Pancreatitis, cholecystitis and potato juice – what do they have in common?
Potato juice for pancreatitis is recommended to drink to reduce the severity of symptoms of the disease. During remission
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Is it possible to eat beets with gastritis: get acquainted with contraindications and prepare according to the best recipes for a weak stomach
Is the product allowed? You can eat beets for gastritis only if they are properly cooked. Raw
Is it okay to have chocolate if you have a stomach ulcer?
Is it possible to have chocolate for gastritis: we eat sweets without harm to health
The diet of a person with any disease of the gastrointestinal tract is significantly limited and strictly regulated by medical specialists.
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Ulcerative gastritis: symptoms, how to diagnose and treat
Gastritis is an inflammatory disease of the gastric epithelium. Formation of ulcerative defects on the surface of the inflamed mucosa
Diet after surgery
10 prohibited and permitted types of foods for the diet after hemorrhoid removal
Surgery to remove hemorrhoids is traumatic for the body. Considered to be a physical and psychological stressor for
The most healthy and delicious salad recipes for gastritis
Is it possible to have salads for gastritis? The word “salad” in cooking refers to cold dishes from various
reasons: why they arise
Constipation with hemorrhoids: what to do, how to treat and soften the stool?
Hemorrhoids and constipation often coexist with each other. With hemorrhoids, venous blood stagnates,
Olive oil
Is it possible to eat olive oil if you have gastritis with high acidity?
Olive oil for the stomach is a universal remedy. Unlike medicines in it
Risk of developing stomach cancer
Diet and proper nutrition after gastric removal - features and recommendations
Gastrectomy is a surgical procedure aimed at removing a piece of the stomach or the entire organ. This
Intestinal obstruction in cancer
Important! A remedy for heartburn, gastritis and ulcers, which has helped a huge number of our readers. Read
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