Psychosomatics of infertility. Psychological causes of female infertility
Psychological infertility: myths or reality?
Concept Infertility is a medical diagnosis that indicates the impossibility of conceiving and bearing a child. It
How to understand a miscarriage or menstruation in early pregnancy, Pregnancy
If the female body perceives the beginning of pregnancy as something alien or even dangerous, most often
What is infertility?
Test to determine female infertility
What is the cause of infertility in women? The main causes of infertility in women: obstruction of the fallopian tubes,
Do you get your period after your hysterectomy? Can I get my period after a hysterectomy?
The reproductive system occupies a very important place in the female body. Its normal functioning affects
Why does the itching not go away after thrush treatment?
Thrush is a fungal disease caused by yeast fungi of the genus Candida. If a fungal infection affects
Ultrasound of the ovaries for ovulation. When should it be done?
If a married couple has difficulty conceiving, then the issue of determining a favorable pregnancy begins to be discussed.
Vitamins help speed up the process of treating ovarian dysfunction (photo:
Vitamins for the ovaries when planning pregnancy reviews
Ovarian dysfunction during reproductive age in women Symptoms of ovarian dysfunction can vary.
White vaginal discharge - normal or pathological, in which cases should you be concerned?
Normal discharge Discharge after menstruation: norm and pathology Normally, a woman practically does not feel it
urination before menstruation
Why does my period only come out when I urinate?
Women have long been accustomed to the fact that their well-being, mood and appearance change throughout
Stage 3 breast cancer
Infiltrative breast cancer: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment methods, prognosis
Infiltrative breast cancer is a common oncological disease. It is diagnosed in approximately 80%
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