Treatment of gastritis with folk remedies at home

Causes of acute gastritis

  • develops when eating poor quality foods, especially those contaminated with microorganisms;
  • smoking is the cause of acute gastritis, drinking large amounts of coffee;
  • alcohol consumption;
  • damage to the mucosa can be caused by long-term use of medications;
  • radiation therapy can cause radiation gastritis;
  • Acute gastritis may be caused by chemical damage. The degree of damage depends on the concentration of harmful substances, the presence of food in the stomach;
  • acute gastritis develops with renal failure;
  • Sometimes allergic gastritis occurs - a reaction to some product.

Acute form of the disease

An exacerbation occurs 8-10 hours after dangerous substances enter the body. Most often this occurs due to poisoning. Often due to a long break in nutrition. It is known that you need to eat 5-6 times a day in small portions. If this does not happen, severe pain may occur and a bitter taste may appear in the mouth.

Another sign is nausea, vomiting mixed with blood, heaviness in the stomach, heartburn, and increased salivation.

A dangerous form of the disease is erosive gastritis. It is most often caused by the microbe Helicobacter pylori.

Symptoms of the erosive form:

  • Sucking pain early in the morning or pain of a hungry nature;
  • Heartburn;
  • Vomiting of food just eaten, followed by relief.

See also on the blog: Diet for gastritis of the stomach: menu for the day

With the erosive form, honey and aloe help well. Mix the two ingredients in equal proportions, consume 1 teaspoon before each meal.

Wheat germ will help reduce the symptoms of inflammation. Take a handful of cereal and fill it with water. When sprouts appear, grind through a meat grinder. Pour 1 tsp into the resulting mixture. olive oil. Consume wheat in the morning.

Symptoms of acute gastritis in adults

  • lack of appetite;
  • bitterness in the mouth;
  • feeling of heaviness;
  • excessive salivation;
  • general weakness;
  • dizziness;
  • frequent belching;
  • frequent vomiting with mucus, bile;
  • diarrhea accompanied by flatulence and fever;
  • the skin, oral mucosa, larynx are white, the tongue has a white coating.

As you recover, your appetite increases and your general condition improves. If treatment is started on time, recovery is quite possible. With repeated exposure to harmful substances, acute becomes chronic.

How to recognize gastritis?

Gastritis of the stomach occurs in acute or chronic form. Gastritis is distinguished with high or low acidity. In the first case, concentrated hydrochloric acid is released in large quantities by the serosa of the stomach. Such unpleasant symptoms appear in attacks - pain in the epigastric region, burning, heartburn. Usually the signs are clearly expressed after ingesting fried, smoked or spicy foods, or alcohol. In smokers, when nicotine gets in and mixes with saliva, severe irritation occurs in the stomach in the background.

The main trigger for the development of inflammation in the gastric mucosa is Helicobacter bacteria, which irritate the mucosa and provoke the development of inflammation. In the acute form of gastritis, intestinal infection viruses, acids, alkalis, and alcohol can become aggressive agents, corroding the walls of the stomach when ingested. Motor dysfunction can occur after overusing certain foods: citrus fruits, chocolate, carbonated drinks. The production of gastric juice increases or decreases, and a pathological process develops in the digestive tract. The patient appears:

  • severe weakness;
  • pain, burning and discomfort in the stomach;
  • white coating on the tongue;
  • salivation;
  • nausea;
  • dry mouth.

Symptoms of acute gastritis are clearly expressed, but short-lived. After a few hours it subsides and becomes a little easier. If the disease is not treated at the initial stage, gastritis will become chronic. Treatment will become difficult.

If gastritis develops against the background of increased production of gastric juice, an acidic environment is created and the mucous membrane is injured. Symptoms of the disease appear as:

  • acute, hungry night pains;
  • heartburn due to increased secretion of gastric juice;
  • rotten burps;
  • sour taste in the mouth;
  • vomiting (especially when overeating sour or spicy foods);
  • fermentation processes in the digestive tract;
  • constipation;
  • loss of appetite.

If the development of gastritis is facilitated by a decrease in secretion and the gastric mucosa is inflamed due to low production of gastric juice, then the symptoms are somewhat different. Observed:

  • food stagnation resulting from the inability to digest food completely;
  • decreased motility of the digestive tract;
  • flatulence, intestinal bloating when stagnation occurs;
  • mild nausea;
  • belching rotten;
  • lethargy, weakness;
  • decrease in hemoglobin in the blood; stool disorder.

It is hardly possible to cure gastritis forever, but it is possible to minimize unpleasant symptoms, soothe the gastric mucosa and bring it into a healthier state.

Treatment of gastritis with honey

1.4 tbsp. linden honey, a tablespoon of wild chicory herb, calendula officinalis flowers, 2 tbsp. chamomile color, 3 tbsp. sandy immortelle, 400 ml of water. The plants are crushed with a coffee grinder. To 2 tbsp. collection, add boiling water. Pour into a thermos and leave overnight. The composition is decanted, honey is added. Take half a glass of warm mixture half an hour before meals.

2. gastritis of the stomach with low acidity - 35g of honey dissolved in a glass of water, drunk 1/3 hour before meals, for two months. If the acidity is high, consume within an hour and a half. If heartburn occurs, add milk or cottage cheese to honey.

3. treatment of chronic gastritis with honey - 20 drops of 30% propolis tincture three times an hour before meals. Dilute with warm water and milk. Take four weeks. If a rash occurs, stop using it itching.

Folk remedies for treatment at home

It is possible to cure gastritis forever at home. Below are the most effective home remedies that help cope with gastritis attacks.

Flax seeds

Flax is endowed with a variety of medicinal properties that help cope with a variety of ailments. To treat gastritis at home, you will need to prepare an infusion based on flax seeds. Flaxseed is oily inside, so the prepared decoctions and infusions turn out thick and viscous.

The healing liquid helps coat the walls of the stomach, relieve inflammation and reduce cramps. The medicinal properties of flax are based on the polysaccharides contained in the seeds, which have an antibactericidal effect. Flax is not endowed with a pronounced taste and aroma, which makes it possible to use it in a variety of dishes and drinks.

Preparation and use of flaxseed decoction

  • Two tbsp. l. seeds are poured with 300 ml of boiling water.
  • Let the liquid infuse for at least 12 hours.
  • It is recommended to drink the liquid 20 minutes before each meal, 100 ml. The seeds should definitely be eaten.
  • The course of therapy lasts 30–40 days. If desired, you can prepare jelly with the addition of flaxseeds and berries. It is best to drink it before bed.

Flaxseed is oily inside, so the prepared decoctions and infusions turn out thick and viscous

Chicken stomachs for gastritis

Chicken stomachs have a healing effect due to the vitamins, iron and folic acid they contain. With the help of chicken stomachs, you can restore the functioning of the digestive system and eliminate inflammation in the gastric mucosa.

It is very important to purchase fresh stomachs for the treatment to be effective. It is necessary to remove the skin from 500–700 g of product, rinse it thoroughly under running water and dry it. Using a meat grinder, grind the peel and add 2 tbsp. l. May honey. The remedy is placed in a container and infused for about 4 days.

The course of treatment should last at least 35–40 days. Before each meal you need to eat 0.5 tbsp. l. facilities. After completing the course of therapy, we take a break for 10–14 days and repeat taking the folk remedy, which effectively eliminates severe pain in the stomach and helps relieve inflammation in the stomach.

Potato juice

Potato juice will help cure gastritis. Potatoes contain large amounts of:

  • antioxidants,
  • carotene,
  • fiber,
  • fat,
  • starch,
  • protein.

Unfortunately, after heat treatment, the amount of useful elements decreases sharply. Therefore, to treat gastritis, it is necessary to use raw potatoes, from which juice should be prepared.

Juice from potato tubers will help cope with any ailment of the digestive tract. It is very important during therapy to drink only a fresh drink 30 minutes before meals. Duration of therapy is 4 weeks.

Juice from potato tubers will help cope with any ailment of the digestive tract

Vegetable oils

Vegetable oil can be used to treat gastritis at home. It is recommended to combine the component with a drug that reduces the level of acidity in the stomach. Vegetable oil has the following effects on the body:

  • antibacterial effect,
  • enveloping,
  • anti-inflammatory,
  • healing,
  • tanning.

Sea buckthorn oil

How to take sea buckthorn oil for gastritis?

Sea buckthorn oil helps cope with exacerbation of gastritis due to its high percentage of cartinoids, which have a healing and anti-inflammatory effect.

In addition, sea buckthorn contains vitamins E and B, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated acids, which coat the walls of the stomach and alleviate the symptoms that are inherent in gastritis.

Sea buckthorn oil can be purchased at any pharmacy chain. It is recommended to use this useful product 20 minutes before each meal. You will need to eat 0.5 tbsp at a time. l. oils The duration of therapy is 30–40 days. After a 30-day break, sea buckthorn oil therapy can be repeated.

Linseed oil

Flaxseed oil contains a large amount of linolenic acid and vitamin E. Flaxseed oil coats the walls of the stomach and relieves abdominal pain. It is very important to purchase high-quality cold-pressed oil. The product can be used in pure form or as an additive to vegetable salads and fish dishes.

Despite the bitter taste, the oil is practically not noticeable in dishes. In cases where the patient drinks flaxseed oil in its pure form, you will need to drink 0.5 tbsp. l. 10 minutes before each meal. After taking the product, it is important to drink it with plenty of water. The duration of treatment is 90 days.

Features of recipes with additional ingredients other than herbs

Herbs and plants in the form of collections can be combined with other natural recipes. For low acidity:

  • aloe is mixed with honey - for 150 ml of crushed plant pulp, take 250 g of melted bee product. In order for the leaves to yield juice better, they are cut off and placed in the refrigerator 8-12 days in advance. Gastritis should be treated for 7 days, taking 1 tsp. means before meals. Then they switch to a dosage of 1 tbsp. l., and the course is followed for another 38 days.
  • If you mix celandine with garlic, you get a good way to kill bacteria. Add 1 part garlic pulp to 1 part juice, pour in honey and stir until smooth.
  • Wormwood tea prevents the risk of parasite infection and enhances the recovery of damaged stomach. It is enough to drink tea made from 1 tsp. dried herbs and a glass of boiling water. The mixture is boiled for 20 minutes. Drink 50 ml before meals for 30 days. If a person has pancreatitis, you need to be careful about the body's reaction to this herb.

With increased acidity, you can add some spices to the decoctions, for example, cinnamon. It goes well with mint and sage, as well as gentian root. You can prepare a mixture consisting of all these components, 1 part each. For 250 ml take 1 tsp. the resulting collection and brew for 20-30 minutes.

Herbal therapy at home helps to transfer gastritis into a stage of stable remission, regardless of the form and severity of the disease. However, any collection, any herb should be discussed with a doctor before use.

The main thing that every patient suffering from gastritis with an ulcer or a form of pathology with reduced secretion of juice should remember is that any herbal product is a potent medicine. It cannot be taken without a special regimen and in arbitrary dosages. Recommendations and recipes must be strictly followed. Only in this case will it be possible to cure the acute stage of the disease.

Herbs to combat symptoms of pathology

Chronic gastritis is often accompanied by periods of exacerbations. At this time, medicinal herbs and mixtures selected taking into account the most unpleasant symptoms will help.

Herbal remedies that relieve inflammation are especially effective in the treatment of gastritis with high acidity. After all, atrophic, catarrhal, erosive types of pathology are often accompanied by the appearance of ulcers and require emergency relief of symptoms. The most effective herbs:

  • sage, medicinal clover;
  • blue cornflower;
  • horsetail;
  • chamomile, coltsfoot;
  • thyme;
  • alder fruit;
  • linden, licorice, calendula;
  • fireweed, thyme;
  • Kalanchoe, golden mustache (house plants).

From herbs you can make various mixtures in proportions of 1 to 1 or 2 to 1.

In chronic gastritis, the issue of protecting the weakened and damaged membrane is acute. If such treatment measures are not taken, an ulcer may appear over time. Herbal preparations based on:

  • ordinary flax seeds - they can be brewed as an independent remedy;
  • sea ​​buckthorn oil – also taken as a separate medicine;
  • wild mallow, medicinal marshmallow, medicinal lungwort;
  • plantain, oat grains;
  • angelica and Kalanchoe juice.

It should be noted that oat grains and plantain are the best means for protecting the mucous membrane in case of gastritis with a low level of acidity.

Many patients who have chronic atrophic or other gastritis suffer from poor appetite during exacerbations. The following will help them cope with the unpleasant condition: wormwood, gentian, milk thistle, plantain and medicinal dandelion. They should not be taken as primary medications, but as part of a medicinal herbal mixture they will be very effective.

Plants for heartburn

The easiest way to treat an unpleasant symptom is with medications. But for a sustainable result, a course of herbs is required. The root that best suppresses heartburn is calamus root, as well as Lyubka bifolia. You can take it in its pure form. But you should be careful with the herb if there is excessive acid production or if there is an ulcer.

For the destruction of Helicobacter Pylori and related bacteria, the following are best suited:

  • calamus root;
  • creeping thyme;
  • blooming Sally;
  • St. John's wort;
  • wild rosemary;
  • yarrow;
  • Kalanchoe.

The medicinal method of eliminating bacteria is the preferred method. But the herb can enhance the effect of medications and eliminate their side effects.

Chronic forms of gastritis are accompanied by severe spasms. There are many different herbs to relieve them:

  • lemon balm, peppermint;
  • chamomile, tansy, belladonna flowers;
  • cudweed grass;
  • lavender;
  • wild rosemary;
  • hop cones;
  • fireweed and thyme;
  • Kalanchoe;
  • motherwort;
  • hawthorn.

You can use dill or fennel if pharmaceutical herbs are not on hand.

Improving digestion

Digestive problems are characterized by a feeling of heaviness and bloating, belching, heartburn, nausea, etc. In case of indigestion, it is recommended to prepare cabbage juice from fresh white cabbage, which can be squeezed using a juicer. Take half a glass of juice 2 times a day for 2 weeks.

If the stomach recovers earlier (for example, within a few days), then you still need to complete the full course of treatment. This will avoid similar problems in the future.

How to quickly restore stomach function?

The stomach often needs help after illnesses (when a person was malnourished), food poisoning and in a number of other cases. A tasty and healthy remedy will help restore the functioning of the stomach - an infusion of fresh rose hips (100 g of raw material per 250 ml of boiling water, infuse for 2 hours), which should be taken 1/3 cup 3 times a day for several days.

To speed up recovery during this period, you need to eat porridge (buckwheat, oatmeal, rice), bran bread, fermented milk products, fresh vegetables and fruits.

We are treating at home

The main condition for treating gastritis at home is adherence to the diet and several rules regarding diet:

  1. You need to eat often, but little by little.
  2. Don't overeat before bed.
  3. Food should not be rough, very cold or hot, so as not to irritate or injure the gastric mucosa.
  4. Avoid dry snacks.
  5. It is necessary to chew food thoroughly.
  6. Limit salt intake.
  7. Eliminate soda, ketchup, crackers and mayonnaise.
  8. Limit chewing gum.
  9. Adults should stop smoking and drinking alcohol.
  10. In case of high acidity, exclude:
  • rich meat broths;
  • fresh baked goods and pastries;
  • fresh white cabbage;
  • limit the consumption of fried, smoked, spicy and salty foods;
  • exclude persimmons from fruits;
  • Whole milk, cottage cheese, kefir are undesirable.

These simple rules must be followed not only by children, but also by adults. And, of course, following a diet taking into account the nature of the disease. Let's take a closer look at how to treat gastritis of the stomach at home.

At all times, people have used traditional medicine recipes not only to treat adults, but also children.

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