What is better: Phenibut or its analogues: compare effectiveness, safety, cost

Medicines that affect human brain activity belong to the group of nootropics. The drug Phenibut, whose indications for use are quite extensive, is just such a remedy. That is, it is a medicine that has a specific effect on the mental functions of the brain. Therefore, the prescription of this drug should be clinically justified.

Taking nootropic drugs without a doctor's prescription is strictly prohibited.

This drug helps reduce high levels of anxiety and stress, but does not have a relaxing effect, but rather maintains performance. We can say that this medicine has a special dual effect: it calms and at the same time activates the brain.


Side effects of tablets

Phenibut tablets are quite safe.
The list of side effects of the drug is minimal and has virtually no supernatural restrictions. It is prohibited to take this drug in the following cases: Children under eight years of age; Tendency to allergies and hypersensitivity to drug substances; Gestation period; Breastfeeding period; The presence of acute renal dysfunction; Take the drug with great caution for erosive and ulcerative diseases of the digestive system

However, like many other medications, Phenibut has some features that are worth considering. For any disorders and pathologies of the digestive system, you should take the medication seriously. It is best to consult with your doctor. If you are concerned about any disease of the gastrointestinal tract, it is recommended to reduce the standard dosage of the drug. Otherwise, this medication may negatively affect the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines. Each dose of the product will irritate the walls of the organs.

Indications and contraindications for the use of aminophenylbutyric acid

Preparations based on Aminophenylbutyric acid are used not only for the treatment of certain diseases, but also for preventive purposes, in order to avoid stressful conditions before painful diagnostic procedures.

The drugs are indicated for use in:

  1. Deterioration in the quality of brain function and emotional instability.
  2. Asthenia and anxiety-neurological conditions, which are characterized by an increased feeling of anxiety and fear.

    Signs of asthenia

  3. Dysfunctions of the vestibular apparatus.
  4. Insomnia and other sleep disorders in older people.
  5. Stuttering.
  6. Urinary incontinence and tics in childhood.

Also used in multicomponent therapy to relieve symptoms of withdrawal syndrome and open-angle glaucoma. Contraindications for use are intolerance to the composition of the drug and acute renal failure.

Not recommended for use by pregnant and breastfeeding women, as well as children under 8 years of age.

Patients with concomitant diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are prescribed medications based on this active substance with extreme caution, due to their irritating effect on the gastric mucosa. For people with liver damage, the dosage of the drug is adjusted based on the severity of the concomitant disease, due to the toxic effect of the drug. During therapy, you should avoid driving and other work that requires increased attention.

special instructions

Phenibut may cause increased stomach acid. Patients who have or have previously had erosions and ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract at the time of treatment should discuss the possibility of taking this medication with their doctor.

If you need to undergo a long course of treatment, you need to regularly conduct blood tests to check the content of liver enzymes. If you begin to feel pain in the right side, accompanied by the appearance of a bitter taste in the mouth, or if a yellowish tint to the skin appears, you should interrupt treatment and visit a doctor.

For women during lactation and pregnancy, Phenibut is allowed if the expected benefit outweighs the potential risk. It should be borne in mind that it passes into breast milk and crosses the placental barrier.

The medicine should not be combined with alcohol, since their effect on the central nervous system is exactly the opposite.

Since the drug can cause negative reactions from the central nervous system, including drowsiness, you should refrain from driving vehicles and other mechanisms during the course of treatment.


Ursodeoxycholic acid, the use of which is based on its origin and properties, is a white-yellow crystalline powder. It has a bitter taste. This substance is produced in small quantities in a normally functioning human body. Its specific gravity is approximately 5% of the total mass of bile acids. It is hydrophilic and does not have cytotoxicity. This chemical compound is soluble in alcohol and glacial acetic acid, slightly soluble in chloroform and practically insoluble in water. Ursodeoxycholic acid is not contained in the products. It was found in the gall bladder of a brown bear.

Ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA) is an epimer of chenodeoxycholic acid. Initially, it began to be used for the treatment of reflux gastritis and the breakdown of gallstones. Over time, it began to be used for many other diseases. UDCA is considered the safest bile acid.

Phenibut study video

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Side effects

The drug is usually well tolerated. Side effects from Phenibut occur very rarely and can go away on their own. Side effects from taking Phenibut include:

  • drowsiness;
  • headache and dizziness;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • diarrhea;
  • abdominal pain;
  • toxic hepatitis;
  • allergic reactions;
  • emotional lability and insomnia.

If symptoms continue to bother you, you should immediately contact your doctor and stop taking the medication.

special instructions

During pregnancy and lactation

It is better for women while expecting a child and breastfeeding not to take the drug, since there is no information about how tablets based on aminophenylbutyric acid can affect the organisms of the mother and child. When experiments were conducted on the use of the drug on animals, no toxic or mutational effects of Phenibut were detected.

It is better for women while expecting a baby and breastfeeding not to take the drug.

In childhood

In pediatric neurology, the drug is used to treat young patients aged 3 years and older. Phenibut helps well in the treatment of nervous tics in children, speech disorders of a psychological nature, daytime and nighttime urinary incontinence.

Recommended dosage regimen: from 3 to 8 years – 125 mg 3 times a day; from 8 to 14 years – 250 mg three times a day; children 14 years of age and older - adult dosage.

In old age

If an elderly patient does not sleep well at night and worries about any reason, then the neurologist prescribes the drug in the following dose: 250-500 mg 3 times a day.

The drug Phenibut is prescribed by a neurologist if an elderly patient has trouble sleeping at night and is worried about any reason.

For liver dysfunction

Patients who are treated with Phenibut 250 mg for a long time should have their liver function tests checked every 2-3 weeks. In case of organ diseases, the doctor will determine the advisability of taking it, since the drug can exhibit hepatotoxic properties when used for a long time in high volumes.

Also, all patients using this type of medication for treatment for more than 2 weeks in large doses are recommended to monitor peripheral blood counts.


Aminophenylbutyric acid has proven itself to be an effective medicine. Here are some of the reviews from experts and users.

Reviews from doctors:

  • “I have been prescribing to patients for a long time, an effective antidepressant, antiplatelet agent, antioxidant, with a minimum of side effects.”
  • “Drugs with aminophenylbutyric acid cope well with depressive conditions and increased excitability.”
  • “Aminophenylbutyric acid is indispensable in recovery from traumatic brain injuries, I recommend it.”
  • “Medicines in this group cause virtually no side effects.”
  • “I use it to eliminate dizziness, the results are positive.”
  • “Preparations with aminobutyric acid have a powerful effect with maximum safety and harm to humans.”
  • “It’s a good medicine; when taken, brain activity improves, the processes of memorization and learning are facilitated, speech problems are eliminated, and concentration increases.”
  • “I prescribe it to eliminate psychosis syndrome in the treatment of alcoholism; from experience I can say that the drug successfully copes with the assigned tasks.”

Patient reviews:

  • “It helped me a lot when prescribed by a doctor, I quickly noticed the effect. The anxiety has gone away, and the desire to live and act has appeared.”
  • “My child was prescribed aminophenylbutyric acid to treat stuttering, and progress was noticeable, unlike other drugs.”
  • “I’ll call this drug an ally of calm and clarity of mind, I’ve been taking it periodically for several years, and I haven’t noticed any negative effects.”
  • “The doctor prescribed me aminophenylbutyric acid during my depression during a difficult period for me. At that moment, I felt hopelessness, lack of interest in life, saw no way out, and besides this, there were constant feelings of anxiety and restlessness. Already on the third day of taking the medicine I began to feel better. And by the end of the treatment I was full of strength, energy, a sense of interest, and a desire to act. She opened her own business. I can say with confidence that this drug has turned my life around!”

Reviews from athletes and coaches about taking aminophenylbutyric acid:

  • “After classes, I often have problems sleeping; on the advice of my trainer, I took aminophenylbutyric acid. The improvement was quickly noticeable. I’m getting enough sleep, more vigor and strength.”
  • “When preparing for competitions, nervousness often appears, which makes it difficult to concentrate and work at full capacity. Aminophenylbutyric acid helps to calm down, regain peace of mind, and increases motivation.”
  • “I often recommend that my athletes take products based on aminophenylbutyric acid; with increased stress, stress for the body increases. Athletes become irritable, get tired quickly, and do not get enough sleep. Taking medications restores their strength and eliminates negative reactions of the nervous system.”
  • “We use aminophenylbutyric acid to restore endurance, the product copes with the task. I recommend".
  • “A frequent problem for athletes after intense training is a decrease in concentration and accuracy of actions. The action of a substance such as aminophenylbutyric acid improves brain activity, which helps to cope with these problems.”

Instructions for use

It is recommended to drink Phenibut only after meals. The tablets should be washed down with a large volume of water; under no circumstances should they be chewed. If you take the medicine on an empty stomach, there is a high risk of irritation of the mucous membrane.

The general treatment regimen involves taking one tablet three times a day. In rare cases, the dosage is increased to three tablets at a time. The maximum concentration of the drug per day cannot exceed three tablets when we are talking about adult patients, two for pensioners and one and a half tablets for children over eight years old. Young children cannot tolerate more than one hundred and fifty milligrams of the drug per day.

Due to the fact that it is quite difficult to give the correct dosage of Phenibut to children under eight years old, calculating it from ordinary tablets, it will be more convenient for them to purchase powders.

Keep in mind that some diseases require a different dosage regimen. For example, for encephalopathy you need to take only one tablet per day. In this case, the course of treatment lasts up to two months, and after a six-month break it can be repeated.

If you are trying to get rid of migraines, then take one hundred and fifty milligrams of the drug per day. If neuroses are identified, the doctor prescribes patients one tablet twice a day for one and a half months. The drug is also taken in cases of insomnia, anxiety and frequent nightmares. For such indications, the course of treatment can be extended to three months.

Action of ursodeoxycholic acid

Today, the use of UDCA is the standard of care for various cholestatic liver diseases with an autoimmune component. The mechanism of action of this remedy is to stabilize the cells of this organ. Its molecules can be embedded in the membranes of liver cells - hepatocytes. Thanks to this, they are able to make them more resistant to aggressive factors. This hepatoprotective agent has a choleretic effect. UDCA reduces the synthesis of cholesterol in the liver and prevents its absorption in the intestine. This drug reduces the lithogenicity of bile and increases its acid content. It improves lipase activity, pancreatic and gastric secretion. Ursodeoxycholic acid also has a hypoglycemic effect, stimulates the formation and secretion of bile, and reduces cholesterol levels in it.

This medicine promotes the partial or complete breakdown of cholesterol stones. That is why it is being used more and more often. By combining with cholesterol, it increases the solubility of its crystals, which has a destructive effect on gallstones. UDQ has an immunomodulatory effect, which is to increase the activity of lymphocytes and reduce the expression of various antigens on the membranes of hepatocytes. It affects the number of T-lymphocytes and reduces the number of eosinophils.

UDCA reduces the concentration of cholesterol in bile by dispersing it and transferring this substance to the liquid crystalline phase. It affects the enterohepatic circulation of bile salts. As a result, the reabsorption of endogenous hydrophobic and toxic compounds in the intestine decreases. This medicine has a direct hepatoprotective and choleretic effect. Ursodeoxycholic acid, reviews of which from specialists in the field of hepatology indicate its effectiveness, can reduce liver fibrosis during fatty degeneration.


Phenibut refers to drugs derived from γ-aminobutyric acid. This substance is the main inhibitory transmitter of the central nervous system of all mammals, including humans. The active substance Phenibut acts as a biogenic stimulator of neurotransmitter and metabolic brain reactions.

In a state of inhibition, the brain requires less oxygen and energy supply, and this saves and protects the brain from prolonged stress and aging.

Pharmacological action of Phenibut:

  • increasing blood supply to the brain, relieving spasms, dilating blood vessels
  • equalizing the balance between excitation and inhibition in the brain
  • protection of brain nerve cells from oxygen starvation
  • activation of energy and metabolic processes in brain neurons

Anxious and depressed states, fears and nervous tension are indications for prescribing Phenibut.
The drug Phenibut is indicated for the following diseases:

  • neuropsychic conditions accompanied by anxiety, fear and anxiety
  • mental and physical fatigue
  • depressive and stressful conditions
  • Meniere's disease (disease of the inner ear leading to deafness)
  • as a sedative before painful medical procedures and surgery
  • insomnia and disturbing dreams
  • dizziness and tinnitus due to pathologies of the vestibular apparatus
  • prophylactic medicine for kinetosis
  • in pediatric practice for nervous tics, stuttering, enuresis
  • withdrawal syndrome (withdrawal) in the treatment of alcoholism

There is evidence of the positive dynamics of Phenibut in Parkinson's disease.

Consequences of taking Phenibut during pregnancy

Since this drug is mainly contraindicated during pregnancy, there are certain consequences of taking it. If for the mother it has a calming effect on the central nervous system and brain, then in the fetus it can cause disturbances in their structure and development.

This drug also puts a lot of stress on the liver, since it is almost completely processed by it and excreted through the kidneys. Consequently, the fetus may also experience pathologies in the development of these organs.

The consequences of Phenibut during early pregnancy can be very sad, including termination of pregnancy. This drug should absolutely not be used in the first trimester. At this time, the child is developing all the organs and systems, and taking the drug can disrupt this process.

The use of the drug in later stages of pregnancy has fewer restrictions. However, it is still necessary to use Phenibut only as prescribed by a doctor and under his strict supervision.

Release form and composition

The composition contains phenibut and additional substances - povidone, lactose, calcium stearate and starch.

Sold in white tablets. They have a flat-cylindrical shape.

Active substance

Phenibut (a derivative of aminophenylbutyric acid) is the active ingredient of a drug that plays an important role in brain activity. Initially, it was planned to be used to correct children's behavior. Now it is used for all groups of the population in order to normalize nervous activity.

The substance improves processes in the brain, leading to coordinated work of different departments. It can normalize memory, prevent depression, eliminate insomnia, and reduce anxiety.

Other important properties:

  • normalizes and stimulates mental processes;
  • reduces excitability;
  • improves hemodynamic parameters;
  • increases mental performance;
  • improves microcirculation;
  • normalizes sleep;
  • increases the speed of memorizing information.

The substance has a weak anticonvulsant effect, but is not used for this purpose.

What it is?

What is aminophenylbutyric acid? This is a substance contained in medications that improves functional indicators of mental activity and, at the same time, gives a sedative and stimulating result. The international name is: aminophenylbutyric acid (aminophenylbutyrate).

According to its chemical properties, it is considered a derivative of gamma-aminobutyric acid and phenylethylamine. Or gamma-amino-beta-phenylbutyric acid hydrochloride. Structural formula: C10H14ClNO2.

This is a widely used effective medicine that does not cause severe negative consequences. This is a psychostimulant, which, in addition to eradicating depression, additionally enhances mental activity. This is a means of providing stress resistance. Sedation is mild or absent. Low toxicity, no carcinogenic effect.

Phenibut for children

According to the official instructions, Phenibut is approved for use in children over 8 years of age. But many doctors and patients do not follow these recommendations and prescribe it at an earlier age. In most cases, the drug is well tolerated and does not cause adverse reactions.

Indications and restrictions

In pediatrics, Phenibut is used to improve cognitive function. It is known that the drug stimulates speech and psychomotor development, increases the speed of memorization, and facilitates easier perception of new information. According to the instructions, these tablets are used to treat urinary incontinence, nervous tics and stuttering in children. Some doctors prescribe Phenibut to children before undergoing medical procedures for sedative purposes.

Methods of use for newborns and children 2-3 years old

The use of nootropics in children has limitations. The minimum effective dose should be used and the child's behavior changes should be closely monitored. If the recommended duration of treatment is exceeded, addiction may occur.

The annotation indicates the following doses for children:

  • From 1 to 2 years – 3-5 mg/kg per dose;
  • 3-5 years – 10-15 mg/kg per day;
  • 6-8 years – no more than 20 mg/kg per day.

The drug is crushed and dissolved in water, injected into the oral cavity with a special dosed syringe or spoon. Give it a sufficient amount of liquid, perhaps with added sugar, to overcome the sour taste of the tablet.

Side effects

If you use an incorrectly selected dosage or violate the duration and frequency of taking the tablets, adverse reactions such as increased excitability, a feeling of fear, dizziness, and a feeling of heaviness in the stomach may occur. Long-term effects on neuropsychic development when using Phenibut in children have not been studied, so the drug should be used only if there are strict indications.

Dr. Komarovsy about Phenibut

Famous Kharkov pediatrician E.O. Komarovsky often prescribes Phenibut to patients as a drug to improve metabolic processes in the brain. He notes that this medicine is a nootropic and is not a narcotic or a tranquilizer. Evgeny Komarovsky also explains the sedative effect based on inhibition of phenethylamine production. In this regard, the doctor recommends stopping treatment with Phenibut gradually, replacing it with another sedative to avoid withdrawal syndrome.

Precautionary measures

For successful litholysis of cholesterol stones using UDCA, the following conditions must be taken into account:

• their size does not exceed 2 cm;

• they do not produce shadows on the radiograph;

• the gallbladder is functioning normally;

• ducts maintain patency;

• the bubble is less than half filled with stones;

• the common bile duct does not contain stones.

What other restrictions does ursodeoxycholic acid have in taking it? The instructions for this medication indicate that during long-term treatment that exceeds 1 month, it is necessary to regularly (once every 30 days) monitor liver transaminases, phosphatase, bilirubin, blood gamma-glutamyltransferase

Conducting such tests is especially important in the initial 3 months of therapy using UDCA. The effectiveness of treatment is confirmed every six months by x-ray and ultrasound examination of the bile ducts.

To prevent attacks of recurrent cholelithiasis, treatment is continued after complete dissolution of the stones. It can last for many months.

During treatment with UDCA, women of childbearing potential are advised to use reliable methods of birth control. These may be non-hormonal drugs or contraceptives with a low estrogen content.

Indications for use

The diseases for which Phenibut can be prescribed are numerous. Doctors most often prescribe the drug as monotherapy. For some problems, it is included as one of the components in the overall treatment regimen along with other medications.

The drug has worked well for complaints of general weakness, apathy and increased anxiety. Also, Phenibut is almost always prescribed for anxiety caused by any reason, regular feelings of fear and anxiety, as well as for obsessive-compulsive neuroses.

Elderly people often complain that they experience some fussiness at night, difficulty falling asleep and intermittent sleep. In addition, in those rare minutes when they manage to fall asleep, patients experience nightmares, which significantly worsens their condition. Phenibut easily copes with such problems and does not cause negative side effects.

The drug also relieves excessive suspiciousness associated with anxiety before any surgical intervention. In addition, it is indicated for identified psychopathy, pathologies of the vestibular apparatus (they can be caused by trauma or some hereditary factor) and vascular diseases. Interestingly, Phenibut copes with the problem of motion sickness. Patients usually learn about this after they have already started taking the drug, and perceive it as one of the positive side effects.

Phenibut is prescribed to children very often; it is indicated for the following problems:

  • stuttering;
  • teak;
  • urinary incontinence;
  • dizziness;
  • weak vestibular apparatus.

In combination with other drugs, Phenibut is prescribed to relieve withdrawal symptoms in alcohol dependence, as well as to facilitate recovery from alcohol intoxication.

Historical reference

This drug was introduced in the USSR in the mid-1970s. Initially, they wanted to use the drug in pediatrics in order to correct the deviant behavior of children and adolescents. However, the drug was soon noticed by doctors from the Soviet space program. They decided to add this drug to the astronauts' first aid kit because, unlike other tranquilizers, it not only calmed the nervous system, but also increased brain performance. He also did not experience side effects in the form of worsening reactions and decreased concentration, which is important in the work of an astronaut.

They also tried to use this drug in the treatment of older people, and came to the conclusion that Phenibut does not accumulate in the tissues of the body, but is transformed by the kidneys and liver. In addition, the effect of the drug on the brain lasts for 6 hours from the moment of taking the drug.

Pharmacological properties

Phenibut is a tranquilizer in its action. This drug has a positive effect on brain function, improves cerebral circulation and metabolism.

Please note: Phenibut is generally used to correct nervous and mental disorders. According to doctors, Phenibut is characterized by the following therapeutic properties:

According to doctors, Phenibut is characterized by the following therapeutic properties:

  • tranquilizing;
  • antiplatelet;
  • antioxidant;
  • psychostimulant;
  • stimulating mental activity;
  • antiasthenic;
  • sedative;
  • increasing the tone of cerebral vessels;
  • anticonvulsant;
  • normalizing microcirculation in the tissues of the visual apparatus.

Phenibut improves memory, normalizes the processes of assimilation and memorization of new information.
Increases the brain's endurance to the effects of negative factors such as oxygen deficiency and excessive mental and emotional stress. Reviews from doctors and patients who have used Phenibut in practice indicate that this medicine increases stability and endurance in stressful situations, eliminates apathy and symptoms characteristic of asthenic syndrome, relieves tension and emotional instability.

Important! Phenibut helps patients get rid of the state of mental retardation provoked by various pathological conditions, activates volitional, motor and speech activity. This medication significantly improves the performance of patients, alleviates the condition characteristic of withdrawal syndrome in alcohol dependence, normalizes sleep, and, in general, improves the patient’s quality of life

This medication significantly improves the performance of patients, alleviates the condition characteristic of withdrawal syndrome in alcohol dependence, normalizes sleep, and, in general, improves the patient’s quality of life.

At the same time, Phenibut is characterized by low toxicity rates and, which is very important, does not cause drug dependence or addiction in patients

Comparative characteristics

Comparative characteristics will help you evaluate whether Phenibut or its analogues are better.

Anvifen - Phenibut in new packaging

Anvifen has similar properties; the drug contains the same active ingredient - aminophenylbutyric acid. Both drugs are prescribed for the following symptoms:

  • eliminating feelings of anxiety, fear;
  • for severe headaches, dizziness;
  • for sleep disorders, insomnia;
  • increased fatigue;
  • for stress and severe irritability and other mental disorders.

Both drugs have the same effect. The difference is that Anvifen is an updated medicine, and its cost is also slightly higher compared to Phenibut - 260-270 rubles.

Noofen is suitable for children

Phenibut and Noofen have the same properties; they contain the same active substance - aminophenylbutyric acid. Both drugs are prescribed to eliminate feelings of fear, anxiety, irritability, fatigue, and emotional stress.

In addition, they help normalize sleep, relieve nightmares and insomnia. Helps with nervous disorders in children - enuresis, tics, stuttering. Eliminate disorders of the vestibular apparatus. The only difference is that Noofen is approved for children over 3 years old.

Phenibut or Afobazole?

Both drugs have similar actions, but different composition.
Afobazole's active substance is fabomotizole, and Phenibut's is aminophenylbutyric acid. Both drugs are classified as tranquilizers. They have the same effect, eliminating tension, fatigue, irritation, fear, anxiety, neuroses, neurasthenia.

In addition, they help with sleep disorders, relieve insomnia, and psychosomatic disorders. Which of these remedies is best should be determined by the doctor. The course and dosage of drugs is also prescribed by the doctor.

Tenoten is suitable for almost everyone

Both drugs have nootropic, antidepressant, and anti-anxiety effects. The products help eliminate various nervous conditions, tension, fatigue, increase efficiency, mental activity, and improve memory.

Tenoten, unlike Phenibut, can be taken in the early stages of pregnancy. It has a calming effect, but does not have a harmful effect on the child.

To increase the effectiveness of Phenibut, it can be taken in combination therapy with other psychotropic drugs. When taken together with other drugs, the dosage should be reduced.

Indications for use

Phenibut during course therapy (and not only) acts as follows:

  • treats asthenic and anxiety-neurotic conditions, relieves feelings of confusion, anxiety, fear;
  • used in pediatric neurology to treat tics, speech disorders (stuttering) and urinary incontinence;
  • helps older people get rid of worry, anxiety, night terrors and difficulty falling asleep;
  • used to treat Meniere's disease;
  • suitable for the prevention and treatment of dizziness resulting from disruption of the vestibular apparatus;
  • used to prevent motion sickness, prevent nausea during kinetosis;
  • eliminates fear and anxiety before surgical interventions, promotes relaxation under increased psychological stress;
  • helps to recover after prolonged drinking (as part of complex therapy), relieves somatovegetative and psychopathological disorders in chronic alcoholism under the supervision of a narcologist.

Ursodeoxycholic acid analogues

Ursodeoxycholic acid (capsules, tablets) is available under different names.
Such products differ from each other in the auxiliary substances included in their composition. Thus, the following drugs with ursodeoxycholic acid can be found on sale: • Ursosan capsules, prescribed for the treatment of diffuse liver diseases, cholelithiasis, biliary reflux gastritis and reflux esophagitis, primary cirrhosis, drug-induced and toxic liver damage, cholecystectomy, alcoholic disease, sclerosing cholangitis, biliary atresia, non-alcoholic steatohepatitis. Ursodeoxycholic acid (“Ursosan”) is also used to prevent liver damage.

• Ukrliv tablets, which are taken for liver failure, chronic hepatitis, cholelithiasis.

diseases of the gallbladder, sclerosing cholangitis,

• Ursodex tablets, which are taken for biliary cirrhosis without signs of decompensation and reflux gastritis. They are used to dissolve small cholesterol stones during normal functioning of the gallbladder.

• Ursodez capsules, used for the breakdown of cholesterol stones, treatment of reflux gastritis, for symptomatic therapy in primary cirrhosis of the liver without signs of decompensation.

• Ursolizin capsules, prescribed for the dissolution of cholesterol stones and symptomatic treatment of biliary cirrhosis, gallbladder cholesterosis and reflux gastritis. The drug is used in complex therapy for the treatment of patients with chronic hepatitis and cirrhosis of the liver.

• “Choludexan” capsules used for the treatment of uncomplicated cholelithiasis, chronic active hepatitis, alcoholic and toxic liver damage, non-alcoholic steatohepatitis, primary biliary cirrhosis, primary sclerosing cholangitis, cystic fibrosis, biliary dyskinesia, reflux gastritis and reflux esophagitis.

• Urdox capsules, which are prescribed for primary biliary cirrhosis without signs of decompensation, reflux gastritis. The drug dissolves small and medium-sized cholesterol stones well while maintaining normal gallbladder function.

• Ursorom S capsules prescribed for uncomplicated cholelithiasis, primary cirrhosis of the liver, acute and chronic hepatitis, sclerosing cholangitis, atresia of the intrahepatic tract, reflux gastritis and reflux esophagitis, cholestasis, parental nutrition, biliary dyskinesia, liver pathology, cystic fibrosis, fatty hepatosis, dyspeptic syndrome. The drug is also used to prevent liver damage when using hormonal contraceptives and cytostatics, and the formation of stones in obesity.

Ursodeoxycholic acid and analogues of this substance are taken only as prescribed by the attending physician.

Instructions for use

Phenibut is a prescription drug, so the dosage and treatment regimen are selected by the attending physician individually after assessing the state of health and the severity of clinical symptoms. To avoid adverse reactions, you should not only carefully read the instructions for the drug Phenibut, but also strictly follow the recommendations of a specialist and not self-medicate.

General principles of dosing and administration

How to take the drug correctly in each specific case is indicated in the instructions. To achieve the maximum therapeutic effect, long-term treatment is required - 5-6 weeks. The average daily dosage for adults is 4-8 tablets, which is equivalent to 1000-2000 mg of Phenibut. It is divided into several doses during the day at equal intervals, the last dose is taken in the evening before bed. The effectiveness of the drug does not change when taken before or after meals, however, taking it on an empty stomach can cause disruption of the gastrointestinal tract.

The dosage regimen and dosage differ for different diseases:

  1. For vestibular disorders of various origins, treatment begins with high doses (2.5 g of Phenibut), with a gradual decrease over 5-7 days.
  2. To normalize the mental state during periods of increased mental and emotional stress, as well as to eliminate the manifestations of menopausal and premenstrual syndromes, it is recommended to take 2 tablets in the morning and in the evening.
  3. For asthenia or decreased performance, take half a tablet three times a day.
  4. To eliminate the symptoms of seasickness and motion sickness, a single dose of 750 mg is allowed.
  5. For the treatment of alcohol withdrawal and hangover syndrome, Phenibut is prescribed, 1 tablet. 3-4 times a day.

For insomnia

Phenibut is used to facilitate falling asleep in cases of insomnia, as well as to normalize the duration and depth of sleep in cases of circadian rhythm disturbances. The drug helps eliminate parasomnias, which are accompanied by night anxiety, nightmares and episodes of sleepwalking. Treatment regimen: 1 tablet 3 times a day until the condition normalizes, but not more than 40 days. In case of ineffectiveness, the evening dose is increased to 2 tablets.

During pregnancy

The safety and effectiveness of the drug in pregnant women is not known due to the lack of clinical data. There is no reliable information confirming the ability of Phenibut to penetrate the placental barrier and into breast milk. Prescription of the drug during pregnancy and lactation is allowed under the supervision of a physician in cases where the expected therapeutic effect outweighs the risks of using the drug.

What kind of drug is this?

Pharmacists classify Phenibut as a nootropic and anxiolytic drug. The main component of the drug can influence brain activity. It simultaneously helps to cope with increased intellectual stress and strengthen the nervous system.

Since this drug tends to have an effect on the nervous system and brain, the use of Phenibut during pregnancy is extremely controversial. In addition, the drug is capable of:

  • influence the quality of memory, speed and volume of memorized material;
  • influence emotional stability;
  • make consciousness clearer;
  • influence the activity of mental processes;
  • alleviate the condition during depression;
  • level out excessive excitability and irritability;
  • influence the quality and quantity of night sleep;
  • influence the vascular system.

These abilities are not indicated in the instructions for use of Phenibut, and reviews of this drug both among doctors and among consumers are quite different.

Instructions for use

The medicine should be taken before meals or immediately after meals. The tablets are washed down with water. The dose of the drug is selected for each patient individually and depends on the nature of the neurological symptoms and the degree of their severity. A single dose can range from 20 mg to 500 mg. Recommendations about how many times a day to take the medicine should be obtained from your doctor. He must also determine how long the treatment period will last.

The table below shows the dosage schedule, dosage and duration of treatment depending on medical indications.

Indications for useSingle dose (mg)Number of appointments per dayDuration of treatment (days)
Abstinence250-5003 - during the day20-30
7501 - at night
Prevention of motion sickness250-5001once
Migraine attack1001once
To improve performance20-80315-45
For athletes20-8032 weeks before training

The recommendations given in the table can be used as a guide when determining the treatment schedule for adult patients and adolescents over 14 years of age.

Dosages and regimens in childhood

The pediatric dosage of the drug per day should range from 50 mg to 250 mg.

Attention, the dosage of Phenibut should only be determined by a doctor. He should do this based on the child's condition and only as indicated.

Typically, children from 2 years to 8 years of age are recommended to take half a tablet of the drug every day.

For children aged 8 to 14 years, the maximum single dose should be no more than 1 tablet per day. The drug should be taken 2-3 times per day.

If the drug is recommended for one-month-old infants, then its dosage and course of administration are determined only by a doctor. Typically, children aged 3 months are prescribed 1/5 tablet twice a day.

During mental disorders, hyperactivity, sleep disorders, nervous conditions, tics, incontinence or, conversely, urinary retention, with feelings of fear, anxiety, as well as other nervous disorders in children, Phenibut is taken according to the following instructions

  • the drug must be taken orally;
  • When taking the tablet, you should take it with a small amount of water;
  • taking medication does not have to be tied to meals;
  • the course of treatment should be no more than 3 weeks, after which time a break must be taken;
  • a repeated course of administration should be carried out by a doctor and in case of urgent need.

It is worth noting that sometimes, with prolonged use of the drug, addiction can occur. However, it is not recommended to abruptly stop taking the medication, because increased irritability may occur.

The medication should be stopped gradually, gradually reducing its dosage, after which the medication should be completely discontinued.

How does the drug affect the nervous system?

Phenibut is a tranquilizer with moderate ansiolytic activity. The drug combines the properties of a nootropic and a tranquilizer.

The pharmacological drug has a psychotropic, psychostimulating, sedative, antioxidant effect, as well as an anticonvulsant effect.

The main substance of phenibut, aminophenylbutyric acid, has a direct effect on the brain, which leads to activation and normalization of metabolism and other important biochemical processes in the tissues of the organ. Increases the brain's resistance to various adverse effects of exo- and endogenous nature, extreme stress.

The active components of the drug improve the transmission of nerve impulses to the CNS (central nervous system), which pass through special molecules, the so-called GABA receptors. I have a direct effect on γ-aminobutyric acid receptors.

Phenibut comes in the form of white tablets

The drug normalizes blood circulation in the brain tissue, increasing blood flow through the blood vessels in the zone of their active microcirculation. Phenibut improves the rheological (circulating) ability of the blood.

The drug strengthens cortico-subcortical connections, that is, between the cerebral cortex and its subcortical sections.

The pharmacological agent, thanks to its rapid, almost instantaneous effect on the human body, relieves nervous tension, eliminates anxiety, and has a positive effect on the higher integrative activity of the brain.

Phenibut has a calming, psychostimulating effect, improves and has a positive effect on memory, increases concentration and performance. In addition, this medication helps cope with insomnia.

Phenibut reduces the severity of the consequences of serious severe diseases that are associated with traumatic brain injuries, strokes, spinal cord injuries, and brain intoxication.

The active components have a corrective effect on higher cortical functions impaired due to local brain lesions and support the functioning of cellular structures. While taking a tranquilizer, cortical control over the state of activity of subcortical zones is normalized.

The tranquilizer improves the body's resistance to various stress factors, reduces the threshold of excitability

Phenibut improves speech activity, attention, learning ability, clarity of consciousness

Phenibut has antidepressant properties, helps overcome depression, neuroses, neurasthenic conditions, reduces severe mental inhibition, internal tension, reduces emotional excitability, relieves fear and anxiety.


Aminophenylbutyric acid produces a double effect:

  • Nootropic;
  • Calming.

Pharmacotherapy with aminophenylbutyric acid gives a positive result, namely:

  • Relieves emotional tension;
  • Eliminates feelings of anxiety, worry, fear;
  • Relieves neuroses;
  • Brings sleep back to normal;
  • Removes headaches;
  • Eliminates emotional instability, hysteria, irritability;
  • Enhances brain activity;
  • Increases clarity of reactions and motor skills, coordination;
  • Facilitates the process of memorization and learning;
  • Increases concentration and attention;
  • Reduces fatigue, lethargy;
  • Improves well-being;
  • Normalizes mood and increases motivation.

This effect of aminophenylbutyric acid on the body is based on the fact that blood circulation improves, cells are saturated with oxygen, impulse transmission is optimized, which normalizes metabolic microprocesses in tissues.

Why is aminophenylbutyric acid used? It is prescribed to solve such therapeutic problems as:

  • Relieving feelings of tension, stress;
  • Bringing sleep back to normal;
  • Increased cognitive functions;
  • Suppressing depression and anxiety;
  • Elimination of symptoms of vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • Increased interest;
  • Elimination of physical stress syndrome;
  • Children's tics, enuresis, stuttering;
  • Motion sickness;
  • Rehabilitation after head injuries;
  • Renewed strength after exercise.

Features of use

Phenibut is given to children after meals. For babies who cannot swallow even half of the tablet, grind it into powder between two equal spoons and add a little water. If children completely refuse medications, the crushed tablet can be “hidden” in food.

If the child is prone to motion sickness in transport, the drug should be given to the child 1 hour before the trip. But you should not fill the stomachs of such children with a full breakfast, lunch or dinner. Before taking the medicine, a small snack of non-aggressive and light foods is enough, for example, half a banana, 100 ml of yogurt, a small portion of warm tea with a few biscuits.

If the trip is long, you can repeat the described medication after 3-4 hours. Considering the feedback from traveling families, for children who took Phenibut repeatedly, the drug brought relief and calmed the young patients.

But in case of severe seasickness with repeated vomiting, repeated administration of the drug is not advisable: it simply will not have time to be absorbed in the digestive tract and will be thrown out of the body with vomit.


The therapeutic dose of Phenibut is 250 mg . Different indications for diseases require differentiating the dosage of the medicine, as well as taking into account the age of the patient and the degree of tolerability of the medicine.

Phenibut is prescribed 250-500 mg 3 times a day after meals. In some cases, it is possible to increase the dose to 2500 mg per day.

IMPORTANT: The dosage of Phenibut is determined by your doctor. Treatment with the drug should be carried out under medical supervision. It is forbidden to increase the dose of the drug on your own.

The single maximum dose of the drug is:

  • for adults - 750 mg (3 tablets of 250 mg each)
  • for elderly people over 60 years old - 500 mg (2 tablets of 250 mg each)

The dosage and prescription of Phenibut should be under the supervision of a physician.

  • Migraine : to prevent and relieve an attack, use the dose: 150 mg per day.
  • Mental and physical fatigue : for mental fatigue and decreased memory, to increase performance and vitality, recommended dosage: 250 mg per day for 1-1.5 months.
  • Anxious and restless conditions, insomnia : for syndromes of constant anxiety and fear, inability to fall asleep, restless unstable sleep with disturbing dreams, the drug is prescribed at a dose of 250 mg 2 times a day for 1.5-2 months until the pathology disappears.
  • Withdrawal syndrome : relief of withdrawal syndrome begins with 250-500 mg of the drug three times a day and a nightly dosage of 750 mg. Then the dose is gradually reduced.
  • Dizziness and Meniere's disease : dosage is 250 mg 3 times a day after meals for two weeks
  • Motion sickness and motion sickness : an hour before the intended trip or when the first symptoms of motion sickness appear, take 250-500 mg of the drug.

IMPORTANT: In case of severe manifestations of kinetosis: severe vomiting, arterial hypotension, impaired consciousness, etc. the use of Phenibut is ineffective even with an increased dose of the drug to 750-1000 mg.

Drug substitutes for children

There are generics of Phenibut on the pharmacological market, which are often used in the treatment of children.


Noofen is a nootropic medication that is prescribed as a psychostimulant. The main component of the medicine is phenibut.

The drug has the following properties:

  • tranquilizing and stimulating neuronal activity;
  • antihypoxic and antiamnestic.

Characteristics of the drug

The medication also improves the child’s intellectual ability, improves his performance, relieves mental stress and eliminates fears and anxiety.

Noofen is effectively used in the treatment of such pathologies:

  • emotional overexcitation;
  • decreased memory and attentiveness;
  • low intellectual development;
  • asthenic and neurotic anxiety state;
  • neuroses;
  • psychopathy;
  • anxiety, causeless worry and a feeling of fear;
  • childhood enuresis and stuttering;
  • insomnia in old age;
  • alcohol syndrome;
  • dysfunction of the vestibular apparatus
  • climacteric disorders in women.


It is prohibited to prescribe Noofen for the following reasons:

  • kidney failure;
  • hypersensitivity to the composition of the drug;
  • children under 8 years old;
  • lactation period.

The drug can be used as part of a combination treatment with tranquilizers and antipsychotics. Adults are prescribed a dosage of 250-500 mg per day, maximum 750 mg. Children over 8 years old – no more than 500 mg per day. Therapeutic treatment continues for 3-6 weeks.

Negative effects occur infrequently in patients and are manifested by the following symptoms:

  • urticaria and anaphylactic reactions;
  • respiratory tract pathologies – laryngeal edema;
  • dyspepsia;
  • headache.


Noobut ​​is a generic version of Phenibut with the active ingredient - phenibut. The drug belongs to the pharmacological group of nootropic medications. In terms of its properties, Noobut ​​is identical to Noofen and Phenibut, and also has the same purposes as them:

  • decreased quality of sleep – insomnia;
  • to increase emotional and intellectual activity;
  • decreased memory and attention;
  • a state of anxiety, causeless anxiety and fear;
  • childhood nervous pathologies - tics, stuttering and nocturnal enuresis;
  • problem of falling asleep in elderly patients.

The drug is also prescribed as part of the complex treatment of cervical osteochondrosis. Noobut ​​is used as part of preventive measures for seasickness or motion sickness in transport, for vestibular disorders.

Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine

Noobut ​​should not be prescribed to children under 3 years of age, as well as in cases of renal failure and allergies to the ingredients in the medication. During lactation, it is necessary to transfer the newborn to artificial feeding, and only then begin therapy. For pregnant women, medication can only be prescribed by a doctor based on vital signs.

For adult patients and children older than 11 years, these dosages are 250-500 mg three times a day. Children's dosages depend on the age of the children:

  • 3-4 years – 2 times a day, 0.1 mg;
  • 5-6 years – three times 0.1 mg;
  • 7-11 years - twice 0.2 mg.

The duration of taking the tablets is 21-45 days. Preventive measures for motion sickness - take 250-500 mg of medication an hour before the trip. To relieve alcohol syndrome, the initial dosage is 750 mg, followed by a decrease. Side effects of Noobut ​​are identical to those of Noofen.


Lucetam is produced in tablets and in a solution for injections based on piracetam. A Phenibut substitute is prescribed for the treatment of the following diseases:

  • psychoorganic syndrome;
  • disorders and behavioral disorders;
  • decreased concentration and memory;
  • deviations in movement coordination;
  • emotional overexcitation;
  • dementia and Alzheimer's disease;
  • dizziness;
  • alcohol syndrome;
  • myoclonus of cortical etiology;
  • poor learning ability of schoolchildren;
  • post-traumatic period (head and brain injury).

Psychoorganic syndrome

Also prescribed after an ischemic stroke to restore the functioning of the motor and speech apparatus, as well as enhance mental and emotional activity.

Lutsetam is not prescribed under the following circumstances:

  • hemorrhagic stroke;
  • allergy to medicinal components in the medicine;
  • kidney failure;
  • breastfeeding a newborn;
  • the entire period of pregnancy.

When treating intellectual disabilities, the medication is taken 2-3 times a day. Dosage per day – 2400-4800 mg. For cortical disorders - the initial dosage in therapy is 7200 mg, and there is a gradual increase by 4800 mg every 3 days until a maximum dosage of 24000 mg is reached. After achieving a therapeutic effect, it is necessary to gradually reduce the dosage by 1200 mg every 2 days.

Negative effects from taking Lucetam:

  • headaches, fluctuations in blood pressure index and dizziness;
  • insomnia or drowsiness;
  • dyspepsia;
  • epileptic seizures and impaired coordination;
  • irritability and nervousness;
  • weight gain;
  • increased libido;
  • hallucinations, depression.

Over-the-counter analogues and synonyms

It is not recommended to self-medicate with generics without a prescription from a specialist, since incorrect and inappropriate use leads to negative consequences. Commonly used over-the-counter Phenibut substitutes include:

  1. Adaptol is part of a group of drugs with an anxiolytic effect. Both Phenibut and its analogue with this name reduce anxiety, relieve fears, and reduce excitability. Adaptol will eliminate neurosis or irritation and relieve emotional tension. It significantly increases brain performance and improves memory. Like other over-the-counter Phenibut analogues, Adaptol treats sleep problems.
  2. Vinpocetine is taken for neurology and is often prescribed for the treatment of forms of cerebrovascular abnormalities, therapy after a stroke, vascular dementia, and various types of encephalopathy. The drug weakens mental symptoms.
  3. Afobazole is an analogue prescribed to combat mental disorders. Afobazole relieves headaches, cramps, eliminates increased sweating and insomnia. This is a similar analogue of Phenibut in composition.
  4. Pantogam is prescribed for serious disorders. The indications for the drug are as follows: traumatic brain injury, schizophrenia, atherosclerotic vascular degradation, syndromes caused by neuroleptic effects, epileptic seizures, mental retardation of various levels. This is a potent drug similar to Phenibut. It is not advisable to resort to treatment with the drug without a medical prescription.
  5. Cortexin is most often used in the treatment of problems with cerebral circulation, cranial injuries, encephalitis, paralysis, and developmental delays.
  6. Piracetam is a traditional remedy known for its mild effects and is approved for children. Psychiatric practice involves the use of Piracetam for neurotic conditions and hypochondriacal disorders. Fights schizophrenic conditions. It can be used to improve well-being and increase the level of brain activity.

Among the over-the-counter analogues of the drug Phenibut, it is also important to note such substances as Piracezin, ordinary Caffeine, synonyms in the form of Pyritinol and Passifit.

What diseases does it help with?

Phenibut is one of the drugs that are recommended for use for vegetative-vascular dystonia. As noted above, it is capable of, if not completely eliminating, then significantly reducing the severity of most of its manifestations. At the same time, Phenibut is prescribed for some mental disorders, in particular panic attacks. Why is this happening?

The fact is that the modern International Classification of Diseases does not contain such a diagnosis as vegetative-vascular dystonia. All manifestations of this pathology are combined into one category of symptoms of disorders of the autonomic system that arise as a result of various mental, somatic or somatoform diseases.

Thus, vegetative-vascular dystonia is not a disease, but a set of symptoms that can be caused, among other things, by panic attacks. The use of this drug allows you to eliminate the following manifestations of a panic attack:

  • decreased concentration;
  • insomnia and other sleep disorders;
  • asthenia;
  • excessive anxiety and irritability;
  • constant headaches.

People who have taken this drug for panic attacks give different reviews about it, but most of them are positive. Already from the first days of taking Phenibut, sleep is normalized, performance and emotional background are increased. Patients noted that they wanted to enjoy life again, and gloomy thoughts disappeared almost completely.

Indications for the use of Phenibut include the following conditions:

  1. Anxiety-neurotic disorders, asthenic syndrome, obsessive-compulsive neurosis, increased anxiety, fear and psychopathy.
  2. In children, the reason for taking Phenibut may be enuresis, as well as stuttering or tics.
  3. Urinary retention as one of the manifestations of myelodysplasia.
  4. For all kinds of sleep disorders, the drug is recommended for patients in the oldest age group who have nightmares.
  5. Coping with premedication is a state of heightened anxiety in patients who are about to undergo painful diagnostic procedures or on the eve of surgical interventions.
  6. Meniere's disease and dizziness caused by dysfunction of the vestibular apparatus, as well as to prevent the occurrence of unpleasant symptoms of motion sickness.
  7. In the treatment of alcohol dependence, Phenibut is an auxiliary agent that allows the relief of psychopathological and somatovegetative disorders resulting from withdrawal symptoms.

Phenibut is included in therapy for open-angle glaucoma, based on an integrated approach to treatment.

Main analogues

The drug "Phenibut", like any other medicine, has a number of analogues. However, before replacing it, it is necessary to consult with your doctor or at least carefully study the instructions, since the effect of an analogue on the body may differ from the effect of the original product, and this is fraught with various consequences.

The main analogues of the drug "Phenibut" are the following drugs:

  1. "Aminalon". This drug is prescribed for various pathologies of the central nervous system. The medicine is in demand for arterial hypertension, cerebral atherosclerosis, chronic cerebral circulatory failure, which is accompanied by impaired speech, attention, memory, and headaches. The drug can be prescribed to patients who have suffered a brain injury or stroke.
  2. "Noobut." This remedy is in demand for memory impairment, decreased concentration, senile dementia, emotional activity, and cerebral palsy. This medicine is most similar to the drug Phenibut. The indications for use for both products are almost the same.
  3. "Noofen." It is in demand for preventive purposes in cases of stress caused by upcoming surgery. It is prescribed for reduced intellectual activity, insomnia in the elderly, memory impairment, and psychopathy. This drug is often used for alcoholic delirium.
  4. "Pantogam". The drug is prescribed in case of cognitive impairment caused by organic brain damage. This medicine is used for decreased physical and mental performance. The drug is suitable for the treatment of perinatal encephalopathy in babies.

Phenibut: reviews

Before using the drug, you should read the instructions

  • Reviews about the drug Phenibut are different: for some the drug helped to cope with problems, for others they switched to other medications, but in general there is a positive trend in the treatment of diseases with the help of Phenibut .
  • Many people note the effect of the drug after a course of treatment: anxiety goes away, mood improves, life gets better, fears go away, sleep normalizes. At the beginning of treatment, some patients noticed some lethargy, lethargy, and drowsiness, which disappeared over time.
  • According to doctors, the drug Phenibut has proven itself in the treatment of neuropsychiatric diseases, depressive states, and vascular pathologies of the brain. The medicine is well tolerated, has low toxicity and has a small percentage of side effects. Phenibut has found wide use in pediatrics in the treatment of childhood neuroses and increasing the child’s mental activity.

Phenibut: doctor's reviews, video

Therapeutic effect (what the tablets are for)

Phenibut is an analogue of GABA and phenylethylamine. In nature, GABA is the most important brain metabolite, which ensures the normal functioning of nerve tissue. GABA improves attention, memory, and the efficiency of brain activity, that is, it has a nootropic effect (many people mistakenly compare the nootropic effect with Glycine).

Most doctors prefer to classify Phenibut as a drug that has a pronounced nootropic effect and a weak tranquilizing effect. With the help of the medicine, the state of internal tension, mood lability, excessive emotionality and other behavioral deviations are effectively relieved, and side effects are minimal.

The indications for the use of Phenibut are wide, but its effect is most active when an adult or child needs to simultaneously maintain performance and eliminate anxiety.

The action of Phenibut is as follows:

  • reducing the level of internal tension;
  • elimination of anxiety, fear, worry;
  • sleep becomes normal and complete;
  • improvement of cerebral circulation;
  • improvement of functional brain activity;
  • reducing the severity of problems with speech and movements (because of this effect of Phenibut, it is often prescribed to children over 8 years old for stuttering), etc.

As practice shows, the effect of Phenibut on people over 65 years of age produces a stimulating effect. The active substance does not cause relaxation or lethargy in elderly patients, and side effects are kept to a minimum.

Cheap analogues

We offer the following options:

  1. Elzepam. Used for neurotic conditions, reactive psychoses, sleep disorders, epilepsy, autonomic disorders.
  2. Tranquesipam. It has a pronounced anxiolytic, hypnotic, sedative, as well as anticonvulsant and central muscle relaxant effect. It is produced in the form of solutions for intramuscular/intravenous use and in the form of tablets. In the same way as the previous drug, it is used for various neurotic conditions, sleep disorders, epilepsy, autonomic disorders, and reactive psychoses.
  3. Tenoten. This is a homeopathic medicine. The proven effect is similar to the placebo effect. Positioned as a drug for relieving symptoms of anxiety and stress, there are no notes on the packaging about the principle of potentiation that underlies the drug. The medicine has a positive effect on the nervous system, memory, and helps with concentration.
  4. Phenazepam. A highly active tranquilizer, prescribed for neurotic conditions, reactive psychoses, epilepsy, helps cope with anxiety, irritability and fear.

Analogs of the drug Phenibut with an affordable price are a solution for a limited budget. The only disadvantage of using analogues: they have a different drug formula, which means their effects may differ markedly, and the development of unwanted side effects and disorders is expected.

Meeting the main contender

Phenibut is a nootropic drug that has anxiolytic activity. Included in the group of psychostimulants. This drug is prescribed for various neuralgic and neurotic disorders.

Indications for use of the drug are based on the ability of the drug to activate metabolic and bioenergetic processes in the brain. As a result, the transmission of nerve impulses to the central nervous system from the brain is stabilized and its blood circulation is normalized.

Scope of application

The drug is used in the following cases:

  • for sleep disorders, frequent nightmares, insomnia;
  • during urinary retention, which is caused by myelodysplasia;
  • during Meniere's disease;
  • prevention of anxiety states that arise before painful diagnostic examinations and surgical interventions;
  • for anxious neurotic and asthenic conditions - fear, anxiety, psychopathy, obsessive-compulsive neurosis, enuresis, for stuttering and tics in children;
  • used in combination with detoxification agents during delirious and predelirious states in alcoholism;
  • for dizziness caused by dysfunction of the vestibular analyzer;
  • during the relief of psychopathological and somatovegetative disorders that are caused by withdrawal symptoms;
  • with primary open-angle glaucoma.

Advantages and disadvantages of the product

The advantages of the drug include the following features:

  • while taking the drug, blood circulation in the brain increases, which helps improve its performance;
  • the product improves memory, attention, normalizes mental performance;
  • increases the speed and accuracy of sensory and motor reactions;
  • reduces the level of cerebral vascular tone, which reduces the risk of stroke;
  • when taken, the drug has a high anticonvulsant effect;
  • relieves feelings of fear and severe tension;
  • eliminates sleep disorders and relieves insomnia;
  • has an antioxidant effect;
  • prevents various manifestations of asthenia;
  • improves microcirculation in eye tissues.

However, despite the advantages, Phenibut has disadvantages, which provokes many people to look for its analogues, which do not have them. Among the disadvantages, it should be especially noted:

  • the presence of contraindications - it is not recommended to take this drug if you have the following conditions - hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, with liver failure;
  • should not be taken during pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • not recommended for children under 8 years of age;
  • after taking there are sometimes side effects - a feeling of anxiety, agitation, headaches, increased irritability, dizziness, a feeling of drowsiness, nausea may appear at the first dose, and sometimes allergies may appear in the form of itching and irritation;
  • if long-term use of the drug is required, then it is necessary to monitor the picture of peripheral blood conditions and the condition of the liver.

Article on the topic: Allergic balanoposthitis - symptoms and causes, diagnosis, therapy

Before you start taking the drug, you need to study the instructions in detail, since Phenibut has numerous contraindications and a large number of side effects, and also analyze analogues of the drug available on the market.

pharmachologic effect

The drug Phenibut has the following properties:

  • improves cognitive functions (improves memory, the amount of information processed over a certain period of time);
  • increases emotional stability;
  • stimulates the activity of mental processes;
  • provides clarity of consciousness;
  • reduces emotional lability and fights depression;
  • improves sleep quality by lengthening the deep phase;
  • normalizes hemodynamics;
  • provides an antioxidant effect and prevents tissue hypoxia of the brain.


The drug directly affects GABAergic receptors and facilitates the transmission of nerve impulses in the central nervous system. Increases perfusion volumes and linear blood flow velocity, has an antiplatelet effect, improves cerebral microcirculation, which prevents the risk of hypoxia and tissue ischemia.

Phenibut tablets normalize metabolic cellular metabolism and help improve the functional activity of the brain.

An increase in the amount of the inhibitory transmitter GABA in the body provides tranquilizing and psychostimulating effects.

Normalizes sleep duration with an additional anxiolytic effect. Unmotivated fear and anxiety disappears due to the suppression of pathological impulse activity.

Improves memory and helps recover from severe traumatic brain injury, vascular disorders and neuroinfections by increasing the number of mitochondrial particles. This effect improves energy metabolism and helps to quickly cope with a stressful situation such as injury, lack of sleep or psychological exhaustion.

Complex long-term use can overcome asthenic symptoms and age-related changes in the form of apathy and lethargy, and deterioration in performance.


Overdose of Phenibut Compatibility of Phenibut with alcohol 7 Best nootropic drugs

Absorption of the drug occurs in the small intestine. It practically does not bind to blood plasma proteins, therefore it has a fairly high bioavailability. Penetrates well through the blood-brain and placental barriers.

Actively metabolized in the liver up to 98% with conversion to inactive metabolites. They are excreted in urine within 3 hours, and a small amount is excreted in bile. A small percentage of unchanged active substance is also excreted through the kidneys.

Users' opinions about the drug Phenibut






  • Helps with stress and depression;
  • Improves cerebral circulation and memory;
  • Reduces anxiety;
  • Quickly helps cope with symptoms;
  • Normalizes sleep;
  • The drug is not expensive;
  • Well tolerated, including in children.


  • Possible side effects;
  • There are contraindications;
  • The drug may not be suitable;
  • Possible addiction;
  • Does not help with panic disorders;
  • Sometimes there may be heartburn or stomach discomfort.


  • The drug is not prescribed until the age of two and in case of individual intolerance.
  • Relative contraindications are diseases of the digestive tract, complicated by erosion or ulceration of the mucous membrane, as well as pathology of the hepatobiliary system, accompanied by liver failure.

Video about taking the drug

Destination purposeSingle dose, mgFrequency of intake per dayCourse duration, days
Restoring sleep patterns250245-60
Treatment of withdrawal symptoms250-500320-30
7501 (before bed)
Reducing the frequency of dizziness attacks250312-15
Treatment of depression or asthenic conditions250-500330-60
Prevention of motion sickness250-5001Take once
Relief of migraine attacks1001
Increased mental performance20-80315-45
Improving physical activity in athletesTake for 2 weeks before starting training

The daily dosage of the drug for young patients is 20-250 mg. Children from 2 to 8 years old are given ½ tablet at each dose, and for an infant under 1 year old it is divided into 4-6 parts. Older children take Phenibut in syrup form or drink 1 tablet. A single dose, taking into account the age and condition of the patient, should be determined by the doctor.

The medicine is taken orally with a small amount of water. The time of administration does not depend on the diet. The duration of treatment is no more than 3 weeks. A break is required before rescheduling.

Phenibut rarely causes adverse reactions. This usually occurs due to a violation of the instructions for use of the drug. If the rules of admission are not followed, the following appear:

  • nausea;
  • irritability;
  • drowsiness;
  • dizziness;
  • headache.

An overdose of a nootropic drug is cumulative in nature - pathological signs arise due to constant excess of the dosage for a long time. If any negative symptoms appear during treatment, parents should immediately call an ambulance. Before doctors arrive, it is recommended to perform gastric lavage yourself, and then give the child enterosorbents to remove excess medication from the body.

Phenibut is similar in composition to Anvifen. Both drugs have a positive effect on cerebral circulation and improve tissue metabolism. This feature of the medicine helps to increase the speed of blood flow and reduce the tone of the vessels supplying blood to the brain.

The positive effects of Phenibut are noted on psychological indicators. Patients' memory and concentration improve, and the speed of sensory-motor reactions increases. In people with asthenic syndrome, unpleasant symptoms disappear, and mental performance improves. Patients with motor and speech disorders report significant improvements after taking Phenibut. However, the drug does not have an stimulating or sedative effect.

This medicine can be prescribed to children from 3 years of age suffering from enuresis, stuttering and other mental disorders (see also: stuttering in children: causes and proper treatment). The drug is prescribed extremely rarely to newborns in limited doses. Children over 8 years old should take the drug 3 times a day at a dosage of 100 or 250 mg. The attending physician should explain how and in what quantities the medicine should be given to the baby.

A drug with a wide spectrum of action has a lot of useful properties. It is effective in treating a range of physiological disorders. It should be taken in courses and only as prescribed by a doctor. Typically, three weeks are enough to achieve the desired therapeutic effect. The medication is taken orally and should be taken with a small amount of liquid.

Most psychologists are inclined to argue that treating children under one year of age with the use of potent drugs is unacceptable. You can help your infant calm down and sleep better with other, less dangerous treatments.

Patient ageDosage (mg) 3 times a day
InfantsStrictly on the doctor’s recommendation, usually no more than 20 mg
From 2 to 4 years20-50 mg
From 4 to 6 years100 mg
From 6 to 8 years150 mg
From 8 to 14 years250 mg (no more than 750 mg per day)
Older250-500 mg

If Phenibut is used for a long time, its effectiveness decreases. The child’s body begins to get used to the effects of the drug’s components. In this case, you should not suddenly stop taking the drug - the dose should be reduced gradually. If you neglect these recommendations, the child will become irritable.

Taking such a serious drug is often accompanied by side effects. There may be an increase in some of the symptoms that the patient tried to combat with Phenibut. Some patients who experienced side effects complained of pain, dizziness, and nausea. There is irritability and excitability, as well as allergic reactions in the form of a rash.

Long-term use of Phenibut may cause headaches

The impact of a potent drug on a child’s body can lead to serious consequences, so neglecting it, especially when it comes to children, can affect a person’s mental health in the future. It is necessary to strictly follow the regimen for taking the drug for one-year-old babies and children under 2 years of age and use it only as prescribed by a doctor, since the side effects have not yet been fully studied.

If during treatment the recommended dose is exceeded, patients experience nausea and vomiting, they become irritable, headaches appear or feel dizzy.

Often similar symptoms appear in children if all doctor’s recommendations are followed in case of individual intolerance to the components of Phenibut. If side effects occur, the drug is discontinued, and the patient is sent for a medical examination to the clinic.

Today, the medicine Phenibut can be found in two forms: powder and tablets. Several pharmaceutical factories are involved in the production, some of them are located in the countries of the former USSR. In pharmacies you can find tablets from the following manufacturers:

  • Belmedpreparaty RUP;
  • Organika (Russia);
  • Olainfarm (Latvia);
  • Mir-Pharm (Russia);
  • Ozone (Russia).

Regardless of the plant producing the medicine, all drugs are the same, the production technology is the same. The names by which the tablets or powder are known in the pharmacy may vary slightly.

It’s just that Phenibut and Phenibut-ANVI are the same remedy. It is important to remember that the amount of active ingredient in similar medicines is also similar. But, despite this, doctors recommend buying exactly the drug that was prescribed. This is explained by the fact that different tablets may contain different excipients, which may affect the properties.

The medication can be taken in two possible dosages. The product is produced in the form of powder and tablets with a dosage of 250 mg and 100 mg.

Phenibut: Research, Brain Development

Phenibut: doctor's reviews - action, use in children, side effects

Anxiety disorder and phenibut

In the video, the head of the Medical Information Center explains in what cases it is justified to prescribe the drug to children, and when it is worth refusing to take it.

This was all the information you might need. You learned about the chemical composition and reactions occurring in the nerve synapse from the video. What has been said is more than enough. I would like to know if you have any experience taking Phenibut? Were there any adverse reactions? And how much did the drug help your children? Take a few minutes and write about it in the comments: your information will be useful to other readers!

Instructions for use of Phenibut tablets indicate that the drug is intended for oral administration in courses, the duration of which varies from one to one and a half months.

For adults, tablets are recommended to be taken in a daily dose of 0.75-1.5 g. The frequency of doses is 3. In cases where it is appropriate, the daily dose can be increased to 2.5 g.

The maximum permissible single dose of medication for an adult patient under 60 years of age is considered to be a dose equal to 0.75 g of phenibut. Older people are not recommended to take more than 0.5 g of phenibut at one time.

For patients suffering from dizziness due to inflammation of the inner ear, as well as people diagnosed with Meniere's syndrome, Phenibut is prescribed according to the following scheme: during periods of exacerbation of the disease, the drug is taken 0.75 g three times a day for five to seven days; when the severity of symptoms of vestibular dysfunction decreases, the dose is reduced to 0.25-0.5 g three times a day (at this dosage the drug is taken for five to seven days); then treatment is continued for another five days, taking 0.25 g of phenibut once a day.

If the disease occurs in a relatively mild form, Phenibut is recommended to be taken in a daily dose of 0.5 g for five to seven days. The dose is divided into two doses. Then treatment is continued for another one to three weeks, taking 0.25 g of the drug once a day.

For the treatment of dizziness caused by injuries or vascular diseases, the drug is prescribed in a daily dose of 0.75 g of phenibut. It is recommended to divide it into three doses. The duration of the therapeutic course is usually up to two weeks.

For the treatment of osteochondrosis of the cervical and/or thoracic spine and the relief of symptoms of menopausal syndrome in women, Phenibut is prescribed in combination with other therapeutic measures.

During the first two weeks, the drug should be taken one tablet three times a day (the daily dose of the drug is 0.75 g). Next, the number of doses is reduced to two, the dose remains the same - one tablet for each dose (the daily dose of the drug is 0.5 g).

In case of moderate severity of pain due to vertebral pathology or menopausal syndrome, Phenibut is prescribed to be taken in combination with other drugs, one tablet twice a day (0.5 g per day). The recommended duration of treatment is four weeks.

Like its analogues, Phenibut is used for prophylactic purposes to prevent so-called travel illnesses or, in other words, motion sickness syndrome that occurs during an airplane flight or sea voyage.

Russian over-the-counter analogues of the drug

Among Russians, medications that have a mechanism of action on the body similar to Phenibut, but are sold without a prescription, are in constant demand. Anvifen tablets are a complete analogue of the medication. They are based on the same active ingredient, but the cost is slightly higher than the original. This is explained by the fact that the Russian analogue has a more updated composition than Phenibut tablets.

The experience of using the substitute testifies to its high efficiency in normalizing the functioning of the central nervous system, which is in no way inferior to the results of the original source. Plus, the drug, unlike Phenibut, is freely available, i.e. it can be purchased without a doctor's prescription.

How to use Phenibut

The nootropic is prescribed only from 2 years of age. The dosage of Phenibut for children is designed for 2 age periods: 2-8 years and 8-14 years.

  • During a course of treatment in the first case, the drug is taken three times a day, 50-100 mg per dose.
  • During a course of treatment in the second case, take a whole tablet three times a day.

Over 14 years of age, the drug is prescribed in an adult dose - 1-2 tablets three times a day. The course usually lasts 2-3 weeks, after which the patient’s blood is taken for liver tests and a general analysis to exclude possible abnormalities in them. Although, judging by Dr. Komarovsky’s reviews of the drug, Phenibut is completely harmless for children and the duration of its use can last even 3 months.

The main thing is to cancel it gradually, maintaining the sedative effect with lighter herbal medicines.

The dosage of episodic administration corresponds to the maximum single dose:

  • For patients under 8 years old – half a tablet;
  • After 8 years - a whole tablet.

Compatibility of Phenibut with alcohol

Medicines are not compatible with alcohol

  • Although Phenibut is widely used to relieve withdrawal symptoms (addiction or withdrawal syndrome) in alcohol dependence, this does not mean that the drug is compatible with alcohol intake.
  • Treatment of alcoholism with the use of Phenibut is always carried out in a hospital setting under the supervision of a doctor. The dosage of the drug, regimen and course of treatment are prescribed by the attending physician and adjusted depending on the patient’s well-being.
  • Phenibut potentiates the effect of alcoholic beverages. The simultaneous use of medication with alcohol causes faster and more severe intoxication, and, accordingly, deeper intoxication.
  • The combined use of alcohol and Phenibut can lead to unpredictable consequences: from a critical condition due to alcohol intoxication caused by the sedative and hypnotic effects of the drug, to serious disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and blood picture.


The Latin name for Phenibut is phenybut. The drug has analogues, which include:

  • Aminalon. It is used not only for the treatment of diseases of the central nervous system, but also for atherosclerosis and arterial hypertension;
  • Biotropil. Prescribed for memory loss and dementia.

Analogs, like Phenibut, can be purchased at a pharmacy at an inexpensive price with a doctor's prescription. It is prohibited to take medications without a neurologist's prescription. The name of the analogues in Latin can be read in the instructions.

Special situations

Each group has its own characteristics of using the medicine. Before starting treatment, be sure to read the instructions to exclude possible contraindications.

How to give to children

Children are allowed to take the nootropic from the age of 8, so there are no problems with taking the pills. It is better to drink the product after meals for less impact on the gastrointestinal mucosa. The maximum dose is 750 mg. In some cases, the doctor prescribes the drug for up to 8 years, then the daily dose cannot exceed 300 mg.

Pregnant and lactating

Phenibut for pregnant women is used only when the benefit to the mother outweighs the risk to the fetus. Treatment is carried out under the supervision of a doctor. If breastfeeding, stop feeding while taking the medication.

For a diseased liver

In people with liver disorders, the drug may cause hepatotoxic effects. Such patients are prescribed smaller doses of the drug.

When you miss a dose

If a dose is missed, administration continues as usual. There is no need to increase the dosage or take more medicine.

Description of the pharmacological agent

Phenibut is a nootropic drug (nootropic), the action of which affects various functions of the brain (memory, confidence, thinking, logic, attention). Belongs to the category of psychotropic, nootropic medications

Important! Phenibut is an arbitrary phenyl gamma-aminobutyric acid. This substance acts as an inhibitory mediator of the central nervous system in the human body.

Chemical formula

The drug is available in powder form (100 mg, 0.25, 0.1 g), in capsules or in the form of white flat-cylindrical tablets, which are packaged in blisters of 10 pieces each. The tablet has a chamfer and a groove.

The blisters, together with an annotation for the medicine, are placed in cardboard boxes. One pack can contain one, two, three, five blisters with tablets.

Important! Doctors prescribe Phenibut for diagnosing mild nervous and anxiety disorders, neurological conditions of varying severity (neuroses), and improving psycho-emotional state. We can say that this medicine helps a person cope with depression

The main active ingredient is aminophenylbutyric acid. One tablet of phenibut contains 0.25 g.

Additional components, components:

  • colloidal silicon dioxide;
  • microcrystalline cellulose;
  • potato starch;
  • calcium stearate;
  • sodium carboxymethyl starch.

Phenibut, available in powder form, contains potato starch, lactose, and calcium stearate, which are additional components.

Phenibut tablets

Various pharmaceutical companies produce a tranquilizer under different names, for example, “Phenibut”, “Phenibut-ANVI”. These are the same drugs. They have a similar composition and are produced using the same technology. At the same time, according to reviews from doctors and patients who took Phenibut, drugs from Latvian pharmacological factories have the best qualities.

The stimulating effect and effectiveness of Phenibut is not accompanied by an increase in motor excitation, depletion of the body's functional reserves, addiction to the medication, or the development of dependence on it.

Like any other nootropic tranquilizers, Phenibut has low toxicity and combines well with other medications. If you follow the recommendations in the instructions, follow the dosage indicated in the annotation, side symptoms and complications occur extremely rarely.

Phenibut analogs

Phenibut analogues should be selected by the attending physician in order to achieve the desired result and prevent negative effects on the body.

The following medications are most often recommended:

  • Selanka, it is presented in the form of drops, has an anti-anxiety effect;
  • Tranquesipam, which has a hypnotic, anticonvulsant, and sedative effect. Available in tablet and injection form;
  • Elzepam, which relieves irritability, tension, and insomnia. Available in tablets;
  • Afobazole, which is prescribed to eliminate mental disorders. Produced in tablets;
  • Anvifen, known as a nootropic and antioxidant, relieving anxiety and seizures;
  • Tenoten, a homeopathic antidepressant that relieves anxiety, improves cognitive function, and strengthens the central nervous system.

Not all analogues can have the desired effect; some of them have many side effects, are less tolerated by patients, and are not indicated for children.

Phenibut is a modern remedy that is used to relieve anxiety and mental tension. It will bring relief only if you take the remedy in accordance with your doctor's recommendations.

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