Yeast in the stool of an adult, treatment with folk remedies
If a patient has yeast-like fungi in their stool, this indicates intestinal candidiasis.
Diet for gastritis: diet 1 for treatment and prevention
What does the table number for gastritis depend on? The table number for gastritis is determined by the nature of the course
Functions of digestive enzymes - do they improve nutrient absorption?
Types of enzymes Pepsin. An enzyme is a substance that is produced in the stomach. It affects
Drugs that reduce gastric acidity: comparative characteristics and description
Human gastric juice contains hydrochloric acid. It is necessary for the digestion of solid food and
Omez or Omitox which is better? How the drugs work
Diseases associated with the gastrointestinal tract today are among the most common among
girl has stomach pain
What is catarrhal bulbitis of the stomach - types, treatment and proper diet
According to the international classification of diseases, there is no such independent disease as catarrhal bulbitis. However, doctors recommend
intestinal thrombosis
Intestinal thrombosis - causes, symptoms, treatment
What should you know about the disease? Blood, as you know, has the property of clotting. In medicine this
Therapeutic diet for gastritis and pancreatitis, nutritional rules and menu with recipes
Basic recommendations for preparing a diet for pancreatitis with gastritis
Gastritis is a disease of the stomach caused by inflammation or irritation of its mucous membrane. The disease may
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Efficacy of Maalox in long-term therapy of gastroesophageal reflux disease
Some facts One of the most dangerous diseases of the digestive tract is peptic ulcer. In such
Cirrhosis treatment
Currently, doctors are increasingly diagnosing liver cirrhosis. Factors causing it
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