Lactase deficiency in children: causes, symptoms, treatment
What to do if your baby cannot tolerate breast milk? Should I really give up breastfeeding? Or
What to eat for acute hemorrhoids? Menu and diet
Diet for hemorrhoids with bleeding and anal fissures: important rules, sample menu and diet
Diet for acute hemorrhoids is an effective element of treatment that promotes restoration of the body and is a mandatory supplement
Oral candidiasis in a child
Candidiasis - symptoms and treatment in women, men, children
Candidiasis is a disease of the mucous membranes that is caused by the yeast-like fungi Candida. These microorganisms are part
Types of hemangioma
What is hemangioma, signs and treatment of a benign tumor
Disturbances in the functioning of small blood vessels often lead to the development of hemangioma. The disease refers to
Increased testosterone in women: causes, symptoms, consequences, treatment
Increased testosterone in women can be observed due to physiological and pathological reasons. This violation is reflected
Everyone has experienced diarrhea. This condition, expressed in frequent loose stools, brings a lot of anxiety. And under certain circumstances it can cause significant harm to the body.
Neosmectin - instructions for use, indications, doses, analogues
Category: Published 02/17/2017 · Comments: · Reading time: 4 min · Views: 1,719
The effect of beta blockers on the heart and hypertension - how it works
There are many different drugs for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, but the most effective of them are considered
Illness in a child
Serous meningitis in children and adults: symptoms and treatment
Meningitis is an extremely serious and serious disease. Inflammation is localized mainly in the membranes of the brain
Ambrohexal - instructions, features of the use of tablets, syrup and solution for inhalation. 3 best analogues
Colds in children are almost always accompanied by a cough. This is the body's natural response to inflammation.
Chronic vaginitis - photo
Causes of vaginitis, types of disease and their symptoms, treatment
Chronic vaginitis is an inflammation of the vagina, usually of infectious origin, characterized by a long course. According to
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