Simple and allergic contact dermatitis - what is the difference, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of the disease 
Simple irritant dermatitis forms on the skin after direct, single contact with a provoking factor. Signs
Can streptocide help in the treatment of sore throat in adults and children?
Category: Published 11/10/2016 · Comments: · Reading time: 4 min · Views: 2,074
What are the reasons for the appearance of a yellow coating on the tongue and how to eliminate it?
Reasons for the appearance of yellow plaque on the tongue and methods for its elimination
The tongue reflects the state of the organs involved in the digestive system. Changes in the color and structure of its mucosa
symptoms of rheumatism
Rheumatism - what it is, causes, signs, symptoms, treatment and diagnosis
Rheumatism is a terrible disease that attacks adolescents, adults, and children. The key to successful treatment of the disease is timely
Synovitis of the knee joint: causes, symptoms, treatment
A pathology such as synovitis of the knee joint mainly affects elderly people. The disease is characterized by inflammatory
Chronic urticaria in adults photo
Urticaria in adults is a symptom of dangerous diseases
Category: Skin formations Urticaria is a disease of an allergic or toxic nature, manifested in the form
How to get rid of heartburn at home
Effective methods for getting rid of heartburn at home
Heartburn is an unpleasant problem that every second person faces. It manifests itself as a burning sensation
Skin melanoma: life prognosis
16 symptoms of melanoma: what to do if you find one?
Skin cancer melanoma. Photo Melanoma develops from specialized melanocyte cells that produce the pigment melanin. Melanocytes
Effect of the drug
“Selenium-active” - instructions for use, side effects and contraindications: what is it taken for, what diseases does it treat, how to take it, what will happen if there is not enough selenium?
Pharmacological action Antioxidant: Selenium and vitamin C are key antioxidants in the body. They have a powerful
Myeloma: causes, signs, stages, life expectancy, therapy
Myeloma belongs to the group of paraproteinemic hemoblastoses, in which malignant transformation of plasma cells is accompanied by hyperproduction
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