why did my periods suddenly disappear?
What to do if you miss your period after losing weight, how to restore your menstrual cycle
Lack of menstruation due to pregnancy in a woman Why did my periods suddenly disappear? The most common reason
Main types of gaskets and features of choice
In general, a gasket is a part placed between two parts of a structure. In everyday life
Can a tampon go inside the uterus and how to remove it?
Is it possible for a tampon to get inside the uterus?
Hygienic tampons are a modern and very convenient means of hygiene during menstruation. In contrast
causes of bleeding between periods
Blood on the 15th day of the cycle causes. Bleeding in the middle of the cycle - all possible causes
Causes of bleeding in the middle of the cycle Bloody discharge between periods can be due to various reasons,
Why do you want sex during menstruation?
Why do you want sex during menstruation?
Is it worth going to the doctors when you want sex before your period Appearance, mood, desires
Cystitis during menstruation - causes, treatment
With cystitis, the inflammatory process affects the walls of the bladder. More often the disease occurs under the influence of pathogenic
Weight during menstruation
Let's figure out whether people lose weight during menstruation 1
How menstruation affects weight The hormonal changes that take place in the body with the onset of menstruation are reflected
How to test for thrush at home
Candidiasis: symptoms and diagnosis Of course, thrush can be suspected by the well-known indirect symptoms: yeast-like discharge
examination on a chair
Is it possible to go to the gynecologist during menstruation 81
Every woman with the onset of menstruation should make it a rule to visit a gynecologist at least once every
Many women answer without hesitation that swimming in the sea during menstruation is prohibited. But in 80% of cases, respondents themselves do not know why
Is it dangerous to swim with a tampon during your period?
Pads or tampons? But for the most part, preference is given to pads, although a modern girl or woman is much more
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