How much and for how long do hemorrhoids need to be treated for them to heal?
How long does it take to treat hemorrhoids and how many days does it take to go away?
Rectal diseases can occur suddenly. There is discomfort and itching in the anal canal. Under treatment
The destructive process leads to irreversible death of pancreatic tissue
Development of acute destructive pancreatitis: symptoms and methods of treatment of pancreatic necrosis
Destructive pancreatitis, occurring in an acute form, is one of the most dangerous pathological processes that
Is it possible to drink rosehip decoction, infusion and tea if you have gastritis?
A romantic legend envelops the history of the wild rose. Wandering the earthly world in search of the body of the deceased
Colitis: causes in children, symptoms and treatment
Chronic intestinal colitis in a child: symptoms and treatment
Colitis in a child may occur unexpectedly for parents. With this disease, the epithelial layer of the mucous membrane is affected.
Low stomach acidity: symptoms and treatment with folk remedies
A very effective and common folk method for treating gastrointestinal pathologies is calendula for gastritis. Healing
Potatoes - a folk remedy for the quick treatment of hemorrhoids
Many suffer from hemorrhoids - an unpleasant disease with a feeling of discomfort and inconvenience. Bleeding symptom
Sweets for gastritis: which desserts do not aggravate the condition?
If raspberry jam is not recommended for gastritis, this does not mean that any jam is not recommended. Product
Organs of the digestive system
Fasting for gastritis. Rules of therapeutic fasting
Fasting treatment is a method of alternative medicine, the purpose of which is to cleanse and rejuvenate the body, use
How to relieve stomach pain due to gastritis at home
Painkillers for stomach and duodenal ulcers
Read the article carefully!!! An attack of gastritis in most cases is accompanied by severe pain, which negatively affects
Is it true that if you eat less, your stomach shrinks?
The main role of the stomach The empty cavity holds up to 0.5 liters and has a length of up to 20 cm.
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