Hirschsprung's disease
Doctor Komarovsky's opinion on the causes and treatment of constipation in infants
Constipation in a 2-year-old child: causes Defecation disorders in children are most often caused by improper
Why heartburn occurs with pancreatitis, treatment and prevention of the condition
Causes of heartburn due to pancreatitis and safe methods of treating it
Many people have a very vague understanding of the functions of the pancreas. Meanwhile, this
Why does an adult have white diarrhea?
Causes of diarrhea, what can cause diarrhea? The following factors can contribute to the appearance of loose stools: 1
Constipation is a consequence of complementary feeding or its improper introduction
How does a child’s stool change after the introduction of complementary foods? Defecation of breastfed children is individual
Tinnitus and dizziness
Noise and pain in the head, dizziness, fever, sweating: causes and treatment
Tinnitus is the professional term for ringing, whistling, or similar sounds in the ears and head without
How to dilute and give Bifidumbacterin to newborns?
Constipation is said to occur if there are problems with bowel movements. Moreover, the time period allowing
What is heartburn
Why does a person foam at the mouth? Mucus and foam in the stomach
The main causes of vomiting with foam Among the causes of vomiting with foam in an adult are
Is it possible to combine Linex or Duphalac?
Composition The product is available in capsules, each containing: Lactic acid bacteria. Lactobacilli. Enteroccoci. Bifidobacteria.
When does a baby start colic: symptoms and treatment
Parents of newborn babies often face the problem of colic in the baby. This trouble
loose stools during acute respiratory viral infections in adults
Complex treatment of diarrhea for colds and infectious diseases in children
Acute respiratory viral infections have many symptoms: runny nose, cough, nasal congestion, headaches and
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