Women's gastrointestinal tract
Treatment of irritable bowel syndrome with folk remedies
Intestinal diseases for which treatment with folk remedies is allowed Painful sensations in the intestines in the overwhelming majority
Will chamomile help with gastritis and how can it be used?
Nowadays, stomach diseases are a common diagnosis that affects many people. But how
diet salad with sauce
Milk for gastritis: how and in what form to use, benefits of the product
Most people perceive pain in the epigastric region as temporary discomfort. It is important to understand that
Which hepatitis is the most dangerous and what are the causes of the disease?
Inflammation of the liver can be toxic, viral or autoimmune in nature. The most dangerous hepatitis is the one that
Stomach neurosis - symptoms, treatment and diet
Some dysfunctions of the stomach depend, perhaps, on changes in the innervation of the stomach or on real
Which organ produces bile in the human body?
Bile is a fluid produced and secreted by the liver that breaks down fats into fatty acids.
Stomach cancer and nutrition at all stages, you just need...
The stomach is one of the central organs in the digestive system of our body. It was from him
Is it possible to cure cirrhosis of the liver at the last stage?
Liver cirrhosis is a progressive, very serious disease that often provokes irreversible changes in both
Does an orthopedic anti-hemorrhoid pillow help?
Every patient with varicose veins needs to know how to sit with hemorrhoids. It's necessary,
Section of a sore stomach
Gastroduodenitis symptoms and treatment in adults with folk remedies
Gastroduodenitis is a disease of the stomach or duodenum. It is expressed by inflammatory or regenerative changes in
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