What is better - Mexidol, Cerecard or Medomexi? What is the difference?

All three drugs are nootropics (drugs that improve blood circulation in the brain), they are often used to treat neurological and mental diseases. Mexidol, Cerecard and Medomexi are generics (copy drugs that have the same active ingredient), so these drugs are very similar in almost all respects.


As they say, reviews from doctors and patients, the medication has certain contraindications, for which it is better not to use the medicine so as not to harm the body. Contraindications include:

  • childhood;
  • the period of feeding a child with breast milk;
  • period of bearing a child;
  • acute disturbances in the functioning of the liver and kidneys;
  • individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

It is better to avoid taking Mexidol for patients suffering from arterial hypertension, hypertension and low blood pressure.

The instructions for use indicate that the medication is not recommended for the treatment of children, but pediatric doctors still use the drug to treat traumatic brain injury or purulent neuroinfection. If it is necessary to provide emergency care to a patient, then he is given about 100 mg of the drug once. In other cases, the doctor must select the dose for the child individually, taking into account the degree of the disease and the age of the patient.

In what cases is Mexidol additionally used?

As they say, reviews from experienced doctors, the drug can be used not only for those diseases that were mentioned above. It is allowed to use Mexidol if the human body works under increased load, or if there are cognitive disorders.

For example:

  • with serious disturbances of night sleep and insomnia;
  • prolonged stress;
  • significant deterioration of memory functions;
  • with increased physical activity (for athletes, or people with hard work);
  • the remedy is indicated during recovery from electrical injury;
  • helps to quickly restore brain function after a traumatic brain injury;
  • used for senile dementia in the elderly;
  • with chronic intoxication of the body (frequent consumption of alcoholic beverages internally);
  • increased mental activity.

When using the drug, the body's resistance to various damaging factors increases significantly, and the cognitive abilities of the brain improve.

Side effects of Mexidol

The use of the drug is rarely accompanied by adverse reactions or other negative consequences. The therapy is well tolerated by most patients. Due to the minimal degree of toxicity of the product, if unpleasant sensations arise, their severity is minimal. Even in large volumes, the medication does not affect coordination, motor activity, or cause drowsiness. It rarely causes changes in blood pressure, heart rate or breathing rate.

According to the instructions for use, the tablet form of the product can cause the following consequences:

  • dyspeptic disorders in the form of heartburn, belching, abdominal pain, nausea with or without vomiting;
  • intestinal dysfunction in the form of stool instability, bloating or distension in the abdomen, rumbling;
  • deterioration in general health – weakness, lack of appetite, emotional lethargy;
  • individual response of the body according to the type of allergic reaction.

The use of Mexidol in the form of a solution sometimes provokes dry mouth, excessive drowsiness, allergic reactions or nausea. Typically, such consequences occur due to an individual reaction to the product, exceeding recommended dosages, or long-term therapy.

When is Mexidol used?

Indications for the use of Mexidol are as follows:

  • Residual effects after strokes, as well as during transient cerebral ischemia to prevent exacerbation;
  • Concussion, consequences of head injuries;
  • Acute and chronic encephalopathies;
  • Autonomic dysfunction;
  • Neurosis-like conditions;
  • Panic attacks;
  • Cognitive impairment due to cerebrosclerosis;
  • Acute coronary circulatory disorders, as an additional therapy;
  • In surgery after surgical interventions, purulent inflammation of the peritoneum and pancreatitis;
  • Psychopathy, withdrawal syndrome;
  • Acute intoxication with psychotropic drugs;
  • Neurasthenic conditions after strong physical exertion;
  • For prevention before extreme stress.

Contraindications for Mexidol

  • End-stage liver failure;
  • Anuria;
  • Hypersensitivity to the active substance.

The drug is non-toxic. Does not affect coordination, blood pressure and breathing.

Side effects of Mexidol

Possible side effects from the digestive system: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea.

An allergic reaction such as urticaria or Quincke's edema is possible.

Mexidol's analogs

Mexipridol; Medomexy; Neurox; Metostabil; Cerecard; Mexidant; Mexiprim; Mexico; Mexicofin; Armadin.

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How often do you take antibiotics?

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During pregnancy - not allowed. During lactation - not possible. Children - allowed (as directed by a doctor).

The medical drug "Mexidol" was developed in Russia and is part of the group of nootropic drugs that improves metabolism in the brain. Acts directly on brain cells, Mexidol protects them from oxygen starvation and protects them from death as a result of ischemia.

The drug also delivers more oxygen from the blood to neurons, increasing the threshold for the generation of convulsive impulses in the brain. In the process of using Mexidol, a person quickly recovers memory and skills lost as a result of a stroke or transient ischemic attack, improves memory, reproduction, speech, as well as resistance to various stressful situations and intoxications.

Mexidol - what kind of drug is this?

The drug Mexidol is a patented development of domestic scientists. The basis for its creation was the study of the mechanisms of formation of free radicals in the body and their damaging effects on cells, and the search for drugs with antioxidant activity. This medicine was synthesized in the early 80s of the last century by pharmacologists Smirnov and Kuzmin under the leadership of Academician Waldman.

Since 2006, Mexidol has been included in the Russian list of essential and vital drugs. The product is produced in two forms: an injection solution placed in ampoules, and film-coated tablets.

The mechanisms of the therapeutic action of the drug in question are associated with the following stated effects that occur in the body when taken at the neuronal and vascular levels:

  • protection of cell membranes from peroxidation;
  • reducing the level of free radicals by stimulating the work of enzymes that break down these molecules;
  • improvement of cell energy metabolism;
  • acceleration of the transmission of electrical impulses between neurons;
  • reduction in total cholesterol and low-density lipoproteins;
  • an increase in the level of high-density lipoproteins in the blood serum;
  • regression of atherosclerotic changes in the main arteries;
  • improvement of rheological properties of blood;
  • decreased platelet aggregation;
  • acceleration of the process of hematopoiesis;
  • activation of metabolism and blood supply to the brain;
  • inhibition of dystrophic and degenerative processes in the brain;
  • improvement of memory, mental activity, learning ability;
  • normalization of the circadian rhythm;
  • increasing the body's resistance to various damaging factors (hypoxia and ischemia, intoxication, shock);
  • normalization of the state of somatization disorders;
  • elimination of anxiety, fear, psychological stress;
  • activation of the immune system and others.

Mexidol - composition

The drug Mexidol contains ethylmethylhydroxypyridine succinate as an active substance. This is a synthetic compound, a derivative of succinic acid, having in its structure a substance similar to vitamin B6 (pyroxidine). Entering the body orally or parenterally, the active ingredient, which has high bioavailability, is quickly distributed throughout all tissues and organs.

Mexidol solution contains the following compounds as additional components:

  • sodium metabisulfite;
  • water of special preparation.

The tablet form includes the following auxiliary components:

  • magnesium stearate;
  • sodium carboxymethylcellulose;
  • lactose monohydrate;
  • talc;
  • polyvinyl alcohol;
  • macrogol;
  • titanium dioxide.

Mexidol - indications, contraindications

Due to the fact that the drug is capable of influencing the main links in the emergence of various diseases associated with free radical oxidation, Mexidol has numerous indications.

We list the main ones for which Mexidol and drug analogues are often prescribed:

  • acute disruption of blood supply to parts of the brain;
  • consequences of chronic lack of blood supply to the brain;
  • diabetic encephalopathy;
  • cognitive impairment due to atherosclerotic changes in cerebral vessels;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • withdrawal syndrome;
  • traumatic brain injuries;
  • epilepsy;
  • Alzheimer's disease;
  • Parkinson's disease;
  • polyneuropathies (toxic, post-traumatic, diabetic);
  • neurotic and neurosis-like conditions;
  • acute inflammatory processes in the abdominal cavity;
  • liver failure.

Mexidol, its analogs and substitutes are contraindicated for use in the following cases:

  • acute severe dysfunction of the liver and kidneys;
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • pregnancy;
  • breastfeeding period;
  • childhood.

Mexidol - pros and cons

The advantages of the drug in question are that:

  • Mexidol can be taken for a wide range of diseases as part of complex treatment;
  • it is a relatively safe, well-tolerated and low-toxic drug;
  • the drug has no effect on blood pressure, respiratory functions, blood composition, heart rate, and does not cause drowsiness;
  • The therapeutic effects attributed by the developers of Mexidol give hope for a successful outcome in many serious diseases.

With all this, the main disadvantage of this drug is the lack of the necessary evidence base that would allow its use in medical practice in leading Western countries. So:

  • Mexidol has not been subjected to blind, placebo-controlled studies, and many of the clinical studies conducted are controversial and doubtful among domestic and foreign experts;
  • In view of this, Mexidol and analogues of the drug are sold mainly in Russia and in some post-Soviet states (Moldova, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan and others).

Side effects

The positive properties of the drug include the fact that it is not addictive; it can be canceled at any time without fear of consequences. But since Mexidol has recently been used, contraindications, side effects and features of its use for various diseases have not yet been studied enough. The drug is considered safe and has almost no toxic effect on the body. The only side effects observed were:

  • allergic reactions due to individual intolerance;
  • nausea, dryness and metallic taste in the mouth when administered intravenously;
  • severe drowsiness, impaired coordination of movements and decreased activity in case of overdose.

All these consequences pass quickly and usually do not require discontinuation of the drug, with the exception of allergic reactions.

Reviews from doctors and patients

Based on the opinions of many highly qualified doctors and patients, it can be determined that Mexidol is a high-quality medicinal product that was produced in Russia. This medicine helps well in case of cerebral circulatory problems and helps to counter insufficient oxygen saturation of the organs and tissues of the body. In addition, the drug is prescribed to people who are alcohol dependent. After the course of treatment, they experience the so-called withdrawal syndrome and hangover.

At the same time, there are also negative reviews regarding the drug. Most often they are associated with side effects during the use of the medicine. However, they occur very rarely due to hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Drug from the category:

Mexidol mechanism of action

The drug reduces the formation of peroxide substances that destroy cell membranes, which leads to increased oxygen delivery to tissues and preservation of tissue structures.

Mexidol activates the following enzymes: superoxide dismutase, calcium independent phosphodiesterase, acetylcholinesterase.

This improves the transmission of nerve impulses at synapses and binding to ligands. Mexidol increases the formation of neurotransmitters, in particular dopamine.

The drug triggers glycolytic reactions and ensures the oxidative processes of the Krebs cycle during tissue hypoxia, which supports the formation of ATP and creatine phosphate at the required level.

Why are Mexidol injections and tablets prescribed?

Indications for use:

  • Failures and abnormalities of the brain caused by atherosclerosis;
  • Vegetovascular dystonia;
  • Withdrawal syndrome (withdrawal);
  • Impaired blood circulation in the brain;
  • Pathology of cerebral vessels;
  • Pancreatitis;
  • Peritonitis;
  • Acute poisoning with narcotic substances, in particular antipsychotics;
  • Insufficient oxygen saturation of tissues and organs of the body;
  • Excessive anxiety, nervous disorders.

How does the medication work?

Although the drug is classified as psychotropic, it differs significantly from the action of similar medications, since Mexidol does not bind to receptors. When ethylmethylhydroxypyridine succinate enters the body, it begins to actively act:

  • prevents free radicals from affecting the body, gradually suppressing them, and also activates the work of superoxide dismutase;
  • prevents platelets from combining;
  • helps normalize the transmission of impulses to nerve tissues;
  • makes it possible to increase the concentration of polar lipid substances;
  • prevents lipids from oxidizing;
  • improves and activates the energy abilities of mitochondria, this allows you to speed up metabolic processes in the body;
  • has a stimulating effect on membranes and stabilizes them;
  • helps improve lipid metabolism, which reduces the level of “bad” cholesterol.

The instructions for using Mexidol indicate that the product helps perfectly with all the problems described above, but only the attending physician can prescribe the medicine.

Since the medicine is used in various fields of medicine, it has virtually no side effects. But it is worth considering that Mexidol has the ability to enhance the effect of other medications that are used in psychiatry.

What is the difference and which remedy is more effective?

Patients are often interested in what is better: Medomexi or Mexidol. Essentially, these are identical drugs based on the same active ingredient. Both drugs have a similar principle of action on the body. They belong to the same drug group, so they can be considered absolute analogues.

Do not also forget that the primary drug is Mexidol. During its existence, it has undergone a much larger number of clinical trials. According to statistics, it is suitable for most patients and has a small list of side effects.

The difference between the funds is primarily in cost. Medomexi, both in ampoules and in tablet form, costs several times more. Many experts are of the opinion that it is better to give preference to the original medicine.

They explain this by saying that such a drug will be more reliable and safe. However, each patient has the right to proceed from his own wishes and preferences. The main thing is not to self-medicate, so as not to harm your own body.

pharmachologic effect

The main component of the drug has a direct effect on the nervous system, changes the composition and structure of the blood, and affects the course of metabolic processes. This leads to the development of a number of effects that have a beneficial effect on the state of the brain and the body as a whole.

Properties and types of action of the drug "Mexidol":

  • nootropic – a specific effect on higher nervous functions, which leads to increased brain performance;
  • antihypoxic – eliminating signs of oxygen starvation of tissues, preventing negative effects on brain cells due to oxygen deficiency;
  • anxiolytic – improving a person’s mood, combating unreasonable feelings of fear and anxiety, inadequate or excessively violent emotions;
  • antioxidant – cleansing tissues of toxins, removing toxins and decay products from the body;
  • membrane-protective and stabilizing - preventing the destruction of cell membranes, protecting tissues from the influence of free radicals, accelerating the flow of biochemical processes.

The product has a number of additional effects, which allows it to be used not only in the presence of organic or functional problems, but also under the influence of physiological factors. The medicine helps fight the symptoms of stress, increases brain performance, and improves memory. It is used in the treatment of convulsive syndromes and is included in complex therapy for alcohol dependence.

Pharmacological effect

Mexidol is used in medical practice to activate blood supply and normalize the metabolic process in the brain. The medication is characterized by the presence of the following pharmacological properties:

  • antioxidant;
  • membrane-protective;
  • anticonvulsant;
  • hypolipidemic;
  • antihypoxic;
  • nootropic;
  • anxiolytic.

After a course of treatment with Mexidol (intravenously, intramuscularly or orally):

  • the content of dopamine in the brain increases;
  • the course of metabolic processes in the brain is normalized;
  • cerebral blood supply is normalized;
  • blood microcirculation improves;
  • blood rheological parameters improve;
  • platelet aggregation decreases;
  • energy synthesis by cellular mitochondria is activated;
  • cell membranes are stabilized;
  • the course of metabolic processes in the areas of the myocardium affected by ischemia is normalized;
  • the area of ​​the necrosis zone decreases;
  • blood flow increases in areas of the myocardium affected by ischemia;
  • membranes of postcellular blood structures (erythrocytes and platelets) are stabilized during hemolysis;
  • total cholesterol levels decrease;
  • LDL levels decrease;
  • the severity of symptoms of pancreatogenic toxemia (general blood poisoning) decreases;
  • the severity of the syndrome of endogenous intoxication caused by acute pancreatitis decreases;
  • the compensatory activity of aerobic glycolysis increases;
  • under conditions of oxygen starvation, the degree of inhibition of oxidative processes in the tricarboxylic acid cycle (Krebs cycle) decreases;
  • the content of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and creatine phosphoric acid (creatine phosphate) increases;
  • the severity of the consequences of reperfusion syndrome caused by acute coronary insufficiency decreases;
  • the electrical activity of the heart and its contractility are restored and improved (in patients with reversible cardiac dysfunction).

Treatment with Mexidol IV or IM allows preserving ganglion cells, as well as nerve fibers of sensitive cells of the retina of the eye in patients with progressive forms of neuropathy caused by ischemic disease and hypoxia.

At the same time, patients experience a significant increase in the functional activity of the retina and optic nerve, and visual acuity increases.

The anti-stress effect of treatment with Mexidol tablets is expressed as:

  • restoration (partial or complete) of impaired learning abilities;
  • memory restoration;
  • reducing the severity of dystrophic and morphological changes in various parts of the brain;
  • normalization of behavior after suffering stress;
  • disappearance of symptoms of somatovegetative disorders;
  • normalization of sleep and wake cycles.

Mexidol is also a remedy that effectively eliminates the symptoms that occur during withdrawal states.

Instructions for use Mexidol method and dosage

Tablets are taken orally, 125–250 mg 3 times a day; the maximum daily dose is 800 mg (6 tablets).

Duration of treatment is from 2 to 6 weeks. To relieve alcohol withdrawal from 5 to 7 days. Treatment is stopped gradually, reducing the dose over 2 to 3 days.

The duration of Mexidol therapy in patients with coronary artery disease is at least 1.5 - 2 months. Repeated courses (on the recommendation of a doctor) are preferably carried out in the spring and autumn.

The solution is administered intramuscularly or intravenously (stream or drip). To prepare a solution for infusion, the drug should be diluted in 0.9% sodium chloride solution.

Inject in a stream slowly over 5 - 7 minutes, drip - at a rate of 40 - 60 drops/min. The maximum daily dose should not exceed 1,200 mg.

  • For acute cerebrovascular accidents: used in the first 10–14 days intravenously at a dose of 200–500 mg 2–4 times a day, then intramuscularly at 200–250 mg 2–3 times a day for 2 weeks.
  • For traumatic brain injury and the consequences of traumatic brain injury: for 10 - 15 days, 200 - 500 mg intravenously, 2 - 4 times a day.
  • For discirculatory encephalopathy in the decompensation phase: intravenously in a stream or drip at a dose of 200–500 mg 1–2 times a day for 14 days, then intramuscularly at 100–250 mg per day for the next 2 weeks.
  • For course prevention of dyscirculatory encephalopathy: IM at a dose of 200–250 mg 2 times a day for 10–14 days.
  • For mild cognitive impairment in elderly patients and anxiety disorders: IM at a dose of 100–300 mg per day for 14–30 days.
  • In case of acute myocardial infarction as part of complex therapy: intravenously or intramuscularly for 14 days, against the background of traditional therapy for myocardial infarction, including nitrates, beta-blockers, ACE inhibitors, thrombolytics, anticoagulant and antiplatelet agents, as well as symptomatic drugs for indications. In the first 5 days, to achieve maximum effect, it is advisable to administer the drug intravenously; in the next 9 days it can be administered intramuscularly.
  • The drug is administered intravenously by drip infusion, slowly (to avoid side effects) in a 0.9% sodium chloride solution or a 5% dextrose (glucose) solution in a volume of 100–150 ml for 30–90 minutes. If necessary, a slow jet injection of the drug lasting at least 5 minutes is possible.
  • The drug is administered (IV or IM) 3 times a day every 8 hours. Daily therapeutic dose: 6 – 9 mg/kg body weight per day, single dose: 2 – 3 mg/kg body weight. The maximum daily dose should not exceed 800 mg, a single dose of 250 mg.
  • For open-angle glaucoma of various stages as part of complex therapy: IM 100 – 300 mg 1 – 3 times a day for 14 days.
  • For alcohol withdrawal syndrome: 200–500 mg intravenously or intramuscularly 2–3 times a day for 5–7 days.
  • For acute intoxication with antipsychotic drugs: IV at a dose of 200–500 mg per day for 7–14 days.
  • In acute purulent-inflammatory processes of the abdominal cavity (acute necrotizing pancreatitis, peritonitis): on the first day both in the preoperative and postoperative periods. The administered doses depend on the form and severity of the disease, the prevalence of the process, and variants of the clinical course. Discontinuation of the drug should be done gradually, only after a stable positive clinical and laboratory effect.
  • For acute edematous (interstitial) pancreatitis: 200–500 mg 3 times a day intravenously (in isotonic sodium chloride solution) and intramuscularly.
  • For necrotizing pancreatitis of mild severity: 100–200 mg 3 times a day intravenously (in isotonic sodium chloride solution) and intramuscularly.
  • For necrotizing pancreatitis of moderate severity: 200 mg 3 times a day intravenously (in isotonic sodium chloride solution).
  • For severe necrotizing pancreatitis: 800 mg on the first day, divided into 2 doses, then 200–500 mg 2 times a day with a gradual reduction in the daily dose.
  • In extremely severe forms of necrotizing pancreatitis: initial dose of 800 mg per day until the manifestations of pancreatogenic shock are persistently relieved. Once the condition has stabilized, 300–500 mg 2 times a day intravenously (in 0.9% sodium chloride solution) with a gradual reduction in the daily dosage.

Indications for use

The tablet form of Mexidol is used for:

  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • disorders of cerebral blood supply;
  • encephalopathies;
  • minor head injuries;
  • mild cognitive disorders (deterioration of memory, attention and decreased mental performance);
  • cardiac ischemia;
  • ischemic stroke;
  • anxiety during neurotic and neurotic conditions;
  • poisoning with neuroleptics;
  • asthenia;
  • alcoholic neuroses, post-withdrawal disorders;
  • stress;
  • prevention of brain disorders;
  • treatment of somatic diseases.

For alcoholism

For alcoholism, Mexidol is used in complex therapy and is prescribed by a doctor in the following cases:

  • to relieve withdrawal symptoms;
  • with severe alcohol poisoning;
  • with parasomnic disorder;
  • if alcoholic epilepsy or epileptiform syndrome is present;
  • with alcoholic polyneuropathies.

For alcoholism, the drug is used in complex therapy and is prescribed by a doctor.

Instructions for use

All data on dosage and correct administration of Mexidol are contained in the instructions for use.

How to inject Mexidol correctly

A five percent solution is used for injection. The dose is prescribed by the doctor. There are two administration options.

  • Mexidol intravenously. There are two ways here. The first is a dropper, that is, the drip method. You will need saline solution. One ampoule is dissolved in it (200 ml), the injection rate is 60 drops per minute. The second is a jet injection, which is an injection into a vein. The substance should be delivered slowly - 5-7 minutes.
  • Mexidol intramuscularly. The injection site is the gluteal muscle, sometimes it can be painful. There is no need to dilute the drug.

If the injection is done correctly, the patient will not experience discomfort or pain.

Dosage and overdose

The dose of the drug depends on the disease. As a rule, 5 ml ampoules are used.

PathologyDoseMethod of administrationDuration
Problems with blood flow in the brain200-500 mg 2-4 times a day;
200-250 mg morning and/or evening
Droppers, then
From ten to fourteen days;
two more weeks
Consequences of skull trauma with brain damage200-500 mg 2-4 times a dayDroppers10-15 days
Decompensation of blood circulation in the brainThe doctor will determineIntravenouslyIndividually
Discirculatory encephalopathy (for prevention)400-500 mg twice dailyIntramuscularlyTwo weeks
State of anxiety, mild cognitive impairment100-300 mgIntramuscularlyFrom two weeks to a month
In acute myocardial infarctionIndividuallyIntravenous
Until improvement is achieved
Open angle glaucoma100-300 mg 1-3 times a dayIntramuscularlyTwo weeks
Abstinence200-500 mgIntravenous dripA week
Poisoning with antipsychotic drugs200-500 mgIntravenouslyA week or two
Ulcers in the abdominal cavity300-800 mg once dailyIntravenouslyBefore improvement

Overdose is a rare occurrence. If the recommended dose is exceeded, the patient experiences indigestion. Possible allergies.

Duration of treatment

The duration of therapy is determined by the severity of the disease. For example, to normalize blood supply to the brain, a course lasting up to two weeks is prescribed.

Atherosclerosis requires longer treatment. Injections will have to be given for at least a month.

In the case of necrotizing pancreatitis, Mexidol’s task is to reduce the severity of the manifestations; the doctor will decide how long the therapy will last.

Elimination of the consequences of an overdose of antipsychotics will require the use of the drug for 7-10 days.

Mechanism of action of the drug

As an antioxidant, the active substance slows down or stops oxidation reactions, due to which:

  • antioxidant enzyme activity becomes higher;
  • the ratio of proteins and lipids increases;
  • the viscosity of cell membranes, on the contrary, becomes lower.

The drug helps regulate and normalize the activity of elements that bind cell membranes.

In patients who have undergone Mexidol therapy, the following changes are noted:

  • increase in dopamine levels in the brain;
  • normalization of metabolic processes and blood flow in the brain;
  • improvement of blood microcirculation and its rheological parameters;
  • decreased platelet aggregation;
  • stabilization of erythrocyte and platelet membranes during hemolysis and cell membranes in general;
  • reducing cholesterol levels and the severity of symptoms of blood poisoning;
  • activation of energy synthesis in cells;
  • improvement of metabolism during ischemia;
  • restoration of electrical activity of the heart.

Side effects

The most commonly observed phenomena are drowsiness and decreased concentration. The drug has low toxicity, so side effects occur very rarely.

Popular substitutes in tablets

Today, not only injectable analogues of the drug Mexidol are produced, but also cheaper drugs with a similar effect in tablets: Actovegin, Glycised, Cavinton, Nootropil and Tenoten. The advantages of these drugs are considered to be an easier route of administration and a long-lasting effect.


Glycised is a domestically produced drug based on glycine. Glycine is a natural inhibitory metabolite, therefore it penetrates well into all human tissues and organs and has a minimum of side effects.

Glicised is used in the treatment of neuroses and neurosis-like diseases, strokes and encephalopathies. Not prescribed for children under three years of age, pregnant women and patients suffering from arterial hypertension. Take the medication 1 capsule 3-4 times a day. For the treatment of sleep disorders, 1 capsule (100 mg) is prescribed 20 minutes before bedtime. Adverse reactions include:

  • dyspeptic disorders;
  • dermatological manifestations of allergic reactions;
  • headache;
  • weakness.


The medicine contains a deproteinized hemoderivate, which is extracted from the blood serum of calves. Actovegin improves energy metabolism, the body's resistance to hypoxia and protects nervous tissue from ischemic damage. It is used in therapy:

  • dementia;
  • peripheral circulatory disorders;
  • polyneuropathy (with diabetes);
  • vascular diseases (venous trophic ulcer, arterial angiopathy).

Mechanism of action of Actovegin

Side effects: increased heart rate, increased or decreased blood pressure, myalgia, tremor, sensitivity disorders, vomiting, diarrhea, loss of consciousness, acrocyanosis. Actovegin is used intravenously, intramuscularly and orally, with the initial dose being 20 ml and the maintenance dose being 5 ml. For arterial angiopathy, the dose is doubled, and for polyneuropathy, the initial dose is 50 ml. Cases of overdose have not been described.


Cavinton is a medicine with vinpocentine as an active ingredient. The drug is a psychoanaleptic and psychostimulant, improves blood supply to the brain and its metabolism. Used in several areas of medicine:

  1. Ophthalmology. For the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the choroid and retina.
  2. Neurology. For vascular pathologies of the brain of various origins (stroke, dementia, encephalopathy, atherosclerosis).
  3. Otolaryngology. Treatment of hearing loss and tinnitus associated with vascular pathology.

Instructions for use of the drug

Not prescribed for patients with the acute phase of cerebral stroke, severe forms of arrhythmias, as well as during pregnancy and lactation. Can be used simultaneously with Glibenclamide, Hydrochlorothiazide, beta-blockers.

Cavinton is prescribed only intravenously as a bolus at a rate of less than 80 drops/min and must be diluted with a solution for infusion. Intramuscular administration is strictly prohibited.


Nootropil is a nootropic drug containing piracetam. The drug improves brain activity and cognitive abilities, increases memory, learning and concentration. Positively affects the metabolism of nerve cells and the rheological properties of blood. Prescribed for the following pathological conditions:

  • Alzheimer's disease;
  • withdrawal syndrome in alcoholism;
  • psychoorganic syndrome in elderly patients;
  • psychoorganic syndrome in children, which is manifested by a decrease in the level of learning;
  • sickle cell anemia;
  • myoclonus;
  • attacks of dizziness.

Action of Nootropil

The dose varies from 20 to 160 mg/kg. For the treatment of ischemic stroke, the standard dose is 4.8 g/day. The most common side effects are:

  • nervousness;
  • irritability;
  • asthenia;
  • depression;
  • increased drowsiness.

Contraindications to the prescription of the drug are: age under 1 year, renal failure and individual intolerance

Use with caution in patients with impaired thrombotic function of the blood, during surgical interventions and massive bleeding


Tenoten is a homeopathic remedy that has anxiolytic and sedative effects. It has virtually no contraindications or side effects, except for individual intolerance to the active substances.

The drug is used for the complex treatment of neuroses, stress and autonomic disorders and anxiety. Prescribed orally 1-2 tablets 2 times a day. The course of treatment is 1-2 months. The last dose is no later than 2 hours before bedtime.


We present to your attention a list of common analogues and their average cost:

  • Mexidant from 53 rub. for 1 amp;
  • Mexiprim from 180 rubles;
  • Medomexi from 161 rub. for 1 amp;
  • Cerecard from 160 rub. for 5 amp. 5 ml each;
  • Neurox from 39 rub. for 1 amp;
  • Meksifin from 157 rub. for 1 amp;
  • Mexico from 175 rub.

For comparison: 1 ampoule of 50 mg, 2 ml each costs from 52 rubles.

Similar agents that have a different chemical composition but are used in the treatment of the same diseases include:

  • Instenon;
  • Glycine;
  • Cortexin;
  • Nootropil;
  • Piracetam;
  • Armadin;
  • Antifront;
  • Actovegin;
  • Cavinton.

There are schemes when 2 drugs (not structural analogues!) are prescribed at the same time. This is quite justified, since the impact is carried out on different mechanisms of pathogenesis.

Before using analogues, consult your doctor.

Drugs with similar effects

If Mexidol is not available in the pharmacy or its price does not allow you to buy it, then the pharmacist can always offer other drugs with a similar effect. Among the drugs similar to Mexidol in composition and effect, the following can be listed:

  • Mexidant - prescribed to be taken for the consequences of constant alcohol consumption; progress of VSD; brain tissue injuries;
  • Mexiprim - improves blood composition, blood circulation and metabolism in tissues, the functioning of the central nervous system, Mexiprim removes toxins from the body (price - from 145 rubles);
  • Mexicor - often prescribed for the treatment of alcohol dependence and relief of alcohol withdrawal; improves the condition of the nervous system (price – from 100 rubles);
  • Meksifin - recommended to be taken for the consequences of constant alcohol consumption; extensive damage to brain tissue; atherosclerosis, encephalopathy (price from 148 rubles);
  • Medomexi - used to treat the consequences of chronic alcohol consumption; extensive damage to brain tissue; progress of VSD; chronic fatigue syndrome;
  • Meksifan - often prescribed for disorders of the nervous system, chronic fatigue syndrome, during acclimatization to a new place; the drug is prescribed and safely tolerated by patients of all age groups, from newborns to the elderly;
  • Neurox - recommended for use in case of progression of VSD, central nervous system disorders; atherosclerosis, chronic fatigue syndrome (price from 21 rubles);
  • Cerecard - prescribed for stroke and cerebral infarction; atherosclerosis; with progression of VSD; during an attack of myocardial infarction, ischemic heart disease, etc. (price 150 -270 rub.)

These drugs can also be purchased in the form of tablets and injection solution (ampoules). What is better to buy - Mexicor and Mexidol - what is the difference? How similar are Mexiprim or Mexidol - which is better to take?

For the drug Mexidol analogues: Mexiprim, Maxikor, Meksifin

Between themselves Mexidol, Mexiprim, Mexicor, etc. may differ slightly in composition (additional components may be different), this may also have an insignificant effect on the range of applications. A significant difference may be the price of the drug, which depends on the manufacturer and trade markups.

Similar drugs

The list of drugs with similar effects can be continued by such drugs as:

  • Actovegin, which is used to improve brain function;
  • Glycine/Glycised is prescribed to normalize the functioning of the nervous system;
  • Instenon is used for age-related disorders of brain activity;
  • Cortexin - instructions for use recommends using the medicine for injuries to brain tissue. The drug is also prescribed to children and adults for diseases of the central nervous system);
  • Nootropin (treatment of the consequences of alcoholism, restoration of memory, attention) and other medications.

Only a doctor can determine which medicine is best and will give the greatest expected result with the least side effects. He has information about this drug in its entirety: Mexidol - instructions for use - price - reviews - analogues, and about many other drugs. The specialist will study the individual characteristics of his patient and recommend that it is better to take Mexiprim or Mexidol tablets or Mexidol injections.

We also recommend the article: Vinpocetine - instructions for use

special instructions

Taking Mexidol is prohibited:

  • during pregnancy and lactation;
  • up to 12 years;
  • with impaired renal function;
  • with liver failure;
  • with individual intolerance to certain components.

People suffering from hypertension with frequent crises should take this medicine especially carefully. The medication is considered the drug of choice for low blood pressure.

Patients with bronchial asthma should take the drug under strict medical supervision, especially in cases where hypersensitivity to sulfites is determined.

Mexidol during pregnancy

During pregnancy, it is rarely prescribed, since its effect on the intrauterine development of the fetus has not yet been fully studied. In the first trimester, when the fetus is just beginning to form, the use of the drug is strictly prohibited.

At the same time, pressure increases, swelling, cramps and protein in the urine appear. All this can significantly harm the child. Therefore, if the kidneys are functioning normally, a woman can be prescribed Mexidol. It is taken only in a hospital setting and under the strict supervision of an obstetrician-gynecologist.

Mexidol for children

It is not recommended for use in children under 12 years of age, since there are no reliable clinical trials on the effect of the drug. In rare cases when emergency assistance is needed, this remedy can be used to treat children. Such situations include severe traumatic brain injuries, accompanied by circulatory disorders in the brain. First, the substance is administered by infusion, then intramuscularly. The period of therapy is determined by the traumatologist.

It is not recommended for use in children under 12 years of age, since there are no reliable clinical trials on the effect of the drug.

What is the difference?

Pharmacological properties

All three drugs belong to the group of antioxidant nootropics (they reduce the intensity of free radical reactions that destroy cell structure). In addition, Mexidol, Cerecard and Medomexi have anxiolytic (anti-anxiety) and anticonvulsant effects. They increase the speed of blood flow in the vessels of the brain, protect nerve cells from hypoxia (oxygen starvation) and toxic effects (poisoning with certain drugs, alcohol, poisons). These medications also reduce blood viscosity, thereby reducing the risk of blood clots. The drugs act at the cellular level - they normalize the acid-base balance and water-salt balance. Also, these medications normalize metabolic (metabolic) and energy processes in the brain.

Composition of drugs

As already mentioned, these medications contain one active ingredient - ethylmethylhydroxypyridine succinate (a weak salt of succinic acid). This is precisely the reason for the fact that all three drugs act almost identically, and also have the same indications and contraindications.

Indications for use

These drugs are best used for the following diseases:

  • acute cerebrovascular accident or stroke (a condition in which oxygen is not delivered to a certain part of the brain - this may occur due to blockage of a vessel or its rupture);
  • chronic cerebrovascular insufficiency;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia (a condition in which the nervous system cannot regulate and maintain normal vascular tone);
  • anxiety disorders;
  • schizophrenia;
  • epilepsy (a disease accompanied by seizures);
  • withdrawal syndrome (withdrawal syndrome in alcoholism and drug addiction);
  • acute alcohol intoxication, poisoning;
  • traumatic brain injury (bruise, concussion, compression of the brain);
  • for the prevention of thrombosis in the postoperative period.


It is best to avoid taking these medications if you have the following conditions:

  • kidney failure (a condition in which the kidneys cannot remove toxins from the blood);
  • liver failure (decrease in all indicators and functions of the liver);
  • individual intolerance to the components of the drug (allergic reaction).

It is better not to use Mexidol, Cerecard and Medomexi during pregnancy, under the age of 18, and also during lactation. There is no data on such use of drugs, but it is better not to risk it.

Release form and price

Mexidol can be purchased in the following forms:

  • Table 0.125 g 30 pcs. – 287 rub.;
  • Table 0.125 g, 50 pcs. – 394 rub.;
  • Solution for injection in amp. 5% 2 ml 10 pcs. – 510 rub.;
  • Solution for injection in amp. 5% 2 ml 50 pcs. – 2065 rub.
  • Solution for injection a amp. 5%, 5 ml, 5 pcs. – 484 rub.;
  • Solution for injection in amp. 5% 5 ml 20 pcs. – 1692 rub.;

Cerecard is available in the form:

  • Solution for injection in amp. 5% 5 ml 5 pcs. – 189 rub.;
  • Solution for injection in amp 5% 2 ml 10 pcs. – 348 rub.

Medomexi is produced in the following dosage forms:

  • Tab. 0.125 g – 880-1000 rubles for 50 pieces;
  • Solution for injection 5% 2 ml 5 pcs – 584 rub.
  • Solution for injection 5% 5 ml 5 pcs – 658 RUR;


Before starting to take the drug as part of complex therapy, it is necessary to study the properties of all components of the approach and the principles of interaction of Mexidol with other medications. Studies have shown that the product is compatible with all medications used to combat diseases of the internal organs. The product reduces the toxicity level of ethanol. It enhances the pharmacological properties of sedatives, tranquilizers, anticonvulsants, antidepressants, and neuroleptics. This feature of the medication is used to reduce the therapeutic doses of the listed products, which reduces the risk of their negative effects on the body.

"Mexidol" and "Piracetam" compatibility

The drug is often prescribed in combination with the drug "Nootropil", where piracetam acts as the active substance. The latter has properties that stimulate higher brain functions. The combination of products is actively used in the treatment of chronic alcoholism, psychoorganic disorders, complications of stroke or coma. Complex therapy can improve the performance of a child’s brain, improving his academic performance. The description of the drug "Mexidol" indicates that it does not have an activating effect on the body, which is typical for products containing piracetam.

Compatibility of Mexidol and Actovegin

These drugs can also be taken in combination. The drugs have similar therapeutic effects, due to which they enhance each other’s effects. Actovegin consists of derivatives of purified calf blood, so it is slightly more likely to cause intolerance. The simultaneous use of names does not increase these risks, but does not reduce them either. The combination of two medications helps patients recover faster after a stroke, eliminate the manifestations of traumatic brain injuries, and reduce the severity of brain hypoxia.

Compatibility of Cavinton and Mexidol

Vinpocetine, the active ingredient in Cavinton, dilates blood vessels in the brain, stimulating

blood circulation in the tissues of the cranium. It also improves the supply of oxygen and glucose, normalizing metabolic processes. As a result, the two drugs complement each other, helping to restore microcirculation in the head. During therapy, doctors do not recommend mixing the components in one dropper, but giving them separately.

Mexidol or Cavinton

The active ingredient of Cavinton is a semi-synthetic derivative of vincamine (devincan) contained in periwinkle - vinpocetine. It is a vasodilator used to improve blood circulation in the brain. Slightly reduces blood pressure, improves the supply of glucose and oxygen to the brain. It is also used in ophthalmology and the treatment of age-related diseases of the ENT organs.

Both drugs complement each other and are often used together in the treatment of cerebrovascular problems. It is not advisable to mix these drugs in one dropper; it is better to administer them separately.

Contraindications and side effects

There are no contraindications. The drug is well tolerated. But much depends on the patient’s health and in some cases, adverse reactions are possible.

Injections of the drug are contraindicated in the following cases:

  • Acute liver and kidney failure.
  • Lactation and pregnancy period.
  • Persons under 18 years of age.
  • Individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

In such cases, taking the drug is strictly prohibited and can cause negative consequences.

Side effects of Mexidol injections:

  • Nausea.
  • Dry mucous membrane of the throat.
  • Appearance of fatigue.
  • The appearance of allergies.
  • Drowsiness.

Before you start taking the medicine, you must make sure that there are no contraindications to taking the drug.

Interaction with other tools

The simultaneous use of Medomexy and Mexidol with drugs from different pharmacological groups can lead to exacerbation of side effects or neutralize the effect of one of the drugs taken. When taking these medications in combination:

  1. The effect of nitrates on the body increases.
  2. The activity of antiepileptic and antiparkinsonian medications increases.
  3. The effect of taking medications intended to treat Parkinson's disease is enhanced.
  4. The properties of psychotropic medications are preserved.
  5. The negative impact of ethanol is reduced.
  6. The effectiveness of antidepressants and tranquilizers is enhanced. In this regard, experts recommend complex treatment. This allows you to reduce the dose of these medications and prevent the development of negative reactions in the body.

Mexidol is fully compatible with medications prescribed for the treatment of somatic pathologies.

Mexidol's analogs

There are many drugs that have properties similar to medications.
This allows you to select medications within the acceptable price range and find other treatment options against the background of intolerance to the drug. You cannot select analogues of a medicine prescribed by a doctor on your own. In some cases, the patient is prescribed Mexidol in combination with products similar in principle of action to enhance the therapeutic effect. When choosing a replacement for tablets, doctors consider drugs such as Glycine, Hypoxen, Memoria, Cerebrenorm, Cytoflavin and others. The nootropic solution can be replaced with Hypoxen, Ethoxidol, Cytoflavin, Cortexin and a number of other products.

Which is better - Actovegin or Mexidol?

The names are characterized by a number of similar properties, have common indications and types of action. They are interchangeable, but in practice, products are often combined to achieve maximum therapeutic effect. It is not recommended to mix solutions in one syringe or dropper. Such actions can lead to chemical reactions between the components, disruption of the structure of the compositions, and an increased risk of side effects in the patient.

Which is better - Cavinton or Mexidol?

Medicines are rarely used for mutual replacement; most often they are used together. The main indication for such therapy is the treatment or prevention of the consequences of acute cerebrovascular accident. Solutions are not combined in one syringe or dropper to avoid reducing the effectiveness of the approach and increasing the risk of adverse reactions.

Which is better - Mexidol or Mexicor?

These drugs are not just analogues, but synonyms, and differ only in names due to the difference in being presented not only as a solution and tablets, but also as gelatin capsules. It contains additional components that give the drug a wide spectrum of action. The medicine is used to reduce anxiety, improve mood, strengthen memory, and increase performance. It is effective in eliminating signs of alcohol intoxication, combating the consequences of stroke, and myocardial ischemia.

"Mexiprim" and "Mexidol" - which is better

Also two synonyms, the differences between which are determined by the place of production. The drugs also contain various auxiliary components in the tablets. Despite this, the products have similar properties, indications, and give similar results.

"Mexidol" or "Mildronat" - which is better

Meldonium, the active ingredient in Mildronate, is similar in structure to an enzyme present in the cells of a living organism. Its entry into tissues improves metabolism and improves energy supply to structures. The product is available in the form of a solution, capsules, syrup. It has vasodilating properties, increases cellular immunity, reduces high blood pressure, and improves gas exchange. Often, two drugs are prescribed in combination to patients with consequences of stroke, manifestations of withdrawal syndrome, and ischemia.

Comparative assessment. Mexidol or

Pairs are discussed below: a drug of similar use and the original EMGPS in comparison. In what medical areas is the reference drug used and what does Mexidol help with? differences and commonalities.

It should be clarified that all the drugs discussed are prescription drugs. The need and possibility of use in the competence of a doctor, posing the question “what is better? » is incorrect.


The classification group for Mildronate (meldonium) is metabolic. Mildronate works differently, but also has antihypoxic properties. Both drugs increase resistance to stress. In comparative tests on mice, it was proven that ethyl methylhydroxypyridine succinate increased performance (weighted swimming test) at half the dosage. Greater increase in stamina.

General: used for alcohol withdrawal; cerebrovascular accidents; coronary heart disease. Not for use in nursing or pregnant women.


Actovegin of biological origin. It is obtained from repeatedly filtered blood of calves, freed from particles larger than 5 kDaltons, from regions safe for mad cow disease (spongiform encephalopathy). The ban on its use in the United States raises some doubts about its safety.

Both belong to the group of antihypoxants and antioxidants. Actovegin accelerates the repair of tissues damaged by hypoxia. It is used according to the manufacturer's instructions Takeda for post-stroke deterioration of cognitive (cognitive) brain functions, dementia, and diabetic vascular disorders.

Its price is significantly higher (despite the fact that production has been moved to Russia, Yaroslavl). Available for injection and oral administration. Research on Actovegin for its use on the principles of evidence-based medicine has been conducted insufficiently.


Mexiprim appeared as a copy of the patented EMGPS. Has the same indications as the reference drug. It has also been produced at Russian sites by the Stada company since 2010.

The injection solution has a stabilizer removed from the composition to reduce the likelihood of allergic reactions. The shelf life is the same, 3 years. Storage conditions for Mexiprim are less comfortable for the consumer - up to 20 degrees (that is, in the refrigerator). Prices are comparable.


Another copy. The same active ingredient, the same group - antioxidant. And the same testimony. Difference: there is no release form for oral administration, only injections. Russian production. Neurox has a shelf life of more than 5 years (the manufacturer packages the solution in dark glass ampoules, guaranteeing light-protected storage).

Cavinton (vinpocetine)?

In the list of pharmacological actions, 2 coincide: antihypoxic and neuroprotective. Possessing a different antioxidant mechanism, vinpocetine also improves the supply of energy substrate to brain tissues suffering from hypoxia and forces them to switch to an economical mode of operation, helping them survive. Both drugs improve cerebral circulation.

Contraindicated in children and during pregnancy (both).


The group of nootropil (piracetam) according to the classification is nootropic drugs, this is the most important representative in its group. Improves brain function in concentration, perception and processing of information, memorization (learning). EMGPS also has such effects. The nootropic properties are comparable in strength. But the scope of prescriptions (indications) differ.

Piracetam, synthesized in 1964, has a longer worldwide practice of use and a wider range of indications. Well studied; The safety profile also does not allow use during pregnancy. Piracetam is approved for use in children (difference!). There are both internal and injection forms of release.


Cortexin is a combination of small molecular weight peptides that easily penetrate brain tissue. Raw materials - biological material (cattle, pigs). The active principle itself is of a different nature than synthetic EMGPS.

Cortexin is a nootropic, this is a different group. Combined use is possible.


  • both drugs are domestically developed;
  • used for impaired cerebral circulation, traumatic brain injury, encephalopathy of various origins;
  • Cortexin's method of administration is injection only;
  • used for diseases associated with the nervous system;

Cortexin is approved for pediatric use.

Release form, composition and packaging

The medicine is available in two forms: tablets and ampoules for injections.

Tablets are round, biconvex. Their outer shell is white or a light shade of cream. If the tablet is cut in half, you can see that it consists of two layers: a gray inner part and a light outer shell.

The tablets are packaged in blisters of 10 pieces. They are placed in cardboard packaging or in a plastic bottle. A cardboard package can contain 30 or 50 tablets, and a plastic jar can contain 90 tablets. Especially for hospitals, the medicine is produced in plastic containers containing 450 and 900 tablets.

The content of ethylmethylhydroxypyridine succinate (active component) in one tablet is 125 mg.

Excipients are:

  • sodium carboxymethylcellulose;
  • lactose monohydrate,
  • Magnesium stearate.

The tablet shell has the following composition:

  • titanium dioxide;
  • opadry II white;
  • polyvinyl alcohol;
  • talc.

Mexidol for injections is produced in glass ampoules, which are colorless or darkened. The white break point is clearly visible on the ampoules. They are placed in contour cell blisters with a capacity of 5 or 10 pieces. Blisters are stored in cardboard packaging (1 or 2 pieces).

One ampoule contains 2 or 5 ml of the drug. The contents of the ampoules are a clear, colorless liquid (sometimes slightly yellowish). This solution is used for infusions and intramuscular injections. 1 ml of the drug contains 50 mg of the active ingredient.

Ethylmethylhydroxypyridine succinate is the active ingredient of the drug (as in tablets).

The solution also contains:

  • sodium metabisulfite;
  • water.

The medicine should be stored in a dark, dry place at moderate temperature.


The active principle is a two-component molecule.

International name: Ethylmethylhydroxypyridine succinate.

It is a salt formed by:

  • 3-hydroxypyridine base;
  • succinic acid.

Consists of two substances, each pharmacologically active. A molecule has the sum of the properties of both halves.

3-hydroxypyridine is responsible for:

  • Antioxidant properties of the molecule; blocks free radicals, preventing them from damaging lipid oxidation. This increases the cell's chances of survival.
  • Ease of penetration into target tissues, including brain tissue through the blood-brain barrier (that is, it ensures the delivery of succinate).

The succinic acid in this molecule performs antioxidant work inside the cell. Serves as a building material for synthesis, a source of energy molecules adenosine phosphates.


Opinions of specialists and patients about drugs are both positive and negative.


Svetlana, 38 years old, Samara, neurologist: “I always advise my patients to purchase original medicines, which include Mexidol. This way I can be sure that a person will not harm his health and will be able to cope with the disease. Cerecard is a lower quality generic that often causes allergic reactions. Mexidol has proven its effectiveness and safety over the years of use.”

Ivan, 54 years old, Kazan, neurologist: “The differences between Mexidol and Cerecard lie in the effect on the human body. Cerecard normalizes heart function, Mexidol helps cope with the consequences of cerebrovascular accidents. The drug restores memory and cognitive functions, reduces the frequency of epileptic seizures, and eliminates the consequences of systematic alcohol consumption. The effectiveness of treatment is confirmed by the results of diagnostic procedures.”


Regina, 33 years old, Kursk: “I went to the doctor with complaints about sleep problems and headaches. The doctor suggested taking Mexidol or Cerecard. I decided to start treatment by using a cheaper product. Because It is available only in the form of a solution for intramuscular injection, so I had to visit the clinic every day. During the administration of Cerecard, urticaria occurred, which is why the drug had to be replaced with Mexidol. I saw a positive result after taking 6 tablets. My sleep has improved and my headaches have stopped.”

Arthur, 40 years old, Moscow: “I used both medications to treat headaches, the cause of which doctors could not identify. I myself believe that the unpleasant symptom became a complication of a head injury. Neither one nor the other drug could relieve the pain syndrome. After treatment, insomnia was added to the pain. I didn’t take the full course; I consider Mexidol and Cerecard ineffective.”

Mexidol: what helps?

The drug activates metabolic reactions, improves microcirculation, reduces blood viscosity and improves cerebral circulation. Protects the cell membranes of red blood cells and platelets from destruction, reduces cholesterol levels.

Normalizes redox processes in brain cells.

Mexidol relieves symptoms of alcohol intoxication during withdrawal syndrome. Restores cognitive functions, eliminates autonomic imbalance after long binges.

Strengthens the effect of other drugs: tranquilizers, antipsychotics and anticonvulsants.

Mexidol helps with depression, improves memory and increases learning ability.

Taking Mexidol for coronary heart disease helps preserve the myocardium by strengthening the myocardiocyte membrane, as well as protecting the vascular wall from cholesterol deposition.

Promotes the formation of collateral circulation in conditions of myocardial damage after a heart attack.

Unstable angina is a dangerous harbinger of a heart attack:

Analogues of Mexidol in tablets and ampoules

Analogs include generic drugs with the same active ingredient but from different manufacturers, analogues in chemical structure - derivatives of succinic acid, as well as drugs with a similar mechanism of action that are prescribed for the same conditions.

Cheap analogues

Cheap analogues are represented by Russian generics. They differ in release form and excipients. Generics are always inferior to the original drug in the number of clinical trials, which is why the indications for Mexidol are in most cases wider than those of its substitutes.

Analogs in ampoules

The disadvantage of Mexidol analogs produced exclusively in solution is the inconvenience of their use for the treatment of chronic diseases. In such cases, a course of taking tablets is usually recommended, and then the medication has to be replaced with a similar drug. This is undesirable from the standpoint of the risk of developing an allergic reaction.


Available in the form of a solution of 2 and 5 ml, the composition of which is completely identical to Mexidol. According to reviews, the analogue is less well tolerated, especially when administered intravenously. Neurox ampoules are about 200 rubles cheaper than the original drug.

This is interesting: Tablets, ointment, injections in ampoules Prednisolone


Russian generic Mexidol with a lower price - the difference between the cost of ampoules is at least 200 rubles. The drug has undergone fewer clinical studies, so, unlike Mexidol, it is not used to treat eye diseases, purulent diseases of the abdominal cavity, heart attack, or traumatic brain injury.


Astrox is one of the cheapest substitutes for Mexidol, the price difference exceeds 300 rubles. Available only in the form of a solution, packaged in ampoules of 2 ml. The absence of larger volume ampoules is not entirely convenient for acute diseases, when it is recommended to administer high doses of medication. According to the instructions for use, this analogue of Mexidol is intended exclusively for the treatment of the nervous system, mental disorders, alcohol intoxication and antipsychotic drugs.


Cerecard is an analogue of Mexidol in ampoules, which can be bought cheaper - for about 160 rubles. The drug is most often used to treat conditions associated with oxygen starvation of the brain and heart muscle. The solution does not contain sodium metabisulfite, therefore it is less allergenic to the body. However, its tolerability is somewhat worse than that of Mexidol. Cerecard injections often cause a feeling of suffocation, heat throughout the body, and a metallic taste in the mouth.

Analogs in tablets and ampoules

These are more popular generics of Mexidol, which are prescribed slightly less frequently than the original drug. However, the price difference between them is smaller.


The drugs differ in the composition of the auxiliary components. Mexicor is produced not in tablets, but in capsules. Both the solution and capsules are about 100-150 rubles cheaper than Mexidol. The medicine is usually tolerated somewhat worse than Mexidol. In the instructions for use, the list of side effects in Mexicor is much longer, and the list of indications for use, on the contrary, is shorter. It is not used in the treatment of purulent processes in the abdominal organs and with high intraocular pressure (glaucoma).


Indications for the use of Mexiprim also do not contain any mention of glaucoma or purulent inflammation in the abdominal cavity. In terms of tolerability, Mexiprim and Mexidol are quite comparable, but the former costs more than 100 rubles. cheaper than the original drug. Another advantage of Mexiprim is the absence of a preservative in the composition of its solution. Therefore, it is less likely to provoke allergic reactions.

How they affect the body

Ethoxidol is a medicine used to treat circulatory problems in the heart muscle. The mechanism of action is to normalize the process of blood flow to the ischemic area, which helps to reduce its size. The drug improves memory and concentration, reduces the level of lipoproteins in the blood, which normalizes the general condition of the body, especially the functioning of the brain.

Mexidol is used for oxygen starvation of tissues. It stops the production of free radicals, which have a negative effect on brain tissue, leading to their destruction. The drug helps improve blood circulation, including microcirculation.

Pharmacological properties

The pharmacodynamics of the drugs are somewhat different, but the result of their effects is almost identical:

  1. Mexidol protects the membranes of brain cells from the negative influence of external and internal environmental factors, preventing their damage. It has a nootropic effect, restoring mental functions. It has a positive effect on brain activity, thereby restoring cognitive functions.
  2. Ethoxidol improves blood circulation and blood supply to the meninges, having a beneficial effect on the condition and functioning of the brain.

The pharmacokinetics of the drugs are different:

  1. Mexidol is absorbed quickly, the metabolic process takes place in the liver. It leaves the body through the kidneys with urine, partly unchanged and mostly in the form of metabolites.
  2. Ethoxidol is also excreted from the body through the kidneys, but mainly in glucurone-conjugated form and partially unchanged in urine.

Mexidol is absorbed quickly, the metabolic process takes place in the liver.

"Mexidol" and "Mexipridol"

They belong to the pharmacological group of antioxidants. Prescribed for severe circulatory disorders as part of complex therapy, mild cognitive disorders. Widely used during intoxication with antipsychotic drugs.

Helps improve metabolism and blood supply to the brain. Increases the functioning of the immune system. When using the drugs, the level of total cholesterol decreases, and the human body’s ability to cope with the negative effects of extreme factors, such as stress, shock, hypoxia, head injuries, physical and intellectual stress, significantly increases.

In order for the anti-alcohol effect to be most effective, you should use the drug in a sober state. You can take them in combination with alcohol, since medications do not enhance the effect of ethanol on the body. Side effects and contraindications of Mexidol are similar to the drug Mexiprim. The instructions (analogs and the original) have some differences, so before using the medication, read its contents carefully.

Another drug that is an analogue is Mexipridol. Belongs to the group of nootropics, antihypoxants and antioxidants. The medication has proven itself in the treatment and correction of brain disorders due to alcoholism, drug addiction and various nervous ailments. Prescribed use of the drug for emotional stress, psychosomatic diseases, atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels.

Indications and contraindications

Both medications are prescribed for the same pathologies. Among them are:

  • chronic and acute insufficiency of cerebral blood flow provoked by hypoxia;
  • ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke due to hypoxia of cerebral vessels;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • systemic atherosclerosis of the cerebral arteries and coronary insufficiency;
  • acute coronary syndrome and myocardial infarction;
  • withdrawal syndrome;

  • stress and anxiety;
  • depression;
  • schizophrenia;
  • dementia;
  • epilepsy;
  • acute stage of pancreatitis;
  • alcohol and drug poisoning;
  • trauma to the skull or brain (craniotomy, trauma during an accident, concussion);
  • dyscirculatory encephalopathy;
  • pathologies of the oral cavity - infectious stomatitis, carious destruction, inflammatory periodontitis.

Cerecard or Mexidol are also prescribed in the postoperative period to prevent the formation of blood clots in the bloodstream.

Contraindications to the prescription of medications:

  • women during the period of bearing and feeding a child with breast milk;
  • children under 18 years of age;
  • kidney failure;
  • liver failure;
  • allergy to components in the medicine;
  • hypotension.

General information about Mexidol

Mexidol is a drug whose main active ingredient is ethylmethylhydroxypyridine succinate. This component is a membrane protector - it helps protect cell membranes in the brain, as well as throughout the body, from free radicals.

The drug shows effectiveness in normalizing blood flow in intracranial arteries, which prevents the development of pathologies in brain cells due to oxygen starvation.

Thanks to increased blood flow and normalization of oxygen supply to the brain, the quality of memory and the functioning of the visual brain improves, and a person’s intellectual abilities increase.

Neurons become more stable in situations associated with oxygen deficiency, impaired cerebral hemodynamics and cerebral hypoxia.

The effectiveness of the drug in the treatment of systemic atherosclerosis of the cerebral vessels and coronary arteries has been proven.

The medicine is available in the following forms:

  • solution for injections No. 5 (50.0 mg/ml) – packed in 5 ampoules;
  • capsules 125.0 mg of active substance No. 10 – 1 blister in a package (10 pcs.);
  • toothpaste – for the treatment of oral pathologies.

Which is better: cerecard or mexidol

Mexidol is produced in two forms - tablets and ampoules, Cericard - only in ampoules.

Mexidol is the original, and according to research it is superior to its analogues. But both medications help in treatment. For long-term therapy, Mexidol is recommended, which is used at home in tablet form, which is convenient; you do not need to visit the treatment room. It also has fewer side effects. Mexidol normalizes brain function, Cerecard acts on the cardiovascular system.

Analogues and prices

Analogs of the drug "Ethoxidol", price and their features in this group of medications:

  1. “Neurox” - 46 rubles per ampoule of the drug, release from five pieces per person.
  2. "Mexidol" - minimum price is 445 rubles. for a package of medication ampoules (from ten pieces).
  3. "Emoxibel" - ampoules or drops priced from 58 rubles. The nominal dosage is 1% of the active substance.
  4. "Emoxipin" - the same forms of release at an average price of 173 rubles.

MEXIDOL and the treatment of memory disorders. Forum in the comments.

I found an interesting review on the Internet, February 2019:
“More than half of the list of best-selling drugs do not have proven effectiveness, says Republic editor Ira Solomonova, who studied the next report of the analytical company DSM Group on the pharmaceutical market in Russia, published at the end of January.
Analysts named the 10 best-selling drugs - they brought manufacturers 64.5 billion rubles. Do they really work, or is their popularity the result of active advertising? We tried to find scientific evidence of the effectiveness of the best-selling drugs in Russia - and could not do this in 6 out of 10 cases, writes Republic.


, Russia.

Pharmacological action: antiviral.

Sales volume, 2019: 6.7 billion rubles.

Kagocel is the most popular antiviral drug in Russia, in the production of which Rusnano invested (the corporation left the project in 2013 with a record profitability of 41.1%). The manufacturer’s website says that the drug has proven effectiveness, and there is a reference to a large study that was conducted in 262 centers involving almost 19 thousand patients in Russia, Armenia, Moldova and Georgia. These are decent indicators; a high-quality study should be multicenter and include a sufficient cohort of participants.

But there are other criteria: the trial must be double-blind (neither doctors nor patients need to know whether they are taking the drug or a placebo) and comparative (the drugs are compared with a placebo or competing drugs). The study in question was an observational study: the authors collected information on treatment as part of “customary clinical practice in each country.” As a result, “the advantages of Kagocel in patients with severe influenza and acute respiratory viral infections were revealed”: the treatment time “with the additional administration of Kagocel” was reduced from 8 to 7 days. Unfortunately, this study design does not comply with modern international standards, and it is difficult to accept its results as evidence of the effectiveness of the drug.

Mentions of “Kagocel” are also in the international database of scientific publications PubMed, but almost all of them were written in Russian, that is, they were not subject to verification by the scientific community, and were published in journals with a low impact factor. In English-language publications that can be found, Kagocel is designated as a remedy used in Russian practice, or as a drug that “may be effective” against viruses.


, Russia; Takeda GmbH, Germany or Takeda Pharma, Denmark.

Pharmacological action: antiplatelet (prevents the formation of blood clots).

Sales volume, 2019: 6.2 billion rubles.

The manufacturer advises taking Cardiomagnyl to prevent thrombosis, acute heart failure, and angina. The magnesium contained in the drug itself actually performs important functions for the heart: it participates in the synthesis of ATP (a molecule that serves as a source of energy for the body) and the processes of muscle contraction. But the main active ingredient in Cardiomagnyl is not magnesium, but acetylsalicylic acid, that is, aspirin, which really plays a role in preventing thrombosis. And magnesium hydroxide is an antacid - a means of neutralizing acid in the stomach. In other words, magnesium in this case is needed to combat heartburn, which is caused by the main component.

The negative effect of acetylsalicylic acid is aggravated in patients who already have problems with the gastrointestinal tract - heartburn, ulcers, stomach bleeding, as well as in older people and drinkers. The ability of antacids to protect the stomach when taken with aspirin has not been proven. Today, aspirin has been removed from primary stroke prevention (can be used in secondary) in patients over 40 years of age, but consumers continue to buy drugs containing it.


, Russia.

Pharmacological action: antiviral agent.

Sales volume, 2019: 6.1 billion rubles.

All but one of the articles on Ingavirin that can be found on PubMed are written in Russian, and therefore have not been published in international peer-reviewed journals. The available English-language articles describe experiments in mice and were conducted with the participation of the manufacturer. Publications that involve studies with real patients reveal weaknesses in the experiments. Most often, they were carried out in small samples and were designed so that doctors knew who was receiving the drug and who was receiving a placebo (this is a violation of international standards for research into the effectiveness of medications), and the same names were found among the authors. Studies with larger samples (400 people) did not adjust for age and gender, although these are important factors when it comes to immunity.

Russian experts have repeatedly drawn attention to the fact that many drugs sold do not have proven effectiveness. The same applies to Ingavirin. “There is still no evidence that it is effective. Again, this is a case of unproven pharmaceuticals. And recently a children's form of the drug appeared. Studies proving effectiveness and safety have not been published,” said Vasily Vlasov, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Management and Health Economics at the National Research University Higher School of Economics, in 2019.


, Takeda Pharmaceutical, Nycomed (Russian divisions of Takeda Pharmaceutical, Japan).

Pharmacological action: metabolic.

Sales volume, 2019: 6 billion rubles.

The generic brand "Solcoseryl" from the Swiss company Solco is intended to improve metabolic and regenerative processes in tissues. According to the instructions, it should be prescribed against vascular and metabolic disorders of the brain, circulatory disorders, trophic ulcers, burns, wounds, and oncological complications. Actovegin is known in Europe and the USA, although it has not received FDA approval.

A review (subsequently retracted) of 6 randomized controlled trials of Solcoseryl and similar drugs concluded that they may reduce the size of ulcers in sickle cell disease. However, all studies have a high risk of bias, and the authors called for more studies. There are also reviews and publications about clinical experiments about Actovegin: for example, a long-term (12 months) placebo-controlled trial involving 500 people. It was commissioned by the manufacturer and published in 2019 in Stroke magazine. Concluding that Actovegin had a positive effect on the cognitive performance of patients after a stroke, the authors make a reservation: the experiment has limitations, and further controlled trials are required to prove the properties of the drug.

Unfortunately, the strongest remaining articles (published in serious publications) cannot confirm the effectiveness of the drug. Data on Actovegin's ability to improve athletic performance (in 2000 it was involved in the anti-doping scandal with Lance Armstrong and the Tour de France) is also contradictory.


, Russia.

Pharmacological action: antiseptic.

Sales volume, 2019: 5.9 billion rubles.

According to the instructions, the drug should be used in the treatment of wounds and burns, in dentistry, urology, gynecology, and also as a prevention of sexually transmitted diseases. The State Register of Medicines contains records of three completed trials of Miramistin initiated by the manufacturer. Only one of them was double-blind, placebo-controlled (vaginal suppositories were tested), but the state registry website does not provide links to the study results.

On PubMed you can find 38 publications about Miramistin, but among them there is not a single meta-analysis (a review of several previously conducted studies) or a randomized controlled trial. Although most of the publications are in Russian, there are also English-language ones (including those translated from Russian) that describe testing the properties of Miramistin on cell cultures. They can say little about how the drug works in real conditions in a living organism, such results need to be confirmed. The studies that did involve people were conducted with small samples and without placebo controls, which means their results may be heavily biased. The drug may work, but there is not enough evidence yet. Articles in both Russian and English are mostly published in journals with a low impact factor - less than 1. For medical journals, an impact factor of about 4 is considered worthy, while the most authoritative Lancet has it above 53.


, Russia.

Pharmacological action: antioxidant.

Sales volume, 2019: 5.8 billion rubles.

Mexidol is designed to help with cerebrovascular accidents, cognitive disorders, stress and autonomic dystonia syndrome. The latter is the so-called garbage diagnosis, an invention of Soviet medicine. With such a variety of indications, there are no meta-analyses on Mexidol in the PubMed database.

The vast majority of articles about the drug are written in Russian and have not undergone international peer review - including the randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study that is referred to (also the initiator of the experiment) on its website. Those translated into English were published in journals with very low impact factors and have almost zero citations. The same applies to 4 randomized controlled trials of the active substance “Mexidol”: they are in Russian and published in journals with a very low impact factor, and a small number of people (up to a hundred) took part in the studies.

The leader of the Russian drug market in value terms is the painkiller Nurofen (sales volume in 2019: 7.5 billion rubles). The Top 10 also included Xarelto (anticoagulant), DeTralex (venotonic) and Concor (used against cardiovascular diseases). The effect of these drugs can be called studied and confirmed - mainly because their main components have been known to medicine for several decades and have been studied many times. As a result, they usually have less expensive and equally effective alternatives.

The editors of Republic expressed gratitude for the help in preparing the material from endocrinologist, chief physician of the Chaika clinic in Krylatskoye, Renata Petrosyan.

Note from ViD: there is no apparent reason to doubt the data of the DSM Group report, however, it must be taken into account that pharmaceuticals is a total war of manufacturers, and if the audience receives information that some drugs do not work or work poorly (Russian or joint venture in this case), then doctors will prescribe, and people will buy, drugs from other manufacturers, for example, Swiss ones, for those who can afford them, or Indian generics.”

Also, the frank conclusion at the end of the review is interesting. About pharmaceuticals and total war... I suppose, to destroy pharmaceutical manufacturers and drugs that are not desirable to someone.

In essence, we are talking about unfair competition and the desire for a monopoly in the market.

What is FAS thinking?!

General information about Medomexi

Medomexi is a drug that acts as an inhibitor of free radical processes. It is characterized by stress-protective, antiepileptic, as well as nootropic effects on the body. The drug substance helps stimulate blood circulation in the brain and reduces the risk of hemolysis. It also normalizes the concentration of cholesterol in the body.

General information about Medomexi

In pharmacies, the medicine can be purchased in the form of ampoules with a colorless solution, which is intended for administration into a vein or intramuscular injection. The drug contains ethylmethylhydroxypyridine succinate (50 mg/1 ml) as the main active ingredient. The list of auxiliary ingredients includes: water for injection, sodium metabisulfite (1 mg).


The tablets are chewed and washed down with water. The drug "Ethoxidol" has good reviews; it is often prescribed by medical specialists in various clinics in Russia. For complex treatment of ischemia and rehabilitation procedures before and after ischemic stroke, the dosage of the drug is as follows: 100 mg three times a day (three tablets in total), the amount of the drug increases over time to obtain the desired effect. The maximum amount at a time is 200 mg, per day - 800. Treatment is carried out in long courses for at least two months, if necessary, repeated cycles of administration are prescribed by the attending physician. The amount of dose taken is calculated by a specialist individually for each patient; the total time of use depends on the severity of the disease and the characteristics of the body’s reaction to the drug “Ethoxidol”. Tablets are prescribed for the treatment of various cognitive disorders of the brain of mild to moderate severity in a dosage of one tablet three to four times a day. The time for taking the drug is not limited.

The medication itself is prescribed for a wide range of diseases, which proves the effectiveness of Ethoxidol tablets and ampoules. The instructions for use state: the solution for injection is used through intramuscular or intravenous infusion of the dissolved drug; also, with this method of administration, additional dilution with saline solution (sodium chloride solution 0.9%) is required. The selection of dosages is purely individual and is carried out by a specialist based on analysis data.

Oral administration can begin with fifty milligrams of solution three times a day, the dose is adjusted as the therapeutic effects appear. The administration of the drug is slow and uniform. In the case of a jet intravenous infusion, the medicine is administered over six minutes, with a drip infusion - 55 drops per minute.

Patients with vascular disorders are also prescribed the drug "Ethoxidol". Instructions for use allow sick people to take it in amounts up to 400 mg per day. The exact dosage is prescribed by the doctor. In case of problems with cerebral bleeding, the drug “Ethoxidol” is used as a complex treatment: the first cycle of four days is intravenous administration of 300 mg of solution, then intramuscular administration of 100 mg three times a day for the remaining week. The average duration is from 10 to 14 days.

For patients with dyscirculatory encephalopathy, a monthly course of administration is prescribed: 100 mg twice a day intravenously, then the same dose for the same period, but intramuscularly. When preventing the disease, the second stage of treatment is used. In case of mild cognitive impairment (after sixty years) or with spontaneous manifestations of anxiety, the drug is taken as follows: 100-300 mg per day for up to a month, intramuscularly. After the onset of “alcohol withdrawal,” Ethoxidol can be taken for up to seven days in order to generally weaken the syndrome in standard doses.

In case of poisoning with antipsychotics, treatment is carried out for one to two weeks in the form of intravenous infusions of a solution (up to 300 mg per day).

Characteristics of the Cerecardium

The drug has the following characteristics:

  1. Composition and release form. Cerecardium is in the form of a solution administered intramuscularly or intravenously. It is a transparent yellowish liquid. 1 ml of solution contains 50 mg of ethylmethylhydroxypyridine succinate and water for injection. The drug is bottled in transparent glass ampoules of 2 or 5 ml. The cardboard box contains 1 or 2 contour cells of 5 ampoules.
  2. Pharmachologic effect. The drug has the following effects on the human body:
      reduces the degree of inhibition of oxidative processes in the Krebs cycle, triggering compensatory breakdown of glucose, which occurs without the participation of oxygen;
  3. increases the resistance of the heart muscle and brain to damaging factors;
  4. normalizes blood quality and blood flow speed;
  5. improves the condition of the heart muscle in patients who have suffered a myocardial infarction;
  6. reduces the rate of spread of necrosis in coronary heart disease.
  7. Indications for use. Cerecardium is included in complex treatment regimens for the following diseases:
      vegevascular dystonia;
  8. neuroses and neurosis-like disorders;
  9. acute and chronic cerebrovascular accident;
  10. alcoholic and discirculatory encephalopathy;
  11. cerebral atherosclerosis;
  12. intoxication with psychotropic substances;
  13. withdrawal syndrome in alcoholics;
  14. ischemic stroke.
  15. Contraindications. Cerecard is not used during pregnancy, breastfeeding, impaired liver and kidney function, and childhood (under 18 years). The drug is prescribed with caution to patients prone to allergic reactions.
  16. Side effects. When Cerecard is administered, sensations of lack of air and dry mouth, hot flashes to the face and chest, and allergic reactions may occur. Most often, such effects occur with intravenous injection of the drug. With long-term treatment, sleep problems, nausea and flatulence may occur.
  17. Mode of application. The cerecardium is injected into the thickness of the gluteal muscle or into the vein of the elbow. With the infusion method, the contents of the ampoule are diluted with 200 ml of saline solution. Treatment begins with the administration of 50-100 mg of ethylmethylhydroxypyridine succinate per day. The daily amount of administered substance should not exceed 100 mg.

Cerecardium increases the resistance of the heart muscle and brain to damaging factors.

How are the drugs different?

Both medications are included in the category of nootropics. Their effect is aimed at providing antihypoxic, neuroprotective, ankyolytic and antioxidant effects. Improves brain functionality and avoids complications.

Medicines are sold in capsules for oral administration and solution for injection. Such forms of release allow you to quickly achieve the desired result.

There are no differences in the country of production. The drugs are produced by domestic pharmaceutical companies.

Characteristics of active ingredients

Mexidol contains ethylmethylhydroxypyridine succinate. Its content per 1 ml of solution is 50 mg, and 1 tablet contains 125 mg.

Helps increase the body's resistance to stressful situations, improves memory, prevents and stops the development of convulsive syndrome. There is a normalization of blood circulation in the brain tissue and an improvement in the rheological properties of blood. Symptoms of poisoning due to pancreatitis or peritonitis disappear.

The active ingredient in Mexicor is hydroxymethylethylpyridine succinate. When taking the drug, oxidative processes are reduced, the adverse effects on lipids are inhibited, and enzyme activity increases.

There is not only an improvement in metabolic processes and blood flow in the brain, but also a decrease in platelet aggregation.

What is better Mexicor or Mexidol?

Which drug is best to choose depends on the indications for use and the general condition of the patient. Mexicor copes more effectively with brain disorders. This is explained by the fact that the composition includes succinic acid.

Despite this process, both medications help well with encephalopathy, coronary heart disease, and impaired blood flow in the brain tissue.

The drug Mexicor is more effective in treating brain disorders.

Pharmacological properties

The membrane-stabilizing effect of the drug is due to the pharmacological properties of the main active ingredient in the basis of the medicinal product. Mexidol helps normalize oxygen metabolism in tissues and improves the absorption of nutrients at the cellular level.

Considering the key effect that Mexidol provides, it is not difficult to guess why it is prescribed.

Main effects you can count on:

  • antihypoxic;
  • stress-protective;
  • nootropic;
  • antiepileptic;
  • anxilitic;
  • anticonvulsant;
  • anti-sclerotic.

Worth knowing! The drug improves metabolism and regulates blood supply to brain tissue. The rheological qualities of blood are optimized, platelet aggregation is reduced to an optimal level.

The medicine helps normalize post-stress behavior. With the help of this medicinal product, it is possible to eliminate degenerative processes in brain tissue and restore the normal work-rest cycle. The cognitive abilities of patients are significantly improved.

The active component of the drug is Mexidol (chemical name ethylmethylhydroxypyridine succinate). This neuroprotector has the following pharmacological effects:

  • inhibits free radical oxidation of lipids (antioxidant effect);
  • has a membrane-stabilizing effect (membrane-protective effect);
  • reduces the likelihood of cell damage during ischemia (antihypoxic effect);
  • has anticonvulsant activity;
  • has a nootropic and anxiolytic effect;
  • reduces the concentration of cholesterol and “bad” lipoproteins (hypolipidemic effect);
  • has an anti-stress effect.

Thanks to its chemical structure, Mexidol helps to normalize the structural and functional elements of cell membranes, restore neurotransmitter balance, improve the energy balance of cells, reduce membrane viscosity and increase their fluidity.

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