How to restore intestinal microflora after diarrhea in adults
The need to restore intestinal microflora Frequent stools lead to disruption of the natural balance of microorganisms that live
How to get rid of nausea after chemotherapy with folk remedies?
A common complication during and at the end of cancer treatment is vomiting after
Nausea after drinking tea on an empty stomach - History of tea and coffee
Why tea is useful for intoxication Drinking liquid is an indispensable condition for restoring the body weakened by intoxication.
Woman lying on bed feeling sick
Feeling nauseous when you have a cold - Colds
Respiratory viral infections accompany people in the autumn-winter period. Influenza is the most dangerous type of
Causes of prolonged bowel movements in adults: diarrhea and diarrhea
Share this article on social networks Diarrhea manifests itself in the form of loose stools, it
Pain in the intestines in the lower abdomen on the right: causes and treatment
The intestines of a healthy person are emptied regularly at intervals of one to two days. The problem of stool retention is not possible.
constipation treatment
Ideal stool: no constipation or laxatives. 10 tips
Constipation is the most common disorder of the gastrointestinal tract, which occurs at any age. This
Treatment of flatulence with folk remedies is the most effective
Treatment of flatulence with folk remedies is the most effective
How to get rid of gas and bloating quickly Feeling bloated when your stomach swells up like a balloon
girl jogging
Treatment and prevention of constipation after childbirth while breastfeeding the mother
Factors of occurrence Constipation after childbirth during breastfeeding is manifested by a violation, or rather a complete absence
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TOP 5 effective remedies that accelerate anal recovery after hemorrhoid removal
Surgical treatment of hemorrhoids does not immediately relieve all symptoms of the disease. Often healing of postoperative wounds
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