Treatment of hepatitis C at home: the most effective recipes

Viral hepatitis kills nearly 1.5 million people every year. According to WHO data, approximately 71 million people currently suffer from hepatitis C. This means that the problem affects a large number of people. Therefore, the relevant issue needs to be sorted out. After all, you or your loved ones may face this disease.

In this article we will take a detailed look at the most effective methods of treating hepatitis C at home, talk about useful herbs and medication treatment that are available to everyone.

What is hepatitis C?

Hepatitis C is a liver disease caused by a specific virus. It comes in different types (there are more than 10 genotypes in total, each with its own subtypes) and can cause acute or chronic disease. Hepatitis C is the leading cause of liver cancer and should not be taken lightly.

Transmission of the virus occurs only through blood.

It could be:

  • dental office;
  • careless handling of syringes;
  • unprotected sex or any intimate contact that involves the exchange of blood;
  • contacting an unscrupulous tattoo artist;
  • visiting a hairdresser, where hygiene issues are treated irresponsibly.

In the conditions of Russian realities, risk exists for everyone. Since the hepatitis C virus occurs in a large number of varieties, there is no vaccine against it. However, scientists continue to actively search for it.

The use of antiviral drugs helps to fully recover in 95% of cases. The cost of a full course (12 weeks) of such drugs now averages 35,000 rubles. This is relatively little money and almost everyone can afford treatment.

Folk remedies for hepatitis C are not able to completely defeat the virus, but are aimed at improving a person’s condition, strengthening the body and avoiding the negative consequences of the virus.

Signs of the disease

The incubation period lasts from 2 weeks to six months. In 80% of those who become ill during the primary infection, no significant symptoms are observed.

If acute signs appear, then we are talking about the following:

  • severe fatigue;
  • temperature increase;
  • loss of appetite;
  • weight loss;
  • painful sensations in the abdomen;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • stool lightening;
  • darkening of urine;
  • change in color of the skin and whites of the eyes (appearance of a yellowish tint);
  • painful sensations in the joints.

Traditional recipes for acute HCV?

Recipe No. 1 . Place 100 grams of dried rose hips in a thermos and pour half a liter of boiling water, let it brew for 10 hours. Strain the liquid, bring it to room temperature, add and dissolve 2 grams of mumiyo. Take 100 ml, strictly before meals, three times a day. The therapeutic course lasts from 21 to 45 days, followed by a mandatory break.

Recipe No. 2 . Acute hepatitis C is treated with jujube berries and unsalted peanuts. Add 50 grams of the listed ingredients to a liter of boiling water, season with sugar to taste, cook for 20 minutes and leave to cool. After which the decoction is suitable for use in the afternoon, drink the main part before going to bed.

Is it possible to cure hepatitis C at home forever?

Yes. It is completely possible to cure hepatitis at home.

It should be noted that treatment is not necessary in 100% of cases. In some situations, the patient's immune system destroys the virus within the first 6 months after infection. A person may not even know that he had this disease. Treatment is usually required when the pathology becomes chronic. This is when symptoms most often appear.

The chronic form of the disease can last 15-20 years. But in about 30% it progresses to cirrhosis of the liver. The risk of cancer in this organ also increases. Both are often fatal. Therefore, you need to be treated

The therapy itself should be comprehensive and include the following:

  • taking antiviral drugs such as Sofosbuvir;
  • nutrition correction;
  • lifestyle change. It is very important to maintain a daily routine, to make the load even;
  • taking hepatoprotectors. They support the liver by slowing tissue destruction;
  • herbal infusions and other folk remedies. They also have a supportive effect, easing the patient’s condition.

It is easiest to maintain an adequate quality of life with an integrated approach. And, of course, treatment should be carried out under the supervision of a hepatologist.

At-risk groups

Many people believe that hepatitis C is limited only to certain risk groups, such as drug addicts and homosexuals.
Infection with this virus is dangerous because it can, in principle, affect everyone. Most people with acute and chronic HCV are not even aware of the disease, since it is asymptomatic. For this reason, it sometimes takes decades before clinical symptoms appear and therefore a diagnosis is made. The chances of curing hepatitis C completely are much higher with early diagnosis.

Therefore, to find out whether you have hepatitis C or not, you need to perform a marker test. You definitely need to get tested if you:

  • use intravenous drugs or snort cocaine;
  • received blood and blood products (until 1992);
  • transplant recipient;
  • are on hemodialysis;
  • noticed a constant deviation in ALT levels in the liver;
  • family members or sexual partner infected with HCV;
  • child of an HIV-positive mother;
  • came from regions with high levels of hepatitis C infection;
  • medical personnel and are at risk of accidental injury from contaminated needles or sources of HCV-positive blood.

Drug treatment

Treatment for hepatitis C can take months or even years. Therefore, it makes no sense to keep the patient constantly in the hospital. And in this regard, everyone who has encountered this disease should figure out how to treat hepatitis at home. Hospitalization is indicated only in case of severe and sudden deterioration.

First of all, you need to understand that we are talking about a viral disease. That is, complete treatment of hepatitis C with herbs is impossible: antiviral drugs are needed. However, fees allow you to maintain the functioning of this organ in normal condition. Therefore, you should not ignore traditional methods.

As for medications, we usually talk about the following:

  • Sofosbuvir is a key drug for the treatment of chronic hepatitis C. It allows you to cope with the virus of any genotype. Sofosbuvir is the main one in antiviral therapy, but it must be combined with the following components.
  • Daclatasvir.
  • Ledipasvir.
  • Veltapasvir.

The production of these drugs is carried out by the American company Gilead, the average cost of a course is 500,000 rubles (one 12-week course is enough for a complete recovery). But fortunately for patients, Gilead transferred the manufacturing patent to Indian pharmaceutical companies. Therefore, in Russia, patients use Indian generics, that is, 100% analogues of antiviral drugs. Their price per course is on average 35,000 rubles. The effectiveness of treatment with such drugs is 95%.

However, it is worth noting that doctors do not officially have the right to prescribe drugs to patients that are not officially registered in Russia. Therefore, hepatologists are able to provide informal advice at best. At worst, the person is left to figure out the treatment regimen on his own. And this, for a number of reasons, is far from the best option. Therapy should be carried out under the supervision of a hepatologist.

Important: you should not limit yourself only to antiviral drugs. They certainly fight the underlying cause of the disease. However, such remedies do not help the body recover in any way or support it. This is why other treatment methods are so important.

Nutrition rules

Effective treatment involves diet and lifestyle changes. That is, the patient should eat more vegetables and fruits, give up alcoholic beverages and smoking. Only in this case can the toxic load on the gland be reduced.

Diet is an important component of complex therapy for hepatitis C

In case of acute hepatitis, fatty, fried, salty, and spicy foods should be excluded from the diet. In the absence of severe symptoms, you should limit your consumption of the foods described above. After diagnosis, the patient must be attentive to his condition, refuse some foods or replace them with others.

For example, instead of mayonnaise, it is allowed to use sour cream with a low fat content. It is forbidden to consume canned foods and semi-finished products, and you should also avoid marinades. It is recommended to eat only fresh dishes prepared from natural products.

The patient should supplement the diet with fruits, vegetables, herbs, fermented milk products with a low percentage of fat, lean meat and fish. In addition, it is allowed to consume walnuts and legumes in small quantities. The patient should drink freshly squeezed juices from berries, fruits or vegetables, especially carrots.

It is worth limiting the number of eggs in the diet; quail eggs are more beneficial for hepatitis. This restriction applies to butter and vegetable oil. It is highly recommended to eat grapefruits and blueberries.

Doctors advise eating food often, about 7 times, but in small portions. Small meals will reduce the load on the digestive organs, the functionality of which is impaired due to hepatitis.

The patient is recommended to include pumpkin and its seeds in the daily menu. This is due to the fact that the product contains a lot of zinc, which has a positive effect on the condition of the gland.

Instead of coffee, you can drink a drink made from chicory, which improves the functioning of the digestive tract.

If you have hepatitis, you need to do light physical exercise every day.

If you notice symptoms of hepatitis C, you should visit a doctor who will establish a diagnosis and determine treatment tactics.

The following traditional methods can be used as part of complex therapy:

  • Healing Fitness. The patient must do push-ups from the floor or wall, rotate the body, bend it to the sides, forward, and walk in place. In addition, it is recommended to rub in the area of ​​the right hypochondrium.
  • Water therapy. For acute hepatitis, it is recommended to take daily baths. In addition, it is recommended to drink about 3 liters of filtered water per day.
  • Cold and hot shower. The patient should alternately turn on hot water for 60 seconds, and then cold water for 5 seconds. The procedure is performed 10 to 15 times while taking a shower. It is recommended to carry out 3 contrasts in 24 hours.
  • Radish and honey. The juice is squeezed out of the radish; you need to prepare 1 liter of liquid, to which 500 ml of liquid honey is added. Take the medicine three times, 50 ml, preferably before going to bed. Radish can be replaced with cranberries.
  • Warm enema. For jaundice, it is recommended to give a warm enema of chamomile infusion.
  • Infusion of daisy. Dry raw materials are poured into 1.5 liters of cooled water after boiling, infused, and filtered. The medicine is drunk ½ glass three times.
  • Lovage infusion. To prepare the product, use the leaves or seeds of the plant. Approximately 4 g of raw material is poured into 1.5 liters of cooled boiled water and left for 3 hours. Then the medicine is filtered and taken 30 ml four times in 24 hours.

These effective remedies will help improve the condition of the liver in case of hepatitis C and speed up recovery.

Folk remedies for hepatitis C

For better recovery, you can use therapeutic exercises, contrast showers, herbs, mumiyo, honey. Of course, not all remedies are equally useful, and some are controversial.

For example, it is believed that tar heals the liver with vitamin C. However, it is used in evidence-based medicine exclusively externally. Much also depends on the quality of such a product: if there are foreign impurities in the tar, then instead of protection you will receive an even greater load on the liver. Therefore, you should resort to folk remedies with caution.

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