Signs of an ectopic pregnancy in the early stages
What are the signs of an ectopic pregnancy?
What is an ectopic pregnancy An ectopic pregnancy is a pregnancy in which the fertilized egg does not reach the uterus
Delayed and scanty periods: the cause of strange menstruation
Why does my stomach hurt but I don’t have my period? There can be many reasons. This article covers
How to avoid leakage during your period? Tips for girls |
An alternative to pads during menstruation. Rather, this is one of the normal options. Menstruation is accompanied by a decrease in the level
Vaginal itching and white discharge
Itching and white plaque in the intimate area in women
Vaginal discharge is completely normal, as is salivation, the production of stomach acid or
A week after the biopsy, blood began to appear. Bleeding after cervical biopsy: features of the operation, contraindications, negative consequences. Contraindications for carrying out
Indications and contraindications The purpose of the biopsy is to determine the presence of atypical poorly differentiated cells. The biopsy technique is used
Female ejaculate as a normal physiological secretion
Why is no lubricant released, not enough lubricant? Men and women, boys and girls often
Reviews of the drug Wobenzym for endometriosis
How to take Wobenzym correctly if you have an ovarian cyst
Composition of the drug and active ingredients Wobenzym contains many enzymes similar to those produced by the body.
Is it possible to take Postinor if your period is late? How to induce menstruation if you are late using simple and safe methods? Other consequences after Postinor
In the life of every woman, situations are possible when it is necessary to take emergency measures to prevent
White discharge in women. What to do?
The appearance of white plaque on the walls of the vagina is a clear sign of a violation of the natural balance of the vaginal microflora.
duphaston when planning pregnancy
Why and how to take Duphaston to get pregnant?
Duphaston when planning pregnancy The reproductive system is one of the most complex in the body. Strong influence
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