How to gain weight with gastritis - ways to solve the problem

Weight loss with gastritis is not such an insignificant problem as it might seem at first glance. It’s good when your weight slowly and gradually returns to normal, and then stops and remains unchanged.

But sometimes the process may not stop when normal indicators are achieved, which can result in serious exhaustion of the body and even the development of a disease such as anorexia, etc. Therefore, it is very important to understand the reasons for weight loss and be able to stop this process in time.

Disadvantages of Weight Loss

Weight loss is normal with gastritis, since due to constant pain a person has to radically change his diet and revise his lifestyle. In addition, the constant diarrhea and nausea that accompany gastritis do not allow beneficial substances to remain in the body, which leads to its depletion and weakening.

Attention! Accelerated unplanned weight loss should alert you and be a signal to visit a gastroenterologist.

Although not an indicator of health, excessive thinness can cause a person a lot of trouble:

  • men have problems with potency, women – with fertility;
  • muscles atrophy;
  • internal organs are displaced;
  • anorexia occurs with possible death;
  • Due to weakened immunity, the body is not able to resist the common cold.

By adhering to a healthy diet and lifestyle, you can normalize your weight, preventing further loss.

Allowed diet option

If colitis is a frequent symptom that is difficult to get rid of, you urgently need to create a special gentle menu. Atrophic gastritis, like any other form of illness, requires an optimal complex of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Their ratio ideally is 15%: 35%: 50%, respectively.

When choosing a diet, you need to remember that the daily portion of protein should not exceed 100 g. The only possible option for gastroduodenitis is chicken meat. To gain weight, you need to remove fatty foods from the menu, as well as dishes high in carbohydrates.

A meal plan for 1 day might look like this:

  1. For breakfast, oatmeal cookies (3-4 pieces) with warm cocoa and milk.
  2. A snack can consist of weak tea, almonds (20 g) and a sweet apple (baked).

    You are allowed to eat fish soup for lunch

  3. For lunch, warm porridge with boiled fillet, fish soup and vegetable salad.
  4. The afternoon snack will include tea (weak brew) and oatmeal with dried apricots and milk.
  5. The last meal should be light. The patient can be offered fish fillet, vegetable salad and baked potatoes.

Be sure to eat 5 or more times a day. Dishes should be soft and warm. While eating, the patient chews food thoroughly and does not rush.

Reasons for weight loss

With digestive pathologies, the patient struggles with nausea and stomach pain that appears after eating. In combination with stool upset and constant belching, this has an impact on weight loss, which is facilitated by certain factors:

  • constant or periodic pain after eating;
  • impaired breakdown and absorption of food;
  • low-calorie diet meals;
  • lack of timely and competent treatment.

Painful symptoms of gastritis often appear after eating , forcing the patient to eat minimal portions or completely refuse food. Add to this a prolonged exacerbation and poor absorption, and you can get a completely bleak picture.

Forward to a cure

Lead a healthy, active lifestyle, give up bad habits, avoid stress, regularly visit the hospital to monitor your body. Prevention is better than cure. Consumption of vitamins and minerals in food, eat often, but in small portions, do not overeat, do not eat large pieces, it is better to finely chop or puree foods.

Steamed or baked fish, soups, choose meat that is easy for the stomach to digest (veal, beef, rabbit, chicken). No one has canceled the benefits of porridges; they can be not only healthy, but also tasty by adding fruits, nuts, and honey. Healthy food can also be varied and tasty.

We recommend: Proper diet for superficial gastritis

How to stop weight loss

It happens that after defeating gastritis and switching to a normal diet, a person continues to lose weight. This happens when, realizing the importance of dietary nutrition, the patient stubbornly refuses to eat high-calorie foods.

In addition, weight loss with gastritis can occur due to pathologies accompanying the disease. To determine the cause, it is necessary to conduct a full diagnosis, including:

  • determination of hormone levels;
  • detailed and general blood tests;
  • fluorography;
  • Ultrasound of the thyroid gland;
  • tests to determine the presence of parasites.

Having determined the cause of weight loss, appropriate treatment is prescribed, including proper nutrition. If weight loss is caused by gastritis, the doctor will develop an individual treatment regimen aimed at eliminating inflammatory processes that make it difficult to process food. If endocrine diseases or worms are detected, therapy is carried out to solve this problem.

Attention! Only competent treatment of the underlying disease will help you successfully cope with weight loss. Folk remedies and special diets in this case are completely powerless.

Healthy eating

Such a situation requires the creation of conditions that improve appetite, but cannot harm health. Everyone knows that eating high-calorie and fatty foods is strictly prohibited for gastritis sufferers. Accordingly, the question arises of how to gain weight with gastritis by eating diet foods.

Fighting the disease can be difficult and requires a lot of time, but if you follow the doctor’s recommendations, it is quite doable. It is enough to adhere to the developed rules:

  • Create a personalized routine. Meals should be taken at clearly established times, with intervals not exceeding 3 hours. It is necessary to completely eliminate the habit of eating dry food or at unspecified times. Food entering the stomach must be chewed thoroughly, avoiding hasty swallowing of large pieces and overeating. It must be remembered that excessively hot food is an irritant to the epithelium of the stomach, which can have a bad effect on the digestive process. Excessively cold foods have a similar reaction.

    During exacerbations, you should drink warm milk, as it perfectly neutralizes the acidity of gastric enzymes. By following the rules of food consumption, you will greatly facilitate the work of the damaged organ.

  • Maintaining the correct balance of beneficial elements . Eating chicken meat enriched with protein is very beneficial. An excellent option for replenishing animal fats is to eat baked or boiled fish. The main condition for a balanced diet is the appearance of fat in the required areas.
  • Leading an active and healthy life. This is reflected in improved metabolism. No matter how paradoxical it may sound, to increase mass you need to do gymnastics and physical activity. For this, there are special exercises that allow you to build muscle mass.

    In order for classes to give the required result, you should visit the gym and play sports with gastritis, preferably with a qualified instructor. Since training consumes a lot of energy, you need to take energy consumption into account when creating a diet. Do not forget that smoking negatively affects appetite, accelerating weight loss, so you should give up the addiction.

  • Use biological additives . There are many herbal or medicinal dietary supplements that improve appetite and eliminate weight loss. They contain enzymes that stimulate appetite and stimulate digestion of food. Considering that all dietary supplements have contraindications and certain side effects, their use should be discussed with your doctor.

Diet for gastritis with low acidity

How to gain weight during an exacerbation and during periods of remission? The diet depends on the course of the disease. During periods of “calm”, the patient’s menu may be more varied than during an exacerbation. However, the food handling process for a patient with gastritis must always be followed. Fried, smoked and spicy foods are prohibited even during periods of calm. The same goes for drinking alcohol and smoking.

Dishes should not be hot or cold. The inflamed mucous membrane responds adequately only to warm food. Irritation by cold or hot can lead to an exacerbation of the disease.

Since there is gastritis with high and low acidity, food must either compensate for the lack of acid, or, conversely, reduce its amount.

Recommendations for patients with high acidity:

  • To reduce acidity, you should include steamed vegetables, durum wheat pasta, day-old bread, eggs, baked or steamed fish into your diet.
  • You can eat puree soups (not legumes).
  • You will have to give up sweets. The amount of fruit should be limited. Apples need to be mashed or baked in the oven.
  • Pork is prohibited. The meat should only be dietary - boiled veal, chicken breast, turkey.
  • Salads, soups and cereals should be seasoned with sunflower or olive oil. Consumption of butter should be limited.
  • Fermented milk products are allowed only in small quantities.

An inflamed stomach takes longer to digest food, so the amount of fiber should be kept to a minimum.

First breakfast:

  • cottage cheese with low-fat cream, rubbed through a sieve.
  • Buckwheat porridge with milk.
  • Tea.

Second breakfast: 200 ml of milk.

  • Semolina soup with milk.
  • Steamed chicken cutlets.
  • Omelette.
  • Kissel.
  • Steamed fish steak with side dish (porridge, pasta).
  • Tea with milk.

Before bed: diet cookies with milk or a glass of fermented baked milk.

Also study the menu for gastritis for a week

Folk remedies

To effectively combat weight loss, it is necessary to eliminate the cause of the pathology. There are a lot of folk remedies for gastritis that relieve the symptoms of the disease and improve the patient’s condition.

With the help of ancient knowledge, it is possible to stimulate appetite and prevent exhaustion of the body. To avoid complications associated with side effects, home therapy should be discussed with your doctor.

Relieving stomach inflammation

An infusion made with calamus roots will help with this. To improve the taste, honey is added to it, and it is drunk 30 minutes before meals. Providing antispasmodic and antibacterial effects, calamus is able to stimulate appetite.

Increased appetite

Take an equal amount of watch leaves, cumin, calamus roots, and wormwood and brew with boiling water. Consume 1 tbsp before meals. l., sweeten with honey if desired.

Weight gain

To gain weight quickly and beneficially for the body, just 2-3 green apples, grated, mixed with chopped lard and melted in the oven for about four hours. Then beat the whites of 12 eggs with 1 tbsp. sugar and mix with the resulting mass. After adding 100g of bitter melted chocolate, the mixture is consumed three times throughout the day, served on bread and washed down with warm milk.

Physical exercise

Gaining weight without having a good appetite is simply unrealistic. The body lacks the minimum portions that the stomach is accustomed to during treatment. To increase your appetite you need:

  • start the day with exercise - physical activity helps accelerate blood circulation and restore metabolic processes;
  • try to sit less - a compressed stomach refuses to work fully;
  • develop the habit of daily walking - they greatly increase appetite;
  • sign up for swimming - this is a sport that requires increased loads, which accordingly has a positive effect on the functionality of all systems and organs;
  • do yoga - there are special asanas that can increase gastrointestinal motility.

For gastritis, factors that help strengthen the body and quickly recover should be taken into account. To do this, it will be useful to learn the correct combination of foods to eat. Eat more plant foods, don’t sit still, move more. The main thing is a responsible approach to treatment, proper nutrition and physical development.

Sports in treatment

Gentle physical activity will complement the diet, since a healthy lifestyle, walking and jogging improves well-being, improves mood and appetite. A person has a desire to live. As a result, weight loss will stop.

Morning jogging has a beneficial effect on the health of the body

Some people are sensitive to their appearance and try in every possible way to increase body weight by choosing bodybuilding. After a while, patients note the lack of results. There are restrictions here, and going beyond them is dangerous.

When choosing a sport, they rely on the type and form of gastritis. Only the catarrhal variety has no prohibitions, but in other cases you need to carefully approach the choice of training. An approximate list of prohibited sports:

  1. Endurance training.
  2. Weightlifting.
  3. Martial arts and discus throwing.
  4. Long hikes with overnight stays.

Weightlifting is prohibited if you have gastritis.

Esophagitis, erosive type and other forms do not allow the patient to spend a lot of time outside the home. Gaining weight in spartan conditions is impossible. The food is not supplied correctly, the diet is not followed.

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