstruation, what to do? First of all, there is no need to panic and drink questionable
Heavy periods for the first time after childbirth
The cycle after childbirth on artificial feeding
What should menstruation be like normally after childbirth? It takes a while for the body to recover after childbirth.
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