Is it possible to treat teeth or remove them during menstruation?
Key Points Many people know how uncomfortable toothache can be. Sometimes it can be so strong
Pine infusion
What is the first phase of the menstrual cycle
During the menstrual cycle, called the proliferative phase, the structure of the uterine mucosa changes
Why is there a three-day delay and it starts to smear. Unexpected delay in brown discharge - female alarm signals
Every girl understands that monitoring her health and changes in her body helps
Why do you have a headache before and during your period: causes, symptoms, treatment and prevention
Ivan Drozdov 03/26/2019 4 Comments Headache is quite often a symptom of menstrual syndrome. U
If you haven't had a period for three months, what should you do?
Why no periods for 3 months: reasons
Primary and secondary amenorrhea The absence of menstruation for several cycles is usually called amenorrhea. It can be primary
Delayed menstruation and white discharge: causes.
Discharge when menstruation is late usually worries girls very much. In fact, such secretions can
Menstruation lasts 3 days: is this normal, reasons
Menstruation is an important part of female nature. Their onset coincides with adolescence (11–13 years)
Girl menstruation
Brown blood during menstruation: what is the reason?
The most common causes Often, dark blood during menstruation occurs in those women whose
Migraine during menstruation: how to treat and causes of menstrual migraine before and during menstruation
Menstrual migraine is studied at the intersection of two specialties: neurology and gynecology. On the one hand, this
Dicynon tablets
Tablets "Ditsinon": use for uterine bleeding and reviews of the results
Dicynone is a hemostatic drug that has been used for quite a long time to stop bleeding, ambulance
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