Microenemas for pregnant women
How to go to the toilet after childbirth or caesarean section: how to improve bowel movements?
Why is the procedure performed? Currently, a cleansing enema before childbirth is not a mandatory event.
Paraproctitis: local and systemic antibiotics in the fight against the disease
Proctological diseases, such as perirectal abscess, are often found in people who are sedentary
Vomiting in a child: all causes and all methods of diagnosis and treatment
Good day! My name is Khalisat Suleymanova - I am a herbalist. At 28 years old myself
Apples make your stomach hurt and why after an apple?
Medical statistics state that 15 to 30% of adults regularly experience abdominal pain.
What are the benefits of different types of jelly?
The healing effect of jelly on the digestive tract
Useful properties of jelly Kissel is a folk delicacy; its existence has been known for more than ten centuries. He
chair after laparoscopy
How to eliminate diarrhea after gallbladder removal
Diarrhea after gallbladder removal is a common problem. The gallbladder is a pear-shaped reservoir for
How to determine dehydration. How to determine dehydration in a child with diarrhea
Updated: 02/18/2020 12:26:31 Expert: Boris Kaganovich *Review of the best according to the editors of expertology.ru. About the criteria
diarrhea of ​​bacterial origin
Diarrhea (diarrhea) - all causes, acute, chronic, home remedies, treatment
There are many reasons for diarrhea. The disorder can cause both basic overeating and inflammation of the walls
refusal of intimacy
Why does your stomach hurt after sex - reasons for women and men
What does it come from? If your stomach hurts a week after sex, it could be
Smecta for children with diarrhea: composition of the drug, contraindications, method of administration
With the birth of a new family member, not only the joy of communicating with
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