Erectile dysfunction: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment
Classification Erectile dysfunction is usually classified according to the degree of severity: mild; average; moderate to severe
Consequences of alcohol abuse on the human body
Depending on the stage of the bad habit, the main symptoms manifest themselves differently. There are several stages
Leukoplakia of the cervix, leukoplakia of the vulva: causes, diagnosis and treatment
The authors of the article are Candidate of Medical Sciences O.Yu. Ermolaev, experienced gynecologist, physiotherapist-resortologist E.K. Ermolaeva Sign up for treatment
Motor, sensory, amnestic aphasia - symptoms, treatment
Speech is one of the conscious higher mental functions inherent exclusively to humans. Its formation is connected
Introduction to lymphocytes
2 groups of reasons for low levels of lymphocytes in the blood in children
Introduction to lymphocytes What kind of cells are they? Lymphocytes are blood cells, and if
How to properly cleanse the body of toxins and waste without harm to health
More and more people are complaining about feeling unwell. The environment is deteriorating, food products are becoming scarcer
Ventricular extrasystole. What is it, treatment, what is dangerous, causes, ECG, drugs
Ventricular extrasystole. What is it, treatment, what is dangerous, causes, ECG, drugs
Ventricular extrasystole (VES) is a type of heart rhythm disorder. It is characterized by premature excitation of the myocardium
Anxious personality disorder: symptoms and treatment
Share this article on social media Anxiety disorder is a mental illness defined
Symptoms of chronic atrophic gastritis, treatment
Focal atrophic gastritis is a chronic pathological process that affects the gastric mucosa. Inflammation disrupts normal
Symptoms of antiphospholipid syndrome
Antiphospholipid syndrome: what it is, symptoms and causes, diagnosis, treatment and consequences
Antiphospholipid syndrome (APS) is an acquired autoimmune disease in which the immune system produces antibodies (antiphospholipid
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