Delayed menstruation and white discharge: causes.

Discharge when menstruation is late usually worries girls very much. In fact, such discharge can be of different colors and have a different nature. Some of them can be attributed to symptoms of diseases, while others are the result of a normal physiological process. Of course, this last part also includes discharge that signals conception. In general, discharge during a delay in menstruation most often does not relate to dangerous manifestations and, moreover, is not a harbinger of pregnancy, but is caused by temporary disruptions in the body. In any case, if suspicious gynecological phenomena are detected, you should immediately consult a doctor who can make the correct diagnosis.

Features of discharge

A delay of menstruation for more than 5 days is in itself an alarming factor. If vaginal discharge is observed, then, regardless of its nature, the reasons for its appearance should be clarified. The delay may be due to conception, but it can also be caused by a number of reasons related to age, individual physiological characteristics of the body, the presence of a disease, stress, etc. It is possible that this is associated with taking any medications.

When menstruation is delayed, discharge of various colors and consistency often appears. The reasons may be different, but based on the type and nature of the discharge, a preliminary assessment can be made. The most typical are the following isolated compositions:

  • transparent;
  • transparent, but having pinkish or yellowish tints;
  • brown;
  • bloody spotting;
  • white.

The color may be rich or slightly visible. The discharge can be in the form of mucus, watery, thick, curdled, etc.

What to do if there is a delay not related to pregnancy

Of course, the first action of a woman who is sexually active, regardless of its regularity and intensity, should be to exclude possible pregnancy if a delay occurs.

Read more Can there be no ovulation during regular periods?

To do this, it is enough to buy 2-3 pregnancy tests; they can be used from the second day of the delay. You need to buy several tests from different manufacturers, since the tests often turn out to be defective. Read more: when and how to take a pregnancy test→

Whatever the result of the home test, the test should be repeated after a few days if your period has not arrived. It is important to remember that when determining pregnancy by tests. In some cases, the result may be not only false positive, but also false negative.

If there is no pregnancy, and menstruation has not occurred within 5 days from the expected date, you should:

  1. Calm down and don't be nervous. Panic in such matters will not help, and unnecessary worries can worsen the situation, because stress often contributes to delays.
  2. Pay attention to the presence or absence of discharge. If they are present, you need to evaluate their character, that is, quantity, color, consistency, smell.
  3. Try to remember the past month and events: stressful situations, illnesses (even a common cold), taking medications, air travel.
  4. Contact your gynecologist if your period is delayed by 10 days or more.

Many girls, especially young ones, are afraid of going to the doctor if there is a delay, fearing to hear about an unwanted pregnancy or any disease. But you shouldn’t be afraid of such a visit. A clear diagnosis is always better than the unknown.

The problem will not disappear on its own, but it may get worse. Any disease is always easier to treat at the initial stage. Read more about the reasons for missed periods→

Brown discharge

If menstruation is delayed, when instead of bright red discharge a spotting brown substance appears, you should worry and urgently consult a gynecologist. This phenomenon may indicate the presence of injury, hormonal imbalances or other pathologies. To determine the reasons, it is necessary to analyze the following factors:

  1. Having unprotected sexual intercourse: ectopic pregnancy may occur.
  2. Age: in girls during puberty and women before menopause, this is a normal physiological process.
  3. It is possible that the discharge is a consequence of surgery, previous abortions or childbirth.
  4. The presence of infectious or inflammatory diseases should be checked.
  5. It is necessary to take into account the impact of external factors: nervous stress, hypothermia, toxic effects, mechanical injuries, etc.

In teenagers, brown spotting is considered normal for 20-25 months after the first period. An abnormal signal is the appearance of a brown composition after menstruation. In this case, you should consult a doctor. A similar phenomenon is considered normal in women over 45 years of age, when ovulation gradually decreases.

Brown discharge of a light shade with a short period of delay may indicate a slight hormonal imbalance, and menstruation should be expected in 5-6 days.

If menstruation does not appear with such spotting, then you should take a pregnancy test: a brown composition may indicate that the embryo is attached to the uterine wall. If the test result is positive and menstruation begins (after a serious delay), there is a risk of pregnancy with dangerous disorders or an ectopic one.

If the delay in menstruation and brown spotting are mixed with additional signs (itching, pain, discomfort), then the matter is most likely due to an infection (usually sexually transmitted): chlamydia, trichomoniasis, gonorrhea, syphilis. The causes of discharge can be pills (contraceptives), leading to hormonal changes. They cause functional disorders of the ovaries, which leads to thick brown or brown discharge.

Age-related changes and delay

The state of hormonal levels and its stability affect the monthly cycle. At a certain period of life, the appearance of transparent discharge due to retention or white mucus has its own causes and methods of elimination.

Teenage changes

From the moment of menarche, the balance of hormones in a girl’s body is very unstable. This is why the menstrual cycle is not constant.

During adolescence, insufficient progesterone production may occur. The lack of hormone does not allow the mucous layer of the uterus to come out on time, so menstrual flow may begin later.

Sometimes bleeding can be delayed for a month: in November there was no bleeding, but in December it started on time.

The regularity of the cycle should be finally established in the first or second year after menarche. If your period does not come for a long time, it is extremely important to take your child to the doctor.

Among the common causes of regulation violations in juniors, it is worth highlighting:

  • bad environment;
  • nervous breakdowns;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • influence of drugs.

In rare cases, doctors diagnose the presence of:

  • pathologies of the genital organs;
  • disturbances in brain function;
  • infection or fungus.

Reproductive age

A woman of childbearing age has a monthly cycle of 28–32 days. The norm is a slight shift, when menstruation may occur later than last month. Any other violations cannot be ignored. If there is no menstruation, and heavy white discharge is accompanied by the first week of the cycle, it is necessary to take a smear and undergo an ultrasound. Using the test results, the doctor will be able to determine the source of the leucorrhoea and select treatment.

Read more Nonspecific ulcerative colitis is characterized by


The gradual decline of reproductive function cannot but affect the nature of menstruation and the time of its occurrence. This period can last several years.

The woman first begins to notice minor changes in the form of prolonged or scanty bleeding, as well as a slight delay (three to four days).

As menopause approaches, the lining of the uterus may not come out every month. But you need to make sure that white secretion instead of menstruation in this situation is associated specifically with menopause. At this age, the female body begins to become most vulnerable to various diseases.

What does white discharge indicate?

The main causes of white discharge (leucorrhoea) during delayed menstruation are hormonal imbalances, pregnancy, nervous stress, and gynecological pathologies. White discharge often appears when the levels of triiodothyronine and thyroxine decrease in hypothyroidism. Hormonal imbalance leads to menstrual irregularities and white discharge. Another reason is a high level of luteinizing hormone due to pathology of the pituitary gland. White discharge can signal the onset of pregnancy, which is usually accompanied by other signs (breast enlargement, changes in appetite).

The appearance of a white composition against the background of delayed menstruation, itching of the genitals and pain symptoms in the lower abdomen often becomes a sign of a gynecological disease. The most common of them is adnexitis. This pathology, in addition to leucorrhoea and menstrual irregularities, has the following symptoms: fever up to 39 ° C, quite severe pain in the lower abdomen, pain when urinating. Another disease is polycystic ovary syndrome, which is accompanied by the following symptoms: obesity, acne and dark spots on the skin, swelling, tear production, and weakness. Leucorrhoea can also be caused by other pathologies: thrush, diabetes mellitus, an allergic process, the use of certain drugs (antibacterial agents, contraceptives). With candidiasis, leucorrhoea acquires a cheesy consistency.

If white discharge appears (during a missed period), you should definitely contact a gynecologist (this may be a sign of pregnancy). There should be serious reasons for concern if this phenomenon is accompanied by the following disorders: leucorrhoea has a sharp, unpleasant odor; burning and itching are felt; Small ulcers appeared on the labia.


The appearance of white discharge against the background of delayed menstruation can also be caused by a much less sinister reason. Often these symptoms occur with the onset of a long-awaited (or not so long-awaited) pregnancy. In this case, leucorrhoea, which neatly clogs the cervical canal, is formed in order to protect the uterus from infection.

Pregnancy is characterized by such signs as:

  • hypersensitivity and breast enlargement;
  • mood swings;
  • nasal congestion;
  • change in appetite.

The exact cause can only be determined through tests. That is why the optimal solution in this case would be to visit a qualified gynecologist.

Yellowish discharge

Yellow manifestations (discharge) against the background of a disruption in the menstrual cycle may indicate a number of infectious diseases or the occurrence of an active inflammatory reaction. This phenomenon may be a sign of the following pathologies:

  1. Bacterial vaginitis: in addition to yellow discharge, itching, burning, and painful sensations appear during sexual intercourse.
  2. Colpitis: yellow manifestations are combined with swelling and itching, pain is felt in the lower abdomen and back.
  3. Cervical erosion: small volume discharge with a yellowish tint, after sexual intercourse, supplemented by traces of blood.
  4. Salpingitis: profuse yellow manifestations, pain when urinating.
  5. Chlamydia: a purulent composition with a specific odor, severe itching, burning.
  6. Trichomoniasis: a greenish tint appears on a yellow background; smell reminiscent of rotten fish; redness of the genitals, severe itching.
  7. Gonorrhea: similar discharge.
  8. Allergic reaction: the composition is yellowish; severe irritation on the genitals.

The characteristic manifestations of clear mucus with a pinkish tint may indicate erosion of the cervix or the presence of a tumor, either benign or malignant. If this symptom occurs, you should immediately undergo examination.

Menstruation with clear mucus and clots: reasons

Discharge when menstruation is late usually worries girls very much. In fact, such discharge can be of different colors and have a different nature. Some of them can be attributed to symptoms of diseases, while others are the result of a normal physiological process.

DETAILS: How to deal with swelling before menstruation. Legs swell during menstruation. Swelling during menstruation

Of course, this last part also includes discharge that signals conception. In general, discharge during a delay in menstruation most often does not relate to dangerous manifestations and, moreover, is not a harbinger of pregnancy, but is caused by temporary disruptions in the body.

In any case, if suspicious gynecological phenomena are detected, you should immediately consult a doctor who can make the correct diagnosis.

A delay of menstruation for more than 5 days is in itself an alarming factor. If vaginal discharge is observed, then, regardless of its nature, the reasons for its appearance should be clarified.

The delay may be due to conception, but it can also be caused by a number of reasons related to age, individual physiological characteristics of the body, the presence of a disease, stress, etc.

It is possible that this is due to taking any medications.

When menstruation is delayed, discharge of various colors and consistency often appears. The reasons may be different, but based on the type and nature of the discharge, a preliminary assessment can be made. The most typical are the following isolated compositions:

  • transparent;
  • transparent, but having pinkish or yellowish tints;
  • brown;
  • bloody spotting;
  • white.

The color may be rich or slightly visible. The discharge can be in the form of mucus, watery, thick, curdled, etc.

If menstruation is delayed, when instead of bright red discharge a spotting brown substance appears, you should worry and urgently consult a gynecologist. This phenomenon may indicate the presence of injury, hormonal imbalances or other pathologies. To determine the reasons, it is necessary to analyze the following factors:

  1. Having unprotected sexual intercourse: ectopic pregnancy may occur.
  2. Age: in girls during puberty and women before menopause, this is a normal physiological process.
  3. It is possible that the discharge is a consequence of surgery, previous abortions or childbirth.
  4. The presence of infectious or inflammatory diseases should be checked.
  5. It is necessary to take into account the impact of external factors: nervous stress, hypothermia, toxic effects, mechanical injuries, etc.

In teenagers, brown spotting is considered normal for 20-25 months after the first period. An abnormal signal is the appearance of a brown compound after menstruation. In this case, you should consult a doctor.

Brown discharge of a light shade with a short period of delay may indicate a slight hormonal imbalance, and menstruation should be expected in 5-6 days.

If menstruation does not appear with such spotting, then you should take a pregnancy test: a brown composition may indicate that the embryo is attached to the uterine wall. If the test result is positive and menstruation begins (after a serious delay), there is a risk of pregnancy with dangerous disorders or an ectopic one.

If the delay in menstruation and brown spotting are mixed with additional signs (itching, pain, discomfort), then the matter is most likely due to an infection (usually sexually transmitted): chlamydia, trichomoniasis, gonorrhea, syphilis.

The main causes of white discharge (leucorrhoea) during delayed menstruation are hormonal imbalances, pregnancy, nervous stress, and gynecological pathologies. White discharge often appears when the levels of triiodothyronine and thyroxine decrease in hypothyroidism.

Hormonal imbalance leads to menstrual irregularities and white discharge. Another reason is a high level of luteinizing hormone due to pathology of the pituitary gland.

White discharge can signal the onset of pregnancy, which is usually accompanied by other signs (breast enlargement, changes in appetite).

This pathology, in addition to leucorrhoea and menstrual irregularities, has the following symptoms: fever up to 39 ° C, quite severe pain in the lower abdomen, pain when urinating.

Another disease is polycystic ovary syndrome, which is accompanied by the following symptoms: obesity, acne and dark spots on the skin, swelling, tear production, and weakness.

Leucorrhoea can also be caused by other pathologies: thrush, diabetes mellitus, an allergic process, the use of certain drugs (antibacterial agents, contraceptives). With candidiasis, leucorrhoea acquires a cheesy consistency.

Yellow manifestations (discharge) against the background of a disruption in the menstrual cycle may indicate a number of infectious diseases or the occurrence of an active inflammatory reaction. This phenomenon may be a sign of the following pathologies:

  1. Bacterial vaginitis: in addition to yellow discharge, itching, burning, and painful sensations appear during sexual intercourse.
  2. Colpitis: yellow manifestations are combined with swelling and itching, pain is felt in the lower abdomen and back.
  3. Cervical erosion: small volume discharge with a yellowish tint, after sexual intercourse, supplemented by traces of blood.
  4. Salpingitis: profuse yellow manifestations, pain when urinating.
  5. Chlamydia: a purulent composition with a specific odor, severe itching, burning.
  6. Trichomoniasis: a greenish tint appears on a yellow background; smell reminiscent of rotten fish; redness of the genitals, severe itching.
  7. Gonorrhea: similar discharge.
  8. Allergic reaction: the composition is yellowish; severe irritation on the genitals.

DETAILS: How long can the delay last if you are not pregnant?

The characteristic manifestations of clear mucus with a pinkish tint may indicate erosion of the cervix or the presence of a tumor, either benign or malignant. If this symptom occurs, you should immediately undergo examination.

In a healthy body, under normal conditions, transparent vaginal discharge is formed in a minimal amount, mucous, odorless, and does not cause vulvar discomfort. They may intensify during ovulation, before menstruation, when using oral contraceptives and at the peak of sexual arousal. Discharge when menstruation is delayed may also vary.

Pathological discharge before a missed period, in turn, is characterized by an unpleasant odor, accompanied by local irritation, and possible itching and burning. The reasons for this condition may be:

  • sexually transmitted diseases and other infections;
  • tumors;
  • allergic irritation;
  • chemical exposure;
  • foreign bodies;
  • fistulas;
  • proctitis

The most common cause of non-bloody discharge is vaginitis. This is an inflammation of the vaginal mucosa of an infectious or other etiology. In women of reproductive age, vaginal discharge is an epithelial transudate from the cervix and vagina. This transudate contains a large number of lactobacilli and corynebacteria.

Lactobacilli keep the vaginal pH within 3.8-4.2 and suppress the growth and reproduction of other flora and candida. Menstrual blood and sperm alkalize vaginal secretions. Irritation of the vulva and vagina can be caused by:

  • hygiene products;
  • soaps;
  • bath additives;
  • thick synthetic underwear;
  • latex condom or diaphragm;
  • spermicidal gels;
  • poor hygiene skills;
  • using bactericidal drugs for fear of infection.

Bacterial and fungal vaginitis easily develops in women with concomitant pathology. For example, diabetes mellitus of the first and second types, long-term immunosuppressive therapy or bedridden patients. Risk factors in this case also include multiple sexual partners and the use of intrauterine contraceptives.

The classic clinical picture of bacterial vaginitis:

  • fishy foul odor;
  • gray-greenish color of discharge;
  • itching sensation;
  • hyperemia and irritation of the mucous membrane;
  • the presence of bacterial cells in the smear.

The most common vaginal infections are gardnerellosis, candidiasis, and trichomoniasis. Gardnerellosis is the most common variant of bacterial vaginitis. The disease is typical for sexually active women. The discharge is watery, the color can be green or gray-green, less often with an admixture of blood, while itching is uncharacteristic, and the bloody character is atypical.

Fungal load is more common in pregnant women taking steroids, antibiotics, and oral contraceptives. Clinically, there is a feeling of itching, which intensifies at night, accompanied by swelling and hyperemia.

Most often there are no symptoms, sometimes there may only be itching. Manifestations intensify during menstruation or immediately after them. Menstruation is profuse, thick, dark in color. Yellow discharge, sometimes green, foamy, with a strong unpleasant odor.

Bloody discharge with a delay in menstruation can indicate many pathologies. Such pathologies include:

  • cervical erosion;
  • endometriosis;
  • uterine fibroids;
  • ovarian cystoma.

Possible causes of white discharge due to delayed menstruation

In medicine, delayed menstruation is the absence of regular bleeding at the expected time. Moreover, if we are talking about 5–7 days, then this is not a reason for worry, but if critical days do not come after a week, then this is a reason to consult a doctor to clarify the situation, especially if this phenomenon repeats periodically.

A delay of menstruation for more than a week is a reason to consult a doctor to clarify the situation.

Delays are a common occurrence in teenage girls who are just beginning their menstrual cycle, as well as in women in the premenopausal period.

Sometimes a delay in menstruation is accompanied by white vaginal discharge in a woman. And there can be many reasons for this.


If a woman has regular sex life and especially plans to become a mother, then white discharge against the background of a delay can become one of the signs of conception. Their production is promoted by the hormone progesterone: the mucous plug closes the opening of the cervical canal, preventing pathogenic microflora from penetrating the embryo, and the discharge often comes out (in some people, slightly, in others - more abundantly). The white mucus itself has a dense consistency, and its color can vary from translucent to matte.

If white mucous discharge causes discomfort to the expectant mother (just a feeling of phlegm in the absence of itching, burning, or bloody spots), then panty liners will correct the situation.

Of course, having discovered a delay, a woman can always check the fact of pregnancy with a pharmacy test. However, in the very early stages it can sometimes show a false negative result. This is explained by various factors: late ovulation or embryo implantation, kidney pathologies, incorrect testing, etc. In this case, the woman should visit a gynecologist or do a blood test for the hCG hormone in the nearest laboratory.

White discharge against the background of a delay is often one of the signs of pregnancy - a pharmacy test can clarify the situation, although it can show a false negative result in the early stages

In addition, it is worth looking for other early signs of pregnancy (in addition to white discharge): swelling and tenderness of the mammary glands, increased urge to go to the toilet, frequent mood changes, changes in taste preferences, etc.

A visit to a gynecologist or laboratory will help dispel doubts; it is also worth looking for additional symptoms of pregnancy.

Video: discharge in early gestation

Hormonal changes

Sometimes a delay in menstruation, accompanied by white discharge, is an indicator of hormonal changes in the female body. If the lady is already over forty, these may be the first symptoms of approaching menopause.

Each organism is individual: for some, menopause may occur as early as forty years, and for others well after 50. In many respects, the hereditary factor plays a role here - so it is worth asking when similar changes began in the mother or older sister.

In addition to a malfunction in the cycle and the presence of white discharge, the onset of menopause can be guessed by the following symptoms:

  • increased sweating;
  • hot flashes;
  • frequent weakness, fatigue;
  • emotional instability;
  • deterioration of the skin condition (decrease in its elasticity);
  • bone fragility.

The cause of delay and white discharge may be the impending menopause

Hormonal imbalance not related to age

Hormonal changes in the female body are not always associated with menopause. Thus, retention in combination with white discharge can be a symptom of the following pathological conditions:

    Hypothyroidism. This is a decrease in the function of the thyroid gland when its main hormones - thyroxine and triiodothyronine - are not synthesized enough.

The cause of delays and unusual discharge may be a decrease in thyroid function (insufficient production of hormones)

A pituitary tumor disrupts the production of female sex hormones LH and FSH in a normal ratio

These conditions are corrected with the help of hormonal therapy (the drugs are prescribed only by a doctor). As a result, the patient’s hormonal levels normalize - the menstrual cycle returns to normal, and the white discharge no longer bothers her.

Pathologies of the genital organs

Copious white discharge, especially one that has a yellowish tint or an unpleasant odor, is often a sign of a progressive inflammatory disease of the internal genital organs. There may be several options here:

  1. Adnexitis (or salpingoophoritis). This is inflammation of the uterine appendages - the ovaries and fallopian tubes due to the penetration of a bacterial infection (inflammation of the ovaries in medicine is called oophoritis, and inflammation of the fallopian tubes is salpingitis, but these organs are rarely affected individually due to their close connection). Adnexitis can be unilateral or bilateral, most often affecting sexually active women 20–30 years old. The disease is usually accompanied by delay, high fever (up to 39 ° C), sometimes with chills, nagging pain in the lower abdomen, purulent discharge with an unpleasant odor, discomfort during sexual intercourse and urination. It is important to cure such inflammation in time in order to avoid serious problems in the future, including infertility.

The cause of profuse white discharge when delayed may be adnexitis

With polycystic disease, instead of follicle maturation followed by ovulation, many small cysts form in the ovary

With erosion, delays may occur and whitish discharge, sometimes with blood, may be observed.

Oncological formations in the uterus and cervix can also be manifested by delays and white mucus with blood streaks.

Sexual infections

Discharge in the form of white mucus (along with a delay or during a normal cycle) can be observed if a woman has a sexually transmitted infection (fungal, viral or bacterial):

  1. Candidiasis (fungal infection). The white discharge is quite thick, has the consistency of cottage cheese and the smell of sour milk. A woman is bothered by itching (often unbearable) in the vaginal area and labia. The external genitalia often swell and turn red. By the way, thrush often occurs in the early stages of gestation due to a natural decrease in immunity and can periodically remind itself throughout the entire period of pregnancy.
  2. Bacterial vaginosis. White discharge has an unpleasant fishy odor and may have a grayish tint; a woman sometimes feels a burning sensation in the vagina.
  3. Ureaplasmosis. White discharge is abundant and cloudy.
  4. Mycoplasmosis. Light clear discharge.
  5. Chlamydia. The discharge may have a yellowish tint mixed with pus and have an unpleasant odor. Sometimes there is pain and itching in the vagina.

White discharge due to delay may occur due to sexually transmitted infection

Many sexually transmitted infections, if not treated sufficiently, become chronic and periodically manifest themselves in the form of relapses.

Diseases and conditions not related to gynecology

In some cases, a woman experiences delays with white discharge (single or regular) due to other reasons not directly related to the gynecological area. The following factors play a role:

    Diabetes. This is a serious disease that disrupts metabolism and negatively affects the functioning of many organs and systems.

Delayed menstruation and white discharge - should you worry?

Menstruation is a monthly change in the body of any woman that occurs under the influence of sex hormones. The normal cycle length is 21-30 days. A delay of up to 5 days is normal. If it lasts for more than 5 days, you should consult a doctor. This indicates that some kind of malfunction has occurred in your body. Don't panic, but think about what could be causing the failure. The first question you need to ask yourself is: Are you pregnant? To avoid guesswork, go to the pharmacy and buy a test to determine early pregnancy. HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) is a pregnancy hormone . A week after conception, its level increases, which is indicated by the test result. But there is one minus - if one test shows a negative result, this does not mean that there is no pregnancy. Perhaps the hCG level is not much higher than normal or you simply did not see the barely noticeable second line. But if the test showed that there is a pregnancy, this is already an indisputable fact. If the test many times denies pregnancy, get tested at any medical center or independent laboratory that provides gynecologist services. The analysis is called “hCG analysis”. The average cost of such an analysis is 500 – 600 rubles. If there is no pregnancy, then the cause of the cycle failure may be:

  • Diseases of the pelvic organs (gynecological) are various types of inflammation or infection of the internal genital organs.
  • Weakening of your immunity - which may be a consequence of any long-term illness, regardless of whether it is related to the genitals or not. If you are sick, the body as a whole suffers.
  • Stress – regardless of the duration of stress, can lead to hormonal imbalance.
  • Overeating can disrupt the endocrine and hormonal levels of your body.
  • Rapid weight loss - tension in the whole body, physical activity and a debilitating diet lead the body to a stressful state, the functioning of the endocrine system is disrupted and, as a result, the cycle is disrupted.
  • Climate – climate change can significantly affect the body and cause stress.
  • Oral contraception - while taking it or after stopping it can somewhat disrupt the cycle and lead to the absence of menstruation, this is called ovarian hyperinhibition.
  • Postpartum delay - the functioning of the endocrine system is improved, which is the cause of the delay.
  • Menopause (menopausal ovarian dysfunction) is a decrease in ovarian function after 40 years.
  • Every woman has white discharge, but they are not noticed because they are small in quantity. Watery, profuse leucorrhoea is a harbinger of imminent ovulation.
  • The duration of such discharge is no more than 2 days. It does not require treatment, because this is a normal cyclic change in the body. Leucorrhoea can also be released in large quantities during arousal and after sexual intercourse. The duration of such discharge is no more than a day.
  • It is very important to monitor your basal temperature during pregnancy. You can find out within what limits it should be from us.
  • Do you want to know how to conceive a boy or a girl? Then look here for the conception calendar and read the reviews!

Be sure to consult a doctor if:

  • White discharge appeared and with it an unpleasant odor
  • There is an itch
  • Ulcers appeared on the mucous membrane of the labia.

Methods for diagnosing the problem

If your period is late and is accompanied by unusual white discharge, the first thing a woman should do is take a home pregnancy test. If the result is positive, you need to go to a gynecologist to confirm the fact of pregnancy and register.

You should also see a doctor if the test is negative: it is possible that pregnancy is still developing (an ectopic pregnancy is not excluded). If not, the doctor will prescribe the necessary examinations and tests to clarify the cause of the delay.

For example, candidiasis can be determined during a routine examination in a chair: the walls of the vagina will be shrouded in cheesy white mucus. You can also visually diagnose cervical erosion.

Thrush or erosion can be determined after a routine examination in a chair

In any case, the gynecologist will take a standard smear for microflora (or cytological): he will determine the number of leukocytes to determine whether there is an inflammatory process. If there are signs of sexually transmitted infections (mycoplasma, chlamydia, etc.), an appropriate study will be needed - PCR analysis.

A cytological smear will determine the presence of an inflammatory process (by the number of leukocytes in the vaginal mucus)

If there is a suspicion of inflammation of the internal reproductive organs (adnexitis), polycystic disease or cancer, the doctor will send the patient for an ultrasound. In non-pregnant women, the transvaginal method is usually used.

Inflammation of the internal genital organs, neoplasm or polycystic disease will be determined by ultrasound examination

I’m 7 days late, before my periods were always on time, I’m 21 years old, I have a baby, the tests are negative, I’m very afraid, I’ve read everything and I’m afraid that the pregnancy is ectopic, I have mild aching pain below the abdomen... Tell me, what is this? And there is still white discharge...

May 26, 2014

Gritsko Marta Igorevna answers:

Ultrasound diagnostician, obstetrician-gynecologist of the second category, Ph.D.

I advise you to first undergo an ultrasound scan of the pelvic organs; it is impossible to draw conclusions virtually.

If you suspect hormonal problems, you will need a blood test for female sex hormones, as well as thyroid hormones. In such a situation, it is better to be observed by a gynecologist-endocrinologist. You may need an adrenal ultrasound, MRI, or CT scan of the brain (to detect a pituitary tumor).

If a hormonal imbalance is suspected, the gynecologist will prescribe a blood test for hormones; you may need to consult an endocrinologist

Reviews from women

It is interesting that on Internet forums women talk about white discharge due to a delay only in connection with pregnancy. Obviously, this is due to the fact that the topic of various signs of conception is one of the most relevant. And when we talk about other cases of white discharge (due to pathology, infection, hormonal imbalance), the issue of the presence or absence of a delay is simply not emphasized (pregnancy is simply not planned, and the woman does not wait with trepidation for the absence of menstruation).

But I started having this kind of discharge just during pregnancy. Gradually, they changed from thick white to watery white. The term is now 20 weeks.

Anna 83

I can say specifically about myself. For me, white thick discharge is a sign of the second phase and active production of progesterone. But before my period they become thinner and a day or two before my period I have thin discharge. And during the pregnant cycle, the white thick discharge continued or it was dry. For me, this was a sign of pregnancy: my period was almost due, but the discharge did not become thinner. Although the test initially had one line, on the day of the delay it became streaky.


When I'm late, I have a lot of creamy, white discharge, which means I'm pregnant.


Many women are afraid of white discharge due to a delay in menstruation. Meanwhile, this may be one of the signs of pregnancy. In some situations, this phenomenon indicates an ongoing disease, sometimes quite serious. In any case, you need to contact a gynecologist to clarify your condition.

Women strive to quickly find out about conception in order to adjust their diet and lifestyle in time and avoid possible complications. The main sign by which girls learn that conception has taken place is a delay in menstruation. But experienced ladies can understand that they are pregnant even before the absence of menstruation and the test. Characteristic discharge during pregnancy in the early stages before a delay can help a woman independently understand that she is pregnant. Let's consider their features.

Reasons for delay in rejected leucorrhoea

A delay in menstruation with a negative test result and white discharge may occur due to the following factors:

  1. External (woman’s actions, lifestyle).
  2. Sexual (against the background of diseases).
  3. Hormonal (oral contraceptives, internal failures).
  4. Non-gynecological (disturbances in the functioning of other organs).

A large number of reasons that can provoke whitish discharge against the background of a delay complicates diagnosis. Therefore, it is impossible to identify the problem without the help of a doctor.


The vagina may secrete a whitish fluid with a slight delay when:

  • presence of stress;
  • following strict diets;
  • increased physical activity;
  • treatment with antibiotics;
  • taking antidepressants;
  • sudden change in weight;
  • moving;
  • treatment with hormones;
  • improper intimate hygiene;
  • allergic reaction to synthetics (underwear) and hygiene products;
  • intoxication (bad habits);
  • influence of weather conditions;
  • hereditary predisposition.

The return of a normal cycle will depend only on the woman and the desire to improve her health. But if menstruation does not begin on the third or fifth day, it is worth visiting the gynecological office. Even a minor harmful effect can cause the development of serious pathology.


The normal functioning of the pituitary gland, thyroid gland, ovaries and adrenal glands ensures a stable state of hormonal levels. Various malfunctions, the appearance of white discharge instead of odorless menstruation can occur against the background of:

  • taking contraceptives;
  • treatment with hormonal drugs;
  • problems with the endocrine system;
  • approaching menopause;
  • ovarian dysfunction.

It is very difficult to predict how long menstruation will be delayed. It is recommended to find out the cause of the disorder from two specialists at once: a gynecologist and an endocrinologist.


A delay of more than 7 days with a negative test result, when the lower abdomen pulls and white discharge appears, may indicate a gynecological pathology.

The duration of the period of absence of menstruation varies from person to person. The delay will largely be influenced by the stage of the disease and the current state of hormonal balance.

Leucorrhoea often occurs instead of menstruation during the following gynecological diseases:

  • cervical erosion;
  • polycystic ovary syndrome;
  • thrush (candidiasis)
  • endometritis;
  • inflammatory process;
  • infectious diseases;
  • benign neoplasms;
  • cancerous tumors;
  • endometriosis.

Find out how to induce menstruation with endometriosis in the article at the link.

Not gynecological

Problems with various body systems can not only provoke a delay, but also cause whitish discharge instead of menstruation. These diseases are not associated with the genitals:

  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • diabetes.
  • thyroid disorders;
  • kidney diseases;
  • appendicitis;
  • retention and frequent urination (cystitis).

Harmless discharge in early pregnancy

After fertilization of the egg, the mucous membranes begin to actively produce secretions. The main purpose of such changes in the body is to protect the embryo from infection by pathogenic bacteria. Mucus prevents harmful microorganisms from entering the uterus, where the fetus grows and develops.

Normally, mucus in the initial period of pregnancy does not have a specific odor or color. If discharge appears with the smell of metal, rotten fish or milk, then the girl should visit a gynecologist for an examination.

Acceptable shades of vaginal secretion after conceiving a child, in addition to transparent discharge:

  • light;
  • pale brown;
  • pinkish (no blood clots);
  • cloudy with mucus;
  • beige;
  • creamy or creamy.

Over the course of 9 months, the nature of the discharge may change due to hormonal changes in the body. Secretion is practically absent in the 2nd trimester and becomes more abundant in the 1st trimester and before childbirth. During the entire gestation period, it should not acquire unpleasant aromas, green tints or foreign impurities.

White discharge

After conception, discharge of light shades is acceptable. They are the first to indicate changes in the body and emerge against the background of hormonal changes. Another reason for the increase in the volume of discharge is the increase in blood circulation in the pelvic organs and the growth of the uterus.

There are also pathological reasons that lead to a change in the shade of secretion to white. The main factors include candidiasis, a fungal disease. White discharge with a sour odor during pregnancy is often accompanied by itching and burning of the genitals, and a general deterioration in well-being.

White curdled discharge during pregnancy is a symptom of thrush, which requires immediate consultation with a doctor.

Candida fungi can live not only on the mucous membranes of the vagina. They spread to the internal parts of the reproductive system and infect the fetus. Infection is especially dangerous in the first trimester, when the embryo's internal organs are forming. Infection of the baby can also occur when passing through the birth canal.


Discharge during pregnancy may turn reddish or brownish. This is due to several physiological reasons:

  • implantation of the fertilized egg to the walls of the reproductive organ;
  • hormonal fluctuations;
  • increased blood supply to the reproductive organs and increased fragility of blood vessels.

In the early stages, a woman may notice spotting after intercourse or douching. The problem is due to the fact that the blood vessels that penetrate the vaginal walls become more fragile.

Prolonged red discharge is a reason to consult a doctor. They occur against the background of rejection of the fertilized egg, placenta previa, insufficient production of the hormone progesterone by the woman’s body, or exacerbation of cervical erosion. Vaginal secretions should not contain bloody clots.

Other causes of white discharge

In addition, a woman may experience white discharge without any connection with a delay in menstruation.

Causes of excessive leucorrhoea can be:

  • taking antibiotics;
  • hormonal contraception;
  • diabetes;
  • allergy to components of intimate hygiene products;
  • allergy to a certain type of pads;
  • low-quality underwear made of synthetic fibers;
  • weakening of the immune system;
  • regular overeating;
  • excess weight;
  • eating too spicy or sour foods in large quantities;
  • sudden weight loss;
  • sudden change in climatic conditions;
  • the beginning of menopause.

Given the extensive list of possible causes, you should visit a doctor as soon as possible. A visit to a specialist should be urgent if the white discharge has an unpleasant odor, ulcers and pustules appear on the mucous membranes of the external genitalia, or there is itching and burning.

In some cases, the cause of white discharge is the incorrect selection of intimate hygiene products or non-compliance with its rules.

To wash, you need to use special products or mild baby soap, avoiding the use of regular toilet soap of any brand, as well as laundry soap.

Laundry soap, like regular toilet soap, dries out the skin greatly, causing irritation of the delicate mucous membrane in the intimate area, forcing the body to increase the production of natural secretions for protection. This is especially true for women suffering from various types of allergic reactions.

The main mistake of many women of any age is that when a delay occurs, having ruled out a possible pregnancy, they calm down and do not consider it necessary to visit a gynecologist, but simply wait for the problem to resolve on its own.

But even if late periods begin 10-20 days later, there will be no guarantee that the situation will not repeat itself next month, since the cause of the delay has not been established and eliminated.

Any delay, especially in the presence of heavy discharge, should be perceived as an alarm signal from the body, indicating disturbances in its functioning. Such manifestations should not be ignored. An indifferent attitude towards one's health often leads to the development of serious diseases, in particular infertility.

Author: Irina Smirnova, especially for


Signs of anomaly

Sticky and thick leucorrhoea is considered abnormal, and the color of the discharge does not matter. The secretion acquires a similar consistency due to insufficient production of the hormone progesterone. He is responsible for the normal bearing of the child. Transparent thick secretion is the first sign indicating an abnormal course of pregnancy. After this, the woman may experience other symptoms of the disorder.

Lack of secretion

The absence of leucorrhoea during pregnancy is not normal, especially during the period of mucus plug formation. The symptom is usually caused by a violation of the secretion of the vaginal mucous membranes. In this case, the embryo will be vulnerable to pathogenic flora. Insufficient production of protective lubricant is one of the reasons for early pregnancy termination and spontaneous miscarriage.

Lack of secretion before pregnancy is also a sign of problems in the body. Abundant liquid leucorrhoea in the middle of the cycle is evidence that the egg released from the follicle is preparing for fertilization. If there is no discharge during this period, this indicates an unstable hormonal background of the woman. The problem negatively affects the possibility of conceiving a child. Measuring basal temperature helps women determine the presence or absence of ovulation.

The amount of mucus produced decreases in women who are dependent on nicotine. The substance negatively affects the condition of internal organs, including the endocrine system, which is responsible for the production of female sex hormones. The secretion of women who smoke may differ from normal not only in abundance, but also in consistency and color.

Secret with an unpleasant odor

The appearance of discharge during pregnancy in the early stages before the delay with a watery consistency and an unpleasant odor is another sign of an abnormality. A woman should immediately consult a doctor and not try to mask the problem with scented pads. The main cause of the pathology is genital tract infections, which, if not treated in a timely manner, negatively affect the condition of the fetus.

Infectious diseases, in addition to a bad odor, are accompanied by the following symptoms:

  1. Discomfort when urinating, as bacteria from the genital tract often spread to the urinary tract.
  2. Change in color of secretion to yellowish and greenish. The abnormal color is observed as a result of the death of protective cells - leukocytes.
  3. General deterioration of health and pain in the lower abdomen. The infection provokes acute inflammation of the reproductive system.

Infectious diseases are treated only under the supervision of a gynecologist. The doctor prescribes appropriate medications after receiving the results of flora tests. Taking into account laboratory diagnostic data, a suitable antibiotic is selected that can act on the type of pathogen found in the smear. Independent selection of antibacterial agents is not always able to give positive results in treatment.

Bloody discharge

Discharge with blood appears in women due to the threat of termination of pregnancy: ectopic location of the embryo, placental abruption. A list of dangerous symptoms in which a woman needs to call emergency help, rather than wait for the right time to visit a doctor:

  • profuse blood-colored leucorrhoea, due to which the pad fills in less than 2 hours;
  • the appearance of large blood clots in the secretion (a symptom indicating a spontaneous miscarriage);
  • acquisition of dark and black shades of mucus (the problem appears with internal bleeding).

Determining the likelihood of conception only by the nature of the discharge is not easy. If a woman notices unusual symptoms, she can go to the clinic and have a blood test done for hCG. With its help, you can find out about the onset of pregnancy before your menstruation is missed.


White, creamy discharge is considered normal only if it does not include flake-like impurities. A curdled secretion is a clear sign of candidiasis. Thrush during pregnancy is a frequently diagnosed disease, since the immunity of pregnant women is unstable against fungi.

The disease can affect the duration of the menstrual cycle and cause delays in menstruation.


Yellow discharge is a symptom of the onset of a bacterial infection in the genital tract. The color of the mucus may change to light green or greenish. Such shades may indicate an advanced form of pathology.

Pink discharge

It will be difficult for a woman to determine on her own the cause of the problem. It can occur against the background of implantation of the fertilized egg or appear as a result of an abnormal course of pregnancy. Pinkish secretion after conceiving a child can be confused with spotting before menstruation.

Brown discharge

There can be many reasons for the appearance of a symptom - from implantation of the fertilized egg to fading pregnancy and the threat of miscarriage. If brown discharge with clots is observed more than 2-3 days after the delay, you need to consult a doctor to identify the cause. A natural consequence of the appearance of brown spotting is fertilization, which occurs closer to the end of the cycle.


If white discharge is detected on the days of a missed period, a woman needs to calm down and postpone panic until better times. By worrying too much, she can worsen her condition. You should immediately make an appointment with a doctor, and before visiting, independently identify additional symptoms. The gynecologist will conduct all the necessary examinations, identify the cause of the delay of several days and the appearance of white discharge, and only after that will prescribe drug therapy.

Self-use of medications is not recommended.

A woman without special education is unlikely to reliably determine the cause of the delay, and traditional treatment of white discharge often leads to serious consequences. This is especially true if the culprit is a serious gynecological disease.

Read more Beta hemolytic streptococcus treatment with antibiotics

In rare cases, the doctor, based on the tests obtained, gives a conclusion that she is healthy. Then why was there a delay in menstruation, and why did vaginal discharge turn white? The answer to this question is quite simple. Disorders in the menstrual cycle were provoked by external factors that do not affect reproductive function.

  1. Insufficient or improper hygiene. The female anatomy requires careful and daily washing. It is better to carry out the procedure from front to back - this is done to prevent harmful bacteria from entering the genital tract from the anus. It is recommended to take a shower with special hygiene products, but if a woman suffers from allergic reactions, then it is better to avoid them. In this case, you can use chamomile decoction - this natural anti-inflammatory agent is excellent for intimate hygiene.
  2. Synthetic underwear . Oddly enough, delays and white discharge from such things are not at all uncommon. For the sake of her health, a woman should neglect beauty and wear underwear only made of natural fabric. It allows the skin to breathe, eliminates irritation and inflammation.
  3. Promiscuous sexual intercourse.

    Even protected sex with frequent changes of partners can lead to disturbances in the female body in the form of delay and the appearance of white vaginal discharge. A woman needs to settle on one sexual partner, and at the same time be confident in his health.

By the way, a man should also take care of personal hygiene and use natural underwear. After all, various bacteria and microbes can so easily pass from a sexual partner.

Sometimes a woman is prescribed sedatives to eliminate the delay. This occurs when the cause of the disorder is psychological factors affecting the central nervous system.

The main mistake a woman makes is inaction after ruling out pregnancy during a delay. Even if menstruation resumes on the 15th–16th day, no one can guarantee that the situation will not repeat in the next menstrual cycle. A woman should not be indifferent to her own health, especially when there is vaginal discharge of unknown origin. It is better to prevent dangerous consequences than to unsuccessfully try to cure their cause in the later stages.

The monthly cycle sometimes shifts, so menstruation occurs earlier or later than expected. But a delay in menstruation and white discharge require attention from the woman. This is not only a sign of pregnancy, but also a symptom of some gynecological diseases.

Causes of secretion of a pathological nature

The main factors that provoke the appearance of abnormal discharge before pregnancy include:

  1. Exacerbation of erosion. If the bleeding is insignificant, then the secretion will have brownish tints, if it is profuse, then it will be bright red and scarlet.
  2. The location of the embryo is near the cervix. As the embryo grows and develops, the vessels of the reproductive organ will be injured, which leads to the appearance of spotting.
  3. Placental abruption. The problem is caused by a hormonal imbalance in a woman’s body. Additional signs are abdominal pain, the presence of blood clots in the vaginal secretion.
  4. Freezing of fetal development. Using ultrasound, it is difficult to detect the viability of the embryo until the 6th week, since its heartbeat is not detected at this period. The problem is recognized by dark vaginal discharge and a general deterioration in health.
  5. Ectopic pregnancy. The fetus is sometimes attached not to the walls of the uterus, but to the fallopian tubes. The proliferation of the egg leads to injury and bleeding of blood vessels in the fallopian tubes. If you do not contact a specialist in a timely manner, a rupture of the fallopian tube may occur.
  6. Tumors in the reproductive system of benign and cancer etiology. In the latter case, the pathological discharge will acquire an unpleasant odor. This is due to cell decomposition.
  7. Miscarriage 4-6 weeks after conception. In this case, the woman will need curettage. The fetus does not come out completely; after it, fragments of amniotic fluid remain in the organ cavity.

It is difficult for women to independently determine the onset of pregnancy before the delay by changes in the nature of secretion. The only symptom indicating successful conception is a sharp increase in the amount of smear produced by the mucous membranes of the vagina.

The normal color of discharge during pregnancy in the early stages before delay: white, cream, pinkish. If the mucus begins to thicken or change shades to yellow and green, this indicates a pathological course of pregnancy.

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