What herbal preparations in the pharmacy for the pancreas
In addition to medications, herbal medicine plays an important role in the treatment of pancreatitis. Healing herbs
What will help determine the early stages of hemorrhoid development?
Most of humanity suffers from such an unpleasant disease as hemorrhoids. Some people go to hospital
Suppositories for the treatment of hemorrhoidal fissures - a list of the most effective and inexpensive with a description
Hemostatic and healing suppositories for cracks in the anus
What does it mean to insert rectally Any medical drug must be used correctly, otherwise it will be of no use
diet for intestinal dysbiosis in children
Diet for intestinal dysbiosis: principles of nutrition, daily menu
Dysbiosis is a disease in which the balance of bacteria in the intestines is disrupted. As a result of this, the patient
The main causes of pain in the esophagus: proper treatment and reviews from patients
Forms Doctors in the field of gastroenterology usually distinguish the following forms of pain in the esophagus: Primary
Treatment of gallbladder cancer in Israel
How does gallbladder cancer manifest and how is it treated?
The gallbladder is a small, hollow, pear-shaped organ located under the liver. It concentrates and
Honey for low and high stomach acidity
Updated: March 4, 2020, at 16:13 Fans of traditional medicine are interested in whether honey is useful for
Sections of the human stomach - diagram
Features of the structure of the pyloric part of the stomach
What is a stomach? The name "stomach" is given to a hollow muscular organ that is a vital part of
Can chronic gastritis free you from the army?
Are conscripts diagnosed with “Gastroduodenitis” accepted into the army?
No one will give you a definite answer to the question of whether people with gastritis are accepted into the army.
Removing stones from the gallbladder: modern techniques
Causes of the disease The gallbladder is a sac organ that serves as a container for bile, which is constantly
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