When do the first symptoms of menstruation appear?
Every woman and girl is familiar with the concept of the menstrual cycle. Absence of menstruation occurs only when
Back pain during ovulation is another sign of fertility
How to calculate ovulation days for conception - all methods
Pain in the abdomen and ovaries as the first sign of ovulation that can be felt First and
Why do the mammary glands enlarge before menstruation 1
Possible causes of swelling of the mammary glands before menstruation
If your breasts become enlarged before your period, this is due to fluid retention and swelling. WITH
Surgical treatment method
Cervical erosion was discovered: what is it, what does it look like in the photo, its symptoms and complications + reviews from women
Cervical erosion: causes of hormonal imbalance; decreased ability of the immune system to carry out its protective functions
What is the danger and how to get rid of secondary amenorrhea
Signs and Symptoms Absence of menstruation Amenorrhea is characterized by the complete absence of menstruation. Other failures in their
Etiopathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment of chronic inflammatory processes of the internal genital organs. Antimicrobial therapy in the practice of an obstetrician-gynecologist.
Inflammation of the uterus Diseases of the uterus can be divided into several main groups: inflammatory diseases, anatomical disorders
Pink vaginal discharge: normal or pathological?
During certain cycles, representatives of the fairer sex may notice that they develop after menstruation.
Endometrioid ovarian cyst
Endometrioid ovarian cyst. Treatment without surgery
Why does endometrioma occur? There are many theories regarding what leads to the formation of pathology, however
What is a menstrual cup and how to use it
The complete guide to menstrual cups: who they're suitable for and how to use them
What is a menstrual cup? The first breakthrough in feminine hygiene products was pads. And when
Cervical ectropion: photos, symptoms, therapy, surgery
What are the options for eversion? Most often, cervical ectropion is limited only to the outer part of the canal, which
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