Homeopathic medicine Pulsatilla for delayed menstruation

Every woman experiences menstrual irregularities from time to time. And this is not always due to pregnancy. After going to the doctor, the specialist declares that there are no visible health problems. The way out of the situation is hormonal drugs. However, most women are in no hurry to buy pills because they have more side effects than benefits. In the era of evolution, we return again to the origins of traditional medicine. The well-known plant lumbago or sleep-herb formed the basis of a modern homeopathic remedy. - Pulsatilla. The product is used to normalize a woman’s hormonal levels and restore the menstrual cycle. Pulsatilla helps a certain type of woman with a delay in menstruation. Who is the drug indicated for normalizing reproductive functions?

Features of Pulsatilla

Currently, an increasing number of women are choosing a homeopathic remedy to restore hormonal levels. It is selected individually, taking into account temperament and character traits. Thus, Pulsatilla helps timid, vulnerable, sensitive women with delayed menstruation. Simply put, with an unstable nervous system. On the eve of menstruation, tearfulness, depression, nervousness, aggressiveness, moodiness, and decreased self-esteem are observed. In the absence of pathological reasons for delayed menstruation and a negative pregnancy test, the main cause of cycle disruption is a failure of the nervous system.

Stress this month, nervous tension, unfavorable psycho-emotional situation. For women with blue, gray, green eyes, fair skin and hair, Pulsatilla is intended for delayed menstruation. By no means, it is not appearance that plays an important role, but the state of such individuals’ nervous and endocrine systems, which regulate the balance of hormones. The effectiveness of the drug is achieved due to its ability to resonate with the tissues and cells of the body.


Composition and effect on the body of Pulsatilla

The natural remedy consists of lumbago or sleep herb extract placed in granules and sucrose.
Available in several variations. It differs in the concentration of the active substance. To normalize the menstrual cycle, women take a drug coded 6C. The shell protects the drug from the effects of gastric juice and delivers the drug to its destination - to the intestines, where the drug begins its work. Pulsatilla granules improve blood circulation, normalize the activity of the endocrine system, cleanse the body of toxins, and normalize hormonal levels. Granules are very useful during menopause, when frequent hot flashes are annoying. It is recommended to take the granules during the period when acute manifestations of the disease subside. Pulsatilla granules accelerate the removal of harmful substances from the body.

Indications for use of the product are:

  • delay, absence of menstruation – amenorrhea;
  • painful menstruation – dysmenorrhea;
  • disruption of the endocrine system;
  • discharge between periods;
  • uterine bleeding;
  • period of menopause - menopause;
  • inflammation of the pelvic organs;
  • cystitis;
  • venereal diseases.

Storage conditions and periods

The shelf life of Pulsatilla ointment and granules is 2 years, solution for parenteral administration is 3 years. After this period, taking the drug in any form is highly undesirable.

The product is stored at room temperature out of the reach of children. In this case, high humidity and direct exposure to sunlight should be avoided.

  • Store at room temperature.
  • Store in a dry, dark place.
  • Do not store near sources of heat or electromagnetic radiation.
  • Keep away from children.

The effectiveness of Pulsatilla for delayed menstruation

The granules affect the functioning of the nervous and endocrine systems, thereby enabling the body to regulate the balance of hormones itself.
The central nervous system regulates the body's activities, gives instructions for the production of hormones, and stimulates the functions of the endocrine system. If the delay in menstruation is caused by stress, the granules will be able to demonstrate an effect after 3 days of treatment. Pulsatilla saturates the body with oxygen, improves blood circulation, improves the functioning of the genital organs, relieves inflammation, and strengthens the immune system. The drug cleanses the body of harmful toxins, which lead to a deterioration in health and increased manifestations of premenstrual syndrome.

Pulsatilla for delayed menstruation, how to take

The drug has different concentrations of the active substance. To induce menstruation, you should take Pulsatilla 6C. One dose of the drug is 5 granules. Take before meals or an hour after meals. The granules are placed under the tongue. Daily dose – 10 granules. Take in the morning and evening. If menstruation is delayed, the granules should be consumed within 3 days. After 1–3 days, your period will begin.

If the cycle is disrupted, if menstruation is constantly delayed, Pulsatilla is taken for a long time. Then the reception is carried out according to the following scheme:

  1. 3 days, 10 granules in the morning, in the evening to induce menstruation;
  2. 5 granules per day three times a week to prevent hormonal imbalance.

The action of Pulsatilla can be weakened by certain foods. The following should be excluded during treatment:

  • strong tea;

  • coffee;
  • cocoa;
  • chocolate;
  • alcohol;
  • citrus.

It is recommended to take the granules at the same time every day. The break between servings should be no less and no more than 12 hours.

Side effects

The drug is accepted very well by the woman’s body. In some cases, an allergic reaction may occur, which is not a reason to stop treatment. We are talking about individual intolerance to the components. There are no contraindications as such. However, it is recommended to consult a doctor before starting treatment. You should definitely visit a gynecologist and get tested. A pregnancy test is required. The drug does not cause menstruation if the test result is positive.

Side effects

Allergic reactions may occur.

If you follow the specialist’s recommendations, there are no side effects when taking the drug.

The following manifestations should alert the patient:

  • increased allergic reaction of the body (rash, itching, urticaria on the skin). Lacrimation may also occur, and in rare cases, Quincke's edema develops;
  • dizziness;
  • slight malaise.

If the above reactions occur, it is important to consult your doctor.

A visit to a specialist is also recommended if:

  1. The drug was chosen correctly, but in the first days there is a deterioration in health, which is soon replaced by an improvement in the condition. The peculiarity in the onset of a beneficial effect is the specificity of the action of a homeopathic remedy. However, further treatment should be carried out under the supervision of a homeopath.
  2. There are side effects that are not described in the instructions.
  3. There is no therapeutic effect for more than 1.5 weeks.

Reviews about the effectiveness of the drug

Did Pulsatilla help you to induce menstruation?
Leave your feedback in the comments to the article, they will be useful to other users! Marina :

Treatment should be long-term. The product normalizes hormonal levels gradually. It won't get better in one cycle. She completed a course of treatment for 5 months. Still irregular. Delays occur by 3–5 days. The doctor prescribed the drug. I subscribed via the Internet. It was not available in our pharmacies.


Doesn't cause menstruation. I tried not 5, but 7 tablets. My period didn't come. Duphaston had to be called. But then she continued to take the homeopathic remedy. The doctor recommended that I gradually restore the background in order to avoid a similar situation in the future.


My period has started. Maybe it was a coincidence, or maybe the drug really helped. I took 7 tablets and my period appeared in the evening. No side effects in the body. Then I continued taking it for prevention purposes. The next menstruation came on time. I didn't drink anymore. The drug is very expensive. The purchase is affordable.

Minor menstrual irregularities can be corrected with homeopathic remedies. The drug of this group, Pulsatilla, helps with delayed menstruation only in certain cases. Therefore, before starting treatment, a woman needs to consult a gynecologist to establish an accurate diagnosis and make a prognosis regarding the effectiveness of the medication. This article will tell you how Pulsatilla works when your periods are late, provide instructions for using the drug, indicate the price, and introduce you to real reviews about the product.

Symbiosis of folk remedies and scientific achievements

Many women with menstrual irregularities prefer to use medicinal plants, fearing the side effects of pharmaceutical drugs.
In many ways, their fears are justified - some medications cause allergies, others require a certain diet, and others have unpleasant side effects. And if we take into account the high cost of such drugs, the desire of patients to use proven folk recipes becomes understandable. Pulsatilla contains an extract of the popularly known sleep herb. This plant aroused the interest of scientists who discovered its healing properties for the treatment of various diseases. The alkaloids and saponins that make up the sleep herb have a beneficial effect on the hormonal, immune, nervous and circulatory systems.

Sleep herb has long been used by healers to induce menstruation, so this ability could not escape the attention of modern pharmaceutical companies. Studies have revealed the positive effect of using this plant in the treatment of endocrine diseases, inflammatory processes and uterine bleeding.

Features of the product and its action

Pulsatilla is a homeopathic medicine. It is based on the plant of the same name, which is popularly called sleep grass. Meadow lumbago has found wide application in alternative medicine due to its beneficial effect on the functioning of the following body systems:

The lumbago extract has the following effects:

  1. Improved blood circulation.
  2. Elimination of hormonal imbalances.
  3. Normalization of the thyroid gland.
  4. General cleansing of the body.
  5. Calling for periods.

Interaction with other drugs

Features of the interaction of homeopathic medicines with other pharmacological agents have not been studied.

The biologically active substances of Pulsatilla do not affect the speed of psychomotor reactions, as well as the functional functioning of the brain. At the same time, there is no decrease in concentration of attention.

The use of the drug is possible in combination with other homeopathic remedies:

  • Lycopodium;
  • Acidum Sulfuricum;
  • Silicea;
  • Kalium Sulfuricum;
  • Stannum metallicum.

Antidotes (incompatible with homeopathic drugs) with Pulsatilla are Ignacia, Argentum Nitricum.

It is not advisable to take Pulsatilla along with anti-inflammatory and antibacterial medications due to possible disruption of the circulatory system, liver, kidneys and bone marrow.


Pulsatilla can be taken for various diseases that relate not only to gynecology. The drug is used for the following menstrual cycle disorders:

  • amenorrhea;
  • endocrine infertility;
  • dysmenorrhea;
  • irregular menstruation;
  • uterine bleeding;
  • premenopause and menopause.

It is necessary to understand that serious gynecological diseases cannot be cured solely by homeopathy. Therefore, Pulsatilla helps if the delay is associated with:

  • with stress;
  • with physical overstrain;
  • with climate change;
  • with mild hormonal imbalance;
  • with the restoration of the body after infectious and viral diseases.

If menstruation is delayed, you should first visit a gynecologist and examine the reproductive system. It is important to exclude serious pathologies of the pelvic organs, infectious and fungal diseases.

Many women use a decoction of onion peels when their periods are late. Find out proven recipes in the article at the link.

Instructions for use and dosage

The product is available in several versions. For the treatment of amenorrhea and unstable menstruation, the C6 label is suitable, but some sources indicate D200. Most homeopaths advise their patients to use the hundredth dilution, which according to Hahnemann’s classification corresponds to the Latin letter C and coefficient 6.

In a standard situation, the regimen for taking Pulsatilla for delayed periods looks like this:

  • daily dose – 10 granules;
  • duration of treatment – ​​3 days;
  • a prerequisite is an equal period of time between doses;
  • method of use – resorption under the tongue;
  • connection with food - on an empty stomach or an hour after a meal.


There are a number of cases when treatment differs from the usual course:

  1. Systematic delay. Twenty granules per day in two doses for three days.
  2. Prevention. The duration of administration is a week, and the woman needs to drink 15 granules, dividing the total dose over three days.

It is important to mention that Pulsatilla to induce menstruation should only be prescribed by an appropriate specialist. Gynecologists often do not have the knowledge to help homeopaths select the appropriate amount of medicine based on the woman's character and physique.

Find out what other drugs are successfully used by women to restore the menstrual cycle.


To prevent a decrease in the effectiveness of Pulsatilla, it is necessary to exclude the following foods from the diet:

You should adhere to a clear interval between morning and evening doses of the drug (12 hours). Also, many homeopaths claim that sleep herb works better for women who meet the following characteristics:

  • blonde hair;
  • blue, blue, gray-blue eyes;
  • tendency to anxiety and worry;
  • soft and compliant character;
  • fear of the dark;
  • emotional dependence and tearfulness;
  • noticeable femininity and conscientiousness.

But you need to understand that there is no clear evidence on this issue. Therefore, the drug helps almost all women who suffer from menstrual irregularities.

Pulsatilla (Pulsatilla)

Description and indications for use of a homeopathic medicine

PULSATILLA (very similar to Aristolochia!) - acute remedy for Sulf., Na mur., Sil. Right-handed. Chilly Pulsatilla - Cyclamen, Pulsatilla with thirst - Clematis! Name Puls. - “Weather vane.” It is effective for breech presentation, when the fetus often changes its position in the uterus (weathervane). In an acute situation, maybe chilly: cold palms and feet. In an acute state, he may feel thirsty. Antidotes side effects from long-term use of iron supplements. Can't eat what he wants. The pain goes away with consolation. She is embarrassed to talk about her sexual problems (unlike her, Sulf. is not shy). Rejection or feeling rejected, unloved and unwelcome. An inner feeling that they are the center of the universe. They have the feeling that they do not exist, that they never existed, that no one ever really loved them. The image of this product surprisingly combines the image of a gentle purring cat and the image of a growling dog. They like to be stroked and caressed, to be told about their wonderful qualities and to pay attention to them. From early childhood, they want to be first and receive the bulk of their parents' attention and affection. In later life, they tend to manipulate their loved ones, trying to attract their attention (a typical question they ask too often is “Do you love me?”). This is all a manifestation of the “cat” component of their nature. The “dog” component manifests itself in their limited outlook, focus on themselves and their inner world, fanaticism in judgment, dogmatism and straightforwardness. They are characterized by a feeling that they are not in control of the situation, and therefore such people try to gain excessive control. Puls. very neat and pedantic. They make lists so they don't forget anything. Characterized by severe irritability. They are very greedy. They marry a man who has a lot of money. Women of this type, being purposeful and sociable, usually get married early and become mothers at a young age. They tend to cry when angry; Crying and anger are often inseparable. Both children and adults sleep on their backs, with their hands behind their heads or folded on their chests. The worst time of day for them is morning and evening. Fresh air is vital. Chilliness, worse near fire. Children are characterized by thick, sticky yellow discharge from the ear canals and yellow discharge in the inner corners of the eyes. There are many moles on the body and face, like Thuja. Marked fear of the dark. In the event of an unexpected illness, when something is discovered, P. will feel sorry for herself and say, “I will soon die and then everyone will cry for me.” She will imagine the funeral procession, the flowers on the coffin, and remember all the good things she had with her husband. She does not have the fear of death like Aconit., she will have a touching, pitiful, melodramatic state with tears in her eyes. At the appointment he complains: “I have pain there, it hurts there...” - he is looking for sympathy, wants to attract attention to himself, does not want to leave the doctor. A very soft, tearful person. Complains: “Why don’t you pay attention to me?” Very sensitive to criticism. They find it difficult to follow rules, so if someone tells them something sternly, they may start crying. They are not strong enough and cannot withstand external pressure. Strictness and comments break such people. Fear of going crazy. Frivolous. She is characterized by obsessive thoughts that sex is bad in any of its manifestations, even with normal sex life. She may have a tendency towards homosexuality. They have an obsessive thought about the equal depravity of homo- and heterosexual relationships (Silicea). Religious delirium may occur. Hot, but in an acute state can become chilly. Does not like cold drafts - air conditioning. Loves soft-boiled eggs. Dry mouth - she only needs to moisten her mouth with water to feel relief (as comfort (Meta)). When he enters a room, he immediately wants to open the windows (regardless of whether the room is warm or cold). Answers questions lively and emotionally. Very sensitive. Children sit on their mother's lap, cling to her, and hide behind their mother. He loves affection; if you shout at him, he will cry. If loved ones suffer, it worries them. Company is needed, some don’t play, or he must know that his mother is nearby. They seek attention and cry to get their mother's attention. Loves fresh air, but not a strong draft. They do not like enclosed spaces (Meta). Feeling of coldness in the leg, although it is warm. Nausea from hot drinks.

The pathological conditions of FERRUM METALLICUM and PULSATILLA develop slowly. They have a fear of illness and a fear of death. They imagine themselves lying in a coffin and believe that they are in danger. They are afraid of cars on the street. They are very timid and feel like everyone is looking at them when they walk down the street. She feels safe only in her home, but at the same time she is afraid that if she remains alone in the house, someone might kill her. They are characterized by an illusion - it seems to them that there is someone nearby who can kill them. They do not make new acquaintances in the company. This is a characteristic feature of Lycopodium, behind which there is an inferiority complex.

P. is the most feminine type, because its representatives live only by emotions, which they do not suppress or control. They may have good intelligence, but it is completely subservient to the “service” of their emotional needs and desires. This is why their thoughts are so changeable and unpredictable. Children of both sexes from 2 to 5 years old are often P., because at this age they are guided primarily by emotions. These children are very emotional. They are loyal, gentle and soft creatures, provided their emotional needs are met, but they require constant attention and, if deprived of it, become capricious, crying until they get their way. P. is a very natural type. If a child is hurt physically or emotionally, he will cry. He will not make the slightest attempt to hide his pain, and when it passes, he is instantly forgotten. In this, P.'s children are similar to Ph.'s children, who are often confused with P. The difference lies in the degree of emotionality. P. is always emotional (although her emotions are most often weak and soft), therefore her reactions are more subjective, whereas Ph. M.B. more detached and objective. At times the child Ph. feels the need for support and support, and then he might. very emotional, but in general he is characterized by activity, curiosity, and a desire for new things, in contrast to P., who is more interested in whether she is loved and is not particularly obsessed with a passion for adventure. An obsession with emotional satisfaction is the cornerstone of P.’s personality, around which her other attributes revolve. P.'s children are selfish, greedy, unlike Ph.'s children. Like Na mur., P. primarily strives for emotional security and can easily feel rejected (feeling of abandonment), while other hypersensitive children - Sil. or Ph. – have great emotional strength. To be happy, they too should. attention and encouragement, love and tenderness are needed, but they do not at all need every minute confirmation that they are loved, which is so characteristic of P. and Ign. It is emotional insecurity that makes P. so selfish. She puts her emotional needs above all else, and if she feels a lack of attention and care, she immediately creates a violent scene. Or the unfortunate P. may continuously moan and whine, trying to attract attention to herself. Once she gets the dose of love she needs, she becomes blissfully happy, and as long as that love is showered on her, she does not worry about anything. Like Calcarea, P. is very simple in its needs. She needs to be loved. For P.'s children, physical contact brings great pleasure - hugs, kisses, cuddling. All P., both adults and children, need a lot of warmth and touch. At the same time, they exhibit their characteristic shy charm. Outside the home, the child is very timid with strangers. Like Sil., child P. at first does not make contact until he understands whether these people are dangerous and whether they are friendly enough (timid, shy). If they see that the stranger is "good", they will throw caution to the wind much faster than Sil. and start playing with him. Although P. trusts those she loves very much, with strangers she can show great suspicion, which is not always possible to overcome with external friendliness. P.'s likes and dislikes arise very whimsically, and the process of their formation is not always clear, but having made a choice, P. distinguishes only between “good and bad.” But these estimates do not last long and are subject to change. In addition to close contacts with loved ones, P. generally loves sensual pleasures: enjoying delicious food, visual perceptions of beauty. These preferences may very subjective and whimsical (picky, picky). P. is not distinguished by neatness and passion for order, which are combined with fastidiousness in Ars. and Namur. She is simply picky, like a spoiled child, accustomed to having his slightest desires fulfilled. The more child P manages to manipulate his parents with sudden outbursts of emotion, the more spoiled he grows up. Many children Ign. or Namur. They are no less whimsical in their desires and are inclined to manipulate their parents with the help of whims. These three types generally have much in common, but the fundamental difference between P. is the absence of suppression of emotions. Similar to Ign. or Namur. child P. is very jealous when the parents' attention switches to other children. In a state of jealousy, they become irritable and quarrelsome, throwing out their irritation both on their rival and on the “unfaithful” loved one. If girl P. thinks that her brother’s new toy is more beautiful than hers, she may break his toy, and if he is the center of attention on his birthday, she may demonstratively refuse to eat and be capricious in every possible way. P. is one of the most timid types. P.'s children are especially susceptible to all types of fears, especially when they feel insecure due to insufficient parental attention or due to a change in environment. They are afraid of the dark because of the fear of ghosts, while many Na mur. children who complain of a fear of the dark say that they are afraid of “scary people.” P. is afraid to be alone. P. is especially frightened by manifestations of aggression. They begin to groan and sob at the slightest sign of aggression, physical or verbal, and in the family they prefer to quietly retreat rather than openly confront their parents’ anger, and as adults, they take on the role of peacemaker. In this role, she appeals primarily to the feelings of those quarreling rather than to their reason. P.'s interests are primarily related to her personal relationships. She is only interested in those she loves, and her life is dedicated to finding love, and when it is found, to enjoying that love. She always has someone to whom she is devoted as a master and whom she faithfully serves. For a child, these are parents. Then this role is played by the beloved young man, then by the husband, and then by her children. She is happy to stay at home and take care of her husband and children - this is her calling in life. She doesn't care about politics, philosophy or the state of the economy (she is absorbed in household chores). In this, P. resembles Calcarea (these types also have a pronounced external similarity, so they are easy to confuse). But even the simple-minded, home-loving Calcarea is more interested in things that don't directly affect those closest to her, such as her career or creative hobbies. P. even chooses entertainment in accordance with the wishes of her husband or children. Therefore, many P. cannot realize their own individuality until they are deprived of those they love. Then they begin to look for themselves, wondering about their purpose in life, after which they find someone else whom they will serve again, or, on the contrary, they develop vigorous activity, in one way or another returning some direction and stability to their lives.

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Adolescence may be the most difficult period for P. Her usual emotional variability is aggravated by hormonal changes and the pressure of maturing sexuality. At this time, P. is forced to a certain extent to free herself from attachment to her parents and dependence on them, and most often before she has a stable connection with someone else. At this age, it is very typical for her to have a tendency to rush into romantic relationships and sexual relationships without thinking, and then suddenly break them off, crying and telling her friend how bad she feels alone, or how unhappy she is with her boyfriend. Many P. enter into relationships completely impulsively, in desperate attempts to gain the emotional security that they so need. The fundamental difference between Ign. and P. is the degree of intensity of emotions. Both types are characterized by mood swings, but P.’s emotions are much more intense, because they are deeper, and below them lie the repressed emotions that give them such power. When P. is doing well, her outbursts of bad mood are rare and are provoked by something perceived as a threat to her emotional safety. P. is very sensitive to any decrease in tenderness. If her husband is tired at work and is not as friendly to her as usual, she may be upset as if he stopped loving her. In her experiences, she will repeatedly exaggerate the degree of his inhospitability, getting more and more excited inside, so that then after one of his unsuccessful phrases, for example, that he does not like her new perfume, it is quite enough for her to run away to her room sobbing . As long as she feels loved, she remains quiet and compliant, but when her lover's feelings for her are threatened, she will never pretend that everything is fine and keep herself under control, like Na mur. She will not suppress her despair, she will cry. She will not suppress her anger, she will yell and break dishes. When everything is still not so bad, but the relationship has shown a small crack, P. may be in a state of mild irritability. In this state, she may not say what caused her irritation, but simply take out her disappointment and dissatisfaction with life on her family, complaining and crying over little things (gratuitous crying). It is by crying that P. most often reacts to emotional pain. These are often moderate tears rather than heavy sobs (as in Na mur. or Ign.), and are easily dried up by reassurance and tenderness. But P. becomes very attached to people and animals, after the loss of which she may begin to have a nervous breakdown with hysterical sobs and almost thoughts of suicide (inconsolability). Due to her emotionality, P. can become overexcited to the point of nervous exhaustion, when she cries for no apparent reason or suffers from a headache (consequences of excessive joy). Usually P. is sociable and funny. She may take part in an intellectual debate, but her opinions are copied from her parents or her husband. The greatest instability of her mood is observed in the premenstrual period, when the slightest little thing provokes a feeling of abandonment and tears flow in a stream (crying before menstruation - PMS). Like Calcarea, P. strives for a stable, simple life filled with sensual pleasures. She does not have an obsessive desire for perfect cleanliness in the house or to be sure to do something useful in her free time. She may well be lazy if there is such an opportunity and will enjoy it, unless her husband forces her to do something at this time. But even in this case, she will passively resist his demands, doing what she wants. The difference in how P. and Calcarea behave at home is quantitative, not qualitative. Calcarea is more down to earth and practical, but also prone to laziness and sensual pleasures. P. is primarily based on feelings, it is more tender and delicate, more emotional than Calcarea, more feminine and less pragmatic. The essence of Calcarea is "structure", "inertia" and "materiality". She focuses on consistency, practicality and common sense. The essence of P. is “fertility,” sensuality and care.

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P. is a creature full of whims and quirks that are completely impossible to understand from the point of view. logic, full of contradictions. Her attitude towards sex is especially unpredictable. She may develop an aversion to sex under the influence of 2 factors. First, when she does not feel safe, her behavior becomes moody and irritable, so that she may say that she hates her husband and does not want to have sex with him, as if punishing him. Secondly, she is very impressionable and takes very seriously the truths she received in childhood, when she was told about a strict attitude towards sex. P. is a very sensitive and vulnerable type, very passionate, but for him love itself is much more important than sex. She is very romantic, and her fantasies about a handsome prince may be... easily destroyed by the primitive advances of an ordinary man. Since P. lives by her emotions, her thinking remains “blurred” to some extent. It lacks precision and clarity. She is not interested in logical, rational thinking. P.'s mind can be called lazy rather than sharp, and it often “rusts” without use, because she prefers that others think. P. is indecisive. This is due to the fact that she is used to listening to her emotions, and emotions can change quickly. Like other very emotional types, any upset causes complete confusion in P’s head. If she, for example, had a quarrel with her husband, she can no longer figure out anything, forgets what she was going to buy in the store (disappearance of thoughts), sits down in the wrong place. bus, whereupon he panics and eventually bursts into tears. Similar to Ph. she tends to attract immediate sympathy, and there is likely to be someone who will escort her home, where her frightened and remorseful husband will tiptoe around her until she comes to her senses and calms down. She herself did not expect such confusion from herself.

Together with Baryta c., Graphites and Ph. P. constitutes a group of the most immediate const types. Like a child, she was used to saying what she thought and felt, without embellishing her thoughts and feelings, being indifferent to social norms of behavior and what others would think of her. In an adult woman P., you can see all the same immediate reactions as in a child. When her husband gives her unexpected gifts, she does not hide her delight. She is childishly happy. And just like a child who doesn't understand why she's being punished, she may look confused and depressed as she wonders what she might have done wrong. A similar spontaneity could be at Ph. and Baryta c. The latter type is easy to distinguish from P., because it is characterized by significant inhibition or retardation of mental development. It is more difficult to distinguish P. from Ph. Spontaneity Ph. is part of its airiness, its mischief. This is the spontaneity of youth, when life is overflowing. P.'s spontaneity is more feminine, more vulnerable, it resembles the spontaneity of a child of three to five years old. Both of them are very nice and open, but P. is softer, more focused on personal relationships and more emotional. For the P. man, family is much more important than work and career. In romantic relationships, shyness really hinders them; they are afraid to meet girls. P. men are easily confused with Ph. men. Both types are very sensitive, and men Ph. quite caring, but they are less timid, more energetic and more extroverted.

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P. is similar to the open and expressive patients Na mur. The difference between the P. woman and the relatively open woman Na mur. is that P. always remains himself, i.e. a purely emotional personality, whereas Na mur. learns to put on a mask of efficiency, rationality and acceptable, fake emotions. Headaches after eating ice cream. Worse after ice cream, cabbage.

Appearance: blond or brown hair, blue or green eyes. The face is often round, the skin is light with a milky pallor, like Calcarea. In acute situations, she might chilly. These patients often suffer from colds and catarrhs.

P. – sycotic l-in. Women of type P. seem to have an internal weakness that is unable to withstand the harshness of the world. For this reason, she tries to hide her weakness by finding soft, affectionate, meek people who can give her the tenderness she needs, which she yearns for so much. This is a kind of infantilism, girlish behavior, as if she is stuck in adolescence and is afraid to even come face to face with a man or with a manifestation of sexuality. P.m.b. helpful, soft and pliable. It is much more difficult to see the selfish motive that lies behind her behavior. Behind this affection hide greed, jealousy and the desire to receive all the attention without a trace. They get scared easily and get sick from fright. Pains and aching sensations that are wandering and changeable in nature, reflecting the feelings of the soul and body, they will never be harsh and persistent, like, for example, the complaints of Silicea. Therefore P. and Silicea are opposite to each other in their expression, despite the inner feeling of pliability that is inherent in both. Silicea is stubborn and rigid in its views, while P. is soft and indecisive. Silicea has an aversion to consolation, while P. has a need for consolation. As much as Silicea is selfish, P. is modest. Silicea is hard, and P. is soft. Silicea is chilly and does not tolerate drafts, while P. is hot and cannot live without fresh air. P. is often indicated for acute conditions of Silicea. P. fights circumstances through his gentleness and tenderness. When you are alone and helpless and not yet fully matured, not yet able to take care of yourself, you cannot be excessively harsh towards others. You have to use softness and tenderness. These feelings are common in girls during puberty, when they have a strong tendency to cry and feelings of loneliness.

Menstrual blood leaves permanent stains on linen.

Meadow lumbago is a small beautiful flower of the genus anemone, or anemone (ranunculaceae family). This name completely corresponds to the symptoms of this plant, which is as fickle as the wind: rapid changes in mood, well-being, movement of unpleasant sensations from one place to another, variability in the course of the disease process. The constitution is characterized by: femininity in physique and demeanor; tearfulness with a need for consolation; gentle, sad and weak character, blond hair, blue eyes, pale face, poorly developed muscles. The Pulsatilla woman is the archetype of the mother: they always want to have many children, with the care of which they could fill the inner emptiness. They are jealous, however, without signs of aggression.

Drug pathogenesis. Late onset of menstruation, their irregularity: menstruation can be scanty or heavy, even bleeding; sometimes stop, sometimes resume, accompanied by pain or painless. Cramping pain in the lower abdomen during the absence of menstruation. Loose stool and headache before menstruation. Vicarious bleeding. Copious milky leucorrhoea. Infancy of the uterus. Dyspepsia and dysuria during pregnancy. Malposition. Placenta accreta. Postpartum bleeding. Scanty lochia. False pregnancy. Mastodynia with galactorrhea in women who do not breastfeed. Hot flashes during menopause, accompanied by anxiety and a feeling of fear. Cessation of menstruation due to cold feet, general weakness and chlorosis. In men: swelling, soreness of the testicles; varicocele, cystocele; swelling of the prostate; excessive sexual desire, priapism. Headache of a tearing nature: throbbing, shooting with a feeling of a rush of blood, accompanied by nausea and the urge to vomit. Hypertension and hypotension. Feeling of heaviness and tingling in the heart area. Palpitation after eating and emotional stress. Nasal congestion, runny nose, especially in the evenings and in a warm room. Decreased sense of smell. Purulent discharge from the nose, yellow-green in color. Painful hoarseness. Feeling of chest congestion, difficulty breathing. Attacks of spasmodic cough, worse when walking, at night, in a horizontal position, after eating. Burning sensation, feeling of sand in the eyes, increased sensitivity to bright daylight. Tearing, especially in the wind. Discharge from the eyes, with sticking of the eyelids in the morning. Decreased vision from eye strain. Cataract. Bitterness, dry mouth, especially in the morning. Bad breath. Perversion of taste. Lack of thirst and need for sour drinks, beer, alcohol. Feeling of hunger and aversion to food, hiccups, belching, nausea in the morning. Abdominal pain that moves from one place to another. Bloating. Feces of different colors and consistency. Involuntary defecation. Constipation. Swelling, pain and bleeding of hemorrhoidal veins. Burning in urethra and bladder. Copious, watery urine, or scanty, with mucus and red sediment. Urinary incontinence. Pain in the back, in the joints, with swelling of the surrounding tissues. Itching and burning of the skin, intensifying in the evening and at night. Millet-like, vesicular and pustular rash. Boils on the face during puberty or due to disturbances in the ovarian-menstrual cycle. Endocrinopathies (including family history). Also, in the family history: varicose veins, hypertension, thrombophlebitis with ulceration. Chill in the evening, often with a feeling of being doused with cold water. Sweating during sleep, which goes away on waking, often on one side of the body.

MODALITIES. Deterioration of health in warmth, in a hot, stuffy room, with strong cooling, in the evening and at night; better by coolness, open air, slow motion, consolation.

ATTACHMENTS AND AVOIDANCES. Intolerance to fatty, hot foods. Desire for sweets, butter and cheese.

Additional remedies: Ac.sulfuricum, Lycopodium. Antidotes: Chamomilla, Coffea, Ignatia, Nux vomica

Yehuda: touchy child. When offended, he does not move aside, like Na mur. Tossing around in bed. Clingy to mother. Puls. worse from heat and stuffiness, but does not tolerate cold well!



The medicine has practically no contraindications, but it cannot be used under the following circumstances:

  1. Individual intolerance.
  2. History of allergic reactions to sulfur and sleep-grass.
  3. Age up to 18 years.

Sometimes the drug is prescribed to children, but the safety of its use in girls at the beginning of their cycle has not been proven. Also, pregnancy and lactation are not a direct contraindication. But the advisability of treatment should be discussed with an obstetrician-gynecologist.

When will your period start?

The product induces menstruation quite quickly. For some women, menstruation begins after just a few hours. But monthly bleeding should begin within 24 hours. If this does not happen, then you should not increase the dose yourself or continue to drink granules without a break. Long-term absence of menstruation may be associated with other disorders that are not eliminated by sleep-herbs.

Many women mistakenly believe that the drug is quite expensive. But prices in the region of 1 thousand rubles and more apply to solutions for intravenous administration. The price of Pulsatilla C6 ranges from 45 to 100 rubles. This indicator largely depends on the region of residence.

The drug can be bought, but not in all pharmacies. Therefore, the female audience increasingly prefers to order online. It is almost impossible to come across a fake, because the low price of the product makes it unattractive to scammers. But it is still better to shop in reliable places.

Pulsatilla price, where to buy

Often patients want to buy tablets at the pharmacy, but this form of release does not exist; the drug is available in granules.

The price of Pulsatilla in granules in dilution D6 (5 grams) in Russia starts from 45 rubles, the price of Pulsatilla C6 in granules (5 grams) starts from 36 rubles.


The price of Pulsatilla in Ukraine in C6 dilution (5 grams) averages 9 hryvnia.

  • Online pharmacies in RussiaRussia

Reviews of Pulsatilla

Reviews of Pulsatilla for delayed periods are divided into two opposing camps. The main thing is that the comments do not contain information about strong side effects and negative health consequences.

Maria, 35 years old: “At the hospital, the gynecologist did not find the reason for the delay, blaming it all on stress. Therefore, he prescribed me sedative tablets and advised me to take the drug Pulsatilla. I warn you right away that I couldn’t cause bleeding the first time. I had to take 5 courses, and only then the situation completely stabilized.” Valya, Vladivostok: “I have a negative attitude towards such medicine, but when nothing helps, you begin to believe everything. We bought the product together with a friend at the pharmacy. After this drug, menstruation began 4 days later with spotting. The cycle has not changed for the worse, but delays occur several times a year. Therefore, I will say that the herb granules I use are only suitable as additional therapy.” Anya, 25 years old: “After giving birth, something happened to my hormonal levels. Hair began to fall out, periods became painful, and delays occurred throughout the cycle. I drank sleep-grass for several months intermittently according to the instructions. The result was zero, but hormonal drugs helped me. And I’m not the only one, but I don’t rule out that maybe the product just didn’t suit me.”


The homeopathic field has many similar dietary supplements that can have a positive effect not only on the reproductive system, but also on general health. Therefore, Pulsatilla can be replaced with the following remedies:

The effect of any alternative medicine drug is not supported by reliable facts. Reviews show that Pulsatilla helps most women, but only if there are no serious problems with sexual health. Therefore, before starting the course, it is necessary to consult with a gynecologist and use the drug to induce menstruation as prescribed. Homeopathic supplements, although considered safe, can also be harmful to health if used incorrectly.

The female reproductive system is complex. The slightest glitch causes unpredictable consequences and unnerves the fair sex. Menstruation is especially problematic - its delay makes you think about pregnancy or illness.

If there is no bleeding and there is confidence that there is no pregnancy, gynecologists prescribe Pulsatilla to patients. However, taking it on the first day of the delay is pointless, since the absence of menstruation within 6 days of the expected date is not an anomaly.

Composition and pharmacological properties

Pulsatilla is a homeopathic remedy in granular form. Based on the extract of the open lumbago (sleep-herb). The drug is available in several varieties. For example, to correct the menstrual cycle, the manufacturer offers a product coded C6 and D200.

The drug is called differently - granules, dragees, grits. The shell protects the active substance from the effects of gastric juice. The component is processed by the intestines. As a result, the dietary supplement cleanses the body of toxins, improves blood circulation and the functioning of the endocrine system, and stabilizes hormonal levels. During menopause with frequent hot flashes, semolina improves well-being.

It is recommended to use Pulsatilla for the following indications:

  1. Cystitis.
  2. Menopause.
  3. Amenorrhea and delayed menstruation.
  4. Uterine bleeding.
  5. Venereal diseases.
  6. Too painful periods.
  7. Intermenstrual discharge.
  8. Dysfunction of the endocrine system.
  9. Inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs.

How does Pulsatilla give the desired effect when menstruation is delayed? Sleep-herb affects the nervous and endocrine systems of the body and provides it with the opportunity to independently correct the hormonal balance.

Medicinal properties

The medicinal properties of Pulsatilla are due to the effect on the human body of biologically active substances included in its composition - saponins and alkaloids. The homeopathic remedy affects the human hormonal, immune and reproductive systems.

The therapeutic effect is due to the following properties of the product:

  • antimicrobial;
  • bactericidal;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • painkillers;
  • expectorants;
  • immunomodulatory;
  • sedative;
  • diuretics;
  • tonic.

The drug affects the female genital organs, respiratory and hearing organs. By influencing the body at the cellular level, Pulsatilla activates hormonal and emotional levels and increases defenses.

How to induce menstruation with a remedy

How to take Pulsatilla granules to induce menstruation (C6 or D200), you can find out from your doctor or read the leaflet. One dose is equal to five granules.

They are taken by resorption (put under the tongue and wait until completely dissolved). Dosage regimen: 5 granules in the morning and evening before meals or an hour after meals.

The second option is to dissolve the granules in a small amount of water and drink slowly. If your period is late, the instructions for use recommend using Pulsatilla for 3 days in a row. Bleeding will appear after 24 to 72 hours.

If your periods are always unstable due to various cycle disorders, they adhere to a different treatment regimen:

  • To induce menstruation – 10 granules twice a day for 3 days.
  • To prevent hormonal imbalances, 15 granules are taken on different days (5 pieces per day) for one week.

During treatment, you should avoid foods that weaken the effect of the active substance. These are citrus fruits, chocolate, alcoholic products, cocoa, strong tea and coffee, mint, food with menthol.

It is necessary to take Pulsatilla at the same time, strictly observing an interval of 12 hours. The optimal time is morning and evening.

Contraindications and side effects

The homeopathic drug Pulsatilla has few contraindications for use. These are intolerance to the components of granules, pregnancy and lactation.

Dietary supplements are not prescribed to men due to the lack of indications for use. Patients suffering from diabetes can take the drug in consultation with their doctor, since the granules contain sucrose.

It is strictly prohibited to use Pulsatilla to induce menstruation for women who are pregnant or have organic pathology.

Among the side effects in the process of correcting the menstrual cycle, Pulsatilla can provoke allergic reactions. If the body does not tolerate preparations of lumbago and other plants of the Ranunculaceae family, it is impossible to treat with granules.

Ranunculaceae family

It is also necessary to take into account that the drug can temporarily worsen your health. This is not considered a side effect, since this phenomenon is typical for all homeopathic remedies.

Price and analogues

Pulsatilla is not a medicine. This is a biologically active substance that is sold in many pharmacies. As a last resort, you can order it on the official website. It is available over-the-counter, but the price for dietary supplements is high – from 200 to 1000 rubles.

It is recommended to store the drug in a dry place for no more than 2 years. Combination with other medications is allowed. There is no information about overdoses.

Despite the usefulness of the product, teenagers with an unstable cycle should not take it. The drug is prescribed to adult women whose regular periods have been disrupted for various reasons. But you can’t abuse Pulsatilla, just as you can’t drink it for months without results.

If the cycle does not improve, you must urgently visit a gynecologist and undergo an examination. Problematic periods probably have serious causes.

If the specialist deems it necessary to discontinue the granules, the patient will be offered analogues:

  1. Duphaston - the course is designed for 5 days, 2 tablets per day. Your period will begin 2 to 3 days after taking the last pill.
  2. Postinor is an emergency contraceptive that performs an abortifacient function and provokes bleeding.
  3. Non-Ovlon is a powerful emergency contraceptive drug.
  4. Mifegin - used in hospital settings under the supervision of medical staff.
  5. Utrozhestan - taken from 16 to 25 days of the cycle. The daily dosage of 200 – 400 mg is divided into 2 doses.
  6. Norkolut - take 2 tablets a day for 1 week.

Consumer Reviews

Reviews from women speak eloquently about how effective Pulsatilla granules are in delaying menstruation.

Ekaterina, 37 years old: I had a delay in my periods six months ago. I waited 10 days for discharge, but it still didn’t come. On the advice of the pharmacist, I started taking Pulsatilla granules. Menstruation started after 3 days. There were no problems in the following months. The product is very expensive, I bought it for 700 rubles. Whether Pulsatilla is worth using if your period is late, decide for yourself.

Larisa, 26 years old: Pulsatilla did not help me get my period. The delay was a week and was expected

a trip to the sea. Something had to be done urgently. I relied on dietary supplements and was mistaken. The drug didn't work. The flight to a foreign resort coincided with the first day of my period, which began only 10 days after taking the granules. A thousand rubles wasted. Ilona, ​​42 years old: It’s unclear why my cycle became irregular. Most likely due to stress at work. To induce my period, the gynecologist prescribed Pulsatilla granules for me. At first the remedy helped, but in other months there were still minor delays of 3 to 4 days. The effect is rather weak.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies and costs

The drug is available with a prescription. The approximate cost of Pulsatilla in the form of granules is 800 rubles.

If you want to make sure that Pulsatilla is effective for long-term delays in menstruation, then you are interested in the price of this drug. We hasten to please women - the cost of homeopathic remedies is quite affordable for all patients. Pharmacies in all major cities will offer you a huge range of medications that induce menstruation.

And although Pulsatilla is not a medicine, but a biologically active substance, its effectiveness has been proven by numerous clinical studies. If pharmacies in your city do not have this drug, take advantage of the Internet by ordering the required number of packages on the official website.

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