Comprehensive diagnosis of pancreatitis: the most complete answer
Causes of pancreatitis Diagnosis of chronic pancreatitis using laboratory methods Pathological processes in the pancreas are characterized by
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How to brew oats to treat the liver and pancreas
Pancreatitis is considered a fairly serious disease characterized by inflammation of the pancreas. With the development of this disease
Pain relief for hemorrhoids - a list of the most effective medications and folk remedies
People suffering from prolapse of intestinal nodes sooner or later face the problem of which one to choose
Sphincter of Oddi dysfunction symptoms
Sphincter of Oddi: characteristics of the organ, methods of treating dysfunction
The sphincter of Oddi is a smooth muscle valve (orbicularis muscle). It regulates the flow of digestive enzymes from the pancreas
ph level
Anacidic gastritis - what it is, symptoms and treatment
Anacidic gastritis (“zero acidity”) is a condition in which the production of hydrochloric acid practically stops
Types of adenomatous polyps
Is intestinal dysplasia dangerous, and how to treat the disease?
Adenomatous polyp (syn. adenoma, glandular polyp) is the most common benign formation with possible localization
Adenocarcinoma of the sigmoid colon
What is the danger of adenocarcinoma of the sigmoid colon and how is it treated?
Adenocarcinoma is a malignant neoplasm of the sigmoid colon, arising from glandular epithelial tissue. Oncological
Neobutin or trimedate
What is the difference between duspatalin and trimedat?
Neobutin This medication regulates and tones the intestinal tract. The main component of the drug, trimebutine, has a direct
Flax and the pancreas
Flax seeds and pancreatitis: opinion of medical experts
People are wondering whether it is possible to eat flax seed for pancreatitis of the pancreas. Flaxseeds with your own
Flax seeds
Use of flax seeds for gastritis, application features, reviews
The essence of stomach disease To understand how flaxseed works to treat gastritis, you need to understand
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