Intraductal, lobular, metaplastic, mucous and tubular breast cancer: their main characteristics
Non-invasive ductal carcinoma of the breast in situ
There are different types of breast cancer. This pathology may differ in location, type of malignant cells,
Reviews from doctors.
How to drink boron uterus for endometriosis (doctors’ reviews)
Borovaya uterus, or one-sided ortilia This grass is widespread throughout central Russia, grows
Do you have periods? Pregnancy through menstruation: how to recognize the signs
Diseases The first criterion for pregnancy is considered by many to be the cessation of menstruation. In most cases this is true
HealthAdventures of menstruation in the USSR: What they said about them in the press
How they used to manage without pads For many centuries, representatives of the fair sex were forced
When the uterus begins. The shape and size of the uterus during pregnancy: at what week does it begin to grow and what it looks like in the early stages
After fertilization of the egg, it attaches to the wall of the uterus. At this time, the woman's body
Is it possible to get a tattoo during menstruation and during pregnancy - pros and cons
Every girl dreams of standing out from the crowd. Tattoos have become one of the best ways to express
When do girls' breasts begin to grow?
The size of the mammary glands in girls. Breast problems in girls
Many girls and their mothers are interested in a rather interesting question - when do girls start
How to behave after embryo transfer: instructions
How to behave after embryo transfer during IVF
The in vitro fertilization procedure is a real miracle for couples experiencing problems conceiving a child. IN
IVF will be performed
Infertility of unknown origin
Causes Idiopathic infertility is called due to the fact that its causes are not clear. However, it is known for certain
Causes of nausea during ovulation and should I be worried?
Nausea during ovulation. Nausea during ovulation
Ovulation is the main sign of a woman's fertility. Fertility depends on the presence of a mature egg and
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